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10 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

Not a prediction just a wishlist here. Lego release these sets and I’ll buy them all this winter! :wink:

75XXX Rebel Hovertank £39.99: Rebel Commando, Rebel Fleet Trooper(x2)

This rebel hovertank wouldn't happen to be.... possibly, a T2-B perhaps? :laugh:

Great wishlist, I'll try one. Although there are 4 sets from each trilogy (and a Gonk), these are actually the sets I would want most (within reason, no massive minifigure packs or anything).


Poe's X-wing (TROS x-wing, $9.99): Pilot Poe and BB-8

TIE dagger ($9.99): Sith trooper.

Wheel bike v boga ($19.99); Grievous and Obi-Wan (correct robes)

Battle packs:

Clone legions ($14.99): Correctly sized AT-RT, small barricade, 2x clone shinies, 332nd trooper, 212th trooper.

Purge trooper attack ($14.99): Black speeder bike with red accents and trans-purple stud shooters, purge trooper, purge commander, second sister, Cal Kestis with BD-1.

Duel: I am your father ($19.99): Bespin catwalk and small interior section with function for vader to "force push" things at Luke. Comes with Luke and Vader.

Other sets: 

A-wing ($34.99): ROTJ a-wing. Comes with A-wing pilot (ROTJ), A-wing pilot (Squadrons), rebel technician, Admiral Ackbar.

Separatist Might ($69.99): vulture droid (correctly sized), hailfire droid, 2x b1, 2x b2, b1 commander, 2x bx commando, Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, Captain rex, 501st clone trooper.

Exogol ($79.99): Sith throne, sheev's puppet thing, area where kylo fights the knights, jar of snokes, small "transformation" type chamber for dead-ish palps to turn into reborn palps. Comes with Palpatine (dead-ish), Palpatine (reborn), Rey, Ben Solo, Trudgen, Kuruk.

TIE Bomber ($89.99): TIE pilot, TIE pilot (squadrons TIE pilot), imperial technician, Captain Needa, Hoth rebel Soldier, Hoth Leia.

Republic Gunship ($139.99): Republic gunship with correctly sized AT-RT at the back. Comes with 2x 501st troopers, Anakin, Ahsoka (Seasons 3-5), Fives, Rex, 2 501st pilots, 501st at-rt driver, 2 b1s, and a droidika.

Statue: GNK power droid ($99.99): classic dark bluish gray with GONK droid with GONK droid figure.

UCS: UCS Poe's X-wing ($299.99): Poe's Black and Orange X-wing with Poe Dameron and BB-8.

If we get another revision of the UCS Falcon in 2027, what should be changed? I'd want the area where the cockpit tunnel connects to the cockpit to be better, and also another interior space where the landing ramp is, if thats possible.

Some long-overdo Imp (and Rebel) vehicles:

TIE Interceptor

TIE Bomber

TIE Defender

Raider-class Corvette


Arquitens Light Cruiser (also the Republic version)

Victory Star Destroyer

MC80 Liberty (reduced to System ISD scale)

Hammerhead Corvette

OT fleet wave, I'll follow with PT and ST in the next few weeks.


X-wing ($9.99):  Pilot Luke

TIE fighter ($9.99): TIE pilot

Y-wing vs Vader's TIE advanced ($19.99): Dutch Vander and Darth Vader

Battle packs:
Rebel fleet ($14.99): Biggs Darklighter, Jek Porkins, Barion Raner, Rebel ground crew, R5-D8. Build is one of those small pilot transport/ship mantinence vehicles.

Imperial pilots ($14.99): 2x TIE pilot (male), TIE pilot (female), imperial crewman. Build is a turbolaser turret, console and mouse droid.

Full sets: 

A-wing ($34.99): A-wing pilot, Arvel Crynyd, Stormtrooper.

Y-wing ($59.99): Dutch Vander, Main rebel pilot from squadrons, Rebel fleet officer, Vader.

