November 3, 201311 yr Been thinking about it some more recently and here are my new predictions for the summer wave sets... Summer Wave: -Naboo Flash Speeder: Padme and Naboo Royal Guard-24.99$ -Bespin Cloud Car: Lando Calrissian, Cloud Car Pilot-24.99$ -SW:R AT-DP Walker: AT-DP Driver, Hero Character, Stormtrooper-29.99$ -Wookiee Ornithopter: Wookiee Warrior(x2), Security Battle Droid-29.99$ -Darth Vader's TIE Advance: Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Grand Moff Tarkin -Sepertist Shuttle: Commander Cody, Wat Tambor, Magna Guard(x2), Crab Droid-49.99$ -Duel on Mandalore: Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Savage Oppress, Darth Sidious' Shuttle-69.99$ -Imperial Transport Frigate: The Inquisitor, Stormtrooper(x2), Imperial Officer, Villain Charcter-89.99$ -Republic Clone Turbo Tank: Luminara Unduli, 41st Elite Clone Trooper(x2), Clone Driver, Super Battle Droid, Dwarf Spider Droid-119.99$ -SW:R The Ghost: 4 Hero Characters, 2 Villain Charcters-139.99$ -(Toys R Us Exclsuive)Mos Eisley Cantina: Luke Skywalker(Poncho), Han Solo, Greedo, Ponda, Dr.Evazan, Bith Band Member, Momaw Nadon, Sand Trooper, Dewback, Moister Collector-89.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive)Chase Through Corucsant: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Zam Wissle, Assassin Probe Droid, Zam's Speeder, Yellow Speeder-39.99$ -(Lego Exclusive)UCS Boba Fett's Slave 1-199.99$ -(Lego Exclsuive)Imperial AT-AT Walker: Luke Skywalker, General Veers, AT-AT Driver, Imperial Snowtrooper(x2), Hoth Rebel Soilder, Wedge Antillies, Rebel Snowspeeder-199.99$ Thanks For Reading!
November 3, 201311 yr I'd replace Lando with Leia for the Cloud Car. Lando can always come with Cloud City, but there's no way we'd get both Bespin Leia and Bespin Escape Leia in the same set.
November 3, 201311 yr I don´t expect so much not-Ep 3 sets for this summer.But I would love your wave North Lego Star. A Naboo Diorama/Playset,would be awesome.
November 3, 201311 yr I am more of an opinion that Summer Wave 2014 will be themed around Return of the Sith, just like the 2014 Winter Wave with some last Clone Wars sets. Winter wave of 2015 should be heavily SW Rebels oriented, and I believe we all know what Summer Wave 2015 will be themed around big time So, I'd say we are headed towards new and hopefully improved Venator for Summer Wave 2014, some sets involving Separatist leaders, I'd guess a Mustafar bunker set and I'd hope for an Order 66-themed Felucia. And I really think it should be about time Lego ventures into a Taj-Mahal size Jedi Temple UCS but I see it more as 2015 release. AT-AT and Slave I are very plausible candidates for 2014 UCS sets.
November 3, 201311 yr I am more of an opinion that Summer Wave 2014 will be themed around Return of the Sith, just like the 2014 Winter Wave with some last Clone Wars sets. Winter wave of 2015 should be heavily SW Rebels oriented, and I believe we all know what Summer Wave 2015 will be themed around big time So, I'd say we are headed towards new and hopefully improved Venator for Summer Wave 2014, some sets involving Separatist leaders, I'd guess a Mustafar bunker set and I'd hope for an Order 66-themed Felucia. And I really think it should be about time Lego ventures into a Taj-Mahal size Jedi Temple UCS but I see it more as 2015 release. AT-AT and Slave I are very plausible candidates for 2014 UCS sets. I doubt it. I only say this because majority of the 2014 winter wave is based of off of Revenge of the Sith, and I highly doubt that Lego would want to concentrate on the same film for two waves.
