March 3, 20187 yr On 27/02/2018 at 9:45 PM, Jar Jar Bricks said: Hopefully I speak for a lot of people with this. we demand more Rebels sets!!! With the show coming to an end next week we need something, anything! A small set to commemorate the overall awesomeness of the show. I’ll even settle for a polybag of Ezra in S3 outfit. Totally :) It seems strange that Lego would stop producing Rebels sets so early, especially when they are still making Clone Wars sets. After all, both are now Disney canon and Filoni has intertwined the two so well. I understand how such a packed film schedule might limit their ability to continue producing Rebels sets after the show's end, but I would have thought that contractually they would have to make a set for current property, but clearly not. :(
March 11, 20187 yr Some more ideas I have dreamt up for years to come. Some of them I have already shared in this thread but have made some modifications to the minifigure selection and simplified them down; others are simply re-releases of sets in previous years with some alterations. SEQUEL TRILOGY SET IDEAS UCS D'Qar Resistance Base Minifigures: General Leia Organa, Rey, Finn, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Poe Dameron [flight suit], C-3PO [red arm], R2-D2, BB-8, Admiral Ackbar, Admiral Statura, Major Kalonia, Lieutenant Connix, Bastian [flight suit], Vober Dand, Resistance Junior Officer, Resistance Trooper (x2; one male; one female), Resistance Ground Crewman, R2-KT. First Order Dreadnought Minifigures: Captain Canady, First Order Officer, First Order Warrant Officer, First Order Gunner, First Order Stormtrooper Sergeant, First Order Stormtrooper. The Raddus Minifigures: Admiral Ackbar, Finn [medical suit], Commander D'Acy, Resistance Junior Officer, Resistance Trooper, PZ-4C0. Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle (re-release; modified wings that are movie-accurate) Minifigures: Kylo Ren, General Hux, Lieutenant Mitaka, First Order Shuttle Pilot, First Order Stormtrooper Officer, First Order Stormtrooper. The Ninka Minifigures: Vice Admiral Holdo, Major Cicer, Captain Namit, Resistance Junior Officer, Resistance Bomber Crewman. First Order Transport (re-release; longer troop compartment so that it looks less blocky) Minifigures: First Order Special Forces TIE Pilot, First Order Heavy Artillery Stormtrooper, First Order Stormtrooper (x2), Jakku Villager (x2; one male; one female). Resistance X-Wing (re-release; considering the vast numbers of them in the canon) Minifigures: Nien Nunb, Jessika Pava, RP-G0, R0-4L0. Canto Bight Escape Minifigures: Finn, Rose Tico, Temiri Blagg, Canto Bight Police Officer (x2). Resistance Lifeboat Minifigures: General Leia Organa, C-3PO, Lieutenant Connix, Pamich Goode, Resistance Trooper. Resistance A-Wing (blue livery to match standard X-Wings and the Bomber) Minifigures: Ronith Blario, C'ai Threnrali, Bollie Prindel. A NEW HOPE SET IDEAS UCS Yavin 4 Rebel Base Minifigures: Luke Skywalker [ceremony], Princess Leia [ceremony], Han Solo [ceremony], Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2 [battle damaged], General Dodonna, Garven Dreis, Yavin 4 Rebel Pilot (x2), Rebel Communications Officer (x2), Rebel Honor Guard (x2), Rebel Fleet Trooper (x2), Rebel Ground Crewman (x2), R5-K6, R4-M9. Imperial Star Destroyer Minifigures: Darth Vader, Commander Praji, Imperial Crewman, Imperial Stormtrooper (x2), R2-Q2, Mouse Droid. Tantive IV Minifigures: Princess Leia, Captain Antilles, C-3PO, R2-D2, Rebel Fleet Trooper (x2). Darth Vader's TIE Advanced Minifigures: Darth Vader, Admiral Motti, Death Star Trooper, Imperial Stormtrooper. