January 22, 200916 yr Author Well after looking at most of the 2009 summer line by now I want to post my "wishes" . (I based this one the whole recent context of the line so I will put just things that can be possible ). So here are them: Ewok Catapult : $9.99 - RotJ The TLC can add a little modified Ewok Catapult slighty different from the one of the Battle of Endor set. Minifigs: Two Ewoks and two Endor Rebel Troopers. Extras: Two bows and two blasters. Imperial Speeder Bike : $9.99 - RotJ The TLC can add a speeder bike the same to that one that will come with the Battle of Endor set. Minifigs: Two Scout Troopers, one Stormtrooper and an Imperial Officer. Extras: Four blasters. Hoth Rescue : $19.99 - ESB The TLC can add a little open cave build of some white and light blue bricks. Also they can add some grabbing mechanism to grab LukeĀ“s leg. Some spare bones pieces can be added in a little corner. Minifigs: Hoth Luke, Hoth Han, Wampa and two Taun Tauns. Extras: One lightsaber, one blaster and some spare bones. Coruscant Air Taxi : $19.99 - AotC The TLC could add a very good designed Coruscant Air Taxi in a sand green and bley color scheme. The car could have a little translucent hatch so the Taxi can stand without grabbing it. Also they can put a storage compartment. Minifigs: An Air Taxi Driver and a generic Coruscant Inhabitant. Extras: Some repair tools. Octupturra Tri-Droid : $39.99 - CW The TLC can make a really good Octupturra Tri-Droid of almost 50 cm tall if done well. This can include some flick-fire missiles and a moving feature. Minifigs: Two 501th Legion Clone Troopers, two SBD and a new Jedi that looks the same in CW and normal styles. Extras: One lightsaber, two blasters and a set of clone gear. Rebel Medium Transport : $59.99 - ESB The TLC can make a somewhat big RMT, more or less 40 cm long. The can make a detailed greebled and brick built hull. They can make some little interior and the hull can open the way the Venator does. Also this interior could be some bridge area, a cargo bay and some storage racks. Minifigs: Two Hoth Rebel Troopers, Capt. Carlist Rieekan, a Rebel Commander and two rebel troopers. Extras: Some tools and 6 blasters. I think all of this ideas can be done by the TLC and that they could make an awesome January wave. Edited January 22, 200916 yr by darkrebellion
January 22, 200916 yr Cloud Car remake with Lando and fleshie Lobot. This way we can get Lando in a cheap set Everybody's happy!!! No more $30 on Ebay!!! (Plus, I hated that first cloud car).
January 22, 200916 yr Battlepacks are for army building. I don't think you should have an army of lukes and taxi drivers. Those could be good small sets
January 22, 200916 yr Author Battlepacks are for army building. I don't think you should have an army of lukes and taxi drivers. Those could be good small sets Is cause the Hoth Rescue and Coruscant Taxi Speeder arenĀ“t battlepack ideas , they are my whishes for the medium priced sets. The BPs are supposed to be the Ewok Catapult and the Imperial Speeder Bike .
January 22, 200916 yr OK. I was wondering about the taxi thing. "It's a hold-up Taximan! Then the driver pulls out a blaster rifle
January 24, 200916 yr More Battle Packs ! Droid sky forces BP, with a vulture droid, 2 buzz droids, 3 rocket super battle droids, and a stap like in 7675. $ 15.00 Clone sky forces BP, A small 2 man fighter, 2 pilot clones, and 3 jet pack clones $ 15.00
January 24, 200916 yr I'd like to see a- LAAT/c with mini Walker or tank Pilot, Trooper, Gree Clone Wars Seperatist Tri-Droid (Octupurra), Ki-Adi-Mundi, two Galactic Marines, Commander Bacara, 3 SBD (Super Battle Droid) Droid Commando Battle Pack 3 Droid Commandos, 1 Droid Commando Commander with sword, One Launch Pod Clone Scout Battle Pack 3 Desert Scouts, 2 Jungle Scouts, 2 speeder bikes, 3 jetpacks *Sniper Rifles* Jedi Temple Raid or Mustafar Council and Duel of the Heroes. AT-OT Commander Bly, Aaylaa Secura, 4 jungle camo clones, numerous BD or SBD Skirmish of Kashyyyk Spider Droid, Barc Speeder, Chewbacca, Yoda, Tarffal, 2 Clone Heavy Trooper, Clone Jungle Scout, Gree, 3 battle droids PLEASE I HOPE TLG IS LISTENING! Edited January 24, 200916 yr by CloneCommanderDelta7
January 24, 200916 yr One word: Executor. Minifig, UCS, doesn't matter as long as it's reasonably accurate--IMO Vader's command ship is the single most undermerched piece of the Star Wars Universe.
