January 13, 20187 yr For the buildable figure line I’d love the following (ones most wanted are marked with *): TCW/PT - Captain Rex* - B1 Battle Droid* - Droideka* - General Kalani - Magnaguard Droid - Savage Opress - Aqua Droid Rebels - Ahsoka Tano* - The Grand Inquisitor OT - IG-88 - Imperial Probe Droid EU/Legends - Darth Revan
January 16, 20187 yr I'm hoping for a reissue of the TIE Interceptor, TIE Bomber, Republic Gunship and AT-TE soon. I know the latter two just got fairly recent re-releases. Given that, and the fact that there are new potential subjects for Star Wars LEGO coming out with each new movie, how soon do you think we'll see these come back around? Actually a D2C Jabba's Palace could be incredible.
January 16, 20187 yr I don't think we'll see a new AT-TE any time soon. The Rebels one is still too recent, and there are other walker-type vehicles that need releases first (AT-AT and AT-ACT). Jabba's Palace has a faux-controversy associated with it which may or may not prevent it from seeing a reissue. TIE Interceptor and Bomber are most likely, but not for another year... One or more of the TIE Striker, TIE Silencer and forthcoming TIE Fighter need to go away first. I would guess the TIE Interceptor gets released first, since it would be cheaper and there are more slots for cheap sets. TIE Bomber would be $120+ if scaled to match the other TIEs. (TIE Striker was basically ½ of the Bomber, at $70).
January 24, 20187 yr What's everyone's thoughts on a Jedi Temple? Personally I've never understood why we haven't got this. It could be built in a similar way to the Death Star.
January 26, 20187 yr I am surprised they still haven't done a buildable 3P0 figure yet (none of the leaks for what's comming later in the year suggest we are getting one either). My guess is either there are some license issues preventing them making one or producing all the parts in the needed gold color would be too expensive to allow them to hit the price point needed for such a set.
January 27, 20187 yr I’d really like an Episode 2 based wave. Bounty Hunter Pursuit: Anakin, Obi-Wan and Zam. 29.99 Jango’s Slave 1: Jango, Boba, Lama Sue 74.99 Battle on Geonosis: Pablo-Jill, Clone Trooper, Geonosian, 2x Battle droids. Would have a Geonosian Starfighter or Hailfire droid. 39.99 Republic SPHA-T: Yoda, Mace Windu, Clone Commander, Clone trooper, 2x Super Battle droid 99.99 At-Te Walker: Kit Fisto, Ayala Secura, Clone Pilot, Clone officer, Geonosian, Droideka 89.99 Republic Gunship: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Clone Pilot, Clone Sergeant, Clone trooper. 119.99 EDIT Count Dooku’s Solar Sailor: Count Dooku, Pilot Droid, Poggle the Lesser. 44.99 Edited January 27, 20187 yr by ArrowBricks
January 27, 20187 yr 12 hours ago, jonwil said: I am surprised they still haven't done a buildable 3P0 figure yet (none of the leaks for what's comming later in the year suggest we are getting one either). My guess is either there are some license issues preventing them making one or producing all the parts in the needed gold color would be too expensive to allow them to hit the price point needed for such a set. They make alot of gold ccbs parts as can be seen in both hero factory and bioncle so its not that, I'd guess that they think a non-combatant would be less exciting and have less action.
January 29, 20187 yr On 27.1.2018 at 12:04 PM, ArrowBricks said: I’d really like an Episode 2 based wave. Bounty Hunter Pursuit: Anakin, Obi-Wan and Zam. 29.99 Jango’s Slave 1: Jango, Boba, Lama Sue 74.99 Battle on Geonosis: Pablo-Jill, Clone Trooper, Geonosian, 2x Battle droids. Would have a Geonosian Starfighter or Hailfire droid. 39.99 Republic SPHA-T: Yoda, Mace Windu, Clone Commander, Clone trooper, 2x Super Battle droid 99.99 At-Te Walker: Kit Fisto, Ayala Secura, Clone Pilot, Clone officer, Geonosian, Droideka 89.99 Republic Gunship: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Clone Pilot, Clone Sergeant, Clone trooper. 119.99 EDIT Count Dooku’s Solar Sailor: Count Dooku, Pilot Droid, Poggle the Lesser. 44.99 God damn it, we really need a new version of Jango Fett's Slave one. The old one came out 16 years ago... with the new Jango and the updated design, that would be an awesome set. Nice idea with Lama Sue there. We never got an Kaminoan, so that would be a good selling argument for TLG.