November 3, 201311 yr Two waves of ROTS in the same year would be boring. There's still plenty of sets left to be made from the Original Trilogy, TPM, AOTC and TCW.
November 3, 201311 yr I am more of an opinion that Summer Wave 2014 will be themed around Return of the Sith, just like the 2014 Winter Wave with some last Clone Wars sets. Winter wave of 2015 should be heavily SW Rebels oriented, and I believe we all know what Summer Wave 2015 will be themed around big time So, I'd say we are headed towards new and hopefully improved Venator for Summer Wave 2014, some sets involving Separatist leaders, I'd guess a Mustafar bunker set and I'd hope for an Order 66-themed Felucia. And I really think it should be about time Lego ventures into a Taj-Mahal size Jedi Temple UCS but I see it more as 2015 release. AT-AT and Slave I are very plausible candidates for 2014 UCS sets. I think by Summer Lucasfilms will start a gradual push away from the PT and specific CW battles. We may see one or two Rebels teaser sets. I also would not be surprised to see a new Tantive IV as it stretches from RotS to TCW to (theoretically, but a safe guess) Rebels, to ANH. So it would offer broad play possibilities. Maybe with Leia, Bail, the Droids and a pair of Rebels?
November 3, 201311 yr I think by Summer Lucasfilms will start a gradual push away from the PT and specific CW battles. We may see one or two Rebels teaser sets. I also would not be surprised to see a new Tantive IV as it stretches from RotS to TCW to (theoretically, but a safe guess) Rebels, to ANH. So it would offer broad play possibilities. Maybe with Leia, Bail, the Droids and a pair of Rebels? I have doubts for Tantive IV and the reason is simple, the previos was a 10xxx category, meaning an extremely accomplished set and there is simply too little (to none) room for improvement. Ok, new AT-TE invalidates that particular argument in the sense that LEGO doesn't flinch from doing a way worse set than its predecessor, but I seriously doubt Tantive IV nevertheless. 2013 was 10 years from AOTC, ergo, the avalanche of Ep. II sets. 2015 would spell the same fate for RoTS, but Lego decided to hurry its wave because of the huge revenue possibility that would represent Ep. VII in 2015 (Disney CEO was adamant that there wouldn't be any delays in theatrical release and the reason advanced was that he was counting on merchandising revenues to hit by the end 2015...) As for the Rebels sets, if they release them in Summer Wave (July...) they would have zero visibility for several months because the show only premieres in September or October, so I think it's highly unlikely. So, in addition to the three sets I mentioned in previous post, there would probably be two sets from OT, and I agree with whomever said earlier that Bespin and Tatooine are ripe for sets...
November 4, 201311 yr I think we probably will get 'Rebels' sets in the summer, even though it is before the release of the show. I'm pretty sure the first Clone Wars sets in 2008 were released a few months before the show aired in September. It's likely they'll want them on the shelves for the show airing, rather than waiting another 6 months. I'm really very excited to see what we get from the 'Rebels' show in lego form. Getting a lego version of the 'Kenner Troop Transporter' would be incredible.
November 4, 201311 yr I think we probably will get 'Rebels' sets in the summer, even though it is before the release of the show. I'm pretty sure the first Clone Wars sets in 2008 were released a few months before the show aired in September. It's likely they'll want them on the shelves for the show airing, rather than waiting another 6 months. I'm really very excited to see what we get from the 'Rebels' show in lego form. Getting a lego version of the 'Kenner Troop Transporter' would be incredible. I stand corrected. You are right, virtually all of the Summer wave of 2008 were Clone Wars-related sets and the movie only premiered mid-August. So, possible Rebels' sets avalanche next summer...
November 4, 201311 yr I stand corrected. You are right, virtually all of the Summer wave of 2008 were Clone Wars-related sets and the movie only premiered mid-August. So, possible Rebels' sets avalanche next summer... It is very confusing and I agree that your hypothesis makes far more sense. It will be strange to see the new characters in lego form before we see them in the cartoon. I seriously hope they drop the large eyed anime look for the figs though. I really don't fancy some strange looking storm troopers.
