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Those links you provided don't work. I'd be interested to see what you're talking about, so you might want to fix them. :classic:

Also, did you have to double-post? Could you not have edited your last post? :sceptic:

Sorry about the double-post.I'll try to fix the links.

By the way,they were Theed palace hanger and heavy turbolaser turret on wokkieepdia.

Edited by sologuy369

Sorry about the double-post.I'll try to fix the links.

By the way,they were Theed palace hanger and heavy turbolaser turret on wokkieepdia.

No problem. I'm not sure what you mean by the two turrets. I have no idea about the 'Naboo Turret' unless you're thinking of the one from Galactic Battlegrounds.

As for the 'ISD Turret', you are referring to this.

However, I think a better alternative would be a turbolaser tower of some kind, which is probably what you were thinking of.

Hope that was of some help. :sweet:

I think lego should release more Clone Wars stuff that has some connection to an episode . . . . for example, Ahsoka's Starfighter and Vulture Droids came directly from Storm Over Ryloth, and Dooku's Solar Sailer came from Dooku Captured - Pirate Tank was from The Gungan General and the BTL-B Y-wing is from Shadow of Malevolence. see the connections?

Munificent-class Separatist cruiser - 970 pieces - $ 89.99

Take control of the Clone Wars space battles with the Munificent-class cruiser, designed for nothing else but to wreck havoc on the Republic's plans! With 10 flick-fire missiles, an opening centerpiece with General Grievous and more, this cruiser will be hard to defeat!

Includes General Grievous, battle droids (x2), 6-inch Grievous starfighter, 10 flick-fire missiles, battle droid pilot and more!

No problem. I'm not sure what you mean by the two turrets. I have no idea about the 'Naboo Turret' unless you're thinking of the one from Galactic Battlegrounds.

As for the 'ISD Turret', you are referring to this.

However, I think a better alternative would be a turbolaser tower of some kind, which is probably what you were thinking of.

Hope that was of some help. :sweet:

The first link is the same photo that i had.I know it doesn't look just like the ones from the movies, but it was kind of the picture I had in my head.

For the Naboo turret,they were on the sides of the Theed hanger.When the droids took over,battle droids would be in the turrets.At the end of Star Wars episode 1, when the jedi freed the pilots,the pilots would fly into space in their ship.As they flew out,you can see turrets shooting at the Naboo N-1 Starfighters.

In my set idea,I wanted it to be like the fight for the turret.It shape would be like some kind of oval.

Hope you understand a little more.More question?Post here or pm me :wink:

Edited by sologuy369

That was actually an AAT.

I personally would like to see some more EU stuff. Specifically KotOR.

UCS/ Fig Scale Ebon Hawk: Revan, Bastila, Jolee, Juhani, HK-47, T3-M4, Carth Onasi, Canderous Ordo, Mission Vao,a d Zaalbar. $499.99(Did I miss anyone?)

Aurek Fighter: Republic Pilot, Republic Soldier $9.99

Sith Starfighter: Sith Soldier (x2) $9.99

Some sets from the new MMORPG would be great as well.

Some more walkers would be nice, as well as some other Clone Wars Vehicles that haven't been done yet. (As well as some updated vehicles)

Updated AT-RT: AT-RT Driver, Kashyyyk Trooper (x2) $12.99

Octupatarra Tri-Droid: Galactic Marine (x2), Battle Droid (x3) $39.99

Larger, closer to fig scale AT-AP and Wookie Drgonfly: Kashyyyk Trooper (x3), Wookie Warrior (x2), Luminara Unduli $99.99

Battle Droid Carrier and STAP: Pilot Droid, Battle Droid (x10) $12.99

ARC-170 Starfighter: Clone Pilot with open faceplates and orange visor things (x3), Purple Astromech $49.99

USC HAV WA/6 Juggernaut: Quinlin Vos, Commander Faie, Kashyyyk Trooper (x3) $299.99

Kashyyyk Super Battle Pack: Kashyyyk Trooper (x5) BARC Speeder, Battledroid (x5), STAP $19.99