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK SET IDEAS UCS Super Star Destroyer Minifigures: Darth Vader, Admiral Ozzel, Captain Piett, Boba Fett, Zuckuss, 4-LOM, Imperial Navy Trooper, Imperial Crewman, Imperial Stormtrooper (x2). Imperial AT-AT Minifigures: General Veers [armoured], Imperial AT-AT Driver, Imperial Snowtrooper (x2), Hoth Rebel Officer, Hoth Rebel Trooper. Imperial TIE Bomber Minifigures: Captain Needa, Zuckuss, Imperial TIE Pilot, Imperial Stormtrooper. Defence of Hoth Minifigures: Luke Skywalker [rebel pilot], Dak Ralter, Hoth Rebel Trooper (x2), Imperial Snowtrooper. RETURN OF THE JEDI SET IDEAS Jabba's Palace Minifigures: Jabba The Hutt, Han Solo [carbonite], Princess Leia [bounty hunter disguise], Bib Fortuna, EV-9D9, Gamorrean Guard. Jabba's Sail Barge Minifigures: Jabba The Hutt, Princess Leia [slave], R2-D2 [with drinks bar], Tessek, Klaatu, Vizam. Battle of Endor Minifigures: Han Solo [Endor], Princess Leia [Endor], R2-D2, Rebel Commando, Chief Chirpa, Wicket, Colonel Dyer, Imperial Navy Trooper, Imperial Scout Trooper, Imperial Stormtrooper. B-Wing Starfighter Minifigures: General Madine, Mon Calamari Officer [brown], Ten Numb, Palso Thern. Rancor Pit Minifigures: Luke Skywalker [Jabba's Palace], Oola, Malakili, Gamorrean Guard. Imperial TIE Interceptor Minifigures: Moff Jerjerrod, Death Star Trooper, Imperial TIE Pilot. Imperial AT-ST Walker Minifigures: Chewbacca, Widdle, Wunka, Imperial AT-ST Pilot. Ewok Attack (re-release; updated and bigger version of 7956) Minifigures: Logray, Teebo, Imperial Scout Trooper, Imperial Stormtrooper. Speeder Bike Chase Minifigures: Luke Skywalker [Endor], Princess Leia [Endor], Paploo, Imperial Scout Trooper. ROGUE ONE SET IDEAS Imperial AT-ACT Walker Minifigures: Baze Malbus, Sergeant Melshi, Rebel Commando, Imperial AT-ACT Driver, Imperial Shoretrooper, Imperial Stormtrooper. Cargo Shuttle SW-0608 Minifigures: Bodhi Rook, Chirrut Imwe, Rebel Commando, Imperial Shoretrooper Captain, Imperial Stormtrooper. Scarif Citadel Tower Minifigures: Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, K2-SO, Director Krennic, General Ramda, Imperial Deathtrooper Specialist. Blue Squadron X-Wing Minifigures: Mon Mothma, General Draven, Mon Calamari Officer [white], Jaldine Gerams, R2-M80. REVENGE OF THE SITH SET IDEAS Republic UT-AT Minifigures: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Commander Bacara [Phase II], Galactic Marine [Phase II] (x2), Super Battle Droid (x2). Republic AT-OT Minifigures: Aayla Secura, Commander Bly [Phase II], 327th Star Corps Clone Trooper [Phase II] (x2), Battle Droid (x2). ARC-170 Starfighter Minifigures: Plo Koon, Captain Jag [Phase II], Clone Pilot [Phase II] (x2), Astromech Droid. Utapau Chase Minifigures: Obi Wan Kenobi, General Grievous, Commander Cody [Phase II], 212th Battalion Airborne Clone Trooper, Magna Guard. Bail Organa's Airspeeder Minifigures: Bail Organa, Zett Jukassa, 501st Clone Trooper [Phase II] (x2). Senate Duel Minifigures: Emperor Palpatine, Yoda, Shocktrooper [Phase II] (x2). ATTACK OF THE CLONE SET IDEAS Republic Dropship and AT-TE Minifigures: Kit Fisto, Clone Captain [Phase I], Clone Pilot [Phase I] (x2), Clone Trooper [Phase I], Super Battle Droid (x2). Republic Gunship (re-release; updated version of 75021 given its popularity) Minifigures: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Clone