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Haven't gotten into any of the High Republic stuff yet, but I will say a lot of the characters and vehicles do look really unique! I could absolutely see LEGO doing a set or two based on it, not unlike those sets we got based on The Old Republic MMO years back.

  • 2 weeks later...

Reading Light of the Jedi and I second everything said above, the vehicle designs seem really cool so far! I definitely think the series is off to a strong start in terms of fan reception and I wouldn't be surprised if Lucasfilm quickly put out some form of visual media like Forces of Destiny or the other Youtube shorts to tie-in with the books as some sort of teaser.

I think short videos like that would definitely help advertise the Children's / YA books too like Into the Dark and that would at least give Lego a more solid blueprint to base ship designs on. And honestly the Jedi designs are so cool and marketable already that I think if Lego can make sets based on a Star Wars theme park attraction then a popular new era of stories shouldn't be out of the question. 

As long as we finally get a Yarael Poof figure :laugh:

On 1/16/2021 at 2:39 PM, LoyalLegoCollector said:

Haven't gotten into any of the High Republic stuff yet, but I will say a lot of the characters and vehicles do look really unique! I could absolutely see LEGO doing a set or two based on it, not unlike those sets we got based on The Old Republic MMO years back.

I could totally see this, but only if/when it gets a show or movie (I think acolyte is set in the era, but not part of the main story), since lego seems to be getting more and more apprehensive about content that's not live action. (Heck, we don't even get sets for AAA games anymore). A Vector or longbeam would be pretty cool. And geez, just give it an animated series already! I haven't read light of the jedi yet but i've heard good things.

Here's a wave based less on what lego would really do and more so just on a wave to absolutely nuke my wallet.


Slave one ($9.99): Boba Fett

Cloud car ($9.99): Cloud car pilot

Rey's speeder v luggabeast ($19.99): Rey (mask), bb-8, Teedo.

Battle packs: 

Clone specialists ($14.99): 2x clone commando, clone jet trooper (battlefront 2 red skin), ARC trooper (battlefront 2 default p2 skin). Build is an E-web and a barricade.

Final order commandos ($14.99): 2x sith trooper, 2x sovereign protector. Build is a small sith shrine.

Duel: Duel on Zeffo ($19.99): Zeffo ruins build with Cal (default skin, comes with bracca poncho), Second Sister, and a BD-1 made the same way they made D-0. 

Other sets: 

Imperial strike team ($29.99): 501st style, comes with a speeder bike and a turbolaser tower. Figures are 3x stormtrooper (one with a commander pauldron), 1x scout trooper, and 2x kx-series battle droid.

Vector starfighter ($39.99): vector starfighter with sskeer, burryaga agaburry, machiron ro, and a nihil soldier.

Wheel Bike Chase ($39.99): Grievous's wheel bike and a brick-build boga with Obi-Wan, Grievous (cape), p2 commander cody, and 2x IG-100 magnaguard.

Exogol ($59.99): Sith throne, omnic harness, experiment area with the jar of snokes, and area where Ben fights the KoR. Comes with Ben Solo, Rey Skywalker, Palpatine (omnic harness), Palpatine (eternal), Trudgen, and Vicrul.

AT-ST ambush ($79.99): AT-ST (with room for 2 drivers) and a large tree build with the log-smash function. Comes with 2x AT-ST pilot, 1x stormtrooper, chewbacca, wicket, paploo, and logray.

Mon Cala Cruiser ($159.99): Huge Mon Cala MC-85 star cruiser with interior bridge, briefing room, microscale hanger, armory, and medbay. Comes with Admiral Ackbar, 2x mon cala technician, Mon Mothma, Crix madine, 2x rebel fleet trooper, 1x rebel fleet captain, General Lando, Wedge Antilles, and Luke Skywalker.


Rebel pilot helmet ($69.99): rebel pilot helmet (transparent visor) with extra parts to apply different designs, including luke, biggs, wedge, and dak.

Clone p2 helmet ($69.99): Clone trooper helmet with extra parts for different legions, including 501st, 212th, coruscant guard, and the 332nd.

