July 31, 201311 yr I agree about The Ghost being almost guaranteed. It looks like it'll be a Corellian YT-series ship. It's similar to the YT-2000 in particular. OT seems like it will get interesting pretty soon. It's no secret the bread and butter of the line is the vehicles, but almost every one of the really popular vehicles is either being sold now (the X-wing, TIE Fighter, Falcon, Y-wing, A-wing, Sail Barge, Skiff and Escape Pod), or was only recently discontinued (the AT-AT, Imperial Shuttle, Slave I, and Landspeeder). The Snowspeeder was in the Wampa Cave, which is gone, but will return in Battle of Hoth. I think we'll be due for a B-wing and/or TIE variant soon. I'm guessing a TIE Bomber. This is not because it's been a decade since it last was made or because I really want one, but because I can totally picture the jarring green Yoda box art with the new design as something that's bizarre enough to happen. If it follows the lead of recent starfighters, it would probably include a TIE pilot, a black R4 astromech, Admiral Piett, and Zuckuss. Probably a little expensive at 60-70 bucks, rapid-fire missiles and bombs in the second pod, has the new 9492 cockpit with flick-fires underneath etc. What I really hope for is something from Ep 4 Tatooine, Yavin IV (something like that old prototype would have been great) or any non-Hoth Empire Strikes Back (I love Hoth, but they've thoroughly covered the territory).
July 31, 201311 yr With all the talk of Kashyyyk, does anybody see a remake of the Wookie Flyer or the Wookie catamaran? Check my post near bottom of page 149
July 31, 201311 yr 2014 (Winter) Republic Kashyyyk forces BP: Wookiee Warrior(x2), 442nd siege battalion trooper, Swamp trooper. Kashyyyk CIS forces BP: Trandoshan(x2), Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid. Grievous Takedown(24.99): Grievous' Wheelbike, Boga, Obi-Wan, Grievous Separatist council meeting (49.99, TRU exclusive): Magna Guard(x2), Grievous, Wat Tambor, a few other council members. Crab Droid(29.99, Target exclusive): Cody, 212th clone(2), Utapaun warrior, Security Battle Droid(2) Obi-Wan's Jedi intercepter (49.99, Walmart exclusive): Obi-wan, Yellow astromech, Tion Meddon. AAT(49.99): Ahsoka, Stella, SBD, Battle Droid(2) The AT-AP, and then, (Summer) Shoot out over Cato Niemodia(119.99): ARC-170, The Blade of Dorin, Plo Koon, R7, Jag, Clone Pilot(2), Astromech. Tri-Droid(34.99, Walmart exclusive): Ki-Adi Mundi,Bacara, Galactic Marine(2) AT-OT(109.99): Aayla Secura, Bly, 327th trooper(3) other sets to be added. Okay, more sets are: Wookiee flyer (24.99, Target exclusive): Update to the previous one Venator(89.99, TRU exclusive): Cody (with hair), 212th clone (2), Obi-Wan, Naval Clone(2) Speeder bike showdown(24.99): Stass Allie, Neyo, his buddy. Rebels set. Recusant class cruiser(89.99): my first idea a few pages back B-wing fighter (49.99): B-wing pilot. And my preivious Jedi Temple idea a few pages back. Planet sets(series 5) Wookiee camateran and Kashyyyk(with Wookie warrior) RGS and Utapau(with 212th clone) ARC-170 and Cato Neimodia(with clone pilot) (series 6) Naboo Shuttle and Mustafar(with Padme) AT-OT and Felucia(with 327th trooper) another planet set and that's all folks! Edited July 31, 201311 yr by korpen4444
July 31, 201311 yr With all the talk of Kashyyyk, does anybody see a remake of the Wookie Flyer or the Wookie catamaran? Certainly, given the initial plans for Episode III for next year (as well as the fact there's a new Wookiee mold, which I don't quite think the 75043 AT-AP would warrant all by itself, suggesting more sets with Wookiee characters). That said, I most want to know about all things OT for next year (and beyond!).