TIE interceptor ($69.99): TIE Pilot, main TIE pilot from squadrons, Imperial officer, Stormtrooper, rebel fleet trooper.

TIE bomber ($89.99): TIE pilot (x2), Imperial navy trooper, imperial crewman, Luke (yavin), rebel fleet trooper

Star destroyer ($149.99): Improved 2014 destroyer based on ESB. Interior includes bridge, barracks, conference room and vader's meditation pod. Comes with Admiral Ozzel, 4x imperial crew, 2x stormtroopers, 2x fleet troopers, and Vader.

MC-80 ($169.99): Large rebel capital ship with interior conference room, bridge, barracks, and small hanger area. Comes with Admiral Ackbar, Hera (general), Mon Mothma, Crix Madine, 2x Mon Cala officer, 2x fleet officer, 2x fleet trooper, Leia (endor), and Han.

My hopes and dreams for the next CW/PT era sets:

Clone Battle Pack ($14.99 USD)

Main Vehicle: BARC Speeder with Side Car

Minifigures: x1 332nd Clone Trooper, x1 212th Clone Trooper, x1 "Shiny" Clone Trooper and either x1 Clone Shock Trooper or x1 Mace Windu's Clone Trooper


Mandalorian Battle Pack ($14.99 USD)

Main Vehicle: Mandalorian Speeder

Minifigures: x1 Mandalorian Super Commando, x1 Horned Mandalorian Super Commando, x2 Night Owl Mandalorians (One male and one female).


Republic Y-wing ($39.99-$49.99 USD)

Main Vehicle: Blue Republic Y-Wing Bomber

Minifigures: Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex (Updated P2 Armor), ARC Trooper Jesse, R7-A7 (Updated version).


Republic AT-TE ($99.99 USD)

Main Vehicle: AT-TE

Minifigures: x1 332nd Clone Trooper, x1 501st Clone Trooper, Bo-Katan, x1 Night Owl Mandalorian, x1 Mandalorian Super Commando


Bad Batch Shuttle ($69.99 USD)

Main Vehicle: Havoc Marauder

Minifigures: Sergeant Hunter, Clone Commando Wrecker, Clone Commando Tech, Clone Commando Crosshair, Experimental ARC Trooper Echo

Some set ideas:

The front half, and only the front half, of the Invisible Hand, with Anakin, Obi-Wan, the Senate, and R2-D2.

UCS Willrow Hood's Ice Cream Maker (life size)

Death Stick Pushers Battle Pack

3 hours ago, Pdaitabird said:

I didn't even know he had a name! :grin:

Almost everyone has a name if they appeared in the movies =D


On 7/29/2020 at 5:51 AM, Pdaitabird said:

Some set ideas:

The front half, and only the front half, of the Invisible Hand, with Anakin, Obi-Wan, the Senate, and R2-D2.

UCS Willrow Hood's Ice Cream Maker (life size)

Death Stick Pushers Battle Pack

I know these are jokes, but I'd buy all of them! Aside from being desperate to get anything for the invisible hand, a UCS cantomo would not only be hilarious but actually make sense considering it's presence in the mandalorian. And I've always liked the balasor species, so an army of elan sleazebaggo's would be pretty fun.


A prequel fleet-based wave:


Anakin's Interceptor  ($9.99): Anakin (ep3), r2-d2 (head only)

Tri-fighter ($9.99): battle droid

Venator versus separatist dreadnaught ($19.99): Obi-wan, Grievous

Battle packs:
Clone naval forces($14.99): Clone wars P2 clone pilot (x2), clone shiny (x1), Clone naval officer (x1). Build is a gunnery station on the venator

Separatist navy droids ($14.99): rocket b2 (x2), b1 pilot (x2), buzz droid. Build is a CIS turret.

Full sets:

V-wing starfighter ($24.99): V-wing with clone pilot, clone trooper, battle droid, and buzz droid.

Vulture droid attack ($39.99): 2x smaller vulture droids, 2 b1 battle droids, droidika, Clone trooper, and Obi-wan.