Pilot [Phase I], Clone Trooper [Phase I], Geonosis Battle Droid (x2). Republic SPHA-T Minifigures: Yoda, Clone Commander [Phase I], Clone Trooper [Phase I] (x2), Geonosis Battle Droid (x2). Jango Fett's Slave I Minifigures: Obi Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett, Boba Fett [young], Lama Su. Coruscant Speeder Chase Minifigures: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Zam Wesell. THE PHANTOM MENACE SET IDEAS Trade Federation Control Ship Minifigures: Obi Wan Kenobi, Daultay Dofine, Tey How, Battle Droid Commander, Security Droid (x2). Trade Federation Landing Craft Minifigures: Qui Gon Jinn, Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, Battle Droid Commander, Pilot Droid, Battle Droid (x2). Naboo Starfighter Minifigures: Anakin Skywalker [young], R2-D2, Naboo Starfighter Pilot, Naboo Royal Guard, Security Droid (x2). Gungan Army Assault Minifigures: Jar Jar Binks, Captain Tarpals, Gungan Warrior, Battle Droid (x2). Also includes two Kaadu and one Fambaa. Trade Federation AAT Minifigures: Gungan Warrior, Battle Droid Commander, Pilot Droid, Battle Droid. Naboo Gian Speeder Minifigures: Naboo Security Guard, Naboo Royal Guard, Battle Droid (x2). THE CLONE WARS SET IDEAS Venator-class Star Destroyer Minifigures: Anakin Skywalker, Admiral Yularen, Captain Rex [Phase I], Clone Navy Officer, Clone Gunner [Phase I], Clone Trooper [Phase I]. Y-Wing Bomber (red livery as opposed to the golden yellow released in 2009) Minifigures: Clone Pilot [Phase I], Clone Gunner [Phase I], Astromech Droid. V-19 Torrent Minifigures: Ahsoka Tano, Clone Pilot [Phase I], Clone Trooper [Phase I]. BATTLE PACK IDEAS Mos Eisley Battle Pack Minifigures: Ponda Baba, Dr Evazan, Imperial Sandtrooper [orange pauldron], Imperial Sandtrooper [black pauldron]. Yavin 4 Rebels Battle Pack Minifigures: Rebel Communications Officer, Rebel Fleet Trooper (x2), Rebel Ground Crewman. Imperial Trooper Battle Pack Minifigures: Lieutenant Venka, Lieutenant Renz, Imperial Stormtrooper (x2). Rebel Pilots Battle Pack Minifigures: Davish Krail, Keyan Farlander, Norra Wexley, Sila Kott. Jabba's Henchmen Battle Pack Minifigures: Pagetti Rook, Nysad, Gamorrean Guard (x2). Endor Rebels Battle Pack Minifigures: Rebel Commando (x2), Romba, Nanta. Clone Specialists Battle Pack Minifigures: 501st Legion Clone Trooper [Phase II], Shocktrooper [Phase II], Galactic Marine [Phase II], 327th Star Corps Clone Trooper [Phase II]. Naboo Battle Pack Minifigures: Naboo Security Officer, Naboo Royal Guard (x2), Gungan Warrior. POLYBAG IDEAS General Tagge, Garindan, Lyn Me, Imperial Stormtrooper Officer [Expanded Universe], Boss Nass, ARC Trooper Echo, Clone Commander Deviss [Phase II], Clone Commander Doom [Phase II], Clone Commander Fox [Phase II], Clone Commando Gregor [Phase I], Clone Commando Boss [Phase I].
March 31, 20186 yr All I wanna see is some TIE fighters. Why do we constantly get repeats of rebel ships but not TIEs? Since the designs became ‘modern’ (grey colours and more detailed building techniques), we’ve had 2 Advances, 1 prototype Advance, 1 TIE Striker and 2 TIEs. where is the TIE bomber? Interceptor? Hell just do a repeat of the TIE collection. Just need those and a more accurately scaled B-Wing and I’m happy
April 8, 20186 yr Here's a somewhat better split second glimpse (0:28 sec mark) at that Imperial Monorail Train from Solo, via this French Renault automobile commercial. Does anyone think this may ever become a set?
