September 3, 200816 yr What about a series of "Order 66" sets/dioramas? Each one with the Jedi that is to be killed, the Clonetroopers that kill him/her and some scenery. Hasbro might sue, since they did the same thing Edited September 3, 200816 yr by Darth_Legois
September 3, 200816 yr I doubt they'll sue. LEGO might only have the license for building sets, but everything is "ok'ed" by Georg Lucas himself. So I'm sure that if LEGO decides to do Order 66 BPs and they have his "ok", there wont be a problem. I'm fairly sure we wont get them, though. Putting new figs into production is expensive. Just think about how many Stormtroopers have been made versus the amount of Asaij Ventress'es out there. Sadly the cost-benefit factor rules out getting any Order 66. Would be a neat way to get a lot of jedis.
September 3, 200816 yr Sadly the cost-benefit factor rules out getting any Order 66. This is most likely true, unless TLG decides to do a 100.00 USD set for every Order 66 scene... (Dreaming comes in real handy in these types of situations.) Would be a neat way to get a lot of jedis. The plural for Jedi is simply Jedi. Just like Moose, only with lightsabers and the ability to crush your windpipe with the Force. Edited September 3, 200816 yr by Tarfful
September 3, 200816 yr They should do more sets based on Teth and Christophsis. It would be great if they made a Whorm Loathsom. For Whorm's head they could use a blue geonosian head and a clip on hat thingy. An LAAT would be useful to carry the AT-TE around. Wish List: LAAT-has opening hatch under the pilots as well as a motorised clamp mechanism to hold the AT-TE . It includes 2 clone pilots, 3 clones and a grey astromech. Edited May 2, 200915 yr by Jammiedodger714
September 4, 200816 yr Author I really want the TLC to release the Naboo Cruiser from the tattoine scene from episode I. Here is the things I want to see on it: Naboo Cruiser : Episode I, $169.99 (The 10 anniversary set with a episode I minifig logo ) Minifigs: Queen Amidala, Padme, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, C-3PO without armor, Anakin, Darth Maul, Captain Panaka and 3 Maids. Maybe Ric Olie and an R2-D2 if the minifig count can go up that much . Extras: 3 lightsabers, 2 blasters, Darth Maul speeder bike, engine block piece and a mostiure vaporator. Maybe the beast that carry the engine block but I prefer that the ship is well designed and big . Edited September 4, 200816 yr by darkrebellion
September 4, 200816 yr it would be great if they made the republic commandos battle packs two diffrent ones delta and omega squads... the best of the best!!!
September 8, 200816 yr I'd really like to see some Taun Tauns - I imagine 2 small sets - one with luke, a taun taun, and the snow monster - another with solo and a taun taun - I would also like to see a decent cantina set with many minifigures like hammerhead, snaggletooth, jawas, squidhead, the three-eyed guy, and the band! - a Jabba's lounge set would accomplish the same thing too with a better Jabba minifig hopefully - What about a set that captures Han Solo becoming frozen - with ugnaught minifigs, bespin guards, and a backpack C-3po for Chewbacca!
September 8, 200816 yr I just got up from watching the original trilogy to write this - I really think lego could do a much better cantina set - one that included a bunch of new alien minis like snaggletooth, hammerhead, jawas, the three-eyed guys, and the Band members Those kinds of minis could also come about in a better Jabba's lounge set - I thought the sail barge was a cool set - but it didn't offer any exotic minifigs really - Also - what about a luke vs. the rancor lego set - that would be cool too
September 8, 200816 yr This is a wish for a future set, right? Maybe such things should go in the "Future Star Wars Sets"-topic? I'll move this there. I'd really like to see some Taun Tauns - I imagine 2 small sets - one with luke, a taun taun, and the snow monster - another with solo and a taun taun - I would also like to see a decent cantina set with many minifigures like hammerhead, snaggletooth, jawas, squidhead, the three-eyed guy, and the band! - a Jabba's lounge set would accomplish the same thing too with a better Jabba minifig hopefully - What about a set that captures Han Solo becoming frozen - with ugnaught minifigs, bespin guards, and a backpack C-3po for Chewbacca! I just got up from watching the original trilogy to write this - I really think lego could do a much better cantina set - one that included a bunch of new alien minis like snaggletooth, hammerhead, jawas, the three-eyed guys, and the Band membersThose kinds of minis could also come about in a better Jabba's lounge set - I thought the sail barge was a cool set - but it didn't offer any exotic minifigs really - Also - what about a luke vs. the rancor lego set - that would be cool too And you've already posted here. Hmmm....