The mandalorian's helmet ($59.99): The mandalorian's helmet, built similarly to boba fett's.

UCS/MBS: MBS Pentaki ($349.99): Huge geonosis stadium stands in a semicircle with the balcony/gate build, three pillars, buildable reek, acklay, nexu, orray, and a midiscale 300-ish piece gunship. Comes with Padme, Anakin, Obi-wan, Yoda, Mace Windu, Coleman Trebor, 4x p1 clone trooper, 2x p1 clone pilot, clone captain, clone commander, count dooku, nute gunrey, jango fett, 4x geonosian, poggle the lesser, 4x geonosian battle droid, and 2x geonosian super battle droid.


Edited by Mandalorianknight

I still just want the Mantis from Fallen Order. That game did really well and if Lego can do something super obscure like the IT-S Transport at a $100 price point, I don’t know what’s stopping them from doing something based off of what is arguably the best received Star Wars game from the last ten years. Heck, with Marvel, they’ve done a ton of sets based off the Square Enix Avengers game, which fell hard on its face. Hopefully Lego will put out a set or two to tie in with the sequel whenever that comes out. I’d be happy with just the Mantis (with Cal, BD-1, Cere, Greez, and Merrin figures) and they can just throw Trilla in with a TIE Interceptor if they ever make a new one.

The High Republic has a bunch of interesting character and ships designs, and with The Acolyte coming out in the next couple years, along with rumors of an animated show and video game, I have to imagine we’ll get something Lego related eventually. Maybe if The Skywalker Saga is really successful, they could even do High Republic DLC later on, though that’s a long shot.

2 hours ago, The Stud said:

I still just want the Mantis from Fallen Order. That game did really well and if Lego can do something super obscure like the IT-S Transport at a $100 price point, I don’t know what’s stopping them from doing something based off of what is arguably the best received Star Wars game from the last ten years. Heck, with Marvel, they’ve done a ton of sets based off the Square Enix Avengers game, which fell hard on its face. Hopefully Lego will put out a set or two to tie in with the sequel whenever that comes out. I’d be happy with just the Mantis (with Cal, BD-1, Cere, Greez, and Merrin figures) and they can just throw Trilla in with a TIE Interceptor if they ever make a new one.

The High Republic has a bunch of interesting character and ships designs, and with The Acolyte coming out in the next couple years, along with rumors of an animated show and video game, I have to imagine we’ll get something Lego related eventually. Maybe if The Skywalker Saga is really successful, they could even do High Republic DLC later on, though that’s a long shot.

I'd love the Mantis as well, but I think the only reason it isn't getting made is as the game is rated PEGI 16, which isn't the case for the IT-S. I'm not sure LEGO would associate themselves with that (BFII battle packs notwithstanding, although that was PEGI 12 I believe).

I do really hope we get High Republic stuff. Lucasfilm is clearly doing a massive push for it so it would be good to see LEGO get involved.

I want Mace Windu clone trooper now. The ones from the Bad Batch final Episode. 

Anaxes Clone Troopers £24.99: 2 Mace Windu Clones and 2 212th troopers. 

Red and grey Barc speeder, Command station and large E-Web Cannon. 

3 hours ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

I'd love the Mantis as well, but I think the only reason it isn't getting made is as the game is rated PEGI 16, which isn't the case for the IT-S. I'm not sure LEGO would associate themselves with that (BFII battle packs notwithstanding, although that was PEGI 12 I believe).

That’s the reasoning Lego’s designers gave and I’m not sure if I really buy it. Fallen Order’s around the same rating as Overwatch, Square Enix Avengers, the Battlefront games, and The Force Unleashed; all of those have gotten Lego sets. Lego is just very inconsistent with their logic sometimes.

 A Mantis would have sold well if they released one when the game was still relevant, or if they end up releasing one when Fallen Order 2 comes out, and they can just slap the ‘ol 18+ label on there if they felt like it was too graphic.

2 hours ago, The Stud said:

That’s the reasoning Lego’s designers gave and I’m not sure if I really buy it. Fallen Order’s around the same rating as Overwatch, Square Enix Avengers, the Battlefront games, and The Force Unleashed; all of those have gotten Lego sets. Lego is just very inconsistent with their logic sometimes.