Tri-Droid: $11.99

Order 66: (Army builders as well)

Utapau: AT-TE with Orange markings, Obi wan, Boga, Commander Cody, 212th Trooper (x3), AT-TE Commander, Clone Paratrooper (x4) $149.99

Mygeeto: UT-AT, Galactic Marine (x3), Commander Baccara, Ki-Adi Mundi $89.99

Kashyyyk: Commander Gree, Kashyyyk Trooper (x5), Yoda, Luminara Unduli, Wookie (x3) $39.99

Cato Nemoidia: ARC-170, Captain Jag, Clone Pilot (x2), Orange Astromech, Plo Koon, Plo Koon's fighter, Plo Koon's Droid $89.99

Felucia: Aayla Secura, Commander Bly, 327th Star Corps Trooper (x5) $19.99

Secleucami: Stass Alli, Commander Neyo, 91st Recon trooper (x2), BARC Speeder (x4) $19.99USC

USC/ Minifig Scale Jedi Temple: Anakin Skywalker, Cin Dralig, Bene, Whiney, Jocasta Nu, Sara Keto, 501st Trooper (x50), Zett Jukasa, Bail Organa, Bail's Speeder, Commander Appo, Jedi (x20) $1499.99

That's all for now. More to come in the future.

Well, the likelyhood is very little, but I still would love to see it. Even at $1500, I would buy it easily.

And I am somewhat surprised that we havent seen anything KotOR yet.

Well, the likelyhood is very little, but I still would love to see it. Even at $1500, I would buy it easily.


So, if I MOC it, will you buy it from me for $1500? :grin:

And I am somewhat surprised that we havent seen anything KotOR yet.

Why? The only set based on a videogame that they ever made was the Rogue Shadow, and that was just because TFU was a big multimedia project. And frankly, I don't think that one sold all that well, considering many disliked its look and S@H had to put it on clearance. :sceptic:

Why? The only set based on a videogame that they ever made was the Rogue Shadow, and that was just because TFU was a big multimedia project. And frankly, I don't think that one sold all that well, considering many disliked its look and S@H had to put it on clearance. :sceptic:

I agree. While the CW TV series is running, I don't think Lego will release any more EU or TFU sets. Actually I doubt TFU will get another set, ever! That marketing opportunity has been and gone, and it wasn't successful.

I also would like to see more of the large-scale CW Separatist craft instead of small or mid-size sets. It will be interesting to see what the big summer set of 2010 will be.

You know, I can't stress enough about the need for a Republic Artillery Gun, like Pedro's, which was awesome (it was Pedro I think, in case I made a mistake). That and the minifigures would be Rex, Cody (Cody if it would be off the episode with Chopper and Seargent Slick) Clone Troopers, Gunner, and a few Jettroopers.

New troopers such as the Heavy Trooper, Airbourne Trooper (the ones that abseil on Utapau) in various new sets. Bye for now...

Please tell me when you're getting tired of this :tongue:

Magnaguard Duel - 29 pieces - $ 4.99

Ahsoka has baby Hutt Rotta and she's trying to get him to his father, Jabba . . . . but she is confronted by IG-100 MagnaGuards! Who will win?

Includes Ahsoka, Rotta, and 3 IG-100 Magnaguards.

Here's one i've been wanting at a lower price and PLEASE not in red . . . .

Republic Frigate - 537 pieces - $ 49.99

Ahsoka, Aayla Secura and Clone Commander Rex are trying to escape a heavily damaged Venator-class Star Destroyer, and Anakin Skywalker has been injured saving them! Will they be able to escape before the Venator blows up? Will they be able to save a wounded Anakin? Will they narrowly miss a star in hyperspace and violently crash-land on the lone planet of Maridun? It's up to you with 500+ pieces!

Includes Ahsoka, Aayla Secura, Rex, Anakin Skywalker, detailed 6-stud-wide cockpit with space for three minifigures and life-support room with Anakin Skywalker with medical droid!

