February 17, 20205 yr Sorry for bumping the thread with a double post, but no one's posted since and I had more ideas. I was reading through the Brickset article on Battle Packs again, and some of the ideas were good, some were interesting, and some completely missed the scope of a battle pack (to army build). But one person made an interesting observation: that Lego's been giving us one "True" battle pack (made to army build), and one "Character Pack" (with four unique/named/one-off figures). Examples of the one include the Praetorian Guards and the Sith Troopers, and examples of the other include Inferno Squad and the Mandalorians. Which made me think about the ideal wave with both of these. So, I'm going to do four battle pack ideas, two troop focused ones, one character pack, and one named/three generic troopers pack. Endor Rebels Battle Pack: Two Human Rebel Commandos (one in flesh, and one in nougat), One Zabrak Female Rebel Commando (Battlefront II inspired), One Ishi Tib Rebel Commando (Battlefront II inspired) Anaxes Troopers Battle Pack: Two 91st Recon Troopers (Anaxes Arc), One 212th Clone Trooper, One 501st Jet Trooper. Falcon Crew Battle Pack: General Airen Cracken, Lieutenant Blount, Nien Nunb, Lando Calrissian (without cape). Endor Stormtroopers Battle Pack: Lieutenant Renz, Two Stormtroopers, One Biker Scout. Some also mentioned the incredibly unlikely idea of Lego producing City-style "people packs" for Star Wars, and for the heck of it, I'll indulge in it (characters only). 10 Minifigures per pack: Mos Eisley Denizens: Snaggletooth, Momaw Nadon, 2 Bith Musicians, Wuher, Sandtrooper Squad Leader, Two Sandtroopers, Two Jawas. Petranaki Arena Combatants: Joclad Danva, Nicanas Tassu, Sarrissa Jeng, Bultar Swan, Roth-Del Masona, Plo Koon, Coleman Kcaj, Geonosian Drone, Two Geonosian Warriors. Scramble on Yavin IV: General Jan Dodonna, Princess Leia, Garven Dreis, Biggs Darklighter, John D Branon, Jek Porkins, Puck Naeco, Luke Skywalker, Davish Krail, Rebel Fleet Trooper. Defense of Point Rain: Obi-Wan Kenobi (dusty, with scars), Commander Cody, Waxer, Boil, Four Desert ARF Troopers, Two Desert Clone Gunners Rally on Naboo: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Boss Nass, Captain Panaka, Captain Tarpals, Two Gungan Warriors, Two Naboo Royal Guards. Rebel Strike Force: Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker (Helmet and Poncho), Five Rebel Commandos (3 in Trenchcoats (1 clean-shaven, 1 bearded, 1 black w/mustache), 2 in Pathfinder Jackets), Commander Rex, Chewbacca. This was of course just for fun, there's no way Lego'll do people packs for Star Wars, but I'd buy pretty much all of the ones I mentioned. I have more ideas for these, but there are a lot less unique figures per-locale. Maybe an Ewok pack, and a Battle Droid pack. What the heck... Army of the CIS: Commando Droid Captain, Three Commando Droids, Two Super Battle Droids, Four Battle Droids. 2 Droidekas, 1 Tri-Droid, 2 Crab Droids.
February 17, 20205 yr On 2/17/2020 at 5:37 AM, ARC2149Nova said: What the heck... Army of the CIS: Commando Droid Captain, Three Commando Droids, Two Super Battle Droids, Four Battle Droids. 2 Droidekas, 1 Tri-Droid, 2 Crab Droids. I always thought a CIS battle pack would be a great idea, as they would be able to put in more droids than they do minifigures, and of course we could get brick-built droids such as crab droid and droidikas instead of random non-canon vehicles. (though recently the packs have been better in that regard, what with the mando pack and praetorian pack.
