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5 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

After doing this I can see why TPM gets so few sets, the only real iconic things are the duel of the fates and the naboo starfighter, as well as stuff that's more well known for it's clone wars version like the republic frigate or vulture droid.

I'd add the podrace to that list. I think the lack of two big distinct factions works against TPM - rather than Republic vs Separatists or Rebellion vs Empire, it's a rag-tag group of Gungans, Jedi (even then there's only two of them and they don't really take part in the battle at large) and Naboo security forces vs Trade Federation. As a TPM fanboy this is a shame.

That said I finished my Tantive IV yesterday and was just thinking I'd love to see an updated Radiant VII in a similar style.

@Mandalorianknight I chose the Republic Shuttle as a viable way to get Maul and a Yellow Clone Pilot Phase II aswell as being the second Republic set of the wave. I already have the Proton Cannon, Tri-Droid and MTT so I felt that was more than enough and same goes for the Endor Bunker (obvs would expect it to be released following summer). 

In terms of TPM I think there’s some key stuff missing... 

Naboo Royal Starship, Boss Nass, Gian Speeder, Brown Vulture Droid and a Trade Federation Landing Craft. 

Needed re-releases are the Republic Cruiser and a Mos Espa Podrace. 

Padme in her Theed design is a must for me. Kitster, Ric Olie, Rune Haako, and Sabe are all characters warranting a release imo.

Can also freshen up some of the Naboo forces with a Naboo Engineer and a Naboo Palace Guard which both have yet to be released. 

Edited by ArrowBricks

12 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

@Mandalorianknight I chose the Republic Shuttle as a viable way to get Maul and a Yellow Clone Pilot Phase II aswell as being the second Republic set of the wave. I already have the Proton Cannon, Tri-Droid and MTT so I felt that was more than enough and same goes for the Endor Bunker (obvs would expect it to be released following summer). 

In terms of TPM I think there’s some key stuff missing... 

Naboo Royal Starship, Boss Nass, Gian Speeder, Brown Vulture Droid and a Trade Federation Landing Craft. 

Needed re-releases are the Republic Cruiser and a Mos Espa Podrace. 

Padme in her Theed design is a must for me. Kitster, Ric Olie, Rune Haako, and Sabe are all characters warranting a release imo.

Can also freshen up some of the Naboo forces with a Naboo Engineer and a Naboo Palace Guard which both have yet to be released. 

Do you mean missing from my list or missing from the sets, because more than half the things you said were missing are on my list and a fair amount are in actual sets too.

For why some things are missing from my list:

Naboo starship can't be made in chrome, and IMO would look pretty bad in LBG. It also isn't a combat ship and doesn't provide much play value. I didn't want two massive separatist transports in one wave (The UCS is different), so I chose the more iconic one. The landing craft wouldn't be able to hold much and stay proportional, anyway. Sebulba's podracer is included and we just got anakins, I feel like adding some of the random background ones would be too obscure. Kitster is niether prominent nor an interesting design, and RIc Olie would only make sense to come in the aforementioned naboo starship. Though sure, Sabe and the naboo troop variations would make sense.

5 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Sebulba's podracer is included and we just got anakins, I feel like adding some of the random background ones would be too obscure.

A podrace microfighter twin-pack could be a good way of getting some of the more obscure characters. Aldar Beedo vs Gasgano, Dud vs Clegg Holdfast... You could have any combination.

8 hours ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

A podrace microfighter twin-pack could be a good way of getting some of the more obscure characters. Aldar Beedo vs Gasgano, Dud vs Clegg Holdfast... You could have any combination.

Do they put exclusive molds in microfighters? If they don't, we might have to rely on an MBS style set, or maybe a 501st legion type set with one podracer and four pilots.

22 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Do you mean missing from my list or missing from the sets, because more than half the things you said were missing are on my list and a fair amount are in actual sets too.

For why some things are missing from my list:

Naboo starship can't be made in chrome, and IMO would look pretty bad in LBG. It also isn't a combat ship and doesn't provide much play value. I didn't want two massive separatist transports in one wave (The UCS is different), so I chose the more iconic one. The landing craft wouldn't be able to hold much and stay proportional, anyway. Sebulba's podracer is included and we just got anakins, I feel like adding some of the random background ones would be too obscure. Kitster is niether prominent nor an interesting design, and RIc Olie would only make sense to come in the aforementioned naboo starship. Though sure, Sabe and the naboo troop variations would make sense.

