February 10, 20196 yr 1 hour ago, Renown said: As above, just a wish list. I like to try and assign set numbers to try and fit them into potential allocations. Would love to see your prequel trilogy set lists if you have the time so hope Lego seriously go back and finish off the films! Find your ideas intriguing!
February 11, 20196 yr 16 hours ago, ArrowBricks said: Would love to see your prequel trilogy set lists if you have the time so hope Lego seriously go back and finish off the films! Find your ideas intriguing! Thank you. Appreciate it. Here are a few prequels/TCW set ideas. I am a lot more interested in the separatist and republic conflict than some of the Jedi/political aspects. Personally, I've written off the likes of the Nubian Royal Starship as happening any time soon, but nonetheless here are a few things I'd be pretty happy with. REVENGE OF THE SITH 75XXX The Invisible Hand Includes: General Grievous, Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Chancellor Palpatine, Neimoidian Officer, IG-100 MagnaGuard (x2), Pilot Droid and Security Droid (x2). 75XXX All Terrain Open Transport Includes: Aayla Secura, Clone Commander Bly, 327th Star Corps Clone Trooper (x2), Battle Droid Commander and Battle Droid. 75XXX Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport Includes: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Clone Commander Bacara, Galactic Marine (x2) and Super Battle Droid (x2). 75XXX Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle Includes: Emperor Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker (Burnt), Emperor's Shuttle Pilot and Clone Shocktrooper (x2). 75XXX ARC-170 Starfighter Includes: Plo Koon, Captain Jag, Clone Pilot (x2) and R4-P44. 75XXX Wookiee Catamaran Includes: Captain Merumeru, Wookiee Warrior, 41st Elite Corps Clone Scout Trooper, Battle Droid Commander and Security Droid. 75XXX Senate Chamber Duel Includes: Emperor Palpatine, Yoda, Mas Amedda and Clone Shocktrooper (x2). 75XXX Utapau Chase Includes: General Grievous, Obi Wan Kenobi, Clone Commander Cody (Phase II), 212th Attack Battalion Clone Trooper and IG-100 MagnaGuard. 75XXX Wookiee Fluttercraft Includes: King Grakchawwaa, Wookiee Warrior, 41st Elite Corps Clone Scout Trooper and Super Battle Droid (x2). 75XXX Bail Organa's Airspeeder Includes: Bail Organa, Zett Jukassa and 501st Legion Clone Trooper (x2). 75XXX Clone Swamp Speeder Includes: 327th Star Corps Clone Trooper (x2), Super Battle Droid and Battle Droid (x2). THE CLONE WARS 75XXX Venator-class Republic Cruiser Includes: Obi Wan Kenobi (Season 1), Admiral Wullf Yularen, Clone Commander Cody (Phase I), Clone Naval Officer (light grey uniform) and Clone Trooper (Phase I). 75XXX Plo's Bros Republic Gunship Includes: Plo Koon, Clone Commander Wolffe, 104th Battalion Clone Trooper (Phase II), Clone Pilot (Phase I), Battle Droid Commander and Battle Droid. 75XXX Republic Y-Wing Bomber Includes: Anakin Skywalker (Season 1), Clone Pilot Goji (Phase I), Clone Pilot Rod (Phase I), R2-Y9 and Battle Droid (x2). 75XXX V-19 Torrent Starfighter Includes: Ahsoka Tano (Season 1), Clone Captain Rex (Phase I), Clone Pilot Axe (Phase I), Pilot Droid and Battle Droid. 75XXX Separatist AAT Includes: T-series Tactical Droid, Clone Trooper (Phase I), Super Battle Droid (x2) and AAT Driver Battle Droid (Kashyyyk Battle Droid). 75XXX Republic Y-Wing and Malevolence Microfighter Dual Pack Includes: Clone Pilot Matchstick and Pilot Droid. 75XXX AT-TE and Separatist AAT Microfighter Dual Pack Includes: Clone Gunner (Phase I) and T-series Tactical Droid. 