Duel on the Invisible hand ($49.99): Like a smaller final duel or snoke's throne room. Build is the balcony with the dual staircases, and a small segment of floor leading to palpatine's throne/chair. There's a collapsible balcony function and it comes with Dooku, Obi-wan, anakin, Palpatine, and 2 b2 battle droids.

ARC-170 starfighter ($89.99): ARC-170 with Captain Jag, Odd Ball, clone pilot, an R2 unit, Anakin, and  2 magnaguards.

Venator star destroyer ($139.99): Venator similar to 2014 star destroyer with interior bridge, armory, command table, and gunnery stations. Comes with Yularen, Anakin (S7 of clone wars), Ahsoka (S7), 2 clone officers, 2 501st troopers and Commander Rex.

Separatist Dreadnaught ($159.99): Providence-class dreadnaught with interior bridge, hallway, and hanger with mini jedi starfighter and some mini vulture droids that can attach to the hull. Comes with Grievous, Dooku. Wat Tambor, Nute Gunrey, 2 b1 pilots, 2 b1 security, and 2 magnaguards.

Despite literally getting one this year, I was thinking about a Mustafar Duel set.

Hear me out:

Instead of the usual, we could get Padme's Star Skiff (in flat silver, as someone suggested before), and a small control room for the Separatist Council. Figures included would be Padme, Obi-Wan, C-3PO, Anakin, Wat Tambor, San Hill, and 2x Security Battle Droids. It could focus on Anakin and Obi-Wan's opening parries, the fight on the platform and then the control room. Padme and the CIS leaders would be extras for us collectors, but ultimately side pieces (as far as marketing goes...)

49 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Despite literally getting one this year, I was thinking about a Mustafar Duel set.

Hear me out:

Instead of the usual, we could get Padme's Star Skiff (in flat silver, as someone suggested before), and a small control room for the Separatist Council. Figures included would be Padme, Obi-Wan, C-3PO, Anakin, Wat Tambor, San Hill, and 2x Security Battle Droids. It could focus on Anakin and Obi-Wan's opening parries, the fight on the platform and then the control room. Padme and the CIS leaders would be extras for us collectors, but ultimately side pieces (as far as marketing goes...)

Dude, we need this made! I can't see any issue with the set being too dark or anything (sure, he slaughters the separatist council, but nute was in a previous mustafar set and we got the whole "anakin with 3rd degree burns covering his body" figure multiple times.), and getting both padme's starship and the actual installation would be great! I like the new signature, by the way. :laugh:

Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I'd love to see midi-scale sets return - only 2 were made and the last one was a decade ago. My guess is that they didn't sell very well due to the lack of figures, but if, say, 2 or 3 relevant figures were included with each one this could be avoided - maybe with a mini display stand as well so they're almost like affordable, entry-level UCS sets

1 hour ago, TheAbsoluteSt81 said:

Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I'd love to see midi-scale sets return - only 2 were made and the last one was a decade ago. My guess is that they didn't sell very well due to the lack of figures, but if, say, 2 or 3 relevant figures were included with each one this could be avoided - maybe with a mini display stand as well so they're almost like affordable, entry-level UCS sets

I agree with this, I have the Star Destroyer and it's a great little set. Aside from the lack of figs I think there was some confusion over who the set was actually targeted at. That said with LEGO's 18+ sets I could see them making a return, especially given the Bespin set is marketed as such and is around the same price I would expect midi sets.

On that note, a few things I'd like to see at midi scale: Nebulon B, Venator, Trade Federation Control Ship, Hammerhead Cruiser, First Order Dreadnought, Snoke's Cruiser.

With how popular the clone wars era is, I'm surprised how many vehicles of the clone and droid army have yet to be made as official sets.

Octuptarra Magna Tri Droid, Crab Droid, C-9979 landing craft, Lucrehulk class (droid control ship, core ship, and battleship), Diamond class, Hardcell class, Invisible Hand, Mankvim-814 interceptor, Recusant class, Munificent class,

Acclamator class, SPHA-T, three different types of Load Lifter droids, Coruscant Fire Ship, UT-AT, High-Altitude Entry Transport 221...