February 17, 20205 yr On 2/17/2020 at 5:40 PM, Mandalorianknight said: I always thought a CIS battle pack would be a great idea, as they would be able to put in more droids than they do minifigures, and of course we could get brick-built droids such as crab droid and droidikas instead of random non-canon vehicles. (though recently the packs have been better in that regard, what with the mando pack and praetorian pack. The Packs always had a weird mix of existing or at least usefull vehicles and more or less useless and completly invented stuff i.e the gunship-speeder from the Jedi BP. But I wonder if brickbuilt droids would count as vehicles in TLCs eyes or if we would get something like a spider droid with a seat for a droid instead of his head. Edited February 17, 20205 yr by mon-o-mat
February 17, 20205 yr On 2/17/2020 at 5:37 AM, ARC2149Nova said: [...] Some also mentioned the incredibly unlikely idea of Lego producing City-style "people packs" for Star Wars, and for the heck of it, I'll indulge in it (characters only). [...] I think that your lineups would certainly be enjoyed by many of us and would happily fork out 40 (or 50, accounting for disney tax) $/€ for a SW people pack, which could also include many interesting side builds, but alas I also fear that it could be considered to much of a stretch of the "loophole" that permits BPs to exist
February 17, 20205 yr On 2/17/2020 at 6:30 PM, Per_SW said: I think that your lineups would certainly be enjoyed by many of us and would happily fork out 40 (or 50, accounting for disney tax) $/€ for a SW people pack, which could also include many interesting side builds, but alas I also fear that it could be considered to much of a stretch of the "loophole" that permits BPs to exist Well since those were so well received, I'm taking a stab at a couple others: Echo Defenders vs Blizzard Force: Trey Callum, Four Hoth Rebel Troopers, Snowtrooper Commander, Three Snowtroopers, Hoth Scout Trooper. (More of a traditional army-builder) The 501st Legion I: Captain Rex (Phase I), Echo (Battle of Kamino), Fives (Battle of Kamino), Denal, Mixer, Redeye, Kix, Hardcase, Jesse, 501st Jet Trooper (Phase I; essentially a Lieutenant sans dots). The 501st Legion II: Captain Rex (Phase II), ARC Trooper Fives, Kix, Jesse, Hardcase, Dogma, Tup, Oz & Ringo (2 501st Troopers), 501st Jet Trooper. Rogue One: Jyn Erso (Eadu Outfit with hair), Cassian Andor, Ruescott Melshi, Taidu Sefla, Eskro Casrich, Yosh Calfor, Arro Basteren, Stordan Tonc, Jav Mefran, Farsin Kappehl. (A few repeats, with Jav, Melshi, and Calfor being knew, Sefla and Tonc getting new heads) EDIT FOR A 2021 BATTLE PACK IDEA I hope Lego's listening, because I have the perfect unique and obscure battle pack from the Clone Wars final season! It's highly unlikely and would make a lot of folks scratch their heads in bewilderment, which is perfect for Lego's track record! Recon Troopers: Four 91st Recon Troopers (The ones on Anaxes with the weird markings). Speeder Bike. I actually loved seeing these clones in the animatics, and seeing them fully animated in their unique deco in the trailers makes me want them so bad. So hear me Lego, I will commit to buying 100 battle packs if you do this. In all seriousness, there'll most likely be a battle pack with some 332nd clones, which wouldn't be too bad, but would no doubt sell less than a Windu's Legion Battle Pack! . Edited February 18, 20205 yr by ARC2149Nova
February 21, 20205 yr On 2/8/2020 at 5:06 AM, LurkingEhlek said: $110 The Razorcrest: Beshkar Mandalorian, the Child, Greef Karga, Remnant Stormtrooper, IG-11. I am pretty proud of how close I got here. $20 less and two of figures were only half right, but hey, I can still strike this one off the list. That Kuiil and Scout Trooper Microfighter better be in the pipeline though.