November 4, 201311 yr Please LEGO, bring us another lambda class shuttle, you can call it Tyderium and fill it with all the main characters that you want.
November 4, 201311 yr Please LEGO, bring us another lambda class shuttle, you can call it Tyderium and fill it with all the main characters that you want. Amén
November 4, 201311 yr Please LEGO, bring us another lambda class shuttle, you can call it Tyderium and fill it with all the main characters that you want. There's virtually zero chance to bring the new System Lambda-class so soon after retiring the UCS. I think that MF is a good indicator in that regard. I think that if we get an IS it's more for 2015,2016... But don't get me wrong, I'd love to see one.
November 4, 201311 yr I have doubts for Tantive IV and the reason is simple, the previos was a 10xxx category, meaning an extremely accomplished set and there is simply too little (to none) room for improvement. Ok, new AT-TE invalidates that particular argument in the sense that LEGO doesn't flinch from doing a way worse set than its predecessor, but I seriously doubt Tantive IV nevertheless. 2013 was 10 years from AOTC, ergo, the avalanche of Ep. II sets. 2015 would spell the same fate for RoTS, but Lego decided to hurry its wave because of the huge revenue possibility that would represent Ep. VII in 2015 (Disney CEO was adamant that there wouldn't be any delays in theatrical release and the reason advanced was that he was counting on merchandising revenues to hit by the end 2015...) 2013 was 11 years from AOTC. The reason we got so many sets was because they were supposed to tie in with the (now cancelled) 3D re-release of the film in theatres. Its the same reason why the new wave is heavily based on ROTS.
November 4, 201311 yr I have doubts for Tantive IV and the reason is simple, the previos was a 10xxx category, meaning an extremely accomplished set and there is simply too little (to none) room for improvement. Ok, new AT-TE invalidates that particular argument in the sense that LEGO doesn't flinch from doing a way worse set than its predecessor, but I seriously doubt Tantive IV nevertheless. 2013 was 10 years from AOTC, ergo, the avalanche of Ep. II sets. 2015 would spell the same fate for RoTS, but Lego decided to hurry its wave because of the huge revenue possibility that would represent Ep. VII in 2015 (Disney CEO was adamant that there wouldn't be any delays in theatrical release and the reason advanced was that he was counting on merchandising revenues to hit by the end 2015...) As for the Rebels sets, if they release them in Summer Wave (July...) they would have zero visibility for several months because the show only premieres in September or October, so I think it's highly unlikely. So, in addition to the three sets I mentioned in previous post, there would probably be two sets from OT, and I agree with whomever said earlier that Bespin and Tatooine are ripe for sets... We saw a heavy Ep II and the Ep III waves because they were supposed to tie into theatrical 3d re releases of the films. Those got shelved, and TCW got cancelled with the Disney sale, probably putting Lego's SW plans in a holding patern until closer to the new movie and TV shows. They went with the Ep II Ep III focus because they really didn't have much to replace it with. By next summer the newer plans will have solidified and we will be starting to see the results I would think. I don't think we will see a full or even a heavy wave of Rebels sets in the Summer. But I do think we will see a small number of teaser sets to start drumming up interest, and to insure that there is something on shelves when the show starts. Lucasfilms is particularly notorious for teasing stuff like that. Remember Boba Fett's fame is not from his rather pathetic performance in the movies. It is because he was the first teaser toy we got back in 77-78 to let us know there would be a new movie.
