July 15, 201311 yr Several Battle Pack ideas one from the ANH, two from ROTS, and one from the CW. 1. Tantive IV Battle Pack- Contains two Stormtroopers, and two Rebel Troopers, the build would be the hatch that the Stromtroopers blow out and contains a function that lets you blow the hatch out. 2. Battle of Umbara Battle Pack- Contains one 501st Trooper, one 212th Trooper, and two Umbaran miltia members, the build could be either Umbaran scenery or a part of an Umbaran building. 3. Battle of Kashyyyk Battle Pack- Contains one Kashyyyk Scout Trooper, one Wookie Warrior, and Two Battle Droids, the build would be the entrenchments built along the shore in the film. 4. Battle of Utapau Battle Pack- Contains one 212th Trooper, one 212th Airborne Trooper, one Battle Droid, one Super Battle Droid, the build would be a crab droid and some sort of Utapauan scenery.
July 15, 201311 yr Hi all, here are three of some of my SW wishlist: Set name: UCS sandcrawler Minifigures: jawas (x4) c-3po r2-d2 owen lars different worn down droids. Episodes: 2,4 Description: the sandcrawler will be very similar to it's 2002 version it will feature an upgraded crane, vaccum pipe to suck up droids,cockpit with control panels, junkshop. Why I want it: two reasons, firstly I missed out on the prievous version and secondly it's just a great set with great minifigures. Set name: Republic cruiser Minifigures: Padme, captain panaka, qui gonn jinn, kenobi, r2-d2, 2 other astomech droids. Episodes: 1 Description: interior comes with cockpit, main hall room. Exterior features Broken machiene and catapult to flick off droids. Why I want it: A very nice sleek design and as TLG have never done it before 2014 would be a perfect oppotunity. Set name: order 66 Minifigures: clones ( different types x8) PLO koon, mundi, secure, Jedi on speeder. Episodes: 3 Description: Different sets which can be combine together featuring different scenes from order 66. Why I want it: new minifigures will be released new varients of sets such as ARC-170, PLO koons starfighter etc. Nice ideas. Personally I'd prefer if they made the smaller naboo ship/shuttle used by padme to get to mustafar as it would be good to get a rots padme and the shuttle itself could be useful for both cw and rots as it is used in both. Then again I wouldn't say no to the Nubian class one from phantom. Edited July 15, 201311 yr by legofreak86
July 16, 201311 yr Nice ideas. Personally I'd prefer if they made the smaller naboo ship/shuttle used by padme to get to mustafar as it would be good to get a rots padme and the shuttle itself could be useful for both cw and rots as it is used in both. Then again I wouldn't say no to the Nubian class one from phantom. Thanks! I agree with you, the one from episode three is good, but I suppose Lego could always release the numbian class and the the ROTS ship in the same wave.
July 16, 201311 yr For me the Royal Starship from TPM has always been the most iconic of Padme's four starships. It was the closest thing the heroes ever had to to their own Millennium Falcon in the prequels. I wouldn't say no to the ROTS one, but it wasn't nearly as memorable or prominant as the original.
July 16, 201311 yr For me the Royal Starship from TPM has always been the most iconic of Padme's four starships. It was the closest thing the heroes ever had to to their own Millennium Falcon in the prequels. I wouldn't say no to the ROTS one, but it wasn't nearly as memorable or prominant as the original. I really hope Disney slips the royal starship from the TPM into episodes 7,8and 9 so TLG can make it.
July 16, 201311 yr I really hope Disney slips the royal starship from the TPM into episodes 7,8and 9 so TLG can make it. That would be a pretty old ship if they do.