February 21, 20205 yr Something that's been rattling around my head for a minute: Lego Star Wars commercials between 2007-2010 were the best things ever to me, and I kind of wish they did commercials like that now. So I came up with some set ideas that could use this idea: NEW FROM LEGO STAR WARS! The Battle of Endor rages on, and the Rebels need your help! You can build the NEW LEGO Star Wars B-Wing Starfighter! You can man the cockpit, load the spring-loaded shooter, open the wings, and blast off against the Imperial Defenders. The fate of the galaxy is at stake, and YOU control the battle! Part of the NEW LEGO Star Wars collection! B-Wing Starfighter ($79.99): Horton Salm, Nien Nunb, Rebel Mechanic, B-Wing Pilot (Human). TIE Interceptor ($69.99): TIE Fighter Pilot, Moff Jerjerrod, Stormtrooper. Imperial Star Destroyer ($169.99): Admiral Piett, Major Hewex, Imperial Crew, 2x Imperial Navy Trooper, 2x Stormtrooper. Y-Wing Starfighter ($59.99): Orange Markings from ROTJ. Ekelarc Yong, R5-P9, Rebel Commando, Admiral Ackbar. Edited February 23, 20205 yr by ARC2149Nova
February 21, 20205 yr Would love to see a Bad Batch Battlepack or possibly Shuttle after seeing that episode.
February 22, 20205 yr So to coincide with S7 of TCW, here's my all time, never gonna happen, last major Clone Wars only wave. Kamino Battle Pack ($14.99) Includes 2x Kamino guards, 1x Clone in red uniform, 1x Shiny. Build is based off of the training exercise seen in the Domino Squad episode. Aleen Troopers ($14.99) Includes 3x Wolfpack troopers, 1x Gunship pilot. Generic clone battle pack build, maybe an AT-RT or speeder or something, probably a few crates or something to represent their supply mission. Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter ($19.99) Based off of her Eta-2 Class starfighter seen near the end of S5. Includes Ahsoka and R7-A7. Escape from Mandalore ($29.99) Based off of the scene where Bo-Katan rescues Obi-Wan in S5. Includes Mandalorian speeder, Obi-Wan in Mandalorian armor, Bo-Katan, and a Death Watch soldier. Florrum Speeder Chase ($34.99) This one specifically would be based off of the episode with young Boba Fett, although there were enough speeder chases on Florrum to where it could be used for any of them. Includes Hondo, an unnamed pirate, Aurra Sing, and Plo Koon. Build is basically 2-3 light speeder bikes and some small accessory builds to represent the area outside the pirate stronghold. Umbaran Fighter ($49.99) Includes Fives, Hardcase, and an Umbaran warrior The Gathering ($64.99) A medium sized cave build with a couple of different branches. Includes Yoda, Gungi, Petro, Katooni, and Byph. Escape from the Citadel ($79.99) Somewhat similar to the Scarif landing pad set, but larger, it would be essentially a landing pad with a semi-circle of walls around it, on top of the walls would be two or three moveable turrets. Lots of various crates or other equipment scattered around the ground with potential to have exploding features. Includes a smaller Separatist shuttle and a STAP. Minifigures would be Evan Piell, Tarkin, Echo, 2x Commando droids, and 2x battle droids (one of which is a reprogrammed droid, the other a CIS droid). AT-TE ($99.99) Similar in size to the previous one. Includes AT-TE driver, AT-TE gunner, 2x clones, and Luminara Unduli Venator Class Cruiser ($129.99) Similar in size to the previous one, but the interior is closer to the bridge often shown in the show rather than Palpatine's office. Includes Admiral Yularen, 2x Clone officers (wearing officer uniforms, not armor), Captain Rex, 2x Clone troopers, and Anakin Skywalker. Republic Gunship ($149.99) Includes Commander Cody, 2x gunship pilot, 2x clones, and Mace Windu.