September 11, 200816 yr A Separatist Council Mustafar base! Minifigs: Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, Shu Mai, Wat Tambor, San Hill, Po Nudo, Passel Argente, Denaria Kee, Tikkes, Poggle the Lesser, Darth Vader (Anakin), Neimoidian Guard, and three security battle droids. Description: Hunt down the Separatist Council! The CIS leaders prepare plans in their bunker on Mustafar and are awaiting the arrival of Darth Vader. Little do they know, he his really sent to kill them! Detailed base which includes control panels, booby traps, outside lava river, table, slide down doors, and other awesome features. Includes 15 minifigs in all! Price:$100-$120
September 12, 200816 yr The DS is such a great playset that I wish they would make some kind of PT set like that. One possibility would be something I had already posted in another thread: a Geonosis Arena Battle playset with a whole bunch of minifigs like in the DS: Anakin, Obi Wan, battle-damaged Padme, Count Dooku, Poggle the Lesser, Jango & Boba Fett, Mace Windu, R2-D2, silver C-3PO, SBDs, sand-red BDs, and a bunch of other Jedi and Geonosians, plus the three beasts, whether brick-built or not! And yes, an Ep.1 Naboo Cruiser would be great, even if it's made out of bley bricks (although it would only be half as great as it would be in silver or something )!
September 12, 200816 yr ...Geonosis Arena Battle playset with a whole bunch of minifigs like in the DS: Anakin, Obi Wan, battle-damaged Padme, Count Dooku, Poggle the Lesser, Jango & Boba Fett, Mace Windu, R2-D2, silver C-3PO, SBDs, sand-red BDs, and a bunch of other Jedi and Geonosians, plus the three beasts.... I've been wanting one of those for years!!, and I still want one (hundred) of them! That would be an awesome set. Though, if it didn't have a ton of geonosians, they would need to make a geonosian battle pack; 4-5 Geonosians 1 turret/cannon That would be like drilling holes through my wallet over and over again...
September 12, 200816 yr Author I have another idea, is the next one: The boontha eve championship : 120$ - Episode I It will include the Anakin podrace (Redesign), Sebulba podrace (Redesign), Ark Boompy Rose podrace (Totally new and with an incredible color sheme ) and the Neva Kee podrace (Totally new note I choose this because is pretty simply and not need too much parts ). It also could include a little finish line and some constuction. Minifigs: Qui Gon Ginn, Anakin Skywalker, Shimi Skywalker, Sebulba, Ark Boompy Rose, Neva Kee, Padme and 3 Pit Droids. Extras: One of those tool rings, two wooden boxes, a lightsaber, one of those little screens where you see the race and one blaster . Note: I don Edited September 12, 200816 yr by darkrebellion
September 12, 200816 yr Oh, yes! I would like some new Podracers very much! But not in one expensive set, rather as separate, small, $15 sets, like Anie's podracer back in the day. My favorite is Mars Guo's Plug-2 Behemoth, simply because it rocks in SW: Episode 1 Racer, but that could be just due to my modifications. Just look at those statistics! Anyway, it would be an easy set to make. The engines could be simple blocks of green bricks with wings SNOTed to the sides, and some of those big Exo Force turbine pieces at the front. Hm... I might have to MOC that some day! And the thing I would like to see most in redesigns would be trans-pink or trans-purple energy couplings! No more trans-orange! Edited September 12, 200816 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
September 12, 200816 yr Author Oh, yes! I would like some new Podracers very much! But not in one expensive set, rather as separate, small, $15 sets, like Anie's podracer back in the day. My favorite is Mars Guo's Plug-2 Behemoth, simply because it rocks in SW: Episode 1 Racer, but that could be just due to my modifications. Just look at those statistics! Anyway, it would be an easy set to make. The engines could be simple blocks of green bricks with wings SNOTed to the sides, and some of those big Exo Force turbine pieces at the front. Hm... I might have to MOC that some day! And the thing I would like to see most in redesigns would be trans-pink or trans-purple energy couplings! No more trans-orange! Yeah I really like Mars Guo in the game too . I think in the small sets too but than I leave the idea because I want podracers but not a whole line that will stay a year or so . The small podracers could be the most iconic but a set or two with four or three podracers would be a lot better for me (OT sets please come back ). Meanwhile I am writing this post I have another idea (I the brainstorming ) and is this one: Twin Pod Cloud Car : 15.99$ - Episode 5 This could include a redesigned twin pod cloud car (Really, I think the TLC need to redesign this ) it need to be build with more curved slopes and some SNOT, not like the blocky old one (Even if I just it not the matter is blocky ). Minifig(s): Lobot and Bespin Guard. Extras: A radio. Edited September 12, 200816 yr by darkrebellion