I meant in general don’t worry. I think fans that don’t like TPM make excuses for why characters are marginal etc when in fact they play a good part in the film. Forgot to add you could have Shmi and Fodesinbeed in a Podracer set and even an accurate Pit Droid.

There's quite a number of prominent TPM characters that haven't been done yet. But one advantage the film has is that the majority of them are present on either Naboo or Tatooine and could be included in literally any set based around those two planets. Scene accuracy shouldn't be an issue either considering we've already seen Queen Amidala in the Gungan Sub and Watto in the Sith Infiltrator.

For me the primary absentees from Naboo/Tatooine are:

  • Additional Podracers
  • Boss Nass
  • C-3PO (TPM)
  • Fode and Beed
  • Handmaiden
  • Kitster
  • Naboo Engineer
  • Naboo Palace Guard
  • Nute Gunray (TPM)
  • Padme Amidala (Battle of Naboo)
  • Ric Olie
  • Rune Haako
  • Sabe
  • Shmi Skywalker
  • Sio Bibble

As long as they push out more TPM sets and are willing to include new characters then the majority of these could be knocked off the list quite quickly.

On 10/22/2020 at 10:40 AM, TeddytheSpoon said:

. I think the lack of two big distinct factions works against TPM - rather than Republic vs Separatists or Rebellion vs Empire, it's a rag-tag group of Gungans, Jedi (even then there's only two of them and they don't really take part in the battle at large) and Naboo security forces vs Trade Federation. As a TPM fanboy this is a shame

Forced to disagree here. I too am a Phantom apologist, I think the essence of it is very Star wars, and I feel like many of the sets have been done justice by Lego at least once and are memorable designs. Naboo SF and Vulture droid, MTT, Sith Infilttator.... i could go on. There are few complete omissions. The big one is the Royal starship which I am sure they could now do in flat silver. The landing craft is impractical as a model. Remakes of the Republic cruiser and some podracers are overdue and of course Battle Padme is about 20 years overdue.

TPM's nature of a small band against an unstoppable army is much better from a story POV than the enormous, soulless Clone Wars era battles. And it does a good job of showing the lowlife of the universe as well as the highlife and the everyday folks, something no SW movie has done before or to a lesser extent since.

PS. I still think the prominence of the Naboo cruiser on the sleeve of the Skywalker Saga is a clue. Why that ship over numerous other, more current ones? Not a Venator, not a sequel ship. The Naboo cruiser painstakingly redesigned with a new parts library... hmm.

Edited by Redroe

3 hours ago, Redroe said:

Forced to disagree here. I too am a Phantom apologist, I think the essence of it is very Star wars, and I feel like many of the sets have been done justice by Lego at least once and are memorable designs. Naboo SF and Vulture droid, MTT, Sith Infilttator.... i could go on. There are few complete omissions. The big one is the Royal starship which I am sure they could now do in flat silver. The landing craft is impractical as a model. Remakes of the Republic cruiser and some podracers are overdue and of course Battle Padme is about 20 years overdue.

TPM's nature of a small band against an unstoppable army is much better from a story POV than the enormous, soulless Clone Wars era battles. And it does a good job of showing the lowlife of the universe as well as the highlife and the everyday folks, something no SW movie has done before or to a lesser extent since.

PS. I still think the prominence of the Naboo cruiser on the sleeve of the Skywalker Saga is a clue. Why that ship over numerous other, more current ones? Not a Venator, not a sequel ship. The Naboo cruiser painstakingly redesigned with a new parts library... hmm.

I may have come across the wrong way - I agree completely with what you're saying! TPM is pretty well represented in the LEGO Star Wars line, perhaps what I meant is that TPM may not be the obvious choice for 'good vs bad' toys when compared with the Clone Wars era stuff, which is a bit more clear cut in that sense. I will never be disappointed with more TPM sets.

As for the Naboo cruiser... I would of course love to see it represented, especially as it's such a central part of TPM's plot. The colour is the big issue; yes, flat silver would work, but even then I don't think it's particularly cheap to accomplish, especially in the numbers a set of that size would require. Since I'm lazy, does anyone know what recent sets have had the highest proportion or number of flat silver parts?

1 hour ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

Since I'm lazy, does anyone know what recent sets have had the highest proportion or number of flat silver parts?