July 16, 201311 yr That would be a pretty old ship if they do. Unless they put it in the movie that is set a long time before the prequels. Here is another wishlist idea: Set name: UCS anakins Jedi inteceptor Minifigures: r2-d2 Episodes: ROTS ( battle of courcant) Description: A UCS version of the Jedi inteceptor featuring cockpit controls,moving wheels, rotating flaps. Why I want it: If there is one ship we have not seen as a UCS version it's this one, I collect some UCS sets and I would probably collect this one. Edited July 16, 201311 yr by Tariq j
July 16, 201311 yr Wookieepedia lists it as being commissioned by King Veruna, the monarch directly before Amidala, so it shouldn't appear in anything set well before the PT. On the other hand, Wookieepedia does say that the ship was mentioned as a collector's item in Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial, which is set in 25 ABY during the Yuuzhan Vong war, so it does survive well after the OT. But I wouldn't expect to see it; it's too obscure by that time. (And even if Naboo was revisited in new movies set after the OT, I would expect to see a new Naboo royal starship crafted for a new character. [in the PT, there're numerous different ships in the same style constructed even for the same person, and Wookieepedia mentions that the J-type 327 Nubian was already retired and replaced by a new ship by the time of Amidala's successor, Jamillia.])
July 16, 201311 yr I know all four of these ships would be difficult to recreate in lego but they are all necesary for a proper CW or PT Seperatist fleet these ships would be the C-9979 Landing Craft, Munificent Frigate, any of the Lucrehulk-class ships, and the Hardcell-class transport. These ships would add a great layer of depth for Seperatist forces and would allow actual scale capitol ship combat with offical system scale sets.
July 17, 201311 yr Wookieepedia lists it as being commissioned by King Veruna, the monarch directly before Amidala, so it shouldn't appear in anything set well before the PT. On the other hand, Wookieepedia does say that the ship was mentioned as a collector's item in Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial, which is set in 25 ABY during the Yuuzhan Vong war, so it does survive well after the OT. But I wouldn't expect to see it; it's too obscure by that time. (And even if Naboo was revisited in new movies set after the OT, I would expect to see a new Naboo royal starship crafted for a new character. [in the PT, there're numerous different ships in the same style constructed even for the same person, and Wookieepedia mentions that the J-type 327 Nubian was already retired and replaced by a new ship by the time of Amidala's successor, Jamillia.]) I read that book recently (working my way through the Vong books so I can get the background necessary for the better ones later) and I don't recall the J-type Nubian mentioned. Now I'm curious as to where it was. Off to Wookiepedia I go! But I agree with your assessment, and in all likelihood the ship won't appear in the next trilogy.
July 17, 201311 yr I read that book recently (working my way through the Vong books so I can get the background necessary for the better ones later) and I don't recall the J-type Nubian mentioned. Now I'm curious as to where it was. Off to Wookiepedia I go! I tried looking for a more detailed mention, but as far as I can tell, Wookieepedia just has "mentioned only" under the list of vehicles that appear on the book's page, and a sentence calling the ship a collector's item on the ship's page. I think it could be possible as a fleeting background appearance in a nod to obscure canon, but definitely not an appearance that would warrant a LEGO set.
July 17, 201311 yr I really just want to see a Lando from cloud city with a new cloud car or a Bantha with Sand People.
July 17, 201311 yr I tried looking for a more detailed mention, but as far as I can tell, Wookieepedia just has "mentioned only" under the list of vehicles that appear on the book's page, and a sentence calling the ship a collector's item on the ship's page. I think it could be possible as a fleeting background appearance in a nod to obscure canon, but definitely not an appearance that would warrant a LEGO set. Yes your probably right it won't apperar, however I still hope Lego does either the TPM one or the ROTS one either one I wouldent mind and speaking of which it would be good if they did one of them as a regular set and the other as a UCS.
July 18, 201311 yr Looks like they didn't cancel out the EPIII sets after all then. If indeed this is the case hopefully they'll give us more variety in the sets (Though so far it seems to be more of the same). I'm tired of Ep3 ships, a few location based sets would be nice (The fight in the senate particularly comes to mind, jedi temple and so on). Plus it would be nice if we got a few supporting characters this time around (Bail Organa, Padme and Jucasta nu).