September 13, 200816 yr please no podraces... they are the bane of the SW universe. The arena sounds like a good idea though, It's a shame the PT doesn't have a single environment that has so many classic scenes like the death star in OT. The only re-occurring environment i can think of is maybe the council chambers I would like to see more sets from the extended universe, the rogue shadow from the force unleashed was good, but we need more. I know it would never ever happen but i would KILL for some sets from Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast, like Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple. If anyone has played Knights of the Old republic, that has some great lore and would make for some great sets as well. I hear that KOTOR 3 is just around the corner, so maybe TLG can do some work for that :P Edited September 13, 200816 yr by TheTacoMan
September 13, 200816 yr Oh, yes! I would like some new Podracers very much! But not in one expensive set, rather as separate, small, $15 sets, like Anie's podracer back in the day. My favorite is Mars Guo's Plug-2 Behemoth, simply because it rocks in SW: Episode 1 Racer, but that could be just due to my modifications. Just look at those statistics! Anyway, it would be an easy set to make. The engines could be simple blocks of green bricks with wings SNOTed to the sides, and some of those big Exo Force turbine pieces at the front. Hm... I might have to MOC that some day! And the thing I would like to see most in redesigns would be trans-pink or trans-purple energy couplings! No more trans-orange! That sounds like it has so much potential! Just think of all of the new aliens that we'd get with a set like that. I can see it happening in the future, it is a big part in TPM.
September 13, 200816 yr Surely some of these set wishes have been already mentioned - don't be angry with me but I really am not keen on reading through 15 pages. So here are my wishes: Episode 4 Tantive 4 Rebel Blockade Runner, escape pod Princess Leia, Leitenant Pello Scrambas, C-3PO, R2-D2, silvern 3PO, 2x Rebel Trooper, Darth Vader, 2x Stormtrooper Yavin Rebel Base X-Wing (please not again a redesign - the last version is excellent!), little transport vehicle, control center Luke, R2-D2, Biggs Darklighter, Red Leader, Rebel Worker, Rebel Commander Uncle Owen Lar's Farm Lar's farm, Landspeeder Uncle Owen, his wife, C-3PO, Luke, Jawa Luke's Rescue Uncle Ben's house, some rocks, Landspeeder, Bantha Uncle Ben, Luke, R2-D2, 2x Tusken Raiders, Tusken Raider Chief Mos Eisley Cantina Mos Eisley Cantina (a much bigger and detailed version, please!), Landspeeder Luke, Han Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, landlord, Greedo, felon, 2x band member Sandtrooper BP (similar to this one) Dewback Sandtrooper with black shoulder pattern, Sandtrooper with white shoulder pattern, Sandtrooper with orange shoulder pattern, Sandtrooper, Imperial Mark IV Sentry Droid Episode 5 Hoth Rebel Base control center, medical room, big gates, Snowspeeder, laser cannon, probe droid Princess Leia, Hoth Rebel Commander, 2x Hoth Rebel Trooper, 2x Snowtrooper, Darth Vader, Luke, medical droid Hoth Rebel BP rock piece, laser cannon Hoth Rebel Captain, 3x Hoth Rebel Trooper Hoth Imperial BP speederbike Snowtrooper Captain, 3x Snowtrooper Wampa's Cave Wampa's cave, Tauntaun, Wampa, first aid tent Luke, Han Solo, ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi Boba Fett's Slave 1 Slave 1 Boba Fett, Bespin Guard, Han in carbonite, Imperial Officer, Stormtrooper Cloud City platform with entrance, carbonite freezer, dining room, duell room with window, big floor, torture chamber, waiting room with big window, little prison Luke, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Princess Leia, 2x Stormtrooper, little Cloud City creature, Lobot, Lando Calrissian, Han Solo Cloud Car Cloud Car Bespin Guard, pilot AT-AT AT-AT General Veers (this time please not a fake!), 2x AT-AT pilot, Luke Episode 6 will follow soon. Klaus-Dieter Edited September 13, 200816 yr by Klaus-Dieter