January 24, 200916 yr *cough*4476*cough* Well I got a 4476 Im glad I did also my TFOL friend is jealous of me. But im kicking myself for not geting the C3-PO & R2 one. But yea more Fett's or mando's would be good. Yea I know I know I seemed to have missed out on that one It was during the only year where I didn't get any Lego
January 25, 200916 yr Cloud Car remake with Lando and fleshie Lobot.This way we can get Lando in a cheap set Everybody's happy!!! No more $30 on Ebay!!! (Plus, I hated that first cloud car). If they did, they would up the price to around $40.00-$50.00 I bet.
January 27, 200916 yr Author Wow! I have been looking for hours but just now decide to post and I need to admit I really love this new pics. Finally we get pics of Nute and Farr and also some nice pics of Hoth and Endor too . The only thing that dissapoints me is that all of these are still very preliminary in my opinion and I think we need to wait till the International TF to see what we are going to get . I am very pleased by the new AT-ST and I think is something really important in this new Endor set, just lookat that walker is maybe the best designed AT-something since the old AT-AT in my opinion , not even the new AT-TE can beat this new AT-ST model . Also I really hope the TLC is going to reveal a big Anniversary set in the TF (I donĀ“t mean UCS or the Mon Cal Cruiser), anyone remember when the TLC asked us what we want as an anniversary set to be probably released in October 2009 and have a $150-$200 price point? Well I remember it and now I am really looking foward to that "rumor". EDIT: Sorry, wrong topic. Edited January 27, 200916 yr by darkrebellion
January 27, 200916 yr I'd like to see a-LAAT/c with mini Walker or tank Pilot, Trooper, Gree Clone Wars Better idea, skip the Mini, and include additional parts and instructions to retrofit your existing AT-TE or Fighter Tank for "airdrop"--then keep both those sets in production, making the tank in an Unlimited Edition.
February 9, 200916 yr i want some starwars impulse sets! they have them for almost all other themes, why not sw? eg: stap and droid, clone comander and weopons, some kind of turret..
February 9, 200916 yr I'd love a bigger version of the 7264/7166 Imperial inspection, not UCS size, but one where you can squeeze in Han et cetera as they make their way down to Endor. The earlier models just didn't have the room in the cockpit. However, I guess this set may never be made as it would be reasonably expensive and isn't really a battle ship like the bigger sets tend to be.
February 9, 200916 yr I would like to see the Naboo Royal Cruiser, in all its shiny silver chrome glory... (although it will be unlikely that TLG will produce this, but hoping!)
February 9, 200916 yr I would like to see the Naboo Royal Cruiser, in all its shiny silver chrome glory... (although it will be unlikely that TLG will produce this, but hoping!) Hmm I think that would be nice but if they released it it would be very expensive like 140-180 US cause of the shiny silver
February 9, 200916 yr I still think we're missing a capital Separatist ship or a capital Rebel ship to counter the upcoming 8039 Republic Venator and the 6211 Imperial Star Destroyer... so I'm hoping for one of those in addition to some of the sets already mentioned.
February 10, 200916 yr I don't know if it's all ready posted but( darn, got beaten to it :P), The Invisible Hand with a new General Greivous would be nice. Edited February 10, 200916 yr by ROCON
February 10, 200916 yr Well, several things have been revealed since I posted on page 2. I would still like to see what I posted then (whatever hasn't been revealed to be coming out anyway). Seeing what we will have I have a few more ideas/desires. Battle Packs Endor-Rebels: 2 Rebel commandos, 2 different Ewoks. An Ewok Glider and/or stolen a Speeder Bike(s) would be the best vehicles. If not, perhaps a catapult or log trap (probably too many pieces). Endor-Empire: 2 Scout Troopers, 2 Navy Troopers (or 1 Navy Trooper and 1 Stormtrooper). Speeder bikes seem to be the obvious vehicles. Maybe a turret like the one in the EP III Clone Battle Pack. Death Star Large Battle Pack: 2 Navy Troopers, 2 Imperial Technicians, 1 Imperial Commander (black outfit), 1 Stormtrooper. It could include a scanner for the technicians and the control room for the hangar the Falcon was in or the control room for the Detention Block. Or, figure some way to have the Superlaser firing controls and 2 Death Star Gunners. If there is room in either one (probably not), a black 3PO droid and/or an interrigation droid could help round it out. If this set gets too big, it could simply be a smaller scale Death Star set for those who don't want to spend $400 on the huge model. Other sets We need a couple of other Force Unleashed sets. I only read the book, so I'm not sure on specifics as far as what sets would need to be made to get these figures. Something