75XXX Republic Venator Microfighter Includes: Clone Naval Officer (light grey uniform). 75XXX 501st Legion Troopers Battle Pack Includes: ARC Trooper Echo (Phase II), ARC Trooper Fives (Phase II) and 501st Legion Clone Trooper (x2). ATTACK OF THE CLONES 75XXX Republic Dropship and All Terrain Tactical Enforcer Includes: Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Clone Pilot (Phase I), Clone AT-TE Driver (Phase I), Clone Trooper (Phase I), Super Battle Droid and Geonosis Battle Droid (x2). 75XXX Jango Fett's Slave I Includes: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Taun We, Clone Trooper (training fatigues). 75XXX Republic S-PHAT Includes: Yoda, Bultar Swan, Clone Trooper Commander (Phase I) and Clone Trooper (Phase I). 75XXX Coruscant Air Speeder Chase Includes: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala (senate outfit) and Zam Wessell. THE PHANTOM MENACE 75XXX Trade Federation Landing Craft Includes: Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Wan Kenobi, Nute Gunray, Battle Droid Commander, Pilot Droid and Battle Droid (x4). 75XXX Trade Federation AAT Includes: Padme Amidala (Battle of Naboo), Captain Quarsh Panaka, Battle Droid Commander and Pilot Droid. 75XXX Gungan Army Assault Includes: Boss Nass, Gungan Warrior (x2) and Battle Droid (x2). 75XXX Gian Speeder Includes: Sabe, Rune Haako, Naboo Security Guard, Security Droid and R2-C4. 75XXX Trade Federation Vulture Droid Includes: Daultay Dofine, Tey How, Pilot Droid and Security Droid. 75XXX Naboo Battle Pack Includes: Naboo Security Officer, Naboo Royal Guard (x2) and Gungan Warrior. Hope these are satisfactory, if not a little unrealistic and unfeasible in places.
February 11, 20196 yr The new microfighter dual pack with the dewback makes me think a pack with boga and general grievous could make a great set. (Not to mention boga would be adorable)
February 12, 20196 yr 18 hours ago, Renown said: 75XXX The Invisible Hand Includes: General Grievous, Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Chancellor Palpatine, Neimoidian Officer, IG-100 MagnaGuard (x2), Pilot Droid and Security Droid (x2). 75XXX All Terrain Open Transport Includes: Aayla Secura, Clone Commander Bly, 327th Star Corps Clone Trooper (x2), Battle Droid Commander and Battle Droid. 75XXX Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport Includes: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Clone Commander Bacara, Galactic Marine (x2) and Super Battle Droid (x2). 75XXX Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle Includes: Emperor Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker (Burnt), Emperor's Shuttle Pilot and Clone Shocktrooper (x2). 75XXX ARC-170 Starfighter Includes: Plo Koon, Captain Jag, Clone Pilot (x2) and R4-P44. 75XXX Utapau Chase Includes: General Grievous, Obi Wan Kenobi, Clone Commander Cody (Phase II), 212th Attack Battalion Clone Trooper and IG-100 MagnaGuard. 75XXX Clone Swamp Speeder Includes: 327th Star Corps Clone Trooper (x2), Super Battle Droid and Battle Droid (x2). 75XXX Republic Y-Wing Bomber Includes: Anakin Skywalker (Season 1), Clone Pilot Goji (Phase I), Clone Pilot Rod (Phase I), R2-Y9 and Battle Droid (x2). 75XXX V-19 Torrent Starfighter Includes: Ahsoka Tano (Season 1), Clone Captain Rex (Phase I), Clone Pilot Axe (Phase I), Pilot Droid and Battle Droid. 75XXX AT-TE and Separatist AAT Microfighter Dual Pack Includes: Clone Gunner (Phase I) and T-series Tactical Droid. 75XXX Republic Dropship and All Terrain Tactical Enforcer Includes: Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Clone Pilot (Phase I), Clone AT-TE Driver (Phase I), Clone Trooper (Phase I), Super Battle Droid and Geonosis Battle Droid (x2). 