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Put me down for a new republic cruiser, im still building mine and its not as kool looking as i thought it would be.

And whats with the escape pod.

Put me down for a new republic cruiser, im still building mine and its not as kool looking as i thought it would be.

And whats with the escape pod.

I like the look of it. The escape pod is a 'real' feature that is true to the ship.


When under attack, the salon pod can be released to keep the diplomatic ambassadors safe inside.

I like the look of it. The escape pod is a 'real' feature that is true to the ship.

When under attack, the salon pod can be released to keep the diplomatic ambassadors safe inside.

You know too much...

On topic, Endor/Hoth battle packs are a must. If the trend of PT one year then OT the next continues we should see one of them in 2010.

Not very likely, next year will see the new tv series set between 3 and 4, so will more likely be more EU stuff, and CW.

Not very likely, next year will see the new tv series set between 3 and 4

... which is aimed more at adults than children and is therefore unlikely to become a theme. They might make one or two sets from it for the grown up LSW fans, kinda like they only released one TFU set, but not much else. Especially no BPs, so I think Endor BPs are quite plausible.

Btw, this thread is not about the likeliness of stuff to come out, but a wishlist of what we would like to get. Order 66 sets are very unlikely too, but that doesn't mean we can't wish for them. :wink:

a new gungan sub

Im really hoping for one as well. The old one was way too blocky and there was three cockpits?! :hmpf_bad:

  • 4 weeks later...

Since we get this awesome Endor set The Battle of Endor :oh: this year I' like to see the two following BPs in january next year:

Endor Rebel BP

including a big tree with a little platform to hide and some stones (to throw down from the platform)

minifigs: an Ewok with bow, an Ewok with lance, an Endor Rebel Trooper with long gun and an Endor Rebel Captain with short gun

Endor Imperial BP

including a speederbike and a shrub

minifigs: a Scout trooper, two Stromtroopers with short guns and an Imperial Navy Trooper with short gun

These would imo be great and 100 percent fitting additions to the brilliant Endor set this year and would even go very well with a possible Ewok Town set in the future. :thumbup:


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

I want to see a new Gungun Sub(like most of you) and some Corrasaunt Ships.

Im really hoping for one as well. The old one was way too blocky and there was three cockpits?! :hmpf_bad:

Well unless they made a new giant bubble piece I doubt they could make the cockpit accurately enough so they went with 3 cockpits. Also the new piece would be pretty much useless in any other set too.

shuttle tydirium.

I missed out on the first two, and a new remake with rebels would be great. :thumbup:

I just want Commander Bly and Gree in relatively cheap sets. There was a rumour of a tri-droid...

I doubt TLG would include either of those commanders with a tri-droid, but I would really love to see both in sets soon. Gree is my favourite clone and it really annoys me that TLG has not yet made either version of him. Saying that, Fox was included in the Spider Droid set last year and we've never seen him anywhere near one.

shuttle tydirium.

I missed out on the first two, and a new remake with rebels would be great. :thumbup:

I did as well. I saw the Imperial Inspection at Toys'R'Us but couldn't afford it. I went back about a month later when I could and there were none left. :cry_sad: I'd love to see another one soon with a set of either Imperial or Rebel figs.

shuttle tydirium.

I missed out on the first two, and a new remake with rebels would be great. :thumbup:

I totally agree with you, Tinn-man!

The Imperial Shuttle is one of the most important vehicles of the OT and so I really would like to see TLG releasing a re-design! :thumbup:

But I wish that it doesn't come with Rebels but with Palpatine, an Imperial Pilot, a black-suited Imperial Officer and two Imperial Royal Guards (plus one of Palpatine's "friends" he brings with him to show him his new DS would be absolutely amazing! :oh: ).

I did as well. I saw the Imperial Inspection at Toys'R'Us but couldn't afford it. I went back about a month later when I could and there were none left. :cry_sad: I'd love to see another one soon with a set of either Imperial or Rebel figs.

I totally agree with you, ADHO15!