January 30, 20187 yr I agree with the ideas of a number of previous posters and have some of my own I would like to contribute. Some of them are centred around The Last Jedi, so out of respect to those who have yet to see the film, there aren't any spoilers. Yavin 4 Rebel Base An iconic setting in A New Hope that I imagine would sell incredibly well, and I am genuinely surprised that LEGO hasn't cashed in on the idea yet, seeing as it appears to be such a recurring suggestion throughout this discussion thread. We know from a magazine many years ago that there was a prototype of sorts constructed, but sadly it didn't hit shelves. Features: a control room where Leia can theoretically observe the ongoing Battle of Yavin, a briefing room with a seating area that would allow Dodonna to brief pilots prior to their mission, the ceremonial hall whereby Luke and Han can be presented with their medals, with enough stud space for a handful of minifigures to stand in front of the raised platform, and a hangar bay at ground level. I would love it if there was enough room to fit the 75172 Y-Wing or upcoming 75218 X-Wing, just for the display factor, but it is not an essential, so long as the play feature is there to pose figures and whatnot. Minifigures would include: Luke Skywalker (ceremonial jacket with his medal), Princess Leia (ceremonial gown), Han Solo (standard smuggling outfit with his medal), General Dodonna, Garven Dreis (rebel pilot uniform with his unique helmet), a Rebel Honor Guard (with a staff thingy to compliment him), a Rebel Trooper, and R5-K6 (Red Leader's astromech droid). This would allow for a number of exclusive minifigures, namely Dodonna, Red Leader and the Honor Guard, and of course this set can be complimented by a battle pack suggestion that I will get to. The Raddus Features: a command bridge towards the front of the interior, with a command chair for Ackbar at the front, and a hologram table and a couple of hologram screens either side of the bridge for other minifigures to stand at, with a briefing room towards the rear of the vessel, whereby the Resistance personnel can be briefed of the ongoing situation. In between these two major play areas, the medical room where Finn receives treatment from the injuries he sustained in The Force Awakens would split them, with a corridor on either the left or right of this area providing access to both the command bridge and the briefing room, and an entrance to the medical room. I feel an inside hangar would be a wasted feature, seeing as the only thing I can imagine be able to fit, even at a push, would be an A-Wing, and that would take up a significant amount of room. Minifigures would include: Finn (in his medical suit condition), Admiral Ackbar (in the uniform we saw him in in The Last Jedi, which is different to that of The Force Awakens), Commander D'Acy (in her Resistance commander uniform), a Resistance Crewman (not as in a ground crewman, I mean one of the personnel we saw on the bridge of the ship - not a trooper, but sort of an enlisted rank), a Resistance Trooper (a generic Last Jedi Resistance Trooper, of which we have seen several), and PZ-4CO. I feel that it would be a good set choice to get a minifigure of Finn in his medical suit, seeing as, as far as I can remember, he only wears it onboard the Raddus. Admiral Ackbar would also be essential to this set in my view, seeing as he is seemingly the commanding officer. This set would also be a great opportunity to get Commander D'Acy (the female Resistance commander who featured across the film). PZ-4CO would also be a welcome minifigure exclusive to this set, but obviously the Resistance Trooper and to a degree, the Resistance Crewman, wouldn't be exclusive to this set. Tantive IV It is approaching ten years since the last Tantive IV was released, and even though the Tantive IV itself doesn't feature that much in Star Wars, the opening scene is not only iconic but the CR90 Corvette design features prominently throughout the Original Trilogy, with an appearance in Revenge of The Sith too. Features: a forward cockpit with space to fit two minifigures to sit down and a space in between the seating for another minifigure to stand. The main 'bulk' of the ship would be an updated control desk that was seen in the 2009 release of the Tantive IV, but with a bit more manoeuvrability for figures. An entrance hatch could also feature towards the rear of the ship in order to re-enact the scene where the Stormtroopers begin their attack on the Tantive IV. Minifigures would include: Princess Leia (in her white dress seen in the opening of A New Hope), C-3PO (with a silver left leg to try and maintain accuracy to the film), R2-D2 (same old, nothing new), Captain Antilles (same sort of outfit seen in the 2009 Tantive IV, but updated), and two