September 13, 200816 yr Here we are: Episode 6 Jabba's Palace big gate (please not a micro scaled like in the last version!) with entrance, throne room, little prison, "trash garage", tower Jabba, Bib Fortuna, C-3PO, Luke, Leia (with not many wear), Leia (bounty hunter), Lando Calrissian, Han in carbonite, 2x different guard, that droid in the "trash garage" downstrairs which gives orders to C-3PO Ewok's Trap ewok's trap, trees R2-D2 with saw, Luke, Chewbacca, 2x Ewok Ewok Town little huts, trees, "throne" and fire places C-3PO, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke, Ewok Chief, 4x different Ewok, R2-D2 Endor Bunker Battle Endor bunker, trees Han Solo, Princess Leia, 2x DS Trooper, black Imperial Officer, 2x Stormtrooper Ewok Attack AT-ST, Ewok's catapult, trees AT-ST Driver, 2x Ewok Endor Imperial BP 2x speeder bike 2x Scout Trooper, 2x Stormtrooper Endor Rebel BP trees Endor Rebel Captain, 3x Endor Rebel Trooper Home One Home One including: bridge, little hangar, room with the "show" of the virtual DS, little transport vehicle, A-Wing (please not again a redesign - the last version was excellent!) Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke, General Ackbar, another Calamari, Mon Mothma, Rebel Captain, A-Wing Pilot, Rebel Worker, droid Imperial Shuttle Imperial Shuttle (with gangway in the front!) Emperor Palpatine, Imperial Shuttle Pilot, black Imperial Captain, 2x Imperial Royal Guard Millenium Falcon Millenium Falcon Lando Calrissian, Nien Numb, Han Solo, Luke, Princess Leia, Chewbacca That's it for now. Klaus-Dieter Edited September 13, 200816 yr by Klaus-Dieter
September 13, 200816 yr Author I have another idea (I really want the TLC release this one, please TLC ): Junk Titan : 29.99$ - The Force Unleashed It could include a junk titan with a function that just destroy in parts the titan (Like that one in the Bounty Hunter Pursuit but this with arms and legs that start falling ) and a little arena. Minifigs: Galen Malak (Vader Edited September 13, 200816 yr by darkrebellion
September 16, 200816 yr i want to see a STAR WARS Advent-calendar... with minifigs, and a little vehicle like a walker..
September 16, 200816 yr i want to see a STAR WARS Advent-calendar... with minifigs, and a little vehicle like a walker.. That would be a great idea, Steff! I'd like a SW advent calendar, too, but I fear that TLG won't release one because firstly I think they aren't allowed to sell single minifigs because of their license and because seondly it would be a bad deal for them because: If they only include "common" minifigs like e. g. Stormtroopers, then this set wouldn'T be very much in demand. And if it would come with some exclusive minfigs like e. g. a special character which hasn't been done until now like e. g. Mon Mothma, a lot of people would only buy the advent calendar and wouldn't buy that much other sets since they then already own these special minfigs (which normally should attract the buyer to buy a new set (if he already owns the older version - or a version similar to that one - which didn't include this new minifig)). Consequently I'd say: Bad chances for us. But on the other hand you'll never know. If TLG renews the license after 2011 it might include different rules - and then TLG might be allowed (and perhaps even willing) to release single minfigs. Klaus-Dieter
September 17, 200816 yr The Ebon Hawk (Ship from Knights of the Old Republic): Just the ship itself. Could have a host of features, including the various 'rooms' that were in the game Minifigures: Revan, HK-47, Bastilla, Carth Onasi, Mission Vao, Zaalbar (maybe even Darth Malak) Lady Luck (Lando Calrissian's personal starship) Minifigures: Lando Calrissian, Tendra Risant (His wife), maybe even Han Solo and Chewbacca Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy (From Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy) I'm thinking a big temple play set, at least as big as the Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull temple playset. Would have a variety of rooms including a few training rooms, Luke's meditation room and an armoury. Minifigures: Jaden Korr (Jedi Academy player character), Kyle Katarn (Jedi Knight player character), Luke Skywalker, Tavion Axmis (Sith from Jedi Academy), a couple random Jedi and a few random Sith Just a few extended universe ideas, i'm not even sure if TLG would have the rights to make stuff like this anyway... Edited September 17, 200816 yr by TheTacoMan
September 17, 200816 yr i want to see a STAR WARS Advent-calendar... with minifigs, and a little vehicle like a walker.. Yeah, that would be neat, but you know what I would rather have? A SW chess set! Actually two: One for PT/CW and one for OT! But that is about as likely to be released as the calendar. Oh well. An AFOL can dream... PS: Why has no one ever MOCed one actually? I might make one once I get the new Clone BPs!
September 18, 200816 yr A SW chess would be awesome and it would be a great way to get a lot of minifigs. What I would love to see in LEGO is a UCS Republic star destroyer like the ISD, but maybe even bigger, now we know we can have sets with more than 5,000 pieces. It will be great if they made also Grievous Invisible Hand to reproduce big space battles.
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