75XXX Jango Fett's Slave I Includes: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Taun We, Clone Trooper (training fatigues). 75XXX Republic S-PHAT Includes: Yoda, Bultar Swan, Clone Trooper Commander (Phase I) and Clone Trooper (Phase I). 75XXX Coruscant Air Speeder Chase Includes: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala (senate outfit) and Zam Wessell. 75XXX Trade Federation Landing Craft Includes: Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Wan Kenobi, Nute Gunray, Battle Droid Commander, Pilot Droid and Battle Droid (x4). 75XXX Trade Federation AAT Includes: Padme Amidala (Battle of Naboo), Captain Quarsh Panaka, Battle Droid Commander and Pilot Droid. 75XXX Gian Speeder Includes: Sabe, Rune Haako, Naboo Security Guard, Security Droid and R2-C4. 75XXX Trade Federation Vulture Droid Includes: Daultay Dofine, Tey How, Pilot Droid and Security Droid. These are the ones I really like! Especially that dropship set wow what a good set that would be Would change a few figures around or reduce some (because it's Lego after all) but great job! I'll create my ideas when I have time. Get yourself working at Lego buddy
February 12, 20196 yr Some of my new ideas with inspiration off recent ideas! Wish Lego would return to the Prequels. Attack of the Clones 75XXX Coruscant Airspeeder Chase Includes: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Zam Wessell 75XXX Republic SPHA-T Includes: Yoda, Mace Windu, Clone Trooper Commander (Phase 1), Clone Trooper (Phase 1), Winged Geonosian 75XXX Battle On Geonosis (Hailfire droid, Geonosian Starfighter, Sonic Boom turret) Includes: Geonosian Pilot (x2), Geonosian Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid 75XXX Jango Fett's Slave One Includes: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Lama Sue 75XXX Republic Acclamator-Class Assault Ship Includes: Chancellor Palpatine, Mas Amedda, Clone Pilot (Phase 1), Clone Trooper (Phase 1) (x2) 75XXX Republic Dropship and AT-TE Walker Includes: Kit Fisto, Pablo-Jill, Sora Bulq, Clone Pilot (Phase 1), Clone AT-TE Driver (Phase 1), Clone Trooper (Phase 1), Geonosian Battle Droid (x2), Droideka 75XXX Count Dooku's Solar Sailor (Sail Piece included) Includes: Count Dooku, FA-4 Pilot Droid, Poggle the Lesser 75XXX Petranaki Arena Includes: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, Coleman Trebor, Bultar Swan, Roth-Del Masona, Winged Geonosian, Geonosian Picador, Super battle Droid (x2), Acklay, Reek, Nexus The Phantom Menace 75XXX Republic Cruiser Includes: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Captain Maoi Madakor, Lieutenant Antidar Williams, TC-14 75XXX Trade Federation Landing Craft Includes: Rune Haako, Battle Droid Commander, Pilot Droid, Battle Droid (x6), Jar Jar Binks, Roos Tarpals 75XXX Trade Federation AAT Includes: Padme Amidala (Purple Outfit), Battle Droid, Security Battle Droid 75XXX Gian Speeder Includes: Naboo Security Guard, Naboo Security Officer 75XXX Mos Espa Podrace Includes: Anakin Skywalker, Sebulba, Shmi Skywalker, Watto, Fodesinbeed Annodue, Pit Droid 75XXX Naboo Royal Starship Includes: Obi Wan Kenobi, Ric Olie, Padme Amidala (Queen outfit), R2-D2. R2-B1 75XXX Microfighter Pack STAP & Kaadu Includes: Battle Droid, Gungan Warrior Will return with ROTS, OT and Sequels soon. Edited February 12, 20196 yr by ArrowBricks
February 13, 20196 yr Maybe Obi-Wans Jedi starfighter vs Jangos Slave I would work. Great figs and finally Jangos Slave I.
