August 29, 201410 yr I want to see some KOTOR sets. The Darth Revan polybag was almost teasing us to get our hopes up. I think the Microfighter line could include some EU ships such as the Ebon Hawk.
August 29, 201410 yr With two new sets revealed, the Hailfire droid and Anakins Jedi custom starfighter, here are my predictions for what is going to be included in these sets... Hailfire Droid: Pablo-Jill, Aotc trooper, Battle Droidx2, Commander Battle Droid- £29.99 Anakins Jedi Custom Starfighter: Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2, Asajj Ventress- £34.99
August 29, 201410 yr If it's really a Microseries-based set, it probably would be R4-P22 instead of R2-D2. I'd think they'd make sets based on TCW Season 6 rather than going back so far for a ship that is just too busy
August 29, 201410 yr I think they should make some new STCW season 6 sets. I really want the troopers and commander from the first episode. I also really would like some of the rocket B2s. By the way does anyone know what unit those troopers were from?
August 29, 201410 yr If it's really a Microseries-based set, it probably would be R4-P22 instead of R2-D2. I'd think they'd make sets based on TCW Season 6 rather than going back so far for a ship that is just too busy I'd love some Season 6 sets. I'm still waiting on that Mother Talzin minifigure (please make it happen Lego! )
August 29, 201410 yr I'm hoping for a Tanitive IV. As well as some redesigns it would give us a chance to get some OT stormtroopers, as TLG have made an ITT based on Rebels. I'd also quite like to see a redesign of the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser from Episode VI. When the set first aired in 2009 it didn't really appeal to me at the time. But when I look at the set I realised the oppotunity that I missed so I'm hoping for a new one.
August 30, 201410 yr I think they should make some new STCW season 6 sets. I really want the troopers and commander from the first episode. I also really would like some of the rocket B2s. By the way does anyone know what unit those troopers were from? The unit has not been identified imo, but the leader was Commander Doom (whose looks are an homage to the Doctor of the same name). He would indeed be a cool minifig. Considering Lego holds the licenses for both Star Wars and Marvel, they could do an homage set: - Commander Doom and Dr. Doom; Commander Thorn and Thor Of course, they won't. I'd love some Season 6 sets. I'm still waiting on that Mother Talzin minifigure (please make it happen Lego! ) Same here, Yoda's Mini-Jedi Interceptor would make a perfect Lego set. Or a Nu Class shuttle...
August 30, 201410 yr TPM Republic Shuttle - Chancellor Palpatine, Senate guards x 4, Republic Astromech Droid, TC-4, Republic Shuttle Pilot x 2 - 69.99 Naboo Theed streets - Captain Panaka, Queen Amidala, Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Wan Kenobi, Naboo Secruity Officers x 4, Royal Naboo members - 59.99
September 1, 201410 yr Also, what do we think will be the exclusive sets? I am hoping SO MUCH for a set with Boga: mini-ball joints, Commander Cody, and I don't care what else. Throw in some crayons and laundry detergent, I don't care. I want Boga, and I want Cody, and I want it NOW!! Since that's more of a "hope" I figured I'd respond to it here... That's a nice idea! A Legends Beast-style Boga could be fun to see, perhaps with a molded head (tho maybe modifiable, for a greater chance of it being reused in other themes, like as a smaller dragon head with horns attached perhaps; might not be possible due to licensing issues, but a nice idea maybe). I like the molded SW animals, but they are rather limited like most molded animals... OTOH, brick-built Bogas, banthas, dewbacks, etc would likely increase the part-count quite a bit. Throw in Cody with the Palpatine hologram piece and maybe a couple battle droids or clones, you've got what could be the next Battle of Saleucami set.