And that's only the ones from the movies!

I think the Crab droid and load lifter droids would be great builds for battle packs, while the Diamond class, Lucrehulk core ship, C-9979, and Fire Ship could be made as Microfighters (with Shu Mai, Nute Gunray's aide, Tey How, and a Coruscant firefighter as minifigures). The Octuptarra, Hardcell class, Mankvim-814, SPHA-T, UT-AT, and HAET-221 should be regular sets. And the Invisible Hand would make a great UCS set.


Crab Droid, SPHA-T, and UT-AT are way too long overdo.

They could even do the Tri-Droid and UT-AT together as a Mygeeto battle set.

I did have to look up the C-9979 (never knew that was it's designation :blush:). I can understand why the landing craft would be hard to pull off, but we haven't even had it in polybag scale.

On 8/3/2020 at 6:08 AM, Graupensuppe said:

Octuptarra Magna Tri Droid, Crab Droid, C-9979 landing craft, Lucrehulk class (droid control ship, core ship, and battleship), Diamond class, Hardcell class, Invisible Hand, Mankvim-814 interceptor, Recusant class, Munificent class,

Acclamator class, SPHA-T, three different types of Load Lifter droids, Coruscant Fire Ship, UT-AT, High-Altitude Entry Transport 221...

And that's only the ones from the movies!

Some of these makes sense, but others are super obscure, like in the background for only a few frames, such as the diamond class and C-9979. Edit: mankvim, not sure how i got that mixed up, the landing craft does have some shots in the foreground.

I do agree we need a tri droid and crab droid though, as well as some of the republic ones.

14 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:


Crab Droid, SPHA-T, and UT-AT are way too long overdo.

The UT-AT even got a prototype set! Crab droid could even be a battle pack build, depending on the size.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Some of these makes sense, but others are super obscure, like in the background for only a few frames, such as the diamond class and C-9979.

To be fair, the Landing Craft is far better known than the Diamond-class. It's kind of a droid army staple.

10 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

To be fair, the Landing Craft is far better known than the Diamond-class. It's kind of a droid army staple.

I swear I meant to say the mankvim! :laugh:

My wishlist 
1. Mandalorian battle pack with female night owl,2 mauls super commando 1 male 1 female and 1 death watch trooper
2. Mauls mandalorian fighter with maul,gar saxon,bo katan,almec and 2 ahsokas troopers
3. Jango fett slave 1,throw in kamionan
4. Separatist shuttle with additional separatist council table build and build where grievous and obi fight,comes with wat tambor,rune haako,nute gunray,san hill and 2 magna guards. Set can be advertised like an addition to new grievous starfighter set.
5. Endor bunker ucs playset with bunker,at-st,catapult,scout bikes,han solo,leia,random endor rebels,ewoks and imperials.
6. Lucrehulk ucs set with opening panels where you can play scenes from episode 1 or just hold it as display,1 section will be neimodian pilots,rune haako and nute gunray talking to queen amidala printed circle piece,second qui gon and obi busting the doors and droidekas are coming,1 is the main droid control room etc.
7. 4+ ewok tree build with ewoks
8. new mtt that is modern version of 2007 one with updated battle droids,kalani and tactical droid.
9. theed palace smaller playset with naboo security,captain panaka and queen amidala.
10. bad batch shuttle 
11. paz vizsla vs mandalorian duel set with the armorer
12. focus on afols by making quality sets and not random things made of lego

There was some discussion of an MBS Yavin in the 2020 thread but I didn’t want to go too far off topic (as I do, sorry mods!) so I wanted to post a concept idea here.  