February 13, 20196 yr 6 hours ago, benderisgreat said: Maybe Obi-Wans Jedi starfighter vs Jangos Slave I would work. Great figs and finally Jangos Slave I. Aslong as we get Jango's Slave One i'm happy. More set ideas here. Revenge Of The Sith 75XXX Clone Scout Walker Includes: AT-RT Driver, Wookie Warrior 75XXX Separatist Shuttle Includes: Wat Tambor, San Hill, Tion Medon, Droid Pilot 75XXX Arc-170 Starfighter Includes: Plo Koon, Captain Jag, Clone Pilot 75XXX Duel On Mustafar Includes: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Nute Gunray, Neimoidian Warrior, R2-D2 75XXX Republic UT-AT and Octuptarra Tri-Droid Includes: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Commander Bacara, Galactic Marine, Super Battle Droid (x2) 75XXX Republic Gunship (Crab Droid) Includes: Obi Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody (Phase 2), 212th Battalion Clone Trooper (x2), Airborne Clone Trooper, Clone Pilot (Phase 2), Battle Droid (x2), Boga 75XXX Invisible Hand Includes: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Chancellor Palpatine, General Greivous, IG-100 MagnaGuard (x2), Neimoidian Pilot, Droid Pilot, Security Droid, R2-D2 75XXX Wookie Catamaran Includes: Yoda, Luminara Unduli, Tarfful, Wookie Warrior, Kashyyk Clone Trooper 75XXX Republic Swamp Speeder Includes: Quinlan Vos, Barriss Offee, 41 Elite Clone Trooper, Kashyyk Battle Droid (x2) Edited February 13, 20196 yr by ArrowBricks
February 14, 20196 yr On 2/12/2019 at 11:23 AM, ArrowBricks said: These are the ones I really like! Especially that dropship set wow what a good set that would be Would change a few figures around or reduce some (because it's Lego after all) but great job! I'll create my ideas when I have time. Get yourself working at Lego buddy Thanks for the positive feedback. Enjoyed reading some of your ideas too.
February 24, 20196 yr Still waiting for this type of set: My wish list is: - The Jedi Temple (Master Builder) - Geonosis Arena - Duel in the Senate Chamber - Duel at Sundari Palace - Battle of Geonosis (similar to Battle of Hoth UCS) Edited February 24, 20196 yr by Darkslayer
February 25, 20196 yr 5 hours ago, Darkslayer said: Still waiting for this type of set: My wish list is: - The Jedi Temple (Master Builder) - Geonosis Arena - Duel in the Senate Chamber - Duel at Sundari Palace - Battle of Geonosis (similar to Battle of Hoth UCS) Love the look of that set! What would you include in the Battle of Geonosis set?
March 4, 20195 yr Wow! It's really cool to look back at some of these old topics to see what sets we actually ended up getting, vs. the ones people wanted to see.