Rebel Troopers (the variation seen in the opening scene of A New Hope as well as on Yavin 4 and in Rogue One). I felt like maybe an Imperial Officer (Commander Praji in particular, as he would offer a new rank insignia on his torso) would be a welcome addition along with another generic Imperial Stormtrooper, but I felt six minifigures would be sufficient for the Tantive IV and its sort of price range. The inclusion of Captain Antilles and the two Rebel Troopers are pretty essential in my view, considering neither have had a minifigure released since 2009, and their importance to the opening scene of A New Hope. First Order Dreadnought This new ship from The Last Jedi would compliment the 75190 First Order Star Destroyer perfectly and expand the First Order fleet in LEGO sets. Features: two orbital bombardment cannons on the underside of the ship, as per the ship's design, and inside the ship underneath the flat surfaced hull, a command bridge with room to pose minifigures at several command stations. On the flat surfaced hull of the ship, a number of small anti-aircraft cannons would feature in order to remain as true to the film as possible. In the centre of the flat surface would be the spherical dip in the hull (presumably it was a docking station for another Star Destroyer?). Minifigures would include: Captain Canady (in his First Order Captain tunic, minus a hat and with a hair piece instead), a Female First Order Officer (in a similar uniform to Canady but with the hat, as seen in the film), a First Order Warrant Officer (black tunic with black hair piece instead of a hat or helmet, as per most bridge crew on First Order capital ships), a First Order Gunner (black uniform with the Gunner's helmet, as seen in several previous sets), a First Order Stormtrooper Sergeant (new helmet design with a black pauldron), and a First Order Stormtrooper (new helmet design, but otherwise a plain old First Order Stormtrooper). This selection of the first three minifigures would allow for a fairly accurate recreation of the scene in The Last Jedi in which the dreadnought features, and for once, the First Order Gunner would be an appropriate minifigure to include given that one is actually seen aboard the Dreadnought, rather than just a throwaway minifigure seen in the battle packs and sets such as 75104. AT-ACT Personally, I am dying to see this get released and keep the Rogue One sets ticking over. I sincerely hope LEGO don't stop with the Rogue One subtheme, considering how many potential sets there are. I would expect this to be released upon the retirement of the First Order Heavy Walker, so to avoid two walkers being available at the same time. Features: pretty much the same design as the 75054 AT-AT, with the main hold of course being substituted for the orange cargo blocks, and maybe an enhanced exterior design to try and fulfill movie accuracy. The cockpit would have space for the sole driver to sit and pilot the vehicle, with no interior room to hold minifigures due to the orange cargo replacing the troop hold area. Minifigures would include: Baze Malbus (in the outfit he wears throughout Rogue One, with a rocket launcher), Sergeant Melshi (in his commando uniform but with the helmet/hat with his goggles over the front of them), a Rebel Commando (no big deal if it is a minifigure that has previously been released in one of the Rogue One sets, so long as they appear to be a reasonable representation of one of the commandos that featured in the Battle of Scarif), an AT-ACT Driver (same helmet design as the Shoretrooper, but in white as per the driver uniform), a Shoretrooper (generic Shoretrooper as was featured in the now-retired 75171 Battle of Scarif), and an Imperial Stormtrooper (same edition we have seen since 2014). Baze is fairly essential to this set seeing as he is the one that fires the rocket launcher at the cockpit of the walker in the film, this set would also be a good opportunity to get Sergeant Melshi (who, considering all of the various Rebel Commandos LEGO have released, I am surprised has not yet featured) as well as another Rebel Commando. The AT-ACT Driver would be exclusive to this set, and the Shoretrooper and Stormtrooper compliment the AT-ACT nicely as the Imperial ground forces walking alongside the walkers. THE CORVUS Despite the overly negative reception of Battlefront 2 (I don't mind it personally), I would like to see The Corvus captured in a LEGO set much like 2008 saw Rogue Shadow for the now non-canon Force Unleashed video game. Features: an interior section with a command bridge that would feature some crew pits on either side, a walkway to the front of the vessel, and a hologram table that Inferno Squad are frequently seen conferring around. Minifigures would include: Commander Versio (in her Imperial Inferno