July 31, 201311 yr Does anybody think we could ever get a Trade Federation Frigate or a Trade Federation battleship (the ship that sorta looks like a donut)? Edited July 31, 201311 yr by Gremer
July 31, 201311 yr I think Leg missed a golden opportunity to re-release the Bounty Hunter Persuit set with a flesh Zam Wesell for episode 2
July 31, 201311 yr I think Leg missed a golden opportunity to re-release the Bounty Hunter Persuit set with a flesh Zam Wesell for episode 2 I agree a missed oppotunity indeed, Here are some more: Set name: UCS Venator Features: rotating cannons (x6), opening red hull to dock ships. Accesories: mini twilight,mini republic shuttle (x2). Set Name: Imperial star destroyer Minifigures: Vader, palpatine hologram (mini), stormtroopers (x4), Tarkin, imperial officer. Features: escape pod, flick missiles, Vaders meditating chamber. Why I want it: it's been a long time since we've seen this set and it needs a redesign. Edited July 31, 201311 yr by Tariq j
July 31, 201311 yr When Kashyyyk comes to mind I just imagine the command hut where Yoda does his thing, that would be cool in lego, but seeing as Tarful and Gree are in the At-Tp I can't see it appearing
July 31, 201311 yr Does anybody think we could ever get a Trade Federation Frigate or a Trade Federation battleship (the ship that sorta looks like a donut)? The donut ship may be tough to achieve in a set. Maybe something built on a spine of railroad tracks, like the Alien Conquest ship?
July 31, 201311 yr The donut ship may be tough to achieve in a set. Maybe something built on a spine of railroad tracks, like the Alien Conquest ship? That would work. How about : V-Wing: Republic Pilot, Astromech Droid $25 Kashyyyk Battle Pack: 2 Wookiee Warriors, 1 Kashyyyk Scout Trooper, 1 Phase 2 Clone Trooper $10 ARC-170 and Vulture Droid: 2 Clone Pilots, 1 Astromech Droid $80 Battle on Utapau: General Grievous (Ep. 3), Obi-Wan, 2 212th? Troopers, Commander Cody, 2 Battle Droids, 1 Magnaguard, Crab Droid, General Grievous Starfighter $120 Tell me what you think.
July 31, 201311 yr Does anybody think we could ever get a Trade Federation Frigate or a Trade Federation battleship (the ship that sorta looks like a donut)? I think you're talking about the Lucrehulk-class battleship. If done, I fear it would probably only be done as a mini As Gremer brought up the Lucrehulk ship would be interesting. The little circle in the center of the ship can carry an entire army of droids. The Core can also detach and reattach to multiple federation ships, which does make for a cool play feature Price? Not sure, more than the Malevolence. Link so you can see what I'm talking about http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lucrehulk-class_Core_Ship
July 31, 201311 yr An Episode III BP that blows the miserable E II one from this year out of the water: Clone Trooper, Shock Trooper, Camo Scout Trooper, Marine, small AT-RT. Besides that, if Lego is going E III, they surely concentrate on Kashyyk, as everything else was just available a couple of years ago: Venator, ETA Starfighter, ARC-170, Tri-Fighter, Grevious' Fighter, LAAT/i, Final Duel, Palpatin Shuttle. But even Kashyyk has stuff that's been done not long ago - Juggernaut, Heavy Missile Platform, AT-RT, Tank Droid. This certainly leaves only a few things left..
July 31, 201311 yr An Episode III BP that blows the miserable E II one from this year out of the water: Clone Trooper, Shock Trooper, Camo Scout Trooper, Marine, small AT-RT. Besides that, if Lego is going E III, they surely concentrate on Kashyyk, as everything else was just available a couple of years ago: Venator, ETA Starfighter, ARC-170, Tri-Fighter, Grevious' Fighter, LAAT/i, Final Duel, Palpatin Shuttle. But even Kashyyk has stuff that's been done not long ago - Juggernaut, Heavy Missile Platform, AT-RT, Tank Droid. This certainly leaves only a few things left.. Some Battle over Coruscant stuff hasn't come out since 2005. I hope we get two new Jedi Interceptors, or even better, the Invisible Hand.
August 1, 201311 yr Some Battle over Coruscant stuff hasn't come out since 2005. I hope we get two new Jedi Interceptors, or even better, the Invisible Hand. Not real hopeful on an invisible hand, just because the Malevolance seems to be the shelf warmer of last wave. But I think we are due for an Obi Wan Eta2, and maybe a Venator.