Not a clue, but there is a very fine selection of curved slopes and wheels on Bricklink in flat silver and a couple of very large wedge pieces, probably from ninjago or nexo nights. They're obviously not afraid to do it if they have to.

I wouldn't expect it to be any larger than the recent KoR transport ship (but less crap) with space for three figs inside. 3 figs, battle Padme, Ric Olie and security man, plus R2 and maybe 2 battle droids for some pow value? They can even do the underside in bley to be honest if they want to save a few pennies.

3 hours ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

I may have come across the wrong way - I agree completely with what you're saying! TPM is pretty well represented in the LEGO Star Wars line, perhaps what I meant is that TPM may not be the obvious choice for 'good vs bad' toys when compared with the Clone Wars era stuff, which is a bit more clear cut in that sense. I will never be disappointed with more TPM sets.

As for the Naboo cruiser... I would of course love to see it represented, especially as it's such a central part of TPM's plot. The colour is the big issue; yes, flat silver would work, but even then I don't think it's particularly cheap to accomplish, especially in the numbers a set of that size would require. Since I'm lazy, does anyone know what recent sets have had the highest proportion or number of flat silver parts?

no set has many flat silver parts. One or two sets have had some 1x8 or so tiles, but the majority of the parts are pretty small, too. Unfortunately I think that lego would have to find a new way to get that color to do the ship justice.

7 hours ago, wesker said:

There's quite a number of prominent TPM characters that haven't been done yet. But one advantage the film has is that the majority of them are present on either Naboo or Tatooine and could be included in literally any set based around those two planets. Scene accuracy shouldn't be an issue either considering we've already seen Queen Amidala in the Gungan Sub and Watto in the Sith Infiltrator.

For me the primary absentees from Naboo/Tatooine are:

  • Boss Nass
  • C-3PO (TPM)
  • Nute Gunray (TPM)
  • Padme Amidala (Battle of Naboo

As long as they push out more TPM sets and are willing to include new characters then the majority of these could be knocked off the list quite quickly.

I assume lego chooses figures based off a mix off iconicity, how cool they look to kids, and how well they fit in the set. (obviously adult-focused sets like MBS and simpsons probably aren't the same) This is where the problem comes from for some of them. A few are just disturbing that we haven't yet gotten them, but others make a bit more sense when viewed from that context. I've sorted the figures into four categories:

Very unlikely, excluding an MBS: Kister (not iconic, literally just a kid in some tan clothes so kids aren't going to be interested), Fode and beed (require a very complex new mold, not too iconic),  Sio bibble (not iconic and not a design kids would care about)..

Only would make sense in a naboo cruiser set and that's tough with the colors: Ric olie, Handmaiden (Sure they could be in a naboo palace set based on the earlier scenes but that's more unlikely than lego figuring out the cruiser)

Understandable why they haven't shown up yet, but could get figures soon: Naboo engineer and palace guard (easy to throw into an N-1 or flash speeder), Rune Haako (we just need a lucrehulk), shmi (would make sense alongside anakin's podracer or a watto's junkyard), sabe (just more padme outfits, basically.), Boss nass (I think he would really only work in a gungan sub, and they chose padme to be in the last one instead)

Should have been in a set or something by now: Battle Padme, Nute gunrey (TPM), C-3PO. Nute and Padme both have plenty of sets they'd make a ton of sense in, and while C-3PO doesn't have any good sets to throw him into but he's kriffing C-3PO, give him a polybag or something.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Very unlikely, excluding an MBS: Kister (not iconic, literally just a kid in some tan clothes so kids aren't going to be interested), Fode and beed (require a very complex new mold, not too iconic),  Sio bibble (not iconic and not a design kids would care about)..

We've already gotten figures of Lor San Tekka, Admiral Ematt and General Cracken - three boring old geezers that had very little screentime in their respective films. If they were important enough to warrant minifigures then any of TPM's support cast should be fair game.

Fode and Beed shouldn't be that complex to pull off either when they've already made a twin-necked head mold before in NinjaGo:


3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Only would make sense in a naboo cruiser set and that's tough with the colors: Ric olie, Handmaiden (Sure they could be in a naboo palace set based on the earlier scenes but that's more unlikely than lego figuring out the cruiser)

Ric Olie is a Naboo Pilot. We've already gotten a generic Naboo Pilot in the past three releases of the Naboo Fighter. There's no reason why the next fighter couldn't substitute the generic pilot for a named character as they do that all the time with the Rebel X-Wings.