Recreate your favorite scenes from Star Wars: A New HopeRogue One: A Star Wars Story and Star Wars: Battlefront II with the new UCS Yavin IV Rebel Base!  Fly into battle and defend the Rebels against the Imperial TIE Fighter with the X-Wing and Y-Wing Starfighters!  Flip the switch to change the screen display in the briefing room and plan your attack on the Death Star!  Refuel and repair Rebel ships in the hangar bay!  Stand guard in the lookout tower with working lift!  Honor the heroes in the awards hall!

(I think I got enough exclamation points in there for it to be an official LEGO set description :laugh:)

Basically, I’d do something similar to that sketch model we’ve probably all seen.  The front facade would be the Temple exterior, while the back is open for access.  The bottom level would have a fairly large hangar section with a midi-scale Y-Wing and X-Wing and a cargo sled, as well as the general stacks of crates and other stuff scattered around.  One level up I’d put the briefing room on one half and the area with the maps and displays for the leaders to view the battle.  On the very top, I’d put the award ceremony room, probably using forced perspective/stickers to make it look big.  On the outside, I’d have that lookout tower with the ability to raise and lower the actual guard post.  Like I said, I’d base it off of RO, ANH, and Battlefront, just like how the DS is based off of ANH and ROTJ.  I think this gives more playability potential and better figures, since the only really exciting ANH figures would be Dodonna and celebration Luke/Han/Leia (even though we’ve had the latter 3 before).


Minifigures: Luke Skywaker (pilot), Han Solo (award ceremony), Chewbacca, Princess Leia (award ceremony), Luke Skywaker (award ceremony), General Jan Dodonna, General Davits Draven, Senator Mon Mothma, Wedge Antillies, Biggs Darklighter, “Dutch” Vander, Garven Dries, 4x Rebel Fleet Trooper, 2x Rebel ground crew, Imperial TIE pilot, Imperial Stormtrooper, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, R2-D2 (possibly with a second “damaged” dome) and another R2 or R5 unit.  I know that some people would prefer a few new pilots, but those are probably the most recognizable/“fan favorite” ones.  You could probably swap Red Leader with a different pilot if you really wanted, maybe a blue squadron pilot, but I feel like Wedge/Biggs are necessary and they’d need a Y-Wing pilot in there, so Gold Leader is probably the one that most people are going to remember.

Retails for $350 USD.

3 hours ago, Kit Figsto said:

Minifigures: Luke Skywaker (pilot), Han Solo (award ceremony), Chewbacca, Princess Leia (award ceremony), Luke Skywaker (award ceremony), General Jan Dodonna, General Davits Draven, Senator Mon Mothma, Wedge Antillies, Biggs Darklighter, “Dutch” Vander, Garven Dries, 4x Rebel Fleet Trooper, 2x Rebel ground crew, Imperial TIE pilot, Imperial Stormtrooper, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, R2-D2 (possibly with a second “damaged” dome) and another R2 or R5 unit.  I know that some people would prefer a few new pilots, but those are probably the most recognizable/“fan favorite” ones.  You could probably swap Red Leader with a different pilot if you really wanted, maybe a blue squadron pilot, but I feel like Wedge/Biggs are necessary and they’d need a Y-Wing pilot in there, so Gold Leader is probably the one that most people are going to remember.

I personally wouldn't want RO characters in a Yavin IV base, aside from perhaps Draven (Tantive IV was the same, but Bail was long overdo anyway). And I doubt we'd get 4 Fleet Troopers, even though that would be cool.

A more reserved lineup would replace Pilot Luke (which is quite common) with someone like, say, Jon D. Branon, whose helmet we've already gotten, and you could replace Dutch with Davish Krail, another interesting helmet pattern. Red Leader stays put, it's a crime we've never gotten him, honestly.

Overall, a good idea, but these would be my figure choices: Luke (Jacket), Han Solo (both medals are the CMF neck attachment), Chewbacca, Leia, Jan Dodonna, Mon Mothma (like Bail), Wedge, Biggs, Garven Dreis, "Pops" Krail, 2x Rebel Fleet Troopers, 2x Rebel Ground Crew, 2x Rebel Honor Guard, R2-D2, C-3PO, TIE Fighter Pilot, 2x Stormtroopers.