February 23, 20205 yr Clone Wars Microfighters: Mandalorian Fighter Microfighter - $9.99 Minifig: Deathwatch Warrior Umbaran MHC Microfighter - $9.99 Minifig: Umbaran Soldier Providence vs Venator Microfighter - $19.99 Minifigs: Admiral Yularen and General Grievous Operation: Knightfall Battle Packs: Temple Guard - $14.99 Archive shelf w/ modularity Minifigs: 2 Robed Jedi Temple Guards, 2 armored Jedi Temple Guards. 501st - $14.99 Minifig-scale AT-RT Minifigs: 3 501st Phase II Troopers, 1 501st ARC Trooper The Realm of Mortis - $19.99 Altar of Mortis containing the Dagger of Mortis Minifigs: The Father, the Daughter, the Son Water Wars - $39.99 Devilfish OSM and Hydroid Medusa Minifigs: Shirtless Kit Fisto, Riff Tamson, SCUBA Trooper, Aqua Droid Havoc Marauder - $69.99 Clone Force 99’s Havoc Marauder Minifigs: Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, Clone 99 Geonosian Arena - $99.99 Observation balcony, three columns, and brick-built versions of the Reek/Nexu/ Acklay. Minifigs: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Geonosian Battle Droid Providence-class Separatist Destroyer – $119.99 Providence-class Dreadnaught mirroring 8039 in size Minifigs: Admiral Trench (cyborg), Super Tactical Droid, 2 Pilot Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid Lucrehulk UCS - $249.99 Lucrehulk- class battleship with stand/plaque Minifigs: Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, Wat Tambor, Passel Argente Never will happen but also: Depths of Naboo - $199.99 Sando aqua monster (similar in size as 75936's T-Rex) with to scale versions of the Opee sea killer, Colo claw fish, and Gungan sub. Minifigs: Rebreather Obi-wan, Rebreather Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, and Boss Nass
February 23, 20205 yr My Ideal Clone Wars Sets (Seasons 1-3): Cold Assault Troopers: Captain Rex (Snowtrooper Gear), 3x Clone Snowtroopers (501st). Freeco Speeder build. Desert Assault Troopers: SpecOps Clone Trooper, 3x Desert ARF Troopers. Republic E-Web. Citadel Troopers: 3x 212th Troopers (Phase I), 501st Clone Trooper (Charger) Separatist Shuttle: R2-D2, OOM-10, Anakin Skywalker, Tarkin, Echo, Fives. Trident Assault Craft: Asajj Ventress, 2x Battle Droids, 4x Aqua Droids. CIS Landing Pod: CT-327, Commando Droid Captain, 3x Commando Droids V-19 Starfighter: Hawk, Oddball, Clone Mechanic Republic Y-Wing Bomber: Broadside, Matchstick, Clone Gunner, R2-Y9 Separatist Cannon: TX-20, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Waxer, Boil, 2x Battle Droids, Super Battle Droid. Banking Clan Frigate: Cad Bane, Battle Droid Commander, 2x Battle Droids, Ahsoka Tano (Spacesuit), Captain Rex, Denal. Also includes a Dwarf Spider Droid. Attack on the Coronet: The build consists of Assassin Spider Probes and a crate. Mixer, Redeye, Anakin Skywalker. Battle Droid Escape Pod: 2x Battle Droids, Jesse, Hardcase. Also includes BARC Speeder Cut Lawquane's Farm: Captain Rex, Cut Lawquane, Kix, 2x Commando Droids. Separatist Super Tank: 2x Battle Droids, Luminara Unduli, Draa. Edited February 23, 20205 yr by ARC2149Nova
February 23, 20205 yr On 12/29/2019 at 7:17 PM, m4st3rt3ch said: Razor Crest including Mando, Baby Yoda in hovercrib, Kuiil, Blurrg, new carbonite mold(s) Razor Crest including Mando, Baby Yoda in hovercrib, Kuiil, Blurrg, new carbonite mold(s)...close
February 24, 20205 yr This is my ultimate ESB wave, but with a few rules (No remakes of recent sets, i.e. Yoda's Hut, Slave I, Snowspeeder, but including an upcoming set: AT-AT) AT-AT: Sized like the AT-M6, with P-Tower Turret and DF.9 Turret side builds. Also includes E-Web. General Veers, AT-AT Driver, 2x Snowtroopers, Hoth Rebel Trooper (x2). Millennium Falcon: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, C-3PO, Darth Vader, 2x Snowtroopers. (last OT falcon was in 2010 I think) The Cave Test: Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Yoda, Darth Vader (Luke Skywalker head) Rebel Transport: 4x Hoth Rebel Troopers, Toryn Farr, General Rieekan. Has space for up to 16 minifigures ($199.99 price tag). Snowtrooper Battle Pack: Speeder Bike, E-Web. Snowtrooper Commander, 2x Snowtroopers, Hoth Biker Scout. Rebel Patrol: Ice Cutter (2010 Battle Pack Vehicle), Tauntaun, small trench wall. 3x Hoth Rebel Troopers. Duel on Bespin: $20 Duel Set with the catwalk. Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker. Battle of Bespin: $60 set with the dinning room and some of the hallways. Princess Leia, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, Lieutenant Sheckil, 2x Stormtroopers. UCS Nebulon-B Medical Frigate: Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO, 2-1B. Comes with micro-scale Falcon. And the piece de resistance: UCS Echo Base ($499.99): Fully enclosed space, with control room, medical bay, hangar bay (with Rogue Leader Snowspeeder), outer trench, 2 P-Towers, 1 DF.9. Tauntaun pen, and Wampa enclosure. Luke Skywalker (Rogue Leader), Dak Ralter, Hobbie Klivian, Kesin Ommis, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R-3PO, R5-M2, 2x Echo Base Personnel (Tan Jackets), 4x Hoth Rebel Troopers (White Uniforms), 2x Tauntauns, Wampa.