3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Understandable why they haven't shown up yet, but could get figures soon: Naboo engineer and palace guard (easy to throw into an N-1 or flash speeder), Rune Haako (we just need a lucrehulk), shmi (would make sense alongside anakin's podracer or a watto's junkyard), sabe (just more padme outfits, basically.), Boss nass (I think he would really only work in a gungan sub, and they chose padme to be in the last one instead)

Should have been in a set or something by now: Battle Padme, Nute gunrey (TPM), C-3PO. Nute and Padme both have plenty of sets they'd make a ton of sense in, and while C-3PO doesn't have any good sets to throw him into but he's kriffing C-3PO, give him a polybag or something.

Again scene accuracy is irrelevant here when you already have Queen Amidala is in the Gungan Sub and Watto/Panaka in the Sith Infiltrator.

  • Battle Padme, Naboo Forces, Nute Gunray, Rune Haako and Sabe
    AAT, Battle Droid Carrier, Flash Speeder, Gian Speeder, MTT, Naboo Starfighter, Neimoidian Shuttle
  • Boss Nass
    Same as above - plus the Gungan Sub and Gungan Patrol
  • C-3PO and Shmi
    Anakin's Hut, Anakin's Podracer, Mos Espa Podrace, Sith Infiltrator, Watto's Junkyard

For a film with so many missing character gaps they can knock a LOT of them out the way very quickly if they wanted to.

Edited by wesker

2 hours ago, wesker said:

We've already gotten figures of Lor San Tekka, Admiral Ematt and General Cracken - three boring old geezers that had very little screentime in their respective films. If they were important enough to warrant minifigures then any of TPM's support cast should be fair game.

Fode and Beed shouldn't be that complex to pull off either when they've already made a twin-necked head mold before in NinjaGo:


Ric Olie is a Naboo Pilot. We've already gotten a generic Naboo Pilot in the past three releases of the Naboo Fighter. There's no reason why the next fighter couldn't substitute the generic pilot for a named character as they do that all the time with the Rebel X-Wings.

Again scene accuracy is irrelevant here when you already have Queen Amidala is in the Gungan Sub and Watto/Panaka in the Sith Infiltrator.

  • Battle Padme, Naboo Forces, Nute Gunray, Rune Haako and Sabe
    AAT, Battle Droid Carrier, Flash Speeder, Gian Speeder, MTT, Naboo Starfighter, Neimoidian Shuttle
  • Boss Nass
    Same as above - plus the Gungan Sub and Gungan Patrol
  • C-3PO and Shmi
    Anakin's Hut, Anakin's Podracer, Mos Espa Podrace, Sith Infiltrator, Watto's Junkyard

For a film with so many missing character gaps they can knock a LOT of them out the way very quickly if they wanted to.

The three "boring old geezers" were either military troops or, in lor san tekka's case, a very pivitol character to the early scene. Sio Bibble is just some lame politician who isn't in any scenes you could really make a set of besides maybe a massive naboo palace. Fode and Beed's head would have to be a heck of a lot more complex than that snake, and would need to include the extra pair of arms and maybe even the tail. Ric Olie is the pilot of the naboo cruiser, never the naboo starfighter. All the bolded characters are the ones that I agreed could easily be put in sets...




My phantom menace wave seems to have garnered some controversy, let's see how my AotC wave goes.


AT-TE ($9.99): Clone pilot

Hailfire droid ($9.99): Geonosian battle droid

Geonosian Starfighter versus Reek ($19.99): anakin and a geonosian warrior

Battle packs

Clone troopers ($14.99): 3x clone shiny, 1x clone seargent. Builds are a BARC and a small barricade

Geonosis battle droids ($14.99): Dward spider droid, 2x droidika, 2x b2 battle droid, 4x geonosis b1 battle droid

Other sets:

Duel on geonosis ($19.99): A small landing platform build with explode feature to "throw" the pillars at yoda. Comes with Yoda and Dooku.

Geonosian attack ($29.99, 501st-style set): 3x geonosian warrior, geonosian picador, clone lieutenant. Comes with an Orray and sonic cannon.

