August 16, 201014 yr Some new stuff from the trailer I want to see: - Savaage Opress - Cad Bane's new speeder - Nightsisters - Trident ship on Kamino (good set to include Shaak Ti) - Fanblade starfighter - Ventress in her classic microseries costume - New type of battle droids - Satine and Padme
August 16, 201014 yr Yes, I too would love to see Ventress' Fanblade starfighter with her in her new old outfit! And I wouldn't mind that hovercraft-like speeder Bane is riding, especially if it comes with a Todo 360 minifig!
August 17, 201014 yr I only recently came out of my 'dark times', thanks to LSW and my son, so there are still some classic ships that we don't have. Number one on that list is the Millennium Falcon. We would love to see a new MF system/minifig set, perhaps taking the best of 4504 with some more up-to-date design and styling from the UCS set. For a big set, the Jedi Temple seems like a terrific idea. Make it a nice model of the temple externally (not to scale obviously!) which opens up to show the Council chamber above with the library/holocron archive below (since the library is featured in both the PT and CW), and perhaps a 'youngling/jedi training area' (we will gloss over the infanticide scene in ROTS since I don't think that would be a selling point for young children or their parents!) Minifigs: While an entire Jedi High Council would be unlikely, we could hope for Yoda, Mace WIndu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi Mundi, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, perhaps Stass Allie and of course Anakin/Darth Vader (pre-mask). Plus an exclusive Jocasta Nu! This would be for a ROTS-themed set but if they went the CW route then we could have Cad Bane instead of Dark Anakin...
August 18, 201014 yr The Mynock with Cade Skywalker, Deliah Blue, Jariah Syn and Darth Talon perhaps? I am sure the EU ship from TFU didn't sell too good. But still, I would love to see a cool ship from EU that is a bit more prominent and has cooler minifigs than, let's say the Tie Crawler! Edited August 18, 201014 yr by Zzz
August 18, 201014 yr But still, I would love to see a cool ship from EU that is a bit more prominent and has cooler minifigs than, let's say the Tie Crawler! Uhhh, they already made one: Did you mean something else? (That Mynock looks pretty cool!) I'd love to see a Kamino set- whether it's Clone Wars (Season 3) or Episode 2, with some Kaminoans and interesting architecture. Who knows? Maybe some new Jedi or the Fetts!
August 18, 201014 yr It was a bit cynical - I meant, why, out of the 1000 possible ships and vehicles of the EU, they made the Tie Crawler? They should better do something like the Mynock EDIT: Please feel free to read the short description of the Mynock on Wookieepedia - I admit it has the same coolness as the Falcon. Would make a good set! (edit end) Also, reading on JediNews that the T-6 shuttle will have 2 new Jedi, plus Anakin and Obi-Wan.. It is too sad to see we are almost only getting new and old Jedi in the CW-style. We really need some more PT sets with these guys. Edited August 18, 201014 yr by Zzz
August 19, 201014 yr how about one of these guys? could include two droids, Luminara and Anakin, Rex and maybe a few clones. Possibly add a break-away bridge for playability.
August 19, 201014 yr It was a bit cynical - I meant, why, out of the 1000 possible ships and vehicles of the EU, they made the Tie Crawler? They should better do something like the Mynock Ahhh, that would explain. EDIT: Please feel free to read the short description of the Mynock on Wookieepedia - I admit it has the same coolness as the Falcon. Would make a good set! (edit end) Cool! I know next to nothing about EU, so I found this quite interesting. I would like to see a set of this much more now.
August 19, 201014 yr We need a UCS jango fett's slave 1 like the UCS imperial shuttle and UCS falcon. UCS/minifig scale. It would include a new Jango minifig and a new young boba minifig. Some other ideas: Lok Durd's defoliator tank from CWs season one. Would include lok durd, captain rex and anakin minifigs. Geanosis Super tank from CWs season two. Would include tactical droid, 2 geanosian battle droids, luminara unduli and poggle the lesser. Geanosian fighter from CWs season two. Includes 2 geanosians, kia adi mundi, 2 sonic clone troopers - expensive exclusive. Tie bomber. Includes 1 tie pilot 2 stormtroopers remade grey version. Battle of orto plutonia. Includes a BARC speeder 2 cold weather clones, cold weather rex, chairman, 2 talz warriors. UT-AT . clone wars commando sguad, adi gallia. Redisigned B-wing fighter. UCS/minifig scale sith infiltrator with Darth maul and probe droids.
August 20, 201014 yr I would really like to see one of Padme's silver starships and updated podracers in the near future. I also really want to see minifigures of airborne troopers and commando droids.
August 20, 201014 yr We need a UCS jango fett's slave 1 like the UCS imperial shuttle and UCS falcon. UCS/minifig scale. It would include a new Jango minifig and a new young boba minifig. Don't we have enough Slave 1? but if there was one, I sure hope it wont be boba's it got way less screen time than Jango's Some other ideas:Lok Durd's defoliator tank from CWs season one. Would include lok durd, captain rex and anakin minifigs. This could be a great way to get a commander bly, but TLC would probably throw in ashoka in with it. Maybe putting Aayla in would be ok
September 4, 201014 yr I wanted to make some more fearless predictions about the upcoming 2011 summer sets. I figured it would be more appropriate to put it here rather than bog up the 2011 sets topic with my unfounded guesses. Knowing that we see the bigger sets in the summer, I am going to say one set we will see will be the Republic light cruiser seen in the Clone Wars season two. I believe that this will be the $120 dollar "big set" of the summer. I also think that we will see Asajj Ventress' fanblade starfighter that we get a shot of in the season 3 preview. We have only one set with this great minifigure in it and we are due for another. These are the only sets that I feel comfortable predicting now. However, I do believe that I have a good idea of many of the figures we will see this summer. Commando droid -people have been talking about them since Rookies Clone commando -I believe we will see a new helmet for these popular EU characters, however I think we will only see two of the squad not all four. Tactical droid -We almost got one with the clone turbo tank, logic dictates we will see one sooner or later Ki-Adi-Mundi -had some big parts in season two, got to think we will see a version of him at some point. Savage Oppress -the new expendable villain for the Star Wars universe, kids will go crazy over him. Nightsisters -kind of a strange one here, but I didn't think we would see a Hondo Ohnaka figure either
September 4, 201014 yr Tactical droid -We almost got one with the clone turbo tank, logic dictates we will see one sooner or later I agree heartily. I'll be very dissapoitned if we don't see one in the summer wave.
September 4, 201014 yr Yes, I was a bit disappointed after seeing the words "tactical droid" on the preliminary clone turbo tank artwork and then realizing that wasn't going to happen when we saw the final version. But I really do think we will see them in some upcoming set. Lego is too savvy not to include such a quality generic character they