Oh, and could poeple please use full names instead of EU or TCW or TFU? I never understand what these shorts are.

For the Naboo turret,they were on the sides of the Theed hanger.When the droids took over,battle droids would be in the turrets.At the end of Star Wars episode 1, when the jedi freed the pilots,the pilots would fly into space in their ship.As they flew out,you can see turrets shooting at the Naboo N-1 Starfighters.

In my set idea,I wanted it to be like the fight for the turret.It shape would be like some kind of oval.

As Mraz said, that was just a Trade Federation AAT parked near the cliff, not a Naboo turret.

You know, I can't stress enough about the need for a Republic Artillery Gun, like Pedro's, which was awesome (it was Pedro I think, in case I made a mistake). That and the minifigures would be Rex, Cody (Cody if it would be off the episode with Chopper and Seargent Slick) Clone Troopers, Gunner, and a few Jettroopers.

New troopers such as the Heavy Trooper, Airbourne Trooper (the ones that abseil on Utapau) in various new sets. Bye for now...

I agree, Delta. I'd love to see a Republic Artillery Gun. Hopefully they'll appear in the new series to make it more likely we'll get one. :sweet:

Magnaguard Duel - 29 pieces - $ 4.99

Ahsoka has baby Hutt Rotta and she's trying to get him to his father, Jabba . . . . but she is confronted by IG-100 MagnaGuards! Who will win?

Includes Ahsoka, Rotta, and 3 IG-100 Magnaguards.

Here's one i've been wanting at a lower price and PLEASE not in red . . . .

Republic Frigate - 537 pieces - $ 49.99

Ahsoka, Aayla Secura and Clone Commander Rex are trying to escape a heavily damaged Venator-class Star Destroyer, and Anakin Skywalker has been injured saving them! Will they be able to escape before the Venator blows up? Will they be able to save a wounded Anakin? Will they narrowly miss a star in hyperspace and violently crash-land on the lone planet of Maridun? It's up to you with 500+ pieces!

Includes Ahsoka, Aayla Secura, Rex, Anakin Skywalker, detailed 6-stud-wide cockpit with space for three minifigures and life-support room with Anakin Skywalker with medical droid!

Oh, and could poeple please use full names instead of EU or TCW or TFU? I never understand what these shorts are.

Do you just make an educated guess at the piece count, or do you somehow calculate it? They always seem like very precise numbers. :tongue:

The ideas are good. However, I don't think TLG would redesign the whole Republic Cruiser ship to make the Clone Wars variant. A 6-stud wide cockpit would be very unlikely. Also, how can you not include Bly in there?! That set'd probably be the only chance of getting him. I'd rather have him than another Rex. :classic:

Please tell me when you're getting tired of this :tongue:

Magnaguard Duel - 29 pieces - $ 4.99

Ahsoka has baby Hutt Rotta and she's trying to get him to his father, Jabba . . . . but she is confronted by IG-100 MagnaGuards! Who will win?

Includes Ahsoka, Rotta, and 3 IG-100 Magnaguards.

Here's one i've been wanting at a lower price and PLEASE not in red . . . .

Republic Frigate - 537 pieces - $ 49.99

Ahsoka, Aayla Secura and Clone Commander Rex are trying to escape a heavily damaged Venator-class Star Destroyer, and Anakin Skywalker has been injured saving them! Will they be able to escape before the Venator blows up? Will they be able to save a wounded Anakin? Will they narrowly miss a star in hyperspace and violently crash-land on the lone planet of Maridun? It's up to you with 500+ pieces!

Includes Ahsoka, Aayla Secura, Rex, Anakin Skywalker, detailed 6-stud-wide cockpit with space for three minifigures and life-support room with Anakin Skywalker with medical droid!

Oh, and could poeple please use full names instead of EU or TCW or TFU? I never understand what these shorts are.

Where's Bly? I mean, c'mon, if they're gunna give us a stinkn med droid, at least throw in bly too...