February 27, 20205 yr On 2/24/2020 at 9:45 AM, ARC2149Nova said: This is my ultimate ESB wave, but with a few rules (No remakes of recent sets, i.e. Yoda's Hut, Slave I, Snowspeeder, but including an upcoming set: AT-AT) Millennium Falcon: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, C-3PO, Darth Vader, 2x Snowtroopers. (last OT falcon was in 2010 I think) Most of the sets would be great, especially the gr-75 and duel-type bespin set, but if we get a falcon in 2021 i swear to god I will break the geneva convention
February 27, 20205 yr On 2/27/2020 at 12:31 AM, Mandalorianknight said: Most of the sets would be great, especially the gr-75 and duel-type bespin set, but if we get a falcon in 2021 i swear to god I will break the geneva convention True, but I've avoided all of the recent ones due to the movies. I just want another OT based one, but I might just settle with the 2010 one.
February 27, 20205 yr On 2/27/2020 at 2:59 AM, ARC2149Nova said: True, but I've avoided all of the recent ones due to the movies. I just want another OT based one, but I might just settle with the 2010 one. The 2019 one is REALLY easy to convert into an OT one, it's just a few parts that are DBG instead of LBG, for the most part.
February 28, 20205 yr Funny you mention that, I've been thinking through my own "Ultimate (insert movie here) wishlist" with the criteria that each one is eight sets with two battle packs, trying to be as realistic as possible. Here was my ESB list: Snowtroopers Battle Pack - 3x Snowtroopers, 1x AT-AT driver. Build is one of the portable cannons they use and a probe droid. $14.99 Rebel Troopers Battle Pack - 1x Snowspeeder pilot, 3x Hoth Rebel Soldiers. Build is some sort of wall with a cannon on it, like the one in the Mandalorian BP but larger. $14.99 Snowspeeder - Luke (pilot), Dak (pilot). $19.99 Battle of Hoth - somewhat similar to a few of the sets we've gotten in the past with a turret and some walls for the Rebels to hide behind, maybe includes a small section of the shield generator. Includes General Rieken, a Rebel trooper, and a Snowtrooper. $29.99 Wampa Cave - small cave build where Luke can hang upside down, also includes space for the Wampa to eat. Comes with a Tauntaun and Wampa, plus Luke and Han. $39.99 TIE Bomber - Comes with TIE pilot, Captain Needa, and another Imperial officer. $59.99 X-Wing with Yoda's Hut - remake of the set from 2003, includes an X-Wing with the ability to add some mossy elements to the wings, perhaps some stickers to show dirt and moss, and a small build for Yoda's hut. Includes Luke in his training clothes, Yoda, and R2-D2. $89.99 Cloud City Escape - A landing pad connected to a moderate size interior build, with the back open for play. Could contain a hallway with a couple of smaller rooms off of it to represent the dining room or Han and Leia's room. Minfigures are Lando, Leia (Hoth), Chewbacca, C-3PO, 2 Stormtroopers, an Imperial officer, and Boba Fett. $129.99
February 28, 20205 yr On 2/28/2020 at 1:56 AM, Kit Figsto said: Funny you mention that, I've been thinking through my own "Ultimate (insert movie here) wishlist" with the criteria that each one is eight sets with two battle packs, trying to be as realistic as possible. Here was my ESB list: Snowtroopers Battle Pack - 3x Snowtroopers, 1x AT-AT driver. Build is one of the portable cannons they use and a probe droid. $14.99 Rebel Troopers Battle Pack - 1x Snowspeeder pilot, 3x Hoth Rebel Soldiers. Build is some sort of wall with a cannon on it, like the one in the Mandalorian BP but larger. $14.99 Snowspeeder - Luke (pilot), Dak (pilot). $19.99 Battle of Hoth - somewhat similar to a few of the sets we've gotten in the past with a turret and some walls for the Rebels to hide behind, maybe includes a small section of the shield generator. Includes General Rieken, a