Squad uniform, similar to that of the TIE Pilot), and Agents Meeko and Hask (wearing the same Inferno Squad uniform as Iden), and Admiral Versio (same white torso with rank insignia and black legs as Director Krennic from 75156, but with a black Imperial Officers' hat like that worn by the Imperial Crewmen/Technicians), and an Imperial Crewman (no different to the one that features in the 75134 Galactic Empire Battle Pack). Rather than just release a battle pack featuring Inferno Squad, I feel like having a set of The Corvus would give them more of a suitable environment in which to be posed. Even if it was to be the only Battlefront 2-related LEGO set we got, I think it is the best bet. IMPERIAL TIE BOMBER I have lost track of how many years it has been since the release of the last TIE Bomber, but it is more than overdue. I have seen images of peoples' MOCs on the internet and some of them are stunning. Features: a cockpit for the TIE Pilot to sit in, and adjacent to it would be the bomb hold for the old Bionicle balls that we saw appear in the Resistance Bomber set. Some flick missiles perhaps could be well integrated into the main cockpit of the ship. Minifigures would include: Admiral Ozzel (an updated Imperial Admiral's torso in grey, much like that of Admiral Piett in the UCS Super Star Destroyer, with grey legs and a grey hat to match), an Imperial Technician (same as has featured in the 75134 Galactic Empire Battle Pack), a TIE Pilot (same design as the upcoming 75211 TIE Fighter I would expect), and an Imperial Stormtrooper (same design as we have seen since 2014). Being exclusive to The Empire Strikes Back in the films, the set would offer a fantastic chance to get a minifigure of the infamous Admiral Ozzel, and then the Technician could add to the crew of a Star Destroyer or the Death Star, while the TIE Pilot is necessary for the set. The Stormtrooper wouldn't be any harm, as it would add to an Imperial army. IMPERIAL TIE INTERCEPTOR Another iconic TIE is the TIE Interceptor that featured heavily in the Battle of Endor in Return of The Jedi. I remember having the 2006 TIE Interceptor but I think, much like the TIE Bomber, it is deserving of an upgrade. It would ideally be kept to scale with the new Imperial TIE Fighter that LEGO are due to release as part of the April wave. Features: a cockpit for the TIE Pilot to sit in, and flick missiles could be integrated into the main cockpit of the ship similar to TIEs in previous years. Minifigures would include: a Death Star Trooper (same as the 2016 re-release of the Death Star), a TIE Pilot (exactly the same as the 75211 TIE Fighter looks), and a Scout Trooper (same as two that featured in the Ewok Village). While the TIE Pilot is essential, the Death Star Trooper and the Scout Trooper compliment the set well given the context of the TIE Interceptors and the Battle of Endor. It would also allow for the two figures to feature in a relatively affordable set. RESISTANCE A-WING Seeing as we recently got a Resistance A-Wing microfighter, I think a system scale version would be well received and allow expansion of the Resistance fleet (seeing as we now have Black One, the Resistance Bomber, and the generic Resistance X-Wing). It would blue in its livery, to contrast the green and red A-Wings we have seen over the years. This could perhaps be a direct replacement for the current A-Wing that is available when it comes to retirement. Features: a cockpit for the pilot to sit in, and flick missiles could be integrated somewhere into the design. Minifigures would include: Tallie Lintra (same as in the microfighter), C'ai Threnalli (same generic resistance pilot uniform seen in 75102), and Bollie Prindel (new design completely, but in accordance with his appearance in the films). The set would offer a means of acquiring Tallie without having to purchase the microfighter double pack, as well as give C'ai Threnalli (Poe's friend, the supporting Abednedo), and Bollie Prindel would be a fine addition to the Resistance's ground crew, considering Goss Toowers appeared in 75102. MOS EISLEY BATTLE PACK This would offer access to some of the cantina patrons that featured in the iconic scene from A New Hope. I personally think it would fly off the shelves. Features: a small cantina booth similar to the one seen in the 75205 Mos Eisley Cantina re-release. Minifigures would include: Ponda Baba, Dr Evazan, Garindan and Momaw Nadon (same Hammerhead headpiece featured in another set). Three cantina patrons and the Imperial spy who tipped off the Sandtroopers. People would finally get a Ponda Baba and Dr Evazan minifigure, allowing them to recreate 'that' cantina scene. YAVIN IV BATTLE PACK As mentioned earlier, this would compliment the Yavin IV Rebel Base. Features: a Rebel Transport Speeder like the ones frequently