I wanna see, as far as minifigure go:

galactic marines

Redone Clone pilot, ep3

Aayla Secura

Droid commando's

ARF trooper

Bigger range of jedi and Clone commanders, as well as clone variants, like the 212th or the 501st..

This is what SW sets will look like in a few years.

Example :

Executor-Class Star Destroyer

USD $3999.99

Break the rebel fleet with the ultimate Empire cruiser!

Here comes the Executor-Class Star Destroyer, the empire's flagship! Build the set to play with the 1300 flick-fire missiles included everywhere for an increased playability! Open the front panel to play with the 4 studs of space included inside! Discover the all-new "Whack'O set" function! Crush your favourite set with your fist and build it again for hours and hours of fun and Lego play! But that's not all! Now, every brick is white! Paint them or buy the stickers for increased maxi playability and tons of fun! Includes 1 stormtrooper minifigure! Buy the new overpriced Executor-Class Star Destroyer!*

*Box, instructions, parts, stickers and minifigs sold separatly

Please tell me when you're getting tired of this :tongue:

Of what?

Magnaguard Duel - 29 pieces - $ 4.99

Could you please tell me what those 29 pieces are? Cause if I recall correctly, this took place in the desert with nothing nearby, so besides a tan baseplate, I really can't see how this could be much of a set really. :sceptic: It would probably make more sense for this to be a magnet set.

Republic Frigate - 537 pieces - $ 49.99

As I said a few pages back, I'd love something like that too, but like others said, the point of this set would partly be to get Aayla and Bly, so he needs to be in there. :wink:

Oh, and could poeple please use full names instead of EU or TCW or TFU? I never understand what these shorts are.

Have you tried the Star Wars Glossary? :hmpf:

Oky, I think that it is surprising that we haven't gotten KotOR because it was one of the most successful EU products. As for the scale Temple, I actually thought of that being my major project right after I typed it.

A RAG would be great. As long as it comes with Rex, Cody, a Gunner, and a reg Clone or two, and some crates would be nice. But yeah, I would love to see those.

Thanks for the compliments, yeah Oky it would be better as a magnet set but then you wouldn't get any awesome box art. also, I was referring to youses getting tired of me posting too much. And, I forgot Bly, that would be neat but one could just paint a standard clone commander . . . . :P

Escape Pod - 179 pieces - $ 16.99

Plo Koon and his clone troopers have just fled a powerless Venator-class Star Destroyer in an escape pod, and now they're floating throughout the debris of star cruiser in the orbit of a small star with no way of piloting! Will Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka find them in time?

Includes Plo Koon, 2 clone troopers, 1 clone officer, 10-stud-wide, 20-stud-long escape pod and two pieces of debris.

That would be great, and it would go awesome with the Twilight :D

The Vulture's Claw - 489 pieces - $ 44.99

Vile droid dealer Gha Nacht prepares to dock General Grievous's battlestation with a captured R2-D2 in a large freighter, the Vulture's Claw! Can Ahsoka and Anakin and their troops save "Artoo" in time before the station blows up? The quest for R2-D2 continues with this 480+ piece exclusive.

Includes Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka, 2 Assassin droids, Gha Nacht, R2-D2, R3-S6 and mini Twilight! Includes cockpit, roof and droid shelves with soon-to-be activated assassin droids.

I'd love one of those :cry_happy:

Edited by Raphy

The Charbonite Freezing Chamber would be cool. It would be around 50 USD or maybe more.

Minifigures: Han Solo (White Shirt), Han Solo (In Carbonite), Lando, Leia (Carbonite Freezer), Vader, Boba, and maybe a Luke (Bespin).

As Mraz said, that was just a Trade Federation AAT parked near the cliff, not a Naboo turret.

Ohhhh.... :oh3: I guess they still could make a set of a set.The TLC's way to make a set :devil: .