August 1, 201311 yr Not real hopeful on an invisible hand, just because the Malevolance seems to be the shelf warmer of last wave. That's because the Malevolance sucks for several reasons: Clone Wars figs are inherently ugly Too expensive for what it is Stupid features and a generally crap design Bright colors Star Wars fans might not be interested in They could do an Invisible Hand if they can design it completely the opposite way they did with the Malevolance.
August 1, 201311 yr I'm pretty sure we won't get a big Starship like the Ventor, Star Destroyer, Invisible Hand and so on due to the three year rule. That rule is that we get one of those large Starships as the main Summer Set every 3 year( 2006=Imperial Star Destroyer, 2009=Republic Ventor, 2012=The Malevolence, 2015=Next big Starship.) So we'll get a large Starship in 2015 probaly from Star Wars Episode 7. As for 2014, here are my complete predictions for the whole year... Winter Wave: -Kashyyyk Defense Forces Battle Pack: 41st Clone Trooper(x2), Clone Kashyyyk Trooper, Wookiee Warrior, Clone Defense Lines, Wookiee Swamp Skimmer-12.99$ -Seperatist Battle Droid Battle Pack: Securtity Battle Droid(x2), Battle Droid(x3), Droid STAP, AST(Armored Scout Tank)-12.99$ -Bespin Cloud Car: Cloud Car Pilot, IG-88, 4-LOM-19.99$ -Wookiee Ornthopter: Wookiee Warrior, Super Battle Droid, Luminara Unduli-24.99$ -TIE Bomber: TIE Bomber Pilot, Admiral Piett, Imperial RA-7 Protocal Droid-49.99$ -Republic AT-PT Walker: Commander Gree, Tarful, Battle Droid, Battle Droid Commander, Super Battle Droid-59.99$ -(Toys R Us Exclusive)Battle of Endor: Chewbacca, Romba, Lumta, AT-ST Driver, Death Star Trooper, Scout Trooper, AT-ST Walker, Ewok Gluider, Speeder Bike, Ewok Rope Trap-49.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive)Bail Organa's Speeder: Tusken Raider Encounter: Anakin, Tusken Raider(x2), Bantha, Swoop Bike, Small Tusken Raider Hut-24.99$ -(Target Exclsuive)Chase on Utapua: General Grevious, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody, Wat Tambor, Boga, Wheel Bike, Small Platform-49.99$ Summer Wave: -Naboo Flash Speeder: Padme, Captain Panaka, Naboo Security Guard-19.99$ -Ahsoka's Jedi Interceptor: Ahsoka Tano, R7-A7, 501st Jet Pack Trooper-29.99$ -Star Wars Rebels Set: 3 Star Wars Rebels Minifigs-39.99$ -Darth Sidious' Shuttle: Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Savage Oppress, Royal Red Guard-69.99$ -Star Wars Rebels Set: 5 star Wars Rebels Minifigs-89.99$ -Republic Medical Firgate: Coleman Kjac, Plo Koon, Admiral Yularen, Commander Fox, Clone Shock Trooper-119.99$ -Star Wars Rebels Ghost: 6 Star Wars Rebels Minifigs-119.99$ -(Toys R Us Exclsuive)Mos Eisley Cantina: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Obi-Wan, Greedo, Bith Band Member, Ponda, Dr. Evazsan, Imperial Sand Trooper, Dewback-119.99$ -(Target Exclsuive)Sepertist Octuparra Droid: Ki-Adi Mundi, Commander Barraca, Galactic Marine-39.99$ -(Walmart Exclsuive)Star Wars Rebels Set: 3 Star Wars Rebels Minifigs-24.99$ Almost forgot about Lego Exclusives... -Republic S-PHAT Walker: Agen Kolar, Clone Commander, Clone Captain, Clone Trooper(x2), Geonosian Battle Droid(x2), Droid Fuel Tower-249.99$ -Rebel Transport Ship: Princess Leia, K-3PO, Hoth Rebel Soilder(x2), General Rieekan-149.99$ I personally dislike my list due to the fact that it has a lot of Rebels sets in the summer wave and not enough actual OT sets, but I just don't see it going any other way at this point. I'm afraid Disney is going to over crowd Star Wars the way they have over crowded Marvel at this point. Thanks for Reading! Edited August 1, 201311 yr by North Lego Star
August 2, 201311 yr This entire thread: DAE CLOUD CITY!11! Anyways here's MORE set ideas! Final Duel on Death Star II: 29.99, comes with Luke, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, and two Imperial Guards. Chase On Coruscant: 19.99, comes with Zam Wessels Airspeeder and Anakins Speeder, Anakin, Obiwan, and Zam Wessel. Bounty Hunter Battle Pack 12.99: Comes with Boba Fett, Bossk, 4-Lom, and Dengar. Battle Of Kashyyk: 129.99: comes with x4 Wookie Warriors, Chewbacca, Yoda, x2 Clones, 1 Kashyyk Trooper, an AT-RT, x2 Wookie Catamaran, x2 Crab Droids, and one Take Droid. B-Wing: 59.99: Comes with B-wing Pilot, Lando, and Nein Numb.