The Imperial Inspection was overpriced and it was a very disappointing set since there was not only one new minifig included in this set plus TLG used (like in the Motorized AT-AT) false minifigs since they used the regular Imperial Officer as Imperial Engineer :angry: !

If TLG releases a new Imperial Shuttle I hope that it will not only come with the minifigs I mentioned above. I even hope that they'll rework the design if the Imperial Shuttle: There should be minimum two seats in the cockpit and there really has to be a gangway in the front!

Otherwise this set would only be a redesign of the two older versions and would so be dispensable since it would be no improvement in comparison to the two older versions (and if so I of course don't buy it - but with new minifigs, seats and gangway in the front I'd very supposable buy it)! :wink:


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

this seems stupid but i would like to see a new tie fighter in with the grey trim like darth vader's one had. i know that theres been a few before but a new one would be great

this seems stupid but i would like to see a new tie fighter in with the grey trim like darth vader's one had. i know that theres been a few before but a new one would be great

Not anotherone of those dreadful things; how about a TIE Defender, or a TIE Bomber?

Not anotherone of those dreadful things; how about a TIE Defender, or a TIE Bomber?

Yes, a Tie bomber in gray would be perfect. But I think TLG want variety and there is a DV tie fighter on market now.

A Clone Wars Jabba the Hutt's palace w/ assassin droids, Twi'leks and C-3PO

Or possibly CW Obi-Wan (Like in the film), Ahsoka, Anakin, Rotta and of course Jabba and his entourage.

this seems stupid but i would like to see a new tie fighter in with the grey trim like darth vader's one had. i know that theres been a few before but a new one would be great
how about [...] a TIE Bomber?

I totally agree with you, Ronacanator and CloneCommanderDelta7!

A new TIE Fighter in that black-grey style would be awesome! :thumbup:

But why shouldn't there be a new TIE Fighter and a new TIE Bomber?! :wink:

Since TLG redesigned Vader's TIE Fighter in black-grey colors it's really necessary that they'll offer a regular TIE Fighter in this new style to us, too, since otherwise the new re-designed Vader's TIE Fighter would not make much sense.

And a TIE Bomber and a TIE Interceptor in this new style would be awesome, too! :oh:

The only thing which TLG should really not forget when re-designing those sets is to include somthing new - meaning at least one new minifig and perhaps even some new accessory, a new little vehicle or somthing like that! Because if they don't do that then the result is only a "better" rerelease like this year's Darth Vader's TIE Fighter - which is imo not that great since the attractive aspect of re-designs is to get some new minifigs and some new accessory - only because of the new style you don't buy a set. :sceptic:

(I only bought the new Vader's TIE Fighter because I really hope(d) that TLG will release a new TIE Fighter next year, too - otherwise I'll sell it in the not yet opened box in some years.)


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

Here some ideas of mine..

Kamino Cloning Facility Price: ?199,99

Recreate the scenes from Star Wars Episode II:: "Attack of the Clones"! Help the Republic to expand their armies, with this Kamino Cloning Facility playset! Including the long bridge above the facility, Spaarti cloning cylinders, a dining room for the clones as seen in SW Ep.II, many cloning machines, and a medium-sized kitchen placed next to the dining room, with opening doors! There are many play features, such as opening doors, rotating cylinders, and alot more!

Comes with the following minifigs:

-Obi-Wan Kenobi ep.II style, cape, with orange long hair, and a hood as an extra! Blue lightsaber included.1x

-Kaminoan, with long neck! (as supposed to have) 1x

-Clone Commander ep.II style, in two different colors! One commander has yellow markings, the other orange with blaster rifles2x

-Clonetrooper ep.II style, regular with blaster rifles5x

-Clone cadet in red uniform, 2x blaster rifles3x

Utapau Hangar Playset Price: ?120,00

Recreate the scene from Star Wars Episode III; "Revenge of the Sith" in the duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous! Including the hangar area with some bridges, with opening walls! If all closed, it looks like a big square! But you can take out the walls and play inside, even the roof comes off! It has many cool stuff and features, more than described! Also includes Grievous' wheel-vehicle and Obi-Wan's "pet"!