Rebel trooper, and a Snowtrooper. $29.99 Wampa Cave - small cave build where Luke can hang upside down, also includes space for the Wampa to eat. Comes with a Tauntaun and Wampa, plus Luke and Han. $39.99 TIE Bomber - Comes with TIE pilot, Captain Needa, and another Imperial officer. $59.99 X-Wing with Yoda's Hut - remake of the set from 2003, includes an X-Wing with the ability to add some mossy elements to the wings, perhaps some stickers to show dirt and moss, and a small build for Yoda's hut. Includes Luke in his training clothes, Yoda, and R2-D2. $89.99 Cloud City Escape - A landing pad connected to a moderate size interior build, with the back open for play. Could contain a hallway with a couple of smaller rooms off of it to represent the dining room or Han and Leia's room. Minfigures are Lando, Leia (Hoth), Chewbacca, C-3PO, 2 Stormtroopers, an Imperial officer, and Boba Fett. $129.99 The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite film, so I may be biased but this sounds like the greatest wave ever. Especially the prices
February 28, 20205 yr On 2/28/2020 at 3:46 AM, Mandalorianknight said: The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite film, so I may be biased but this sounds like the greatest wave ever. Especially the prices The only prices I'm not sure on are the Bomber and X-Wing pricing. I think the other ones are mostly realistic (considering a Jedi fighter is $20, no reason a Snowspeeder by itself can't be). Bomber might be closer to $80 if they made it and the X-Wing I would guess closer to $100-110, but hey, if it's not a real list, may as well be optimistic with the pricing!
February 29, 20205 yr On 2/28/2020 at 7:55 PM, Kit Figsto said: The only prices I'm not sure on are the Bomber and X-Wing pricing. I think the other ones are mostly realistic (considering a Jedi fighter is $20, no reason a Snowspeeder by itself can't be). Bomber might be closer to $80 if they made it and the X-Wing I would guess closer to $100-110, but hey, if it's not a real list, may as well be optimistic with the pricing! If the yoda's hut is more of a small side build and not like the $30 one from a year or two ago, I could totally see the x-wing going for $100
February 29, 20205 yr On 2/29/2020 at 3:49 AM, Mandalorianknight said: If the yoda's hut is more of a small side build and not like the $30 one from a year or two ago, I could totally see the x-wing going for $100 Yeah, I was definitely thinking something more akin to the set that came out in 2003-ish, except obviously a lot more detailed and up to today's standards. Probably just a small 8x8 cube that swings open with a bed and cooking pot for the hut. On that note, here's my ROTJ list (same rules, 8 sets, as realistic as possible about what Lego would actually release and filling all the price points, and two battle packs) Endor Battle Pack - 3x Endor Rebel troopers (one with a backpack, the others just general troopers), 1x Ewok. Build is a tree with some sort of exploding feature or an Ewok trap. $14.99 Scout Troopers Battle Pack - 2x Scout Troopers, 1x Stormtrooper, 1x Imperial Trooper (the guys with the black uniforms and helmets). Build is a speeder bike, maybe with a small command station if the piece count can be low enough. $14.99 A-Wing Starfighter - 1x A-Wing Pilot (pick your favorite named pilot here), 1x Rebel ground mechanic. $19.99 Desert Skiff - Lando (guard disguise), Han Solo, Boba Fett, Weequay pirate. Also includes the Sarlacc. $29.99 Endor AT-ST - 2x AT-ST driver, Chewbacca. $39.99 B-Wing - Ten Numb, 1x Rebel ground mechanic, 1x Mon Cala Rebel leader (not Ackbar). Also includes docking station. $69.99 Final Duel - Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine, 2x royal guard. Pretty much a remake of the set from a few years back. $79.99 Jabba's Sail Barge - Jabba, Salacious