September 1, 201410 yr If we're going to talk about some PT sets, then I've got a few in mind. 1: Kamino Clone Factory: This would be a great set for building a Clone Trooper army. Would come with Jango Fett, young Boba Fett, the creepy tall creature that Obi-Wan spoke with, Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Clone Training area, the conference room where Obi-Wan spoke to the strange creature, and Jango/Boba's "apartment". Though the set may be tough to sell as there really isn't much of a "battle" feature to it, having a bunch of Clone Troopers with training things for them would give some play features. 2: Jedi Temple: Would include the Jedi High Council conference room, the archives, and a Padawan training area. For characters, it would include Yoda, Mace Windu, and one or two other Jedi High Council members. Not all of them, as they are available in other sets, but perhaps the few that haven't been released yet. They could also include a bunch of non-descript young Jedi in training, and the librarian of the archives. The set would be stylized like Palpatine's Arrest set was designed with different areas that attach to each other. 3: Master Droid Control Ship: The ship that young Anakin destroys in TPM. It would be nearly impossible to design a set to scale, but they could at least make something that takes on the shape and perhaps would include some droid ships and numerous battle droids.
September 3, 201410 yr How about a "Jabbas guards" battlepack, with two gamoreans, one nikto and one weequay guard and with a smaller desert skiff/boat/thingie, it would be complete. Naturally, one of the sets, that is ripe for a reboot, the twin-pod cloud car, with two pilots like these, http://www.niubniubs.../CloudFront.jpg, and maybe a new Lando in his bespin outfit And since I am on a roll here, a V-19 Torrent starfighter in imperial colors, with black instead of the dark-red parts, just like they did with the 7915 Imperial V-wing starfighter. According to wookiepedia, the empire still used the torrent fighters after the clone wars, so why not, just put in a pilot, stormtrooper, an officer, and its a definitive buy for me. Edited September 3, 201410 yr by Daimar
September 3, 201410 yr Separatist Shuttle: San Hill, Wat Tambor, Obi Wan Kenobi, Magnaguard, Boga- £44.99
September 3, 201410 yr If a Jedi temple was made, I think it would be in the style of jabbas palace, or the cantina. So it looks like it on the outside, but when you fold it out there are rooms and play features. The minifigs would obviously be Jedi, but anikan and 501st clones would probably be included too
September 3, 201410 yr I'd like to see a Jedi Temple. If Lego were to do one they could use two approaches. The first and most obvious one is to do it in the style UCS playset. The second is a series of sets like the Jabba sets. This mehod means that a lot of detailed can be included an nothing can be left out.
September 3, 201410 yr I Would like a UCS Mos Espa We would get Anakin and Sebulba's Podracer,Watto's Junkyard and Anakin's Home Anakin,Qui-Gon Jin,Padme,R2-D2,Unfinished C-3PO,Shmi,Watto,Jar Jar,Sebulba and Wald Edited September 3, 201410 yr by Cy_Bored1337
September 3, 201410 yr AoTC Updated version - Tusken Raider Campsite - Anakin Skywalker (Jedi), Shmi Skywalker (injured), 4 Tusken Raiders, 2 Tusken huts, and Anakin's Speeder. 44.99 TPM Mos Espa Boonta Eve Classic podrace. Anakin's podracer, Selbulba's podracer, 3 other podracer's, 8 pit droids, Qui Gon Jinn, Shmi Skywalker, Padme, plus several spectators and the announcer. 2 part set Edited September 3, 201410 yr by AudiBobaR5-D2
September 5, 201410 yr All of these sound so great, but we will never get most of them. I was really hoping for some sweet battlepacks next year: Galactic Marines, Felucia Clones, 501st Clones. Or at least generic Rebels and Stormies. But instead, we get some Clone Wars clones, and Shadow troops (which are cool, but I would rather them be in expensive sets and regular troops in cheap sets, not vice versa.) That's a nice idea! A Legends Beast-style Boga could be fun to see, perhaps with a molded head (tho maybe modifiable, for a greater chance of it being reused in other themes, like as a smaller dragon head with horns attached perhaps; might not be possible due to licensing issues, but a nice idea maybe). I like the molded SW animals, but they are rather limited like most molded animals... OTOH, brick-built Bogas, banthas, dewbacks, etc would likely increase the part-count quite a bit. Throw in Cody with the Palpatine hologram piece and maybe a couple battle droids or clones, you've got what could be the next Battle of Saleucami set. I was thinking something along the lines of a $30 set, which would include Boga (brick-built), Obi-Wan, Cody, Magnaguards, and a crab droid. But, it is only a dream (that should've happened since we got a wheelbike this year!!)