July 18, 201311 yr Is there a possibility that TLG is going to give us a burst of yoda chronicle sets? Because there was one TV episode this year and we only saw one set which wasn't even featured in the episode itself!
July 18, 201311 yr If they do more Ep 3 sets I really would love to get a Yoda vs Sidious set (similar to The Arrest of Palpatine).
July 18, 201311 yr I hope we get some battle packs to compliment this set, would it be too much to ask for a UCS set from this movie either, Grevious is the only one that I can think of.
July 19, 201311 yr Some sets I think should be made are.... -Geonosian arena: This scene could be transformed into three sets, each including a pillar in which the characters are chained to and each set would include the monster they face. One of the sets could include a platform that has enough room for Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Mace Windu, and the other sepratist minifigures names I don't remember, most would be included. The other two sets would each include 1 droideka, 2 super battle droids, and 3-4 regular battle droids and random jedi, none which have already been made. The 2 sets with just the monsters and characters would be 30-40 US dollars and the other set would be 50-60 US dollars. -Kamino: This set would include the two Kaminoians? (That word probably doesn't exist). This set would be mainly the landing pad were Jango Fett fights with Obi. It would also include Obi's star fighter. This set would be 60-70 US dollars. -Slave I: Pretty self explainitory including Jango Fett and Boba Fett. This set would be 60-70 US dollars. -Droid factory: This set would include a metal saw machine thingy, droid molding stumpy thing, conveyer belt and some tubes and industrial detailing. This set would include Anakin, C3P0, R2-D2, 2 Geonosians, 6 regular battle droids, and 3 super battle droids. This set would also include some bright orange smooth 2X2 pieces resembling uncooled metal. This set would be 60-70 US dollars as well. -And by my recommendations you can tell I like episode 2. So.... If you like these recommendations respond. Thanks. Edited July 19, 201311 yr by Luna Lovegood
July 19, 201311 yr I hope we get some battle packs to compliment this set, would it be too much to ask for a UCS set from this movie either, Grevious is the only one that I can think of. There really aren't a lot of PT UCS sets at all, are there? There's Obi Wan's Jedi Fighter Darth Maul bust and Grievous. That's about it isn't it? Maybe we can hope for a Venator one of these days?
July 19, 201311 yr Did anyone notice that the number for the AT-AP is 75043... we stopped at 75025 with the Old Republic, Usual there's about 8 to 10 sets for the Winter wave, even if it was 10 sets, that would put us at 75035... and yet this set is 75043, it seems more of a Summer 2014 release rather then Winter. Thoughts? More planets sets?
July 19, 201311 yr I really hope we get more OT sets as well as episode lll the fact that we only got two OT sets in this years summer wave was very dissapointing.
July 19, 201311 yr There really aren't a lot of PT UCS sets at all, are there? There's Obi Wan's Jedi Fighter Darth Maul bust and Grievous. That's about it isn't it? Maybe we can hope for a Venator one of these days? There was 10026, which I know isn't considered a part of UCS by some collectors, but it actually says "Ultimate Collector's Series" on the box, so I consider it to be UCS.The general consensus usually seems to be that we wouldn't mind a well-done UCS Venator or UCS LAAT/i, but also that every time TLG releases a PT UCS set, it doesn't sell that well, so it's understandable if they don't do that.
July 19, 201311 yr Hi I don't know wherther it's me or not but I feel Lego is barely giving us any clones for example we got an umbrahn mhc this year but we only got one clone! A missed opotunity in my opinion. Anyway I've thought a new set: commander droids vs 501st clones battle pack in it features a speeder for the clones a small control panel for the droids. Also I have a new idea that will replace the planet sets as I personally didn't like them for many reasons. Anyway they are going to be different space battles to display, for example the battle of courcant, it features three mini venators , general grievous flagship anakins and obi WANs starfighter, tri fighters etc.
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