August 2, 201311 yr This entire thread: DAE CLOUD CITY!11! Anyways here's MORE set ideas! Final Duel on Death Star II: 29.99, comes with Luke, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, and two Imperial Guards. Chase On Coruscant: 19.99, comes with Zam Wessels Airspeeder and Anakins Speeder, Anakin, Obiwan, and Zam Wessel. Bounty Hunter Battle Pack 12.99: Comes with Boba Fett, Bossk, 4-Lom, and Dengar. Battle Of Kashyyk: 129.99: comes with x4 Wookie Warriors, Chewbacca, Yoda, x2 Clones, 1 Kashyyk Trooper, an AT-RT, x2 Wookie Catamaran, x2 Crab Droids, and one Take Droid. B-Wing: 59.99: Comes with B-wing Pilot, Lando, and Nein Numb. Wow. As much as I would like those sets, the number of minifigs is illegal! A $12.99 set with Boba Fett, Bossk, 4-LOM, and Dengar is almost completely out of the question, sadly. -Lego Spy Edited August 2, 201311 yr by Lego Spy
August 2, 201311 yr Here are some of my ideas: Name: Kit fistos starfighter Minifigures: fisto, astomech droid Description: The description for this sets is pretty obvious, and ejecting function can eject fisto and the astomech. Name: Train chase Figures: Boba fett (young), ventress, dengar, bossk, five mandolorins (I think( Description: I keep having troubles rembering the story for this but I know the bounty hunters and ventress are on a train protecting some treasure whilst mandalorins are attacking them, this set will consist of a main train and two other carriges, hopefully some people here may know what I'm talking about and correct me for any mistakes. Thanks
August 2, 201311 yr Is there much point to this thread anymore? It's become people posting lists upon lists of "sets" they want to see, which are more like, an excuse to get a bunch of minifigures that are in more higher priced sets. No one really comments on what anyone else is saying other than "too many minifigures", "too expensive". I think we are all smart enough to know that most of these wild ideas are just that, wild ideas that would (and should) never happen. If you want 5 or 10 of some minifigure, buy 5 or 10 of that set, as that seems to be the direction TLC is heading.
August 2, 201311 yr Is there much point to this thread anymore? It's become people posting lists upon lists of "sets" they want to see, which are more like, an excuse to get a bunch of minifigures that are in more higher priced sets. No one really comments on what anyone else is saying other than "too many minifigures", "too expensive". I think we are all smart enough to know that most of these wild ideas are just that, wild ideas that would (and should) never happen. If you want 5 or 10 of some minifigure, buy 5 or 10 of that set, as that seems to be the direction TLC is heading. All right, I'll admit to it. I guess that does make sense. Even so you could just buy the minifigs off of Bricklink rather than buying the sets. -Lego Spy
August 3, 201311 yr Is there much point to this thread anymore? It's become people posting lists upon lists of "sets" they want to see, which are more like, an excuse to get a bunch of minifigures that are in more higher priced sets. No one really comments on what anyone else is saying otherthan "too many minifigures", "too expensive". I think we are all smart enough to know that most of these wild ideas are just that,wild ideas that would (and should) never happen. If you want 5 or 10 of some minifigure, buy 5 or 10 of that set, as that seems to be the direction TLC is heading. As Lego spy said I do admit too, however Lego is going in that direction at the moment so it's really not suprising that it's happening.