Geonosian Starfighter ($34.99): Geonosian starfighter with Padme (pre-tear outfit with cape), geonosian, and a geonosian brood alpha (a geonosian with scarred head, shield, and glaive, basically present for troop variation)

Airspeeder Chase ($39.99): Builds for Zam's speeder and anakin's stolen speeder. Comes with Anakin, Zam, Jango, and Obi-wan (uses old luke's hair in nougat)

Battle of geonosis ($69.99): Comes with a new, larger hailfire droid, a larger command center build, and some terrain with barricades and an explode function. Comes with a clone captain, clone shiny, Mace Windu, coleman Kcaj, 2x geonosis battle droid, a geonosian warrior, and a droidika build.

AT-TE ($99.99): AT-TE build similar to 2013 but with more interior space. Comes with a clone pilot (new helmet mold, by the way), clone commander, 2x clone shiny, Kit fisto (new head mold), 2x geonosian b1 and Count Dooku on his speeder.

Slave one versus kenobi's starfighter ($149.99): Slave One (jango version), Obi-wan's delta 7 (smaller than the latest version, to be to scale with obi-wan it's actually gotta be pretty small). Comes with Jango Fett, Obi-wan (jedi robes and hood alongside hair), Young Boba, Taun We, R4-P17, and a clone trooper (without armor).

MBS: Pentaki ($349.99): Massive, full-circle arena with the gate, balcony, stands with catacomb detailing behind/beneath them, three pillars, a midi-scale (300ish piece) gunship, and buildible versions of the acklay, nexu,orray,  and reek. Comes with Anakin, Padme (tear), Obi-wan, Yoda, mace Windu, Dooku, Nute Gunrey, Jango, Poggle, Wat Tambor, clone pilot, sun fac, 2x geonosian warrior, 2x clone trooper, 2x b2 battle droid, geonosian picador, Coleman Trebor, and 2x geonosis b1.

4 hours ago, wesker said:

Again scene accuracy is irrelevant here when you already have Queen Amidala is in the Gungan Sub and Watto/Panaka in the Sith Infiltrator.

Following along from this, look at tROS sets that put Finn with the Sith TIE, or a Knight of Ren with Poe's X-Wing. Correlation between a fig and the set they're packaged with seems to have gone out the window, so the good news should that be anythings possible.

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

MBS: Pentaki ($349.99): Massive, full-circle arena with the gate, balcony, stands with catacomb detailing behind/beneath them, three pillars, a midi-scale (300ish piece) gunship, and buildible versions of the acklay, nexu,orray,  and reek. Comes with Anakin, Padme (tear), Obi-wan, Yoda, mace Windu, Dooku, Nute Gunrey, Jango, Poggle, Wat Tambor, clone pilot, sun fac, 2x geonosian warrior, 2x clone trooper, 2x b2 battle droid, geonosian picador, Coleman Trebor, and 2x geonosis b1.

I feel a semi-circle arena would work just as well, partially to keep piece count down, but more that most of the action occurs on the arena floor and it could be better to keep that area open and accessible with the stands as a backdrop. Anakin and Padme's chariot could enter from the left side of the stands and the balcony with Nute Gunray, Dooku, Jango etc. on the right. A problem with such a set is that while the stands are necessary to give shape to the arena, not a lot happens there, and you're going to need a LOT of Geonosians to make it look not empty. Maybe the Geo warrior pack could be a regular BP to make this possible.

2 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Fode and Beed's head would have to be a heck of a lot more complex than that snake, and would need to include the extra pair of arms and maybe even the tail. Ric Olie is the pilot of the naboo cruiser, never the naboo starfighter.

He did pilot the Naboo Fighter during the attack on the Droid Control Ship. He was the one leading Bravo Flight as Bravo Leader.

Extra arms wouldn't be an issue. Just reuse the torso for Rio Durant. Dexter Jettster could also make good use of this piece if he ever got made. It would look a lot better on him than the extended sandwich board Pong Krell used.



About the Naboo Royal Starship thing, the 2007 Sith Infiltrator was a $30 set (I distinctly remember buying it, as I believe it was a Walmart exclusive so I had to make a special trip to get it), and if the trend of downsizing ships continues, I think that they could do the set justice for under $70.  Like, that set isn't the greatest representation of a ship they've ever done, but the shape is there, it's got both a cockpit space with speeder storage and space inside of the hull for a control station, and so on.  It's also very similar in shape to the Naboo ship.  They could basically take that basic design, make it bigger, more structurally sound (one issue that era of Lego's SW ships had was that a lot of them had parts that either weren't secured all that well or relied on like one Technic pin to connect an entire wing), and obviously more accurate to the Royal Starship.  Throw in a Naboo pilot, Obi-Wan, Padme in the blue outfit, and maybe R2-D2 and I think that's a really solid set.