seen in the base ferrying pilots to their fighters and other personnel around the base. This would have some substance as opposed to some irrelevant little build that we have gradually started to see in battle packs. Minifigures would include: Davish "Pops" Krail (rebel pilot uniform with his helmet design), a Rebel Communications Officer, a Rebel Honor Guard (in addition to the one suggested in the Yavin IV Rebel Base), and a Rebel Trooper. Although three of the figures can be bought in multiples, the inclusion of a named pilot is not too harmful, as it is similar to the inclusion of Zev Senesca in the Hoth battle pack in 2010ish. This offers a perfect means of expanding the Yavin IV base in my suggestion. Edited January 31, 20187 yr by Renown
January 30, 20187 yr $14.99 Ahch-To BattlePack Chewbacca, Caretaker, and 2 Porgs! Builds include small mountain side with Porg nest and a fire for Chewbacca to roast a "turkey" while the Porgs gather around for dinner. $34.99 Padme's Apartment Balcony Includes Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Zam Well, and R2-D2 $49.99 AAT Includes pilot droid, batteledroid destroyer droid , Naboo guard, and Queen Amidala $69.99 Mustafar Duel Includes Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme, Wat Tambor, and a Security Droid $74.99 Tie Bomber Includes Tie Pilot, Admiral Ozzel, Zuckuss, and Han Solo (Bespin) $139.99 Tantive IV Includes Princess Leia, Captain Antilles, Rebel Fleet Trooper, C3PO, R2D2, Darth Vader, and a Stormtrooper $149.99 Death Star ll Includes display model with plaque.
February 8, 20187 yr @Renown @Knight of Ren Great ideas. On 30.1.2018 at 8:32 PM, Renown said: First Order Dreadnought This new ship from The Last Jedi would compliment the 75190 First Order Star Destroyer perfectly and expand the First Order fleet in LEGO sets. Features: two orbital bombardment cannons on the underside of the ship, as per the ship's design, and inside the ship underneath the flat surfaced hull, a command bridge with room to pose minifigures at several command stations. On the flat surfaced hull of the ship, a number of small anti-aircraft cannons would feature in order to remain as true to the film as possible. In the centre of the flat surface would be the spherical dip in the hull (presumably it was a docking station for another Star Destroyer?). I would use these "Spring-Loaded-Shooter-Buildable-Figure-Guns" as orbital bombardment cannons. On 5.2.2018 at 5:02 PM, xboxtravis7992 said: Who else wants that Monorail seen in the Solo teasers as a set? Yeah, this would be a great Set.
February 10, 20187 yr So, this rumour of a Feb 2018 Super Star Destroyer eh? That would be a bad release. I'd buy it for the collection, but it's quite a boring looking ship, tbh. The Imperial would be much better - the MOCs out there make a mockery of the official one. Lego did a great job on the Millennium Falcon re-release. Let's hope the other rumor that it WILL be an ISD is true. 10,000 piece kit? How awesome. LED lighting system? Incredible but unlikely. If they followed that up with a UCS TIE bomber or similar in Spring....... I would tip my hat to Lego.
February 12, 20187 yr On 10/02/2018 at 12:19 PM, Malthus101 said: So, this rumour of a Feb 2018 Super Star Destroyer eh? That would be a bad release. I'd buy it for the collection, but it's quite a boring looking ship, tbh. The Imperial would be much better - the MOCs out there make a mockery of the official one. Lego did a great job on the Millennium Falcon re-release. Let's hope the other rumor that it WILL be an ISD is true. 10,000 piece kit? How awesome. LED lighting system? Incredible but unlikely. If they followed that up with a UCS TIE bomber or similar in Spring....... I would tip my hat to Lego. Has there been a rumour of a February 2018 SSD? There's normally two UCS sets per year and the first one is May with the second coming later in the year. The May release is apparently a rebel fighter / bomber. I thought people were now putting their houses on the second UCS of the year being a Cloud City now? I don't see a SSD or SD happening this year.
February 12, 20187 yr IIRC the rumour for the SSD was slated for a release in 2019. So I think Robianco is right, we’ve got the Rebel Fighter and Bespin this year and the SSD (plus whatever other UCS set there is) next year. On 05/02/2018 at 4:02 PM, xboxtravis7992 said: Who else wants that Monorail seen in the Solo teasers as a set? I’d love to see that as a set, from the looks of the trailer it’s either two halves that move simultaneous to one another or one whole monorail where the rail physically runs through the ship. If Lego could pull either of them off I’d be amazed.
February 12, 20187 yr I still do not understand how the most iconic ship from TPM has still never had a release after all these years.