 A Mantis would have sold well if they released one when the game was still relevant, or if they end up releasing one when Fallen Order 2 comes out, and they can just slap the ‘ol 18+ label on there if they felt like it was too graphic.

Fallen order isn't any more graphic than the films (I mean, unlike the films, you can't dismember humanoids), but like you said, even if you go through specifically video games, they've made tons of sets for T-rated games. I agree that we won't see one until 2022 if at all. I still don't understand why lego didn't do a $20 cal v trilla duel set in 2019 for triple force friday, they're the only major merch group that didn't do all three of the properties (we got hasbro figures and other merch for TROS, mando, and FO)

Now I have to do a Fallen Order wave, of course. Obviously not something they'd do, more of a fun concept.


The mantis ($9.99): Greez Dituris.

Tie interceptor ($9.99): Second Sister

Shyyyo Bird vs TIE reaper ($19.99): Cal Kestis and a TIE pilot

Battle packs:

Zeffo Imperials ($14.99): 2x scout trooper (melee weapon), 2x purge trooper. Build is an e-web and a bit of terrain.

Kashyyyk Rebels ($14.99): 2x human partisan, 2x wookie soldier. Build is some kashyyyk flora with a tree.

Duel: Duel on Dathomir ($19.99): Dathomir duel area with Cal Kestis (outlaw jumpsuit, Homestead poncho) and Taron Malicos.

Other sets:

Zeffo attack ($29.99): Small cave area with meditation area and brick-built Jotaz, Cal Kestis (bracca scrapper poncho), BD-1, and a scout trooper.

Tomb of Miktrull ($49.99): Brick-built tomb with a rock-wall, zeffo orb, and some of the tomb. Comes with 2x tomb guardian, cal kestis (fjord poncho), and a purge commander.

TIE reaper ($79.99): TIE reaper with bombing function, opening ramp, and cockpit. Comes with Ninth Sister (Big figure), a TIE pilot, buildable Whyyyschokk, a heavy trooper, scout commander, and Cal Kestis (bracca scrapper poncho).

The mantis ($89.99): Buildable mantis with interior cockpit, mission table, and kitchen/dining room area. Comes with Cal Kestis (bracca scrapper poncho), BD-1, Greez Dituris, Cere Junda, Nightsister Merrin, purge trooper, and Second Sister.

AT-AT ($169.99): AT-AT (larger model based on the rebels/FO design, not the OT design) with vine details. Comes with 2x at-at pilot, 2x scout trooper, 1x purge trooper, Cal Kestis (commando outfit, free kashyyyk poncho), BD-1, and Saw Gerrera.

UCS: UCS BD-1 ($199.99): Life-sized BD-1, fully articulated, with bd-1 figure and Cal kestis (guardian outfit, sumi poncho)

Edited by Mandalorianknight

47 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:


The mantis ($69.99): Greez Dituris.

Whoa, I’m usually pretty accepting of Lego’s pricing, but this is ridiculous. :laugh:

Seriously though, I’d be happy with any Fallen Order sets at this point, let alone a whole wave. I don’t know why Lego didn’t do anything for Fallen Order on Triple Force Friday either.

Tinfoil hat here, but what if that random Death Star Turret set was originally supposed to be a small Fallen Order playset? Maybe Lego caught wind of the game’s rating and and/or decided a random OT set would have been more cost effective (which didn’t really work out since the set ended up being a shelf warmer.) Lego would have had to make new molds for the Second Sister’s helmet and BD-1 after all, and maybe they couldn’t or simply didn’t want to go through with that.

I guess beyond a small playset, they were pretty limited on choices. They couldn’t do a Mantis because they weren’t sure how well that would sell; they couldn’t do a TIE Interceptor because Vonreg’s was already on the market; they couldn’t do an AT-ST because they were already doing one for Mando. Maybe if The Mandalorian wasn’t coming out yet, the Razor Crest wouldn’t have been fast-tracked and we would have gotten a Mantis at that price point instead.