Crumb, R2-D2, Luke, Chewbacca, Weequay Pirate, Quarren guard (Squid Head), Saelt-Marae (unlikely but would be cool), human palace guard, Gammorean guard. Not sure how they could do Leia, as she is an important character, but they no longer make stuff with her in the slave outfit. $99.99 Battle of Endor - Han Solo, Princess Leia, R2-D2, Captain Rex (or whatever his name was at that point), 4x Stormtroopers, 3x Ewoks, Imperial Trooper, Imperial Officer. Includes the bunker with an exploding satellite dish on top, a few smaller tree builds, and two speeder bike. $149.99 I think combining all of the Endor sets here would yield a pretty great scene. Not sure if I should've gone with more space-based sets, but the focus definitely seems to be on Endor for me in that part of the movie.
February 29, 20205 yr I would swap the A-wing for a TIE Interceptor and Jabba’s barge for Home One. The most recent A-wing and B-wings are both great but there’s only been one Interceptor.
February 29, 20205 yr On 2/29/2020 at 6:45 AM, Kit Figsto said: Endor Battle Pack - 3x Endor Rebel troopers (one with a backpack, the others just general troopers), 1x Ewok. Build is a tree with some sort of exploding feature or an Ewok trap. $14.99 Scout Troopers Battle Pack - 2x Scout Troopers, 1x Stormtrooper, 1x Imperial Trooper (the guys with the black uniforms and helmets). Build is a speeder bike, maybe with a small command station if the piece count can be low enough. $14.99 A-Wing Starfighter - 1x A-Wing Pilot (pick your favorite named pilot here), 1x Rebel ground mechanic. $19.99 Endor AT-ST - 2x AT-ST driver, Chewbacca. $39.99 B-Wing - Ten Numb, 1x Rebel ground mechanic, 1x Mon Cala Rebel leader (not Ackbar). Also includes docking station. $69.99 Battle of Endor - Han Solo, Princess Leia, R2-D2, Captain Rex (or whatever his name was at that point), 4x Stormtroopers, 3x Ewoks, Imperial Trooper, Imperial Officer. Includes the bunker with an exploding satellite dish on top, a few smaller tree builds, and two speeder bike. $149.99 I think combining all of the Endor sets here would yield a pretty great scene. Not sure if I should've gone with more space-based sets, but the focus definitely seems to be on Endor for me in that part of the movie. Only thing I would say is maybe replace one of the -wings with a TIE interceptor. These are some great-sounding sets. (especially getting endor rex again.) The prices are pretty optimistic again, especially with that a-wing and b-wing, but I think for most of the sets you could make it work. Like the $39.99 at-st could just be the rogue one at-st, which can be modified to fit two figures easily without any external mods. And if you'll be so kind as to allow me to try my hand at one of these: Fleet rebels battle pack: 2x rebel fleet trooper, 1x rebel officer from the battlefront games, 1x y-wing pilot. build is one of those rebel transports with a bit of yavin wall like in the juniors a-wing or something. $14.99 Death star forces battle pack: 2x stormtrooper, 1x imperial fleet trooper, 1x imperial crew (like the officer in the 2016 battle pack). Build is a turbolaser connected to a control panel. $14.99 Detention block rescue: similar to that module in the death star set, a detention block for leia and tha console on the outside. There's a vent leia can "blast open", which would connect to the trash compacter. Figures are stormtrooper Han, Leia, and a stormtrooper, as well as an IT-O. $29.99 Lars Homestead: A build a little similar to kenobi's hut, with mosture vaporators and whatnot. Figures are Luke, Aunt Beru, c-3po and a sandtrooper. $34.99 The trash compacter: Trash compacter similar to the one in the death star, with a closing wall feature, with an area on the back for the droids to save them. Detention block rescure can be placed on top. Figures are Luke (stormtrooper