April 21, 20195 yr Considering that there are multiple Kashyyyk-Sets on the shelf right now, my updated wishlist would look like this: UCS Clone Turbo Tank (250€) Take control over this massive Clone Turbo Tank. Just like in the movies this huge and detailed vehicle rolls over the enemies of the Galactic Republic Man it's cockpits and open the hatches to get access to multiple storage and crew compartments Features movie-accurate rotating turrets and retreating missile launchers Tank goes anywhere with flexible suspension and massive wheels that turn with model Clone Turbo Tank measures over 60cm long and more than 30 in height (with extended mast) Conatains a Seperatist Dwarf Spider Droid and a BARC Speeder Includes 10 minifigures: Quinlan Vos, Wookie Chief(Dark Grey), Wookie Warrior, Kashyyyk Clone Trooper(x2), Kashyyk Clone Scout, Battle Droid(x4) Wookie Catamaran (35€) Help the Wookies Defend their Planet with the Wookie Catamaran. Fire the spring loaded missiles and drop the bombs. Wookie Catamaran measures nearly 20cm long Contains 4 minifigures: Luminara Unduli, Wookie Warrior, Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid Snail Tank Droid (30€) The Separatists are using this Snail Tank Droid to attack the Wookies and their Fluttercraft as seen in Revenge of the Sith Tank Droid runs on working tracks. Fire the Tank Droids shooters or drop thermal detonators from the Wookie Fluttercraft Tank Droid measures over 11cm high, 18cm long and 9cm wide Contains 4 minifigures: Wookie Warrior, Battle Droid(x2), Super Battle Droid Kashyyyk Droid Attack(25€) "But what about the Droid attack on the Wookies" Decide the fierce battle between the Seperatist Battle Droids and the Republic Clone Troopers and their Wookie Allies Contains a Seperatist Dwarf Spider Droid and a Republic Swamp Speeder and Wookie emplacements. Includes 6 minifigures: Battle Droid(x2), Super Battle Droid, Kashyyyk Clone Trooper(x2), Wookie Warrior Edited April 21, 20195 yr by mon-o-mat
April 22, 20195 yr I'm a bit over Kashyyyk to be honest. It was pretty well covered last time and I don't think the latest sets have added much new to it. I would love to see Naboo and Geonosis revisited though. There's still quite a lot in both that hasn't been done yet both in terms of sets and minifigures.
April 23, 20195 yr 22 hours ago, wesker said: I'm a bit over Kashyyyk to be honest. It was pretty well covered last time and I don't think the latest sets have added much new to it. I would love to see Naboo and Geonosis revisited though. There's still quite a lot in both that hasn't been done yet both in terms of sets and minifigures. Cough cough geonosis arena... I think that's probably one of the most wanted prequel sets now, and an updated gunship to go with it. I don't think there were any naboo sets made except for the Obi wan vs Maul, and a Theed palace seems highly unlikely. And I'm not interested in gungans either. Edited April 23, 20195 yr by Reaper
April 23, 20195 yr 2 hours ago, Reaper said: Cough cough geonosis arena... I think that's probably one of the most wanted prequel sets now, and an updated gunship to go with it. I don't think there were any naboo sets made except for the Obi wan vs Maul, and a Theed palace seems highly unlikely. And I'm not interested in gungans either. Definitely! I'm hoping now with Cloud City out the way it increases the chances of the Arena being made as a MBS playset. I'd be happy enough if it was just half the arena, three beasts and the pillars - but it would be even better if it also incorporated Obi-Wan's prison, Dooku's War Room and the Droid Factory (although that one could also work as a separate cheap playset like the Death Star Escape) Regarding Naboo - for me it generally covers anything related to the battle and invasion including: - The Trade Federation (AAT, MTT, Battle Droid Carrier, Landing Craft, Droid Control Ship) - Gungans (Gungan Sub, Gungan Patrol) - Naboo People (Royal Starship, Naboo Starfighter, Flash Speeder, Gian Speeder) - Any locations (Naboo Duel, Naboo Swamp, Theed Palace, Throne Room etc) Quite a few have been done in the past and not all of them require another release anytime soon, but there's plenty of options to pick from the next time they revisit it. I'd definitely like to see more new characters covered next time though. Battle Padme, Boss Nass and Rune Haako are the most notable ones that should've been done by now - but TPM Nute Gunray, Ric Olie, Sabe, Sio Bibble, Handmaidens, Naboo Royal Guards, minor Neimoidians and any Queen Amidala variants are some others worth mentioning.