23 minutes ago, The Stud said:

Whoa, I’m usually pretty accepting of Lego’s pricing, but this is ridiculous. :laugh:

Seriously though, I’d be happy with any Fallen Order sets at this point, let alone a whole wave. I don’t know why Lego didn’t do anything for Fallen Order on Triple Force Friday either.

Tinfoil hat here, but what if that random Death Star Turret set was originally supposed to be a small Fallen Order playset? Maybe Lego caught wind of the game’s rating and and/or decided a random OT set would have been more cost effective (which didn’t really work out since the set ended up being a shelf warmer.) Lego would have had to make new molds for the Second Sister’s helmet and BD-1 after all, and maybe they couldn’t or simply didn’t want to go through with that.

I guess beyond a small playset, they were pretty limited on choices. They couldn’t do a Mantis because they weren’t sure how well that would sell; they couldn’t do a TIE Interceptor because Vonreg’s was already on the market; they couldn’t do an AT-ST because they were already doing one for Mando. Maybe if The Mandalorian wasn’t coming out yet, the Razor Crest wouldn’t have been fast-tracked and we would have gotten a Mantis at that price point instead.

Oops, good catch. Lego'd never do a $70 microfighter mantis....Greez would require a new mold and of course they'd have to up the price to $80! :laugh:

That's a good theory, and lego does have tons of cancelled sets (AT-UT, pentaki monsters, non-canon clone walker, yavin temple, constraction b2 and at-rt, etc). The gun turret set also does stick out like a sore thumb, since in the past, every september/october wave for the december film was entirely of sets for the new content, this was the first time a set based on existing content was included (unless you count solo, but that wave was april, and everything about that film's marketing and merch was rushed). You raise another good point that they couldn't do what they did with the mando set and make it a recognizable OT vehicle just with different packaging/figures/color scheme. 

Quick update on my mando wave: I just need to finish a microfighter and duel set and I'll be done. I've decided not to make the arquitens since it's a bit out of my skill level, and by the time I completed it we'd have leaked images of the official set anyway. After that, I'm going to move on to something I'll actually submit to ideas (so not star wars), then maybe come back and MOC my fallen order wave by march-april.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

21 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Fallen order isn't any more graphic than the films (I mean, unlike the films, you can't dismember humanoids)

"Fallen Order can't be made - it's too violent!"

"Hey, want a convention exclusive based entirely around someone's hand getting sliced off?"


Edited by Yoshifan33

36 minutes ago, Yoshifan33 said:

"Fallen Order can't be made - it's too violent!"

"Hey, want a convention exclusive based entirely around someone's hand getting sliced off?"


"only if we can do a retail set aged 6-12 for the scene where someone chops another man's legs off and leaves him to die in lava."

But not fallen order sets, you can swing your lightsaber at troopers and leave glowing orange stripes along their armor! Too violent! :grin:

Edited by Mandalorianknight

3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

"only if we can do a retail set aged 6-12 for the scene where someone chops another man's legs off and leaves him to die in lava."

But not fallen order sets, you can swing your lightsaber at troopers and leave glowing orange stripes along their armor! Too violent! :grin:

"Ooh, but we have to make sure that we also make a set about four different characters getting killed in quick succession by the main villain! Or the one where one guy gets stabbed, and then the other guy gets cut in half! Or maybe one (or three) about another character getting a hand cut off! And the first guy also gets electrocuted to near-death! And the guy electrocuting him gets thrown directly into an exploding reactor!"

"But sir, in Fallen Order, you can use WEAPONS! WAY too violent!"

[end rant]

Edited by Yoshifan33

46 minutes ago, Yoshifan33 said:

Ooh, but we have to make sure that we also make a set about four different characters getting killed in quick succession by the main villain! Or the one where one guy gets stabbed, and then the other guy gets cut in half! Or maybe one (or three) about another character getting a hand cut off! And the first guy also gets electrocuted to near-death! And the guy electrocuting him gets thrown directly into an exploding reactor!"

