July 8, 200816 yr I think that CW battle packs are an obvious choice for TLC in January. For those who say Hoth BPs, keep in mind that we did have OT BPs this year so it's obvious for TLC to go back to PT next year.
July 8, 200816 yr all of you have great ides.... i would like a geonosian bp or a gammorrean battle pack ..........hey i wonder if they can make jedi bp it woudl be so awesome Edited July 8, 200816 yr by G.L.MAN
July 8, 200816 yr Author I think CW themed battlepacks are the most probably option for the next year battlepacks (If the TLC create ones, that is most probably yes ) and with the lack of troopers in vehicles like the AT-TE and republic gunship that are to suppoused to carry at least 6 troopers in each one (I think ) the possibilities just go up. The part that dissapoint me is that if we get a clone battlepack is nearly obiously TLC will create a droids battlepack and we got one just one year ago (And this year if we count the Halfire droid and spider droid set like a big battlepack )
July 8, 200816 yr So far we have seen bps launched in matched pairs. I could see a Ep 2 Clone BP, I just don't know what they would pair it with. We already have had a Battle Droid BP. They could launch another however after the first BP, the MTT, as well as all of the Battle Droids that we appear to be getting in the clone war kits I don't think it would be a big seller. I can see people buying loads of Hoth BPs, especially since they revived 7666 due to popular demand. In the end I believe that the Hoth kits would make more at this time. It is after all about sales. i would like a geonosian bp That could be a possiability to go with the Ep 2 Clone BP, although I don't know how big of a seller it would be. The Geonosian's were only in one movie and really they weren't even shown all that much. I don't see Ewoks/Scout Troopers yet, we havn't seen them for a long time and I don't know if there is enough a buzz for them yet.
July 8, 200816 yr So far we have seen bps launched in matched pairs. I could see a Ep 2 Clone BP, I just don't know what they would pair it with. We already have had a Battle Droid BP. They could launch another however after the first BP, the MTT, as well as all of the Battle Droids that we appear to be getting in the clone war kits I don't think it would be a big seller. That could be a possiability to go with the Ep 2 Clone BP, although I don't know how big of a seller it would be. The Geonosian's were only in one movie and really they weren't even shown all that much. well a good idea of a droid battle pck could be a droideka and m,aybe som magna guards and hmmm youre right the gunga bp woyld sell that well but maybe if it ywould be inc;uded with other droids it could be better ........way better
July 8, 200816 yr I'd like to see LEGO re-visit the scene depicted in the Ultimate Lightsaber Duel set from ROTS, only this time do away with the gimmicky rods, and give us more of the Seperatist hideout. I'd like to see something similar to the Volcano Base in the Agents line (of course w/o the big cartoon cannon). Making it a big set, LEGO could fill out the backside by showing the lava mining facilities, with a control room and conference room, throw in bits to make some mining droids; minifigs include Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Palpatine & a Shocktrooper (or two). ...and like many of you I'm still patiently waiting for a quality Hoth set. I passed on the Echo Base set (it's just a door), and I hope LEGO really gives us a quality set (or sets) with Rebel cannons, Tauntauns, a Wampa, a bigger probe droid, and plenty of Rebel & Imperial grunts. ...and I hope LEGO releases a new, or re-releases the old System-scale Millenium Falcon. I can't afford the UCS set, it would dwarf everything else in my collection, and it's basically hollow inside.
July 8, 200816 yr Couldn't Lego release these new battle packs (forgive me for repeating some details) 1. Episode II (or Phase 1 clones) where there are 3 ordinary clones and one kama/pauldron laden white one!!! 2. A remade droids battle pack which could be called Separatist Battle Pack It could include, as said before, 1 or 2 destroyer droids and some other droids with the new blaster molds or they are SUPER BDs.
July 8, 200816 yr I'd prefer to see a Geonosian BP. Although some of you say they didn't get enough screentime, I'd say that they got about as much, if not more as the MagnaGuards. It could come with 4 Geonosians, 1 LR1K sonic cannon, and an Orray. Just thinking about it is
July 8, 200816 yr More sets, like the Homing Spider Droid, that is a sorta build your own battle type set like a Tri-Droid, with several battle droids, Commander Bacara, and a Galactic Marine. Also, some more battlepack ideas (not including phase 1 battlepack): Geonosian Battlepack: 4 Geonosians, 1 LR1K sonic cannon, and 1 orray. Utapau Assault: 2 battle droids, 2 super battle droids, 1 octuptarra droid, and 1 crab droid. Echo Base patrol: 4 hoth troopers, 1 Atgar cannon, and 1 tautaun. Imperial Attack: 4 snowtroopers, 1 probe droid, 1 E-Web blaster, and a 74-Z speeder.
July 8, 200816 yr I'm thinking more Force Unleashed and some cheaper Clone Wars sets (with Rotta in them).
July 8, 200816 yr lego should make a 501st BP.... but TLC should have a BP with more figs and costing 5$ more like a scout thing...maybe Scout Trooper BP 3 scouts off of battlefront (the ole sharpshooters with stormtrooper like helmets accept more CW-ee) 1 swamp trooper phase 1.1 clone BP speeder barc speeder
July 9, 200816 yr I guess CW battle pack is the coming one too since TLC give us only a Clone & a Commander in each of the new sets except for that v-19 torrent. Hopefully there will be a pilot clone in the battle pack since we gonna need it to pilot the RGS.