November 5, 201311 yr 2013 was 11 years from AOTC. The reason we got so many sets was because they were supposed to tie in with the (now cancelled) 3D re-release of the film in theatres. Its the same reason why the new wave is heavily based on ROTS. We saw a heavy Ep II and the Ep III waves because they were supposed to tie into theatrical 3d re releases of the films. Those got shelved, and TCW got cancelled with the Disney sale, probably putting Lego's SW plans in a holding patern until closer to the new movie and TV shows. They went with the Ep II Ep III focus because they really didn't have much to replace it with. By next summer the newer plans will have solidified and we will be starting to see the results I would think. I don't think we will see a full or even a heavy wave of Rebels sets in the Summer. But I do think we will see a small number of teaser sets to start drumming up interest, and to insure that there is something on shelves when the show starts. Lucasfilms is particularly notorious for teasing stuff like that. Remember Boba Fett's fame is not from his rather pathetic performance in the movies. It is because he was the first teaser toy we got back in 77-78 to let us know there would be a new movie. Yes, my wrong. It makes sense with all this Ep I sets coinciding with TPM 3D release. This year is actually RoTJ anniversary. And thanks for the little trivia about Boba Fett Faefrost Guess I wasn't as much of the hardcore fan as I thought I was born the same year 'Empire' was released, and have always wondered what was the fuss about Boba Fett anyway. It's only later when I read the comics and other EU stuff that I started to like him in the slightest. Apology for off-topic to the mods.
November 5, 201311 yr to be honest I'm just happy we will be able to get new Kashyyyk troopers and the Ph.2 Commander Gree in the 2014 sets
November 5, 201311 yr I would really like to see a largish Mos Eisley Cantina set, and perhapsa set featuring tusken raiders. Add in a new Bespin related set with Lando and Leia and I'll be a happy Lego SW collector. I feel like once the new movies start coming out, all the new sets are going to be episode VII related. ** edit ** Let me add another to the list: Yoda's hut. Skip the X-Wing, just a nice detailed hut with a Degobah Luke, R2, and OT Yoda with his walking stick. Edited November 5, 201311 yr by naf
November 7, 201311 yr I would really like to see a largish Mos Eisley Cantina set, and perhapsa set featuring tusken raiders. Add in a new Bespin related set with Lando and Leia and I'll be a happy Lego SW collector. I feel like once the new movies start coming out, all the new sets are going to be episode VII related. ** edit ** Let me add another to the list: Yoda's hut. Skip the X-Wing, just a nice detailed hut with a Degobah Luke, R2, and OT Yoda with his walking stick. I have two of the older Tuskins so I would have to agree
November 7, 201311 yr I would really like to see a largish Mos Eisley Cantina set, and perhapsa set featuring tusken raiders. Add in a new Bespin related set with Lando and Leia and I'll be a happy Lego SW collector. I feel like once the new movies start coming out, all the new sets are going to be episode VII related. ** edit ** Let me add another to the list: Yoda's hut. Skip the X-Wing, just a nice detailed hut with a Degobah Luke, R2, and OT Yoda with his walking stick. I would love to see another Yoda's hut. The first one really only concentrated on the X-wing that came in the set, rather than the actual hut. I hope we see this set in the summer wave.
November 7, 201311 yr I feel like once the new movies start coming out, all the new sets are going to be episode VII related. Well first we know that LEGO can handle releasing sufficient sets for two trilogies at once (Star Wars OT/PT and Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit). Also, this may just be wishful thinking, but I'm pretty sure that Disney will want to push the OT merchandise since kids will want to play with their Luke Skywalker and Han Solo (hopefully?) LEGO minifigures now that they've seen them on screen once again. Also, judging by what Disney has been posting on the Star Wars Facebook page, the first trailers for the OT movies, we can see that they are trying to get everyone into the OT mindset again. Out with the old-new and in with the old-old if you will. Edited November 7, 201311 yr by montyofmusic
November 8, 201311 yr With the news that Ep. 7 is being released in December 2015, LEGO is gonna have to change their release pattern for Star Wars. As of right now, 2014 is all good. January wave we already know, news of summer 2014 should be popping up soon. Then we have January 2015, which is the last chance for LEGO to give us sets based on the PT or OT before they begin focusing all their efforts on the new films. I wonder if we won't see sets in summer 2015, and just get a huge summer sized release in December.
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