May 28, 201311 yr I'm pretty sure they're going to retcon the creation of at LEAST the X-Wing to be somewhat earlier. They can easily have Y-Wings around. Heck, they could theoretically retcon the A-Wing and B-Wings to work then too. Honestly, I wouldn't really mind it either and kind of hope they do.
May 28, 201311 yr I'm pretty sure they're going to retcon the creation of at LEAST the X-Wing to be somewhat earlier. They can easily have Y-Wings around. Heck, they could theoretically retcon the A-Wing and B-Wings to work then too. Honestly, I wouldn't really mind it either and kind of hope they do. X-Wings and their predecessors already exist in the canon, as do Y-Wings and A-Wings have already been retconned. The R-22's and X-Wings wouldn't be around untill about -2 to -1 BBY. Also R-22's only existed in the Droid's cartoon to explain the early appearances of the A-Wing in it. So it's possible it will be ignored. As for the X-Wing, Red Squadron's were the first ones built so yea it'll be Z-95's and Y-Wings. Though I'm hoping for the original s-foiled quad wing version of the Z-95, as the Clone Wars used the version that didn't come out untill after Clone Wars originally.* *Disclaimer: This is all from memory, so I'm likely off on a few details. R-22 's also appear in games set before the Battle of Endor, even though they are sometimes still called A-Wings. I'm sure we'll see more of Boba Fett and Slave I too! EDIT: And possibly the Millennium Falcon as well Edited May 28, 201311 yr by Seaber
May 28, 201311 yr X-Wings and their predecessors already exist in the canon, as do Y-Wings and A-Wings have already been retconned. What? I'm confused by your wording. of course X-Wings already exist in canon and stuff. Their predecessors are irrelevant as this series will take place later.
May 28, 201311 yr The only clone wars sets LEGO need to make are, V-19= Axe Red Y-wing = Pilot, Gunner, Astromech, Geonosian on speeder,212th ARF. Venator = Eeth Koth, Horn company trooper, Lock. Separatist cruiser(the pointy one with the three "engines") = Grievous, Commando droid(x2)
May 28, 201311 yr The only clone wars sets LEGO need to make are, V-19= Axe Red Y-wing = Pilot, Gunner, Astromech, Geonosian on speeder,212th ARF. Venator = Eeth Koth, Horn company trooper, Lock. Separatist cruiser(the pointy one with the three "engines") = Grievous, Commando droid(x2) They made the V-19 and Venator already unless you mean remake
May 28, 201311 yr They made the V-19 and Venator already unless you mean remake yeah i mean remake(i missed out the first ones you see)
May 28, 201311 yr yeah i mean remake(i missed out the first ones you see) Same here lol My ideas: Republic era V-Wing (Red? Instead of black) with a clone pilot and an R2 unit Arc-170 (Re-release had first one but lost the parts and figs, etc. and Kit Fisto put me off the 2nd one) 3 clone pilots (maybe different markings on the helmets) and an R2 unit Battle of Kashyyyk: figures: 2x Wookies and a Kashyyyk clone trooper Vs. 2 battle droids and a dwarf spider droid (if you count them as figs) scenery would include some trees and the Sea wall Jedi Temple battle: 4x 501st clone troopers 2x Jedi and maybe some "broken" statues and ruins Senate duel: 2x Shock Troopers, Darth Sideous, Yoda, And Bail organa, scenery includes senate pod and a speeder car (for yodas get away) Tantive IV battle pack: 2 rebel troopers vs. 2 stormtroopers scenery includes a doorway that maybe breaks to symbolise when the stormies break through the door in the film Imperial dropship like 7659 with 4x plain stormtroopers without pauldrons and a pilot (some markings on helmet to make it unique) and why has Lego never re released the TIE BOMBER we should have had at least one remake of it by now! >:|
May 29, 201311 yr Jedi Temple battle: 4x 501st clone troopers 2x Jedi and maybe some "broken" statues and ruins Tantive IV battle pack: 2 rebel troopers vs. 2 stormtroopers scenery includes a doorway that maybe breaks to symbolise when the stormies break through the door in the film and why has Lego never re released the TIE BOMBER we should have had at least one remake of it by now! >:| I can definitely agree with all of those although personally I would die if they made a (and I know this isn't a new idea) a mos eisley cantina. Edited May 29, 201311 yr by GandalfofHoth
May 30, 201311 yr In regards to a EP 3 Jedi Temple battle set, I don't think we'll see one due to how it ends (Someone think of the younglings!). Now if they if they did from the Old Republic :) Edited May 30, 201311 yr by Knightsword
May 30, 201311 yr In regards to a EP 3 Jedi Temple battle set, I don't think we'll see one due to how it ends (Someone think of the younglings!). Now if they if they did from the Old Republic :) Not every Jedi temple order 66 set idea includes younglings and even if they did it would still be a valid set idea as it is part of the film and not every one who buys a Lego set will be setting up scenes of slaughter - some may want the younglings for other Mocs
May 30, 201311 yr Any reason why a Jedi Temple has to be based on the Order 66 scenes? I prefer to just get a UCS playset that covers the prequels in general. Besides its kind of hard to get excited for more clones at this point as well as younglings that anyone can customize. Getting more unique Jedi like Yaddle and Oppo Rancisis sounds a lot more appealling.