April 8, 20186 yr 1 hour ago, jdubbs said: It's one of the August sets. Really! Have there been any details given about it? * * Sorry, I just don't pay that much attention to Star Wars rumors at all.
April 8, 20186 yr 1 hour ago, Digger of Bricks said: Really! Have there been any details given about it? * * Sorry, I just don't pay that much attention to Star Wars rumors at all. From the first page of the 2018 SW News page: Front part and one wagon (probably from the train). No rails, just (t)rain cars.
April 9, 20186 yr 2 hours ago, jdubbs said: Front part and one wagon (probably from the train). No rails, just (t)rain cars. No rails huh? I know many Star Wars sets are expensive enough already, but this seemed like a good opportunity for Lego to introduce a new monorail system.
April 9, 20186 yr 21 minutes ago, shotgunmcos said: The Train in this would be a interesting SW SET! That's what we were just talking about on this topic, as it is going to be a set, just without rails.
April 11, 20186 yr Hello guys facebook page Brick And Bricks shared today this: Do you have any source for that romurs guys?
April 12, 20186 yr I’m thinking that’s complete guesswork based on wishlists and people who were trying to push the ISD this year back to next year. I don’t believe anybody outside of people at Lego would have any idea of the 2019 releases at this point... and they’re not telling.
April 12, 20186 yr ok @legostark but where are the rumors come out from? Someone wake up in morning and, after he had dreamed of an at-at, share this dream converted into a "rumor"? or do they have direct contacts inside lego?
April 12, 20186 yr the imperial star destroyer have been talking about it for months, in the interview of Zusammengebaut they name the at-at, also considers that there is not the UCS version so it is also a possible candidate no strange awakening, always remaining that they are rumors, there is no written that will surely be the next ucs
April 13, 20186 yr 31 minutes ago, Malthus101 said: Am I the only one who is a bit, "meh" about this new UCS Y-Wing? I definitely am, the cockpit is a real let down.
April 18, 20186 yr I got the Clone Wars box set season 1-5 as a birthday present recently. Half way through it. How did I miss this?! Now of course I look and drool over the Clone Wars sets that came out back in 2013 particularly 75021. What do you think the chances are of The Clone Wars set making a reappearance? A Venator Class Starship? the Gunship again? Also a SW minifigure series would be awesome. Particularly a Jedi series!
April 18, 20186 yr On 4/12/2018 at 4:07 PM, legostark said: the imperial star destroyer have been talking about it for months, in the interview of Zusammengebaut they name the at-at, also considers that there is not the UCS version so it is also a possible candidate Isn’t the 10178 not officially the ucs at-at? Although it is not larger than a normal one. Edited April 18, 20186 yr by Mooste
April 18, 20186 yr 6 hours ago, shotgunmcos said: What do you think the chances are of The Clone Wars set making a reappearance? A Venator Class Starship? the Gunship again? If Lego release a Venator Class Star Destroyer, I will eat my shoes. Also, because of some Bantha-crap licensing condition Disney has with some other company, Lego can’t do a minifig line - only that company can sell Star Wars figurines or something Edited April 18, 20186 yr by Bartybum
April 18, 20186 yr I talked to a lego employee about the minifig license. What he said is Hasbro has the license for action figures and lego for construction toys. And the view is a minifig on its own is an action figure but if it’s part of a set it’s a construction toy. That’s why I think we are gonna see more and more battle packs it’s away for them to get around this.
April 19, 20186 yr 9 hours ago, stormtroopercaptain said: I talked to a lego employee about the minifig license. What he said is Hasbro has the license for action figures and lego for construction toys. And the view is a minifig on its own is an action figure but if it’s part of a set it’s a construction toy. That’s why I think we are gonna see more and more battle packs it’s away for them to get around this. I believe the same rule applied for Lord of The Rings/Hobbit but a bit different (probably Games Workshop that was the conflict given their LOTR/Hobbit miniature line) which is why we got sets like (and why we didn't get any "battle packs")
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