Edited by sologuy369

Cad Bane's Arrival - 467 pieces - $ 39.99

Evil bounty hunter Cad Bane has just arrived at the Senate in his air taxi, and he's just been "captured" by the Senate Commandos! Thankfully for him, his accomplice Aurra Sing will help him take care of them. But when their work is done in the Senate Building . . . . will they be able to escape the Republic Gunships?

Includes Cad Bane, 2 Assassin droids, 2 Commando droids, 2 Senate Commandos, Aurra Sing, Robonino, Shahan Alama, 2 4-inch air taxis and landing bay with 9-inch hover bus.


A RAG would be great. As long as it comes with Rex, Cody, a Gunner, and a reg Clone or two, and some crates would be nice. But yeah, I would love to see those.

We already have a Republic Attack Gunship. You'll have to use a different abbreviation for the artillery gun.

Thanks for the compliments, yeah Oky it would be better as a magnet set but then you wouldn't get any awesome box art. also, I was referring to youses getting tired of me posting too much. And, I forgot Bly, that would be neat but one could just paint a standard clone commander . . . . :P

Escape Pod - 179 pieces - $ 16.99

Plo Koon and his clone troopers have just fled a powerless Venator-class Star Destroyer in an escape pod, and now they're floating throughout the debris of star cruiser in the orbit of a small star with no way of piloting! Will Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka find them in time?

Includes Plo Koon, 2 clone troopers, 1 clone officer, 10-stud-wide, 20-stud-long escape pod and two pieces of debris.

The Vulture's Claw - 489 pieces - $ 44.99

Vile droid dealer Gha Nacht prepares to dock General Grievous's battlestation with a captured R2-D2 in a large freighter, the Vulture's Claw! Can Ahsoka and Anakin and their troops save "Artoo" in time before the station blows up? The quest for R2-D2 continues with this 480+ piece exclusive.

Includes Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka, 2 Assassin droids, Gha Nacht, R2-D2, R3-S6 and mini Twilight! Includes cockpit, roof and droid shelves with soon-to-be activated assassin droids.

Then why not include Bly and you can paint your own Rex?

The clones in the escape pod would have to be Boost and Sinker. It could include a rocket BD for those who don't want the Hyena droid bomber.

The Charbonite Freezing Chamber would be cool. It would be around 50 USD or maybe more.

Minifigures: Han Solo (White Shirt), Han Solo (In Carbonite), Lando, Leia (Carbonite Freezer), Vader, Boba, and maybe a Luke (Bespin).

You've got to have at least one ugnaught in there too! :tongue:

Cad Bane's Arrival - 467 pieces - $ 39.99

Evil bounty hunter Cad Bane has just arrived at the Senate in his air taxi, and he's just been "captured" by the Senate Commandos! Thankfully for him, his accomplice Aurra Sing will help him take care of them. But when their work is done in the Senate Building . . . . will they be able to escape the Republic Gunships?

Includes Cad Bane, 2 Assassin droids, 2 Commando droids, 2 Senate Commandos, Aurra Sing, Robonino, Shahan Alama, 2 4-inch air taxis and landing bay with 9-inch hover bus.

Good idea, but that many figs in such a small set is very unlikely, especially seeing as many of them would be brand new.

We already have a Republic Attack Gunship. You'll have to use a different abbreviation for the artillery gun.

It's technically called the LAAT/i, or Larty if you will, so there. :tongue:

How about the AV-7 Antivehicle Cannon, or CAC - Clone Artillery Canon. RAG still sounds better though.

The Cad Bane set would be nice, but the price wouldn't work, ask Oky said. All but 2(4 because of doubles) minifigs would be new. And $45 seems too small for a good vultures claw, but those figs would be nice.

It's technically called the LAAT/i, or Larty if you will, so there. :tongue:

How about the AV-7 Antivehicle Cannon, or CAC - Clone Artillery Canon. RAG still sounds better though.

You just contradicted yourself! You can use AV-7 instead of RAG, then. The RAG has been used as the Republic Attack Gunship for ages, long before the AV-7 was even thought of. If you start using it as something else, you're going to confuse lots of people. So there.

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