May 30, 201311 yr Any reason why a Jedi Temple has to be based on the Order 66 scenes? I prefer to just get a UCS playset that covers the prequels in general. Besides its kind of hard to get excited for more clones at this point as well as younglings that anyone can customize. Getting more unique Jedi like Yaddle and Oppo Rancisis sounds a lot more appealling. Any reason why not? Nobody really sees much of the temple until order 66 and the scenes leading up to it
May 30, 201311 yr Any reason why not? Nobody really sees much of the temple until order 66 and the scenes leading up to it He's right. The temple is barely seen until Order 66, even then it's not seen but for a minute or two.
May 30, 201311 yr Barely seen? Are we forgetting: - All the scenes in the Council Chamber? - The Jedi Archives? - The War Room? - The Hanger? - Yoda teaching the Younglings? - Yoda's meditation chamber? - The grand hallway where Obi-Wan, Yoda and Mace were discusing Anakin in AOTC? - All those exterior shots? All taking place before the Order 66 scenes
May 30, 201311 yr Barely seen? Are we forgetting: - All the scenes in the Council Chamber? - The Jedi Archives? - The War Room? - The Hanger? - Yoda teaching the Younglings? - Yoda's meditation chamber? - The grand hallway where Obi-Wan, Yoda and Mace were discusing Anakin in AOTC? - All those exterior shots? All taking place before the Order 66 scenes I did say order 66 AND SCENES LEADING UP TO IT half of those are included in the scenes Leading to it Also as gremer said they weren't seen for more than a minute or two (exception of council chamber)
May 30, 201311 yr Barely seen? Are we forgetting: - All the scenes in the Council Chamber? - The Jedi Archives? - The War Room? - The Hanger? - Yoda teaching the Younglings? - Yoda's meditation chamber? - The grand hallway where Obi-Wan, Yoda and Mace were discusing Anakin in AOTC? - All those exterior shots? All taking place before the Order 66 scenes I just meant that the scenes are not seen for an extended period. Most are very short, a couple of minutes at max.
May 30, 201311 yr Any reason why not? Nobody really sees much of the temple until order 66 and the scenes leading up to it Although the temple doesn't get much screen time until Order 66, this doesn't mean it has to be based off of it. I think lego could just do a Jedi Temple from Episode 3 since at that point we could have different areas from different parts of the movie, like such... -(Lego Exclusive)Jedi Temple: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace Windo, Shaak Ti, Coleman Kjac, Cin Drallig, Jocasta Nu, Padwans Leaners(x2), Jedi Knight(x2), Jedi Airspeeder(Similar to the one in Palpatine's Arrest), Jedi Temple(Jedi Council Room, Training Room, Meditation Room, Archieves Room, Empty Room With just Statues, Hologram Prep Room)-299.99$ To be honest though, I really hope we don't get a Jedi Temple based off of Episode 3, but instead a Temple based off the Clone Wars like this... -(Lego Exclusive)Jedi Temple: Anakin, Yoda, Barris Offee, Jocasta Nu, Cin Drallig, Tera Sinube, Saesee Tiin, Ki-Adi Mundi, Temple Guard(x2), Padwan Learner(x2), Yoda's Jedi Star Fighter(small just Astro Droid Head), Jedi Temple(Jedi Council Room, Training Room, Meditation Room, Archieves Room, Empty Room With just Statues, Hologram Prep Room)-299.99$ I'll I ask for is that we eventaully get one Episode 3 or Clone Wars, it's just something that shouldn't go untouched. Thanks For Reading! Edited May 30, 201311 yr by North Lego Star