February 13, 20187 yr On 05/02/2018 at 11:02 AM, xboxtravis7992 said: Who else wants that Monorail seen in the Solo teasers as a set? There's a reliable source that said that the front section of the train and a wagon is coming, it's even been added to the 2018 news thread. 4-5 figs and no rails.
February 13, 20187 yr Mustafar Infiltration. It may be an odd choice for a set (I mean, they've done sets based purely on games before, but this is kinda out there), but a set based on Secrets of the Empire would be a nice, hopefully cheap way to get K-2SO and the rebel commander that leads you through, as well as the Ancient Lightsaber and some Mustafarian wildlife. Jedi Business/Coruscant Cantina Chase. It's been over 15 years and Zam Wesell still hasn't gotten rereleased. Also included would be Obi-Wan, Anakin, the assassin droid, and Elan Sleazebaggano (The deathstick guy); possibly some other random patrons. Nightsister Battle Pack. Mother Talzin, Two Nightsister Warriors, and either Ventress or, hopefully, a Nightsister Zombie. The build would be Talzin's table, with crystal ball and bed. Senate Duel. Yoda, Palpatine, Mas Amedda, 2 Red Guards. Included would be 3 senate pods and the Supreme Chancellor's podium. 2 pods would have levers that allow them to pop off the main build, in order to simulate Palpatine throwing them at Yoda. Droid Factory. This is a Big One. A large playset with rock detailings, the room where the CIS is born, and (filling most of the set) the factory itself, with crank-drawn conveyor belts and mashers, and a couple of slag containers and assorted platforms. Minifigures include: Anakin, Padmé, C-3PO (with an assembly to put his head on a battle droid body), Count Dooku, Wat Tambor, Jango Fett, a Geonosian warrior, R2-D2, 3 Geonosian Battle Droids, and a Droideka. Also included is the cargo droid that 3PO briefly takes a ride on. Edited February 13, 20187 yr by Nerd-with-a-Pencil
February 18, 20187 yr The next UCS-Set: UCS Supremacy complete interior minifig scale with two FO Star Destroyers inside Minifig count: a lot Piece count: even more
February 20, 20187 yr An addendum to my previous list, concerning characters I'd like to see made into buildable figures: Rebel Trooper Yoda Count Dooku The Emperor Lando Calrissian Tusken Raider Ventress L3-37 Embo Anakin Skywalker (Seriously, How has this not happened yet) C-3PO and R2-D2
February 23, 20187 yr After my figurative prayers have been answered with this year's new TIE, X-Wing, and UCS Y-Wing (seriously, I should be super thankful; how often does one get all their main wishes in one year?) I have a few more suggestions that might round out the Rogue One collection. Nothing that hasn't been said before--heck, I've probably said it before--but here we go: *Please note, prices listed are not ideal, just representative of what TLG might actually charge in the US. I don't have the expertise to extrapolate that price into the usual illogical conversions. Rebel Alliance Personnel Battle Pack ($14.99) Could include updated Mon Mothma, Bail Organa (hopefully with new skin tone), Rebel technician like the one from 75175, and...RED LEADER, standing by patiently [see below]. There are a number of potentially interesting small builds, including the little maintenance carts and, perhaps more intriguing, the computers and the circular conference/holo-table thing in the Yavin IV War Room. Scarif Imperial Battle Pack ($14.99) Minifigures could include General Ramda and Admiral Gorin (or any other two Imperial officers, really), hopefully with dual-molded Batman boots; also, a Stormtrooper (Please complete the leg printing. If you can do it on Moroff, why not on the most ubiquitous figure ever?) and a Scarif Stormtrooper. If they're too cheap to do dual-molded arms, then at least give the trooper a red arm or something. Again, the possibilities for side builds are actually quite numerous. More orange cargo crates would never go amiss, nor would a mini Cargo Shuttle. Eadu Investigation ($59.99) This set would basically consist of a tower, complete with a ladder fixed against the wall for Jyn to climb. Then of course there's the observation platform for Galen and his engineers. No, Krennic's shuttle would not be able to fit on this platform...but maybe the Microfighter could! The research facility would basically be a facade, but there could be a little bit of room behind the doors (much like 75171 "Battle on Scarif") for some more Death Star plans. Minifigures include Galen Erso and Imperial Engineer, each with printed arm(s), one Death Trooper, Orson Krennic (Imperial raincoat and hat, make it happen!), and Jyn Erso, who could pretty