disguise), c-3po, and a stormtrooper, with a dianoga build. $39.99 Y-wing starfighter: y-wing with another bit of temple similar to the one in the battle pack. Figures are Dutch Vander, an astromech, a rebel technician, a rebel fleet trooper, and a stormtrooper. $64.99 Lord Vader's TIE advanced starfighter: A new Tie Advanced, larger than the one in the rebels set. Figures are Lord Vader, a Tie pilot, an officer (black uniform), and a stormtrooper. $69.99 The Devastator: the star destroyer from the start of ANH, with Vader (red eye print), 2x imperial crew, an imperial captain (DBG uniform), and 2x fleet troopers. $159.99 (USC/MBS/whatever) The Massassi temple: Giant massasi temple with hanger area, command center, ceremony room, (with the medal mold pieces like they used for the olympics CMF), briefing room, etc. There's a mini x-wing and tie fighter that can each fit a figure, like slave one on bespin. Figures are: Luke (ceremony outfit, no medal), Leia (ceremony outfit), Han (no medal), Chewbacca, Dodonna, mon Mothma, Wedge and Biggs (with unique face prints), r2-d2, c-3po, a rebel officer, 2x rebel technicians, 2x fleet troopers, 2x honor guard, a stormtrooper and a TIE pilot. $299.99 I was going to do a death star duel, but I couldn't think of any play features besides "kill the old hermit", and it would also mean 3 vaders in a wave, so... Edited February 29, 20205 yr by Mandalorianknight
February 29, 20205 yr On 2/29/2020 at 4:14 PM, Mandalorianknight said: Detention block rescue: similar to that module in the death star set, a detention block for leia and tha console on the outside. There's a vent leia can "blast open", which would connect to the trash compacter. Figures are stormtrooper Han, Leia, and a stormtrooper, as well as an IT-O. $29.99 Lars Homestead: A build a little similar to kenobi's hut, with mosture vaporators and whatnot. Figures are Luke, Aunt Beru, c-3po and a sandtrooper. $34.99 The trash compacter: Trash compacter similar to the one in the death star, with a closing wall feature, with an area on the back for the droids to save them. Detention block rescure can be placed on top. Figures are Luke (stormtrooper disguise), c-3po, and a stormtrooper, with a dianoga build. $39.99 I like the idea of the Detention Block shootout and trash compactor sets. If they did something like that and made them compatible like you said, I’d definitely buy that, and I think it’s possible given how they’ve made two Death Star scene dioramas recently. Also, a homestead set would be great. I’d almost like to see it a bit larger (more like $45-50) and contain two hut builds (similar in size to Yoda’s Hut/Ben’s Hut, slightly smaller maybe), one with the kitchen/dining area and the other with the garage area/droid workshop.
February 29, 20205 yr On 2/29/2020 at 5:59 PM, Kit Figsto said: I like the idea of the Detention Block shootout and trash compactor sets. If they did something like that and made them compatible like you said, I’d definitely buy that, and I think it’s possible given how they’ve made two Death Star scene dioramas recently. Also, a homestead set would be great. I’d almost like to see it a bit larger (more like $45-50) and contain two hut builds (similar in size to Yoda’s Hut/Ben’s Hut, slightly smaller maybe), one with the kitchen/dining area and the other with the garage area/droid workshop. That makes more sense, I forgot that they had multiple "hut" sections. All I could remember was the one where their bodies are when they die and then the pit, but a droid workshop area would make sense. Here's an updated one based on your suggestions: Lars Homestead: Two hut builds, one with a dining area interior and one with a droid workshop/oil bath interior. Figures: Luke, Owen, Beru, R2-D2, Sandtrooper. $49.99
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