featuring Shadowguards. Presumably it would also feature Shadowtroopers and the Apprentice. Something featuring Kota. Possibly the ambush towards the end (assuming the book and game don't differ too much). This would also feature the Apprentice, Leia, and probably Vader and some Stormtroopers. If the Shadowguards are made, they should be able to make some approximations of Kir Kanos and Karnor Jax. Not sure what vehicle would be good for that. Maybe have some Shadowtroopers as well. We need some new set(s) from Kashyyyk. Perhaps a new Wookiee catamaran or a remake of the Clone speeder (the two seater). Either one would give a reason to make different wookiees and rerelease the rare clones such as the green highlighted clones and the clone scout troopers. Magnet sets Looking at the sets urrently available, I don't view these as too unlikely Troopers-Death Star Trooper, Snowtrooper, Scout Trooper. Replace the Scout Trooper with a Rebel Trooper if they need to break it up a little Troopers 2-Rebel Trooper, Hoth Rebel Trooper, Endor Trooper. As with the other, if they need to break it up a little replace the Rebel Trooper with a Tie Fighter Pilot Drivers-AT-AT Driver, TIE Fighter Pilot, Rebel Pilot (anything not an X Wing as X Wing pilots are already in one magnet set CIS-Asajj Ventress, Nute Gunray, Geonosian Republic-Senate Commando, Commander Cody, Chancellor Palpatine Clones-Clone Pilot, Clone Trooper, Clone Commander Edit Well, may as well throw in a Magnet set idea due to recent revelations Rebel Command-Admiral Ackbar, General Madine, Mon Mothma Not as likely to happen as those figures are all from one set that is clearly set up to sell those figures. Perhaps for now the most we can hope for is a Magnet set or battle pack featuring Mon Calamari rebels. Edited February 12, 200916 yr by Tyrant
February 10, 200916 yr Interesting. Now we're starting to wish for magnets, eh? Good idea. Well, I'd love one with Gunray and Farr too, so that I don't have to buy that stupid shuttle to get them!
February 10, 200916 yr I'd like to see sets of some clone wars battles like christophis. They would include a number of clones and battle droids, and 2-3 vehicles appropriate to the battle. And maybe even a few jedi
February 11, 200916 yr Well, if TLC dosent renew thier star wars license in 2011 i would like them to make 4 Final sets that would be Huge A Huge clone battle pack, with a LAAT/c, an AT-TE, 2 clone speeders, 2 AT-RTs, a BARC speeder, 2 clone pilots, 20 normal clones, 2 yellow commanders, and 2 sargent clones. $ 500.00 A huge droid battle pack, with a blue MTT, a blue AAT, 2 blue droid carriers, 3 blue staps, 2 blue geonosian fighters, 2 droid fighters, 20 super battle droids, 10 battle droids, 5 rocket droids, and 3 droid pilots. $ 500.00 A UCS Blue Droid blockage ship $ 500.00. And a UCS super star destroyer $ 500.00
February 12, 200916 yr Interesting. Now we're starting to wish for magnets, eh? Good idea. Well, I'd love one with Gunray and Farr too, so that I don't have to buy that stupid shuttle to get them! Yeah I figure if the reaction is anything to go by, the magnets should do well. Based on the make up of the sets, I would say there aren't many unrealistic possible figure combinations to wish for. The set involving Dooku/Mace/Yoda will very likely hit sales of the 3 sets those figures are in. If they are willing to do that, then the sky's the limit as I see it. I wouldn't be suprised to see a set with a Jawa, Jango Fett, and a Geonosian. No idea why those three would be together (I guess all three were probably in AotC if there were Jawas) but with the other set up anything's possible.
February 13, 200916 yr If we see Jango again, I suspect (and hope) that it will be in a Geonosis Arena playset, with creatures, stands, other VIPs etc. Lego seems to be getting into these big 'location' playsets, and the Episode 2 sets are probably next in line to be updated after the run of Episode 1 updates a couple of years back. On a similar theme, a really big Jabba's Palace would be nice. The old one wasn't as big as it could have been, as well as missing out the Rancor and several other creatures and minifigs, so here's hoping.
February 13, 200916 yr If we see Jango again, I suspect (and hope) that it will be in a Geonosis Arena playset, with creatures, stands, other VIPs etc. Lego seems to be getting into these big 'location' playsets, and the Episode 2 sets are probably next in line to be updated after the run of Episode 1 updates a couple of years back.On a similar theme, a really big Jabba's Palace would be nice. The old one wasn't as big as it could have been, as well as missing out the Rancor and several other creatures and minifigs, so here's hoping. I dount that Jango will re appear, the clone wars does consist of him but he is propably not included in the series as it was after his death. But it is possible
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