August 3, 201311 yr I'd like to see a set of the scene on Dagobah where Luke encounters Vader (Himself). It could be £19.99 and include a Dagobah Luke and Darth Vader with Luke's head under the helmet. The set would be in the style of a diorama almost.
August 4, 201311 yr Is there much point to this thread anymore? It's become people posting lists upon lists of "sets" they want to see, which are more like, an excuse to get a bunch of minifigures that are in more higher priced sets. No one really comments on what anyone else is saying other than "too many minifigures", "too expensive". I think we are all smart enough to know that most of these wild ideas are just that, wild ideas that would (and should) never happen. If you want 5 or 10 of some minifigure, buy 5 or 10 of that set, as that seems to be the direction TLC is heading. All this is is just a bunch of sets people would want to see, I mean half of them have no chance of becoming actual sets. I just think this topic is a nice way to get your ideas out in the open even and are not meant to be taken as actual future set predictions unless there labeled with Predicitons. While were talking about predictions here are my modified 2014 predicitons... Winter Wave: -Kashyyyk Defense Forces Battle Pack: 41st Clone Trooper(x2), Clone Kashyyyk Trooper, Wookiee Warrior, Clone Defense Lines, Wookiee Swamp Skimmer-12.99$ -Seperatist Battle Droid Battle Pack: Securtity Battle Droid(x2), Battle Droid(x3), Droid STAP, AST(Armored Scout Tank)-12.99$ -Bespin Cloud Car: Cloud Car Pilot, IG-88, 4-LOM-19.99$ -Wookiee Ornthopter: Wookiee Warrior, Super Battle Droid, Luminara Unduli-24.99$ -Imperial TIE Bomber: TIE Bomber Pilot, Admiral Piett, RA-7 Protocal Droid-49.99$ -Republic AT-PT Walker: Commander Gree, Tarful, Battle Droid, Battle Droid Commander, Super Battle Droid-59.99$ -(Toys R Us Exclusive)Battle of Endor: Chewbacca, Romba, Lumta, AT-ST Driver, Death Star Trooper, Scout Trooper, AT-ST Walker, Ewok Gluider, Speeder Bike, Ewok Rope Trap-49.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive)Darth Vader Transformation: Darth Vader, Burnt Anakin, Emporer Palpatine, Medical Droid-24.99$ -(Target Exclsuive)Chase on Utapua: General Grevious, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody, Wat Tambor, Boga, Wheel Bike, Small Platform-49.99$ -(Lego Exclusive)Sepertist Banking Clan Frigate: Anakin, Ahsoka, Cade Bane, Battle Droid(x2)-149.99$ Summer Wave: -Star Wars Rebels Set: 2 Star Wars Rebels Minifigs-24.99$ -Ahsoka's Jedi Interceptor: Ahsoka Tano, R7-A7, 501st Jet Pack Trooper-29.99$ -Duel on Mandalore: Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Pre Viszla, Bo-Katan, Mandalorian Speeder Bike-39.99$ -Star Wars Rebels Set: 4 Star Wars Rebels Minifigs-69.99$ -Star Wars Rebels Ghost: 5 Star Wars Rebels Minifigs-89.99$ -Republic Medical Firgate: Coleman Kjac, Plo Koon, Admiral Yularen, Commander Fox, Clone Shock Trooper-119.99$ -Mos Eisley Cantina: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Obi-Wan, Greedo, Bith Band Member(x2), Ponda, Dr. Evazsan, Momaw Nadon, Imperial Sand Trooper, Dewback-119.99$ -(Toys R Us Exclsuive)Bossk's Hound's Tooth: Boba Fett, Bossk, Assajj Ventress, Dengar, Latts Razzi, C-21 Highsinger-89.99$ -(Target Exclsuive)Sepertist Octuparra Droid: Ki-Adi Mundi, Commander Barraca, Galactic Marine-39.99$ -(Walmart Exclsuive)Naboo Flash Speeder: Padme, Captain Panaka, Naboo Security Guard-19.99$ -(Lego Exclusive)Motorized Jawa Sandcrawler: Jawa(x3), C-3PO, R2-D2, R5-D4, RA-7 Protocal Droid, WED Treadwell Repair Droid, Gonk Droid, R1-G4, Uncle Owen, Luke Skywalker, Moister Vapor Collector-299.99$ Thamks For Reading!
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