Comes with the following minifigs:

-Obi-Wan Kenobi ep.III style, cape, with short burnt-orange hair, with blue lightsaber! 1x

-General Grievous NEW! Totally seperate and movie-accurate, with rotating hands, 2x blue and 2x green lightsaber 1x

-Battle Droid regular, with blaster rifle 4x

-Battle Droid pilot, with blaster rifle 1x

-Crab Droid, as seen in the movie! 1x

-Super Battle Droid, regular arms 2x

Now onto the cheaper sets..

Bounty Hunter Speeder Price: ?29,99

As seen in the final episode of Star Wars The Clone Wars season 1! Includes many cool minifigs, and the vehicle itself is pretty big. Comes with two little bombs. Includes everything it needs!

Comes with the following minifigs

-Cad Bane from the Clone Wars, 2x Bane's pistols 1x

-Robonino from the Clone Wars, small minifig, 1x wrench 1x stun pistol 1x

-Aurra Sing, 1x long blaster rifle 1x

-Assasin Droid, can move his legs unlike the previous version! 1x blaster rifle 1x

-Commando Droid, new as seen in the Clone Wars! Both with a blaster rifle 2x

A few of my ideas. Hope you like 'em, and I also hope TLC will once a day bring them out..

Great set ideas (all-be-it a little out of my price range)! The speeder is a good one although I wouldn't mind if they raised the price and included a/some Senate Commandos and maybe Padmé Amidala or Bail Organa.

What I'd most love to see in the future are modular building sets. They'd be great for display and playability, plus, having several small sets fit together means TLG can make more money, but we get the choice of which parts we want without having to spend £150-200 at once! Loads of sets could be designed like Kamino Cloning Facility and Pau City as mentioned above, as well as Chalmun's Cantina, Jabba's Palace, Theed Palace, etc.

I would like to see:

* New Snowspeeder (24,99):

set: one Snowspeeder, same as in Hoth Rebel Base-set, difficult colourings to make two different coloured speeders if you bought more than one set

minifigs: Rebel Pilot x 2, Hoth Rebel Trooper x 2

* New TIE-Fighter (24,99):

set: grey & black colours

minifig: TIE-Fighter Pilot

* New TIE-Bomber (44,99):

set: grey & black colours

minifig: TIE-Fighter Pilot

* New TIE-Interceptor (29,99):

set: grey & black colours

minifig: TIE-Fighter Pilot

* Jabba's Palace (129,99):

set: entrance/gate, throneroom with trapdoor/floor, Rancor section, Droid section

minifigs: Jabba the Hutt, Luke Skywalker, Slave Leia, C-3PO, Selacious Crumb, Max Rebo, Bith bandmember x 3, Rancor-keeper, Gamorrean Guard x 2

* Bantha Patrol (59,99):

set: Tusken hut, tower

minifigs: Tusken raider x 3, Bantha

* Dewback Patrol (19,99):

minifigs: Sandtrooper x 3, Dewback

* Lars Moisture Farm (79,99):

set: homestead, speederbike, tower x 2

minifigs: Owen Lars, Beru Lars, Luke Skywalker

* Battlepacks:

Imperial pilot/driver battlepack: TIE-Fighter Pilot, AT-ST-Driver, AT-AT-Driver, Deathstar Trooper, piece of hangar

Droid battlepack: protocol Droid, R2-unit, R5-unit, medical Droid, probe Droid

Gungan battlepack: Gungan x 4, Kadoo, battlewagon

Geonosian battlepack: Geonosian Warrior x 4, Orray, piece of arena

Battle Droid battlepack: Super Battle Droid (new arm) x 3, Battle Droid (sand colour x 3, Droideka x 2 (MTT version)

* Arena Creatures:

set: pillars x 3

minifigs: Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Jango Fett, Acklay, Reek, Nexu

* CW Tri-Droid (39,99):

minifigs: Clone Trooper x 2, Power Droid x 3

* CW Crab Droid (9,99):

minifig: Clone Trooper

That's all, for now.....