3 hours ago, Kit Figsto said:

Minifigures: Luke Skywaker (pilot), Han Solo (award ceremony), Chewbacca, Princess Leia (award ceremony), Luke Skywaker (award ceremony), General Jan Dodonna, General Davits Draven, Senator Mon Mothma, Wedge Antillies, Biggs Darklighter, “Dutch” Vander, Garven Dries, 4x Rebel Fleet Trooper, 2x Rebel ground crew, Imperial TIE pilot, Imperial Stormtrooper, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, R2-D2 (possibly with a second “damaged” dome) and another R2 or R5 unit.  I know that some people would prefer a few new pilots, but those are probably the most recognizable/“fan favorite” ones.  You could probably swap Red Leader with a different pilot if you really wanted, maybe a blue squadron pilot, but I feel like Wedge/Biggs are necessary and they’d need a Y-Wing pilot in there, so Gold Leader is probably the one that most people are going to remember.

No Rebel Friend? I don't want it. :wink:

It would be cool to get Red, Gold and Blue leaders in a set like this, with maybe Dutch and Wedge/Biggs as well. You could even be really cheeky and throw Hera Syndulla in given the Ghost was in Rogue One.

14 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

I personally wouldn't want RO characters in a Yavin IV base, aside from perhaps Draven (Tantive IV was the same, but Bail was long overdo anyway). And I doubt we'd get 4 Fleet Troopers, even though that would be cool.

A more reserved lineup would replace Pilot Luke (which is quite common) with someone like, say, Jon D. Branon, whose helmet we've already gotten, and you could replace Dutch with Davish Krail, another interesting helmet pattern. Red Leader stays put, it's a crime we've never gotten him, honestly.

Overall, a good idea, but these would be my figure choices: Luke (Jacket), Han Solo (both medals are the CMF neck attachment), Chewbacca, Leia, Jan Dodonna, Mon Mothma (like Bail), Wedge, Biggs, Garven Dreis, "Pops" Krail, 2x Rebel Fleet Troopers, 2x Rebel Ground Crew, 2x Rebel Honor Guard, R2-D2, C-3PO, TIE Fighter Pilot, 2x Stormtroopers.

Yeah, I had a tough time with the figures.  I feel like pilot Luke is tough because it's hard to not include him in one of his most iconic scenes, but the figure is also very, very redundant for probably 70% of people buying the set, and it takes away another figure.  I don't really see them doing a RO combo either if they were to make it, but I just thought it'd be an interesting idea and probably the best way to get an updated Mon Mothma/General Draven, but if they included those two, they'd probably need to give us main characters too (since people might question why we got some minor RO characters and everyone else being from ANH).  I actually had no idea they'd never given us Red Leader, definitely would've thought he'd had a figure, so he definitely stays.  And good call on the Honor Guard, forgot about those guys.  


14 hours ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

No Rebel Friend? I don't want it. :wink:

It would be cool to get Red, Gold and Blue leaders in a set like this, with maybe Dutch and Wedge/Biggs as well. You could even be really cheeky and throw Hera Syndulla in given the Ghost was in Rogue One.

Ah, of course, how could I forget!!  I did think about a Rebels inclusion, but I don't think we've had animated characters in a D2C set ever (not counting the Ewok cartoon of course :laugh:), so as much as I'd LOVE to get some Rebels characters in there, it'd be a long shot sadly.

Following on from the previous mentions of Separatist vessels, there is one that would make an excellent smaller set: the Ginivex-class fanblade starfighter (which is used by Ventress in both Legends and Canon, though the Legends version looks a little cleaner). The 'fan' might be tricky, but it could be done with some kind of concertina using the same sort of thin plastic as the sails on the Sail Barge. Given it's diminutive size, it could probably be done within 350 pieces (maybe even less), which would, based on recent pricing trends, probably go for £50-60 with a few minifigures (ventress, anakin (ripped clothing), arc trooper lieutenant). 

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