I'm also very surprised Boss Nass hasn't been a throw-in somewhere along the line.  If they can include every bounty hunter in the Slave I for being tangentially related to it, they could very easily put Boss Nass into some sort of Naboo vehicle.  Plus, I've always thought a reprinted Spongebob fish head would've been perfect, they even already have used the mold in a lime green.


@wesker You’re talking straight facts in all honesty. 

Give us a small little reboot of TPM over a couple of waves and finally Lego have given the film a good representation! 

Gian Speeder £29.99

Naboo Starfighter w/Vulture Droid £64.99

Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator (only way to get Maul) 

Naboo Royal Starship £89.99

Mos Espa Podrace £109.99

Republic Cruiser £119.99

Trade Federation Lansing Craft £129.99

@Mandalorianknight for me these are the AOTC’s sets Lego should do... 

Dexter’s Diner £29.99 

Geonosian Starfighter £29.99

Homing Spider Droid (accurate stickers on the centre) £34.99

Padme’s Nubian Yacht £64.99

Jango Fett’s Slave One £109.99

Republic SPHA-T £129.99 

Geonosian Arena £139.99


Obi-Wan’s Blue Jedi Interceptor £24.99

Clone Scout Walker £29.99

Separatist Shuttle (Brown) £54.99

Senate Duel £59.99

Republic UT-AT £84.99 

Padme’s Star Skiff £129.99

Republic AT-OT Walker £129.99

Edited by ArrowBricks

6 hours ago, Legoman123 said:

Are we expecting a Phantom Menace wave? 

No, it's just people's wishlists for what an Episode 1 wave should include or sets that we haven't seen from LEGO before. There's no rumours or news about a possible Phantom Menace wave.

On 10/25/2020 at 4:07 PM, Legoman123 said:

Are we expecting a Phantom Menace wave? 

nope. This thread is for wishlisting sets, not speculation.

On 10/25/2020 at 2:51 AM, wesker said:

He did pilot the Naboo Fighter during the attack on the Droid Control Ship. He was the one leading Bravo Flight as Bravo Leader.

Extra arms wouldn't be an issue. Just reuse the torso for Rio Durant. Dexter Jettster could also make good use of this piece if he ever got made. It would look a lot better on him than the extended sandwich board Pong Krell used.


My mistake then, in that case I'd move him to the "understandable why we don't have but could easily be added to a set" column. 

I still think that the complexity of the head mold compared to the prominence of the character is too big a ratio to warrant his inclusion in anything besides a mos espa MBS.

On 10/25/2020 at 12:19 AM, MaximillianRebo said:

I feel a semi-circle arena would work just as well, partially to keep piece count down, but more that most of the action occurs on the arena floor and it could be better to keep that area open and accessible with the stands as a backdrop. Anakin and Padme's chariot could enter from the left side of the stands and the balcony with Nute Gunray, Dooku, Jango etc. on the right. A problem with such a set is that while the stands are necessary to give shape to the arena, not a lot happens there, and you're going to need a LOT of Geonosians to make it look not empty. Maybe the Geo warrior pack could be a regular BP to make this possible.

Given the size of the mos eisley cantina's main building, I feel like the arena could be made at that size, but it would be a good idea to make it open up for play.



ROTS time. My favorite prequel so I might be a bit biased...


Anakin's Eta 2 interceptor ($9.99): anakin skywalker (headset)

Vulture droid ($9.99): buzz droid

Wheel Bike vs Boga ($19.99): Obi-wan and grievous

battle packs:

Coruscant clone troopers attack force ($14.99): 2x clone shiny, 2x coruscant guard Comes with a venator cannon build.

Separatist alliance ($14.99): 2x b2 battle droid, 4x b1 battle droid, 2x droideka builds and a STAP build.

Other sets: 

Duel in the senate ($19.99): Build is a senate pod and a small office. Comes with Sidious and Yoda.

the 212th legion ($29.99, 501st legion type): 3x 212th trooper, 1x airborne trooper, 2x b1 battle droid. Builds are a crab droid and a varactyl.