* New Snowspeeder (24,99):

set: one Snowspeeder, same as in Hoth Rebel Base-set, difficult colourings to make two different coloured speeders if you bought more than one set

minifigs: Rebel Pilot x 2, Hoth Rebel Trooper x 2

* New TIE-Fighter (24,99):

set: grey & black colours

minifig: TIE-Fighter Pilot

* New TIE-Bomber (44,99):

set: grey & black colours

minifig: TIE-Fighter Pilot

* New TIE-Interceptor (29,99):

set: grey & black colours

minifig: TIE-Fighter Pilot

* Jabba's Palace (129,99):

set: entrance/gate, throneroom with trapdoor/floor, Rancor section, Droid section

minifigs: Jabba the Hutt, Luke Skywalker, Slave Leia, C-3PO, Selacious Crumb, Max Rebo, Bith bandmember x 3, Rancor-keeper, Gamorrean Guard x 2

* Bantha Patrol (59,99):

set: Tusken hut, tower

minifigs: Tusken raider x 3, Bantha

* Dewback Patrol (19,99):

minifigs: Sandtrooper x 3, Dewback

* Lars Moisture Farm (79,99):

set: homestead, speederbike, tower x 2

minifigs: Owen Lars, Beru Lars, Luke Skywalker

* Battlepacks:

Imperial pilot/driver battlepack: TIE-Fighter Pilot, AT-ST-Driver, AT-AT-Driver, Deathstar Trooper, piece of hangar

Droid battlepack: protocol Droid, R2-unit, R5-unit, medical Droid, probe Droid

Gungan battlepack: Gungan x 4, Kadoo, battlewagon

Geonosian battlepack: Geonosian Warrior x 4, Orray, piece of arena

Battle Droid battlepack: Super Battle Droid (new arm) x 3, Battle Droid (sand colour x 3, Droideka x 2 (MTT version)

* Arena Creatures:

set: pillars x 3

minifigs: Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Jango Fett, Acklay, Reek, Nexu

* CW Tri-Droid (39,99):

minifigs: Clone Trooper x 2, Power Droid x 3

* CW Crab Droid (9,99):

minifig: Clone Trooper

Just my comments on your idea (which are all great! :tongue: ):

-I take the prices are in Euros, but I think some of them are a bit high.

-The TIE Fighters could include new or rare figs to encourage people who have the old, blue ones to buy the new ones as well.

-The Max Rebo Band only included one Bith (Barquin D'an), so two of those could be replaced by Bib Fortuna, some of the droids from the old Jabba's Palace set, Boba Fett, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, etc.

-I'd rather have a lower price and a moisture vaporator rather than such an expensive set and that 'tower'.

-More figs included in the Moisture Farm set, even if they are just C-3PO, R2-D2 and a Jawa or two.

-Falumpasets pulled Gungan Battle Wagons, so I'd rather see one of those and a wagon or two Kaadus.

-The geonosian BP could include an orray and a cart to fit it instead.

-I'd prefer normal super battle droids and normal battle droids and maybe a new droideka model that rolls up.

-There should be modular Petranaki Arena building sets, such as a box with Separatist leaders; a generic stand with geonosians and battle droids; 3 pillars with Padmé, the nexu and some droids and some Jedi; the acklay, Obi-Wan and some Jedi, some droids and a sonic cannon; and Anakin with the reek, some Jedi and some droids. Each part could be bought seperately and joined together to make a huge arena!

-I'm not sure what 'power droids' you mean. Maybe the set could include 2 B1 battle droids and a B2, as well as two clone jet troopers instead.

-The Crab Droid isn't that big so maybe a normal battle droid could be included too.

Just my ideas on how to improve yours. I'd love TLG to make any of these! :sweet:

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