July 9, 200816 yr We usually see BPs in January. Although with the rate that 7666 (Hoth Base) sold I wouldn't be surprised if we saw two Bps that involved Hoth Rebels and Hoth Snowtroopers.Time will tell though I would really like to see Hoth BPs Snowies vs rebels or an Endor BP Scouts vs ewoks x 2 and 2 x rebels (camo) As for Jedi BP's that wont happen with all the other BP's being non-unique characters, and it would lessen the appeal of buying a spaceship etc that had the same jedi in it (Kit fisto anyone)
July 9, 200816 yr I have bad news for you : the clones battle pack is not more available in north america! And TLC has lowered the price of it in the other countries! The end is near...
July 9, 200816 yr I have bad news for you : the clones battle pack is not more available in north america! And TLC has lowered the price of it in the other countries!The end is near... yes i was very dissapointed, however at the lego store in florida the droid bps are 50% off. and heres my input on battle pack ideas. Clone Trooper Pilots: 3 Phase I clone Pilots, 2 Phase II clone pilots( with open faces like in Epicsode III) maybe an Astromech(orange, cus it rocks) and some other Hangar essentials $9.99 March of the Clones: 5 Phase I clone troopers, new 74-Z speeder bike $9.99 Droids Defense: 4 Battle droids/w backplates, 3 droidekas, 1 magnaguard, Blue STAP $9.99 And some super battle pack ideas (like the hailfire droid and the to be relaesed spider droid) Republic Artillery Gun: 5 phase I clone troopers, 1 phase 1 clone commander, Republic Artillery gun $19.99 heres a link for the gun Visit My Website AAT: 3 Battle Droids, 1 Battle Droid Commander, 3 Super Battle Droids, AAT (blue and grey) $29.99 those are just for the clone wars, i might post others somewhere else
July 9, 200816 yr Since there are many battle pack ideas in the 2009 Wishlist thread, i thought it would be goot to separate them. post your ideas for battle packs and super battle packs and i'll post mine later
July 9, 200816 yr As I said in the old thread I would like a clone super battle pack containing 4 clones and one commander with some sort of turret or medium vehicle. I really dont see why we need another topic like this anyway.
July 9, 200816 yr I think that a Tri-droid would make a great super battle pack. It could easily fit into the $20 price range. Minifigs would be 1 super battle droid, 1 security droid, 1 battle droid, 1 Galactic Marine, Commander Bacara.
July 9, 200816 yr I would like a set with 9 Phase One Clones and a Clone Commander, and a few turrets. $20-25 USD. I think this thread is going to be closed soon, though, considering there is already a thread for this...
July 9, 200816 yr -Bounty hunters -Jedi -Yuuhzan Vong -Naboo -Assorted playable charicters from LSW I and II -Coruscant civilians -naboo civilians -tatooine civilians -droids -Hutts (jabba w/ a few gammoreans, that one twi'lek dude, max rebo's band) -More obscure EU variants of StormTroopers -Uh...Darn...can't remember...eh....uh... -OH YEAH! -Dark Troopers (3 phase 1 DTs, 2 Phase 2 DTs and 1 Phase 3 DT)...besides, who WOULDN'T want dark troopers? Edited July 9, 200816 yr by maiq the liar
July 9, 200816 yr -The arc Hammer (with assorted dark troopers and Rom Mohc) -A world devastator (from Dark Empire) -UCS Eclipse star destroyer (also from Dark Empire) -More TIEs! -a Sienar TIE factory -some more Obscure AT- Class vehicles -The scene where indy finds the wrecked Millenium falcon from "Into the great unknown" Edited July 9, 200816 yr by maiq the liar
July 9, 200816 yr there are like 5 BP topics here already... but here it goes: Battlepacks: Phase 1 Clone Troopers: 1 pilot and 3 regulars Geonosian: 4 geonosians Hoth Rebels: 1 commander and 3 regulars Hoth Imperials: 1 ATAT pilot and 3 regulars Endor Rebels: 2 ewoks and 2 troopers Endor Imperials: 1 scout and 3 regulars Super Battlepacks: Naboo: 3 gungans, 1 gungan captain, 2 naboo gaurds, 1 naboo officer Clone Commanders (P2): Gree, Bly, Cody, Bacara
July 12, 200816 yr Never bought a battle pack but they're good in two worlds- they're cheap, easy to build and fun to buy/and they bring in loads of money for LEGO, encourages people to buy the larger sets. I'd ask for a Death Star BP... two Death Star Troopers, one Death Star Gunner (new torso/round helmet), and one Imperial Spy/Commander. The Spy would be a figure I'd have to get. Maybe as a normal Battle Pack it could come with a sort of mobile storage unit, or as a Super Battle Pack it could come with an Imperial Fast Frigate- slightly smaller than a Star Destroyer. Maybe the size of a normal 30$ ship but big enough to support at least 3 people. Like the Hailfire Droid set, it should come with something small to go with it... instead of a spider droid floating around in space, however... a Mini TIE Interceptor/Bomber/Defender/Droid Fighter. It shouldn't be able to fit the figs, more like the mini TIE Fighter coming out this year. It should be similar to Darth Vader's Tie Advanced but smaller...and that would make 30$. The Death Star is out of scale entirely of course, but if you ask me... that's what add's to its charm. Having an oversized Imperial Frigate waiting outside... along with a TIE... kind of a nice addition to an already perfect set. And I don't really think this topic should be closed... it's the only active one of the five BP topics after all!
July 12, 200816 yr I think bags of random Star wars figs would be cool do you can't see what you get! But on battle packs I would love to see the return of Geonosis Battle Droids with the red colour.
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