April 23, 20195 yr 2 hours ago, wesker said: Definitely! I'm hoping now with Cloud City out the way it increases the chances of the Arena being made as a MBS playset. I'd be happy enough if it was just half the arena, three beasts and the pillars - but it would be even better if it also incorporated Obi-Wan's prison, Dooku's War Room and the Droid Factory (although that one could also work as a separate cheap playset like the Death Star Escape) Regarding Naboo - for me it generally covers anything related to the battle and invasion including: - The Trade Federation (AAT, MTT, Battle Droid Carrier, Landing Craft, Droid Control Ship) - Gungans (Gungan Sub, Gungan Patrol) - Naboo People (Royal Starship, Naboo Starfighter, Flash Speeder, Gian Speeder) - Any locations (Naboo Duel, Naboo Swamp, Theed Palace, Throne Room etc) Quite a few have been done in the past and not all of them require another release anytime soon, but there's plenty of options to pick from the next time they revisit it. I'd definitely like to see more new characters covered next time though. Battle Padme, Boss Nass and Rune Haako are the most notable ones that should've been done by now - but TPM Nute Gunray, Ric Olie, Sabe, Sio Bibble, Handmaidens, Naboo Royal Guards, minor Neimoidians and any Queen Amidala variants are some others worth mentioning. I am only in for the MTT if they don't butcher it like the last one. It has to be a huge set with dozends of droids like the 2007 one, maybe even larger.
April 28, 20195 yr I like all the prequel set ideas above, but I'm not seeing anyone calling for a Lucrehulk-class droid control ship? For Episode I. That would be really cool.
April 30, 20195 yr I love this forum! I get a never-ending stream of spammy messages in my email account about "what people wish they would get" yet not one single email mentioned the release of the Tantive IV! Only my email from Lego did....
April 30, 20195 yr 39 minutes ago, Malthus101 said: I love this forum! I get a never-ending stream of spammy messages in my email account about "what people wish they would get" yet not one single email mentioned the release of the Tantive IV! Only my email from Lego did.... Are you subscribed to the 2019 set discussion? As far as I know that would be the place it would be talked about....
May 7, 20195 yr On 4/30/2019 at 11:12 AM, Malthus101 said: I love this forum! I get a never-ending stream of spammy messages in my email account about "what people wish they would get" yet not one single email mentioned the release of the Tantive IV! Only my email from Lego did.... I think you're following the wrong threads. I never get email messages about EB as I've never subscribed to any but this thread will always be about what people wish for whereas the rumours thread and the other 2019 thread don't allow wish listing. The Tantive IV has been known for quite a while too. Not sure why you wouldn't have known about that until Lego sent an email.
May 14, 20195 yr On 2/24/2019 at 6:02 PM, ArrowBricks said: Love the look of that set! What would you include in the Battle of Geonosis set? An AT-TE, hailfire droid, spider droid, Jedi characters, clones, droids, with some Geonosis scenery, maybe throw in the cave where Yoda and Dooku fought. It'd definitely be more scenery-based than vehicle based, the vehicles would be smaller.
May 20, 20195 yr Do we reckon that Lego will go back to the Prequels? So many great ideas here and missed opportunities. I think the majority of Star Wars fans would love waves solely based on Prequels, along with other waves based on new films. Any thoughts people? Or do we think 2011-2014 were the time to get them? 75XXX Droid Factory Includes: Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, C3-PO, R2-D2, Winged Geonosian, Battle Droid (x5) 75XXX Naboo Forces BP Includes: Naboo Pilot, Naboo Guard, Naboo Officer, Gungan Warrior 75XXX Trade Federation BP (Small troop Carrier) Includes: Battle Droid Commander, Security Battle Droid, Battle Droid (x2) 75XXX Clone Trooper BP (Phase 1) (Barc Speeder) Includes: Clone Sergeant, Clone Trooper (x3) 75XXX 501st Battle Pack (AT-RT) Includes: Clone Trooper (x3), Clone Arf Trooper
May 21, 20195 yr Go back to the prequels? What about Anakin's Podracer, the three Kashyyyk sets, two Microfighters and two polybags we got this year? I do agree it would be great if more sets from the prequels were released. A Geonosis Droid Factory is certainly overdue and I was actually thinking the other day how much the Geonosian minifigures could be improved today with the Faun/Gremlin legs and Parademon wings. A Naboo Battlepack is a nice idea too. The only thing that would make it better would be a Naboo Royal Guard. We've already gotten the Security Guard (yellow uniform) and Security Officer (Panaka uniform) in sets before - but not this version:
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