Oh, and why not a ship that gets boarded by stormtroopers (hmm, where did that name come from?), then as depicted on the minifigure (who has a choking reverse face), some bad guy strangles someone else to death.

And, ah, what is fallen order anyway, I just thought that example I gave was good so I just said it?

And I wonder why the squadrons video game hasn't got the same attention battlefront did, since Disney seem to give it the same amount of attention as the latter. There isn't much new in squadrons ( I haven't ever played it, I'm just going off the databank, so correct me if I'm wrong), but there wasn't in battlefront either. Maybe its because battle packs (which the battlefront sets were) are now defunct?

Is there any chance that there will be more 501st style battle packs. Maybe something to do with the 41st corps TLG have an obsession with, the 212th which seems to have supplanted the 501st in being asked for, or something from the OT?

4 hours ago, Stuartn said:

And I wonder why the squadrons video game hasn't got the same attention battlefront did, since Disney seem to give it the same amount of attention as the latter. There isn't much new in squadrons ( I haven't ever played it, I'm just going off the databank, so correct me if I'm wrong), but there wasn't in battlefront either. Maybe its because battle packs (which the battlefront sets were) are now defunct?

Is there any chance that there will be more 501st style battle packs. Maybe something to do with the 41st corps TLG have an obsession with, the 212th which seems to have supplanted the 501st in being asked for, or something from the OT?

I imagine Squadrons hasn't been in the limelight much because of the High Republic - that is getting a lot of hype. The story in Battlefront II (or IV, I always found the way EA numbered them annoying) had the advantage of providing a bit more context to the upcoming sequels; I haven't played Squadrons yet, but from what I can gather it also provides context around the sequels - but they're now already released rather than upcoming. There is some new stuff, but apparently it ties in pretty closely with the Alphabet Squadron books. Also, BFII (IV) was the first mainline Star Wars game since BFI (III), which was bantha poodoo. Squadrons has to compete with those two and Fallen Order.

I'd like to think we'll see more 501st style sets, although the rumoured set list doesn't seem to support that POV (mystery $30 notwithstanding). But since we had clones in the last one, I don't think we'll see more clones in a set like that for another two or three years, assuming they keep making them.

16 hours ago, Stuartn said:

And I wonder why the squadrons video game hasn't got the same attention battlefront did, since Disney seem to give it the same amount of attention as the latter. There isn't much new in squadrons ( I haven't ever played it, I'm just going off the databank, so correct me if I'm wrong), but there wasn't in battlefront either. Maybe its because battle packs (which the battlefront sets were) are now defunct?

Sort of, I think. Battlefront's sets were battle packs because the main new characters were troopers that fought on the front lines, so it made sense to have them as battle packs. With squadrons, you'd have to make new color variations of the -wings or package different figures with the tie fighters, since all the main characters are pilots and techs.

  • 2 weeks later...

Squadrons really doesn't have anything exclusive outside a few minifigures and places, which wouldn't translate that well into sets anyway. Lego is already hesitant to release an OT X-Wing that isn't Red 5, I don't see any Squadron specific paint schemes coming out soon. Newer Battlefront is mostly the same with a few exceptions, however all three (since the Saber tank isn't listed under it... for some reason) of those sets have been only BPs. Battlefront also sold quite a bit better iirc, which poses the bigger question as to why we don't have the Mantis or a small set with Cal since FO also sold exceptionally well. 

7 hours ago, Gontron said:

Squadrons really doesn't have anything exclusive outside a few minifigures and places, which wouldn't translate that well into sets anyway. Lego is already hesitant to release an OT X-Wing that isn't Red 5, I don't see any Squadron specific paint schemes coming out soon. Newer Battlefront is mostly the same with a few exceptions, however all three (since the Saber tank isn't listed under it... for some reason) of those sets have been only BPs. Battlefront also sold quite a bit better iirc, which poses the bigger question as to why we don't have the Mantis or a small set with Cal since FO also sold exceptionally well. 

The saber tank was "legends" most likely because of the figure count, as I don't think p2 clone gunners are in canon, and neither the gunners or secura are in battlefront 2017.