September 5, 201410 yr Same thoughts with me as well. There is a slight possible chance we could get a set like that as a Boga has been shown on TYC. But having said that alot of new looking minifigures have been sited on the yoda chronicles and not been released. I sometimes wonder what exactly TLG were thinking when they designed that set.
September 5, 201410 yr An interesting set that I think could be made, and would love to see made, would be the celebration scene at the end of A New Hope. I know that we've already gotten celebration minifigures from the various DK Books on Lego Star Wars, but I still think that Lego could release some of the minifigs with some different printing to keep those exclusive book figs "unique". Anyway, the set would be the area where Han and Luke receive their medals at the end of the movie. The set would include the door way they walk out from, the area where all the rebel folks are standing, the stage where Leia is standing, and the back area as a wall behind the stage. The set would have the following minifigures: Luke with the medal. Han Solo with the medal. Chewbacca Princess Leia in the ceremony attire. The old guy whose name escapes me who was standing next to Leia. Three or four rebel commandos with the large helmets like seen at the start of ANH. R2-D2. Chrome Gold C-3PO. For C-3PO I know some may have issues worrying about it reducing the value of their gold chrome minifigs, but with the new printing now on 3PO it would end up being a different minifig so it shouldn't negatively impact the value of the collectible. This would give those of us unable/unwilling to shell out the hundreds of dollars being asked for a chrome gold C-3PO to be able to get one in our collection, and would also make sense to have him be chrome gold for this particular scene. I can see this coming out at like $50 or something due to all the minifigures and depending on the scale of the set. Yes, it's not really a battle scene against imperial forces, but not every set needs to be a fight. This is a memorable scene from the movie, and sorely lacking from the series. It's also the only way I can honestly see them finding a valid way to include a gold chrome C-3PO in any sets.
September 5, 201410 yr OT guy here. Since we got no new bounty hunters in the UCS slave-1, I'm hoping really hoping we'll get some of the OT bounty hunters in later sets. I'm talking about these guys: It could be an Executor command bridge play-set (with Darth Vaders hyperbaric meditation chamber included), where 2-4 of the bounty hunters were included. Zuckuss and 4-lom will require a new head-mold, but the same mold can be used for both (with just different printing). Its probably very unlikely though. BUT, we did get the 7754 Home One Calamari Cruiser play-set, witch I'm thinking is pretty much the same type of set...
September 6, 201410 yr While Lego might be able to get away with Zuckuss & 4-LOM sharing a head mold, they really SHOULD be different molds... all they really share in common are large compount eyes and a weird circular mechanical 'mouth' thing more or less in the center of their faces... but as any image shows, the compound eyes are different shapes/sizes, the circular mechanical 'mouth' is wildly different in details and is placed differently on each, and while Zuckuss has a couple things on his 'chin' to connect those tubes to, 4-LOM has droid-y stuff on the lower part of his face. But yeah, it'd be great to get those two as figures. Zuckuss' gun should probably be the ADU pistol in black (ala Slave I Boba's gun) with either two black saber hilts attached to the front (I don't know if that's physically possible) or black binoculars. 4-LOM can have a regular rifle, maybe modified with a saber-hilt on the muzzle. And I wouldn't say no to IG-88, Bossk, and Dengar being part of the set, too...