May 30, 201311 yr Although the temple doesn't get much screen time until Order 66, this doesn't mean it has to be based off of it. I think lego could just do a Jedi Temple from Episode 3 aince at that point we could have different areas from different parts of the movie, like such... -(Lego Exclusive)Jedi Temple: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace Windo, Shaak Ti, Coleman Kjac, Cin Drallig, Jocasta Nu, Padwans Leaners(x2), Jedi Knight(x2), Jedi Airspeeder(Similar to the one in Palpatine's Arrest), Jedi Temple(Jedi Council Room, Training Room, Meditation Room, Archieves Room, Empty Room With just Statues, Hologram Prep Room)-249.99$ To be honest though, I really hope we don't get a Jedi Temple based off of Episode 3, but instead a Temple based off the Clone Wars like this... -(Lego Exclusive)Jedi Temple: Anakin, Yoda, Barris Offee, Jocasta Nu, Cin Drallig, Tera Sinube, Saesee Tiin, Ki-Adi Mundi, Temple Guard(x2), Padwan Learner(x2), Yoda's Jedi Star Fighter(small just Astro Droid Head), Jedi Temple(Jedi Council Room, Training Room, Meditation Room, Archieves Room, Empty Room With just Statues, Hologram Prep Room)-249.99$ I'll I ask for is that we eventaully get one Episode 3 or Clone Wars, it's just something that shouldn't go untouched. Thanks For Reading! While yes it doesn't need to be based off it I am merely stating that I would support it even though it catches much flak from critics worried about what happens in a film when we are talking about TOYS!
May 30, 201311 yr I did say order 66 AND SCENES LEADING UP TO IT half of those are included in the scenes Leading to it Also as gremer said they weren't seen for more than a minute or two (exception of council chamber) Since when does it matter how long some ship or place appeared on screen for Lego to make it? Thank you...
May 30, 201311 yr Since when does it matter how long some ship or place appeared on screen for Lego to make it? Thank you... Since when does it matter If the temple was set during order 66? I dont know yet people still think its a bad idea when we are talking about TOYS not what happens in a film!
May 30, 201311 yr Since when does it matter how long some ship or place appeared on screen for Lego to make it? Thank you... LEGO barely ever makes very short scenes, because most people will forget about the scene and it won't sell well because people forgot about it.
May 31, 201311 yr Maybe we could see a Jedi temple from the clone wars next year, because it'll probably the last year that the clone wars gets a lot of attention, as there won't be any new seasons for it. Edited May 31, 201311 yr by Legoman123
May 31, 201311 yr Some sets I'd like to see: Kashyyyk Battle Pack: Kashyyyk Scout Trooper remake with fleshie face, Wookiee Warrior remake, 2 Super Battle Droids, Dwarf Spider Droid. Tantive IV Battle Pack: 2 Stormtroopers, 2 rebel troopers with different faces, Tantive IV Corridor Jedi Chase: Ahsoka Tano, Commander Fox in Season 5 outfit, 2 Shock Troopers. Includes a small speeder for Ahsoka and a tracking hound that the clones use Battle of Utapau: General Grievous, 2 Battle Droids, PT Commander Cody, 2 212th troopers. Includes crab droid and wheel bike for Grievous Jedi Temple Hall: Jocasta Nu, Tera Sinube, Cin Drallig, 2 Temple Guards. Includes bust of Dooku on wall, pillars and a roof. (CW)
May 31, 201311 yr I think if that if the Jedi Temple does get into production (hopefully in 2014). Then I would like it to be similar to The Death Star (10188) layout design and have different scenes like one area the Jedi Council room, another area with landing bay with a few speeders and transports (maybe have a midi scale Millennium Falcon from ROTS), and have the scene leading up to Order 66. Just an idea
May 31, 201311 yr To be honest though I think people want to see cloud city or mos eisley cantina more than they do a Jedi temple. I also think that lego will make a cloud city next year as it has been quite awhile since the last one, and it is long overdue. P.S every so often Lego will listen to there fans. Edited May 31, 201311 yr by Legoman123
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