Here's an idea how to make Squadrons work in Lego: each time a new ship is released, put out a separate pack that enables that craft to refitted as a different squadron. The pack can contain different coloured pieces, a pilot, maybe a sticker sheet and an astromech if necessary to change the colour scheme of each fighter. It would be an expanded version of what was already included in the 2018 X-Wing containing Biggs and alternate pieces to have Red 3 instead of Red 5, but this time changing to a different squadron instead of within the same group.

5 minutes ago, MaximillianRebo said:

Here's an idea how to make Squadrons work in Lego: each time a new ship is released, put out a separate pack that enables that craft to refitted as a different squadron. The pack can contain different coloured pieces, a pilot, maybe a sticker sheet and an astromech if necessary to change the colour scheme of each fighter. It would be an expanded version of what was already included in the 2018 X-Wing containing Biggs and alternate pieces to have Red 3 instead of Red 5, but this time changing to a different squadron instead of within the same group.

That's the problem with the 2021 x wing, it can only be Luke's x wing due to stickers. which is useless for most AFOLs who buy multiples. A sticker set like the Xtras sticker set would be brilliant, and could have stickers for Rogue One, OT and video game x wings.

I'd love a series of Ship interiors as part of the 18+ line.

A Star Destroyer/Super Star Destroyer bridge with the Meditation Chamber or Hologram Room.

Home One bridge with the Briefing Room.

Tantive IV corridors with escape pod area. 

Death Star War Room/Overbridge with Conference Room and Control Room 327 (considering almost all other areas have been done in the last few years) 


On 2/12/2021 at 6:57 AM, Seaber said:

I'd love a series of Ship interiors as part of the 18+ line.

I think we might actually be getting the first one, as there's an 18+ "meditation chamber" that's supposedly over $100. I do hope we get more, though.


I'm a big fan of the current star wars games, so I think my next wave that I MOC up will be a gaming wave. It'll be mostly based on the canon games: The Battlefront series reboot, Squadrons, and Fallen Order, with the non-canon KOTOR and a smidge of SWGOH thrown in because KOTOR may be canon soon, and the lore is just amazing. Please let me know your suggestions for any changes/additions/redactions I should make, I'd love some feedback for my choices before I start building.

First off, I love @MaximillianRebo's idea for how to adapt squadrons, and I've got some more detailing for it. The series would include: 


Vanguard x-wing ($6.99): An orange rebel pilot outfit with a variety of heads and helmets for the player character (one of which is Grace Sinear's), along with some dark green pieces and stickers to replace the 2021 x-wing. 2x2 and 2x3 tiles are included with additional stickers for decals from the game.

Vanguard U-wing ($6.99): Dark green pieces and stickers, along with Gunni, Lyndon Javes, and some 2x2 tiles with decal stickers, as well as a small build of a laser mine.

Vanguard Y-wing ($6.99): Dark Green and azure parts and stickers, along with Frisk, The mechanic lady, the 2x2 tiles with decal stickers, alternate bomb ammo, and an alternate cockpit turret.

Vanguard A-wing ($6.99): Dark Green parts and stickers, along with that miralan (keo or something? I'm too lazy to use wikipedia), the mon calamari tech, and alternate armaments.

Titan squadron TIE ($8.99): Titan Squadron ties are more or less the same as standard ones, so this would come with a TIE pilot with spare heads and helmets, Terisa Kerril, and a variety of tiles with decals, along with some parts to re-create the legendary "volcanic" appearance for the ties.



The Corvus (Battlefront 2, $9.99): iden Versio (rebel).

The Mantis (Fallen Order, $9.99): Greez Ditruis.

TIE reaper vs x-wing (Squadrons, $19.99): Shen and Vanguard five (look based on the first trailer).

Battle Packs: 

87th sentinel corps (Battlefront 2, $14.99): 3x p2 87th corps trooper (slightly new helmet mold with holes for visor), 1x p2 87th aerial trooper. Build is a barricade with an E-web. The set would also include a few kamas, pauldrons, and visors to change the troopers from the basic "assault" class to the Heavy, Officer, or Specialist classes.