Tank droid attack ($39.99): Comes with a tank droid and accurately sized AT-RT with 1x at-rt driver (kashyyyk), 2x 41st battalion trooper (no camo), b1 battle droid.

Duel on the invisible hand ($49.99): Sort of similar to snoke's throne room, a balcony with the staircases coming down (and collapse feature) leading to palpatine's chair on the floor. comes with Dooku, Palpatine, Obi-wan, anakin, and 2 b2 battle droids.

Wookie attack ($59.99): Small wookie hut, ornithopter, dwarf spider droid. Comes with Commander gree, 1x 41st scout trooper, 2x wookie warrior, Yoda, 2x b1 battle droid.

Battle of coruscant ($99.99): ARC-170 starfighter and vulture droid builds. FIgures are 2x clone pilot (closed helmet), clone pilot (open helmet with visor), Plo Koon (new head mold), Kit Fisto (new head mold), Astromech droid, 2x buzz droid, droidika.

Venator Attack Cruiser ($139.99): large venator in the vein of the 2014 star destroyer. Interior includes a mini scale hanger, a bridge, a gunner station, and a war table. Comes with 2x clone officer, 2x clone shiny, obi-wan, cody, R4-G9, Tion Medan, Nute Gunray, general grievous.

UCS: UCS ARC-170 starfighter ($299.99): Large ARC-170 starfighter with captain jag and clone pilot (open visor) with arm printing.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

based on past releases, do you know when we should expect more details about upcoming sets aside from just the price and description ? any chance for visuals by the end of the year ?

3 hours ago, macaron35 said:

based on past releases, do you know when we should expect more details about upcoming sets aside from just the price and description ? any chance for visuals by the end of the year ?

Last year legitimate pictures were around mid-November. However, that was for 1 January releases so maybe a month later this year given that sets are released throughout autumn from 1 February.


Speculating further to that, are the staggered releases to shift waves to an autumn/spring schedule instead of summer/late winter?

Rather than a TPM wave which would have been nice last year with the 20th anniversary, I hope they do it for AOTC in 2022. There's a lot of potential for sets there that haven't been mined or rereleased. 


Moving into the OT, a A New Hope wave:

Red Five's X-wing ($9.99): pilot luke and R2 head

Lord Vader's TIE advanced ($9.99): Vader

Tantive IV versus Star Destroyer ($19.99): Captain Antilles and an Imperial Officer.

Battle Packs:

Rebel fleet troops ($14.99): 3x rebel fleet trooper, 1x rebel captain. Comes with an updated version of the 2008 battle pack's speeder.

Sandtroopers ($14.99): 4x sandtrooper (2x black pauldron, 1x white pauldron, 1x orange pauldron). Build is a brick-build dewback.

Other sets:
Duel on the death star ($19.99): Area where vader and ben duel with an opening blast door, comes with vader and ben kenobi.

Death Star legion ($29.99, 501st style): 2x stormtrooper and 2x death star troopers, along with a mouse droid and rebel fleet trooper. The builds are a turbolaser turret, and control center type build.

Tusken Attack ($39.99): Luke's landspeeder and a brick-built bantha with Luke, C-3po, and 2 tusken raiders.

Yavin briefing ($59.99): Briefing room, throne room, and command center with a yavin temple exterior on the closed sides. Comes with Biggs, Red Leader, Dodanna, Leia, and two rebel honor guard.

Vader's TIE advanced ($69.99): Vader's TIE advanced build in the style of 2018's tie fighter with Vader (arm printing, red eye printing on helmet), a TIE pilot, a stormtrooper and Tarkin

Rebel Y-wing ($79.99): Larger Y-wing with Gold Leader, Wedge (I know he's not a y-wing pilot but there aren't any other well-known pilots and Wedge is one of my favorite characters, sue me), an astromech droid, and two rebel technicians.

Millienium Falcon ($149.99): OT millienium falcon at a similar size to the 2019 set. Comes with Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, C-3PO, R2-D2, Ben Kenobi, and a stormtrooper.


UCS: Death star ($499.99): Death star (not open like the last one, the lack of interior detail should cancel out the added cost of the exterior paneling) with Tarkin (dual molded boots, leg printing) and a death star gunner (arm printing, better leg printing).

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