much be the same as the one from the U-Wing, but please give her printed legs and a new hair mold this time. Hammerhead Corvette ($79.99) I have an idea! Actually, I have no idea...of the true scale of this ship, and I'm too tired to check right now, but obviously there's no way a LEGO Imperial Star Destroyer could ever be built to scale, so I think it's kind of irrational to try to make everything perfectly accurate (UCS ships like Slave I excepted, of course). To be honest, I don't actually love this ship, and I anticipate that it would be priced fairly highly, but it's a wonderfully iconic moment from the movie. Minifigures? Two Rebel fleet troopers in tan uniform like Captain Antilles, Admiral Raddus, Mon Calamari lieutenant, and at least one Rebel pilot with a new helmet print. Jedha City Ambush ($99.99) Okay, this one couldn't be released too soon, for reasons soon to be seen. Basically, I thought it would be cool to have a set like Watto's Junkyard back from 2001: there could be a number of sandy buildings, but the main build would consist of a half-disassembled Partisan X-Wing, suggesting the one crashed in the dead-end street where Jyn and Cassian are rescued by Chirrut and Baze. Obviously, the X-Wing would be designed to be rebuilt (no First Order AT-ST this time!), and this would finally give us an opportunity to have Saw Gerrera, the Two-Tubes eggmates, and maybe even Warwick Davis's character. Oh, and some obligatory Stormtroopers. Plus an Assault Tank commander with a new helmet mold, if they're feeling really generous. AT-ACT ($149.99) I'm just waiting for that First Order walker to walk off the shelves... Then we can get to this monster, which, as far as I'm concerned, could be largely the same as 75054 "AT-AT," but with longer legs, and obviously an enormous cargo container in place of the troop bay. Minifigures are more difficult, but I'd say we could have two Imperial Combat Drivers, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Imwe, Sergeant Melshi, Cassian in Imperial disguise, and Bodhi Rook with printed arms and a new face print. Imperial Star Destroyer ($159.99) Not much to say about the actual model. We all love ourselves a good Star Destroyer. Even Rebel scum such as I. Hopefully it would just improve upon 75055, which I have wanted for a long time. The secondary market prices aren't too bad, and I could always BrickLink it, but it seems like an inevitable re-release. The only downside of this one potentially becoming a set is that it probably couldn't be on the shelves at the same time as a UCS version. Minifigures would perhaps not be the main draw of this set, but they could include Orson Krennic (grey hair), Grand Moff Tarkin, two Death Troopers, one generic Imperial officer, and one Imperial crewman. Bonus points for a micro Hammerhead Corvette. May the Fourth Promo or other collectible Star Wars minifigures with stands (the ones that can attach to R3, Scary, and DJ):Red Leader would be pretty great to go with the new Gold Leader this Spring! Chances of this happening are approximately 3,720 to 1, but it would be really cool get get Lyra Erso figure, especially as a multi-figure pack with Young Jyn and Galen the Farmer. Like everyone else, I want a Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba, although come to think of it, those could be thrown in any potential Jedha set we get. (Why not the Cantina? Grrrhh.) To no one's surprise, I'm sure, I have additional revised ideas for the Profundity, the Tantive IV, Scarif shenanigans, and a UCS Cargo Shuttle. To be continued...
February 27, 20187 yr I think Tantive IV would be a good choice for this year. The old one falls apart too easily.
February 27, 20187 yr After rewatching the sequels: DJ's ship from TLJ. Figures included are Finn, Rose, DJ, and BB-8. Large ship, expensive set. Cantobite set a la Mos Eisley, with same characters as above. Battle of Takodana / Takodana Castle. Decent scale, maybe UCS. Proper version of the castle from Takodana. Including Maz's bar, the weird underground section with the lightsaber. Minifigures included: Rey, Han Solo, Finn, Maz, First Order spy, Resistance spy, BB-8, Stormtroopers, and Kylo Ren Spoiler Maybe a Kylo Ren / Han Solo confrontation set? Dark but an amazing scene. Edited February 27, 20187 yr by SomeAssemblyRequired
February 27, 20187 yr Hopefully I speak for a lot of people with this. we demand more Rebels sets!!! With the show coming to an end next week we need something, anything! A small set to commemorate the overall awesomeness of the show. I’ll even settle for a polybag of Ezra in S3 outfit.
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