Resistance troopers (Battlefront 2 ,$14.99): 2x resistance trooper (one officer and one specialist class), 1x caphex spy, 1x ovissian gunner. Build is a bit of Ajan Kloss terrain with a capital supremacy command post.

Duel: Duel on Zeffo (Fallen Order, $19.99): Small build of Cal's second duel with the second sister, coming with Cal Kestis (bracca outfit and poncho), Second Sister, and a BD-1 molded similar to how they did D-0.

Other sets:

Battle on Sullust (Battlefront 2015, $29.99): Build is of a Turbolaser turret and a bit of the Sullust map of battlefront 2015, with a function to explode some crates and a lava river. Figures are 2x magmatrooper and 2x sullust rebel trooper.

Tomb of Miktrull (Fallen Order, $49.99): A build of some of the Tomb puzzle, with a sphere, some terrain/ruins, and a meditation point. The figures are Cal Kestis (bracca outfit), 2x tomb guardian, a scout trooper, and an electrostaff purge trooper.

Battle of Kashyyyk (Battlefront 2, $69.99): The build includes a wookie hut, command post, midi-scale AT-RT, STAP, 2x battle droid, 2x super battle droid, 1x 41st specialist, 1x 41st trooper, and 2x wookie warrior.

The Mantis (Fallen Order, $89.99): Mantis ship with interior cockpit and holotable. Comes with Cal Kestis (Sumi poncho), Cere Junda, Greez Detritus, Merrin, Second sister, a purge commander, and an electrobaton purge trooper.

Ebon Hawk (KOTOR, $139.99): Ebon Hawk with interior cockpit, cargo room, dormitory, etc. Figures are Darth Revan, Jedi Revan (Swgoh), Bastila Shan, Dark Bastila, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Carth Onasi, T3-M4, 2 sith troopers, and Darth Malek.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

16 hours ago, Seaber said:

Home One bridge with the Briefing Room.

I suppose we sort of got that as a playset in 2009, but as a 18+ set it would be great too.

3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

The set would also include a few kamas, pauldrons, and visors to change the troopers from the basic "assault" class to the Heavy, Officer, or Specialist classes.

That's a good idea. It would have made sense for all official TLG battle packs to have customisation options, as it would be great to differentiate troopers, especially more obscure ones if you get multiple sets.

I'm not sure about the content of most SW video games but overall the set ideas sound good.


On 2/13/2021 at 2:01 AM, Mandalorianknight said:


The Corvus (Battlefront 2, $9.99): iden Versio (rebel).

The Mantis (Fallen Order, $9.99): Greez Ditruis.

TIE reaper vs x-wing (Squadrons, $19.99): Shen and Vanguard five (look based on the first trailer).

The Mantis (Fallen Order, $89.99): Mantis ship with interior cockpit and holotable. Comes with Cal Kestis (Sumi poncho), Cere Junda, Greez Detritus, Merrin, Second sister, a purge commander, and an electrobaton purge trooper.

Ebon Hawk (KOTOR, $139.99): Ebon Hawk with interior cockpit, cargo room, dormitory, etc. Figures are Darth Revan, Jedi Revan (Swgoh), Bastila Shan, Dark Bastila, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Carth Onasi, T3-M4, 2 sith troopers, and Darth Malek.

I like these ideas a lot. I am surprised The Mantis has not been made; New figures, cool ship, popular game are the key ingredients for success. I would probably prefer the Fifth Sister in that set rather than the Purge Troopers then create a Purge Troopers set itself. 

I have always wanted the Separatist Council to be released. Here are set ideas that incorporate them and a few other separatist leaders. 


Vulture Droid - Rune Haako 

Trade Federation AAT - Nute Gunray 

Trade Federation Droid Control Ship - Both + Tey How + Daultay Dofine


CIS Hardcell Transport - Wat Tambor, Passel Argente 

Commerce Guild Cruiser - Shu Mai, Tikkes

Petranaki Arena - Poggle the Lesser 


Separatist Shuttle - San Hill, Po Nudo 

Invisible Hand - Lushros Dofine

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