September 6, 201410 yr I'm back! Bespin Guards and Ugnaughts Battle Pack: set comes with two Bespin Guards (one dark-skinned) and two Ugnaughts. Set includes conveyor belt with bucket full of junk and C-3PO's body parts. Also includes sliding doors the Bespin Guards can protect. £11.99 Twin Pod Cloud Car: set includes Lando Calrissian, Cloud Car Pilot and Leia in one of her Cloud City outfits. Set comes with Cloud Car with opening cockpits, spring shooters, and retractable landing gear. Also includes a small landing pad with repair bay and lights. £19.99 Cloud City: set comes with Luke Skywalker in Bespin Outfit, Han Solo, Leia in whichever outfit wasn't included in the Cloud Car, Chewbacca with C-3PO's parts on his back, R2-D2 with third leg, Lando, Lobot, two Bespin Guards, two Stormtroopers, Imperial Officer, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett. Set is in the same style as the Death Star, with all the features of Cloud City I'm too lazy to list. £249.99
September 6, 201410 yr Now for some PT sets: SPHA-T: set comes with three clones, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, four Battle Droids, and a Super Battle Droid. Set includes SPHA-T with swivelling laser turret mechanism, opening cockpit, troop storage, spring shooters, and flick missile mechanism. £119.99 Gungan Soldiers Battle Pack: set includes Captain Tarpals and three Gungan Soldiers. Set comes with those four-legged animals they used with a shield generator on its back, some foilage and a catapult. £11.99 ...aaand some more OT sets: Ewok Battle Pack: set comes with four different Ewoks. Set includes net trap on a tree, glider and bush. Features include flick missiles, and Ewok launcher. £11.99 Imperial Endor Troopers Battle Pack: set includes two Stormtroopers, one AT-ST driver and an Imperial Navy trooper. Set comes with gun turret and foilage in which a Stormtrooper can hide within. £11.99 Endor Rebel Trooper Battle Pack: Set comes with four Rebel Troopers on Endor. Set includes AT-ST foot with grass growing around its remains, and a small tree. £11.99 Imperial Scout Trooper Battle Pack: Includes four Scout Troopers. Set includes two speeder bikes and some foilage in which a scout trooper can be catapulted off. £11.99 Jawa Battle Pack: includes four Jawas. Set comes with Krayt Dragon remains and Jawa Speeder with junk being trailered. £11.99 Tusken Battle Pack: includes four Tusken Raiders. Set comes with small teepee and outpost with flick missiles. £11.99 Lars Homestead: set includes Luke, Owen, Beru, and a Stormtrooper. Set comes with moisture vaporator and the Lars Homestead with kitchen, 'oil bath' room with mini brickbuilt T-16, repair room, and another generic room. Play features include: moveable floor to defend the Homestead from the stormie, a catapult to launch him, and hinged rooms for easy access. £29.99
September 6, 201410 yr I'm really hoping we see a Cloud City set next year in either as a large UCS set, or as two part set similar to Jabba's Palace and the Rancor Pitt... UCS Style: -Bespin Cloud City: Luke(Bespin), Han Solo(Bespin), Leia(Bespin), Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, Lando Calrissian, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper(x2), Lobot, Bespin Guard, Ugnaunt(x2), Cloud Car Pilot, Han Solo in Carbonite; Cloud City includes: Carbon Freezing Chamber, Reactor Balcony, Control Room(w/breaking glass feature), Dining Room, Torture Room, Trash Incinerator Room, Bespin Cloud Car-299.99$ Combined Sets Style: -Bespin Cloud Car: Lobot, Cloud Car Pilot, Ugnaunt-19.99$ -Duel in Cloud City: Luke(Bespin), Darth Vader, R2-D2, Stormtrooper, Reactor Balcony, Control Room(w/breaking glass feature)-39.99$ -Bespin Cloud City: Han Solo(Bespin), Leia(Bespin), Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, C-3PO, Boba Fett, Ugnaunt, Stormtrooper, Bespin Guard, Han in Carbonite: Cloud City includes: Carbon Freezing Chamber, Dining Room, Torture Room, Trash Incinerator Room, Landing Pad-119.99$ I'd personally prefer to see Cloud City as a UCS set, but I'll be happy if we just get something. Thanks for Reading!
September 6, 201410 yr I agree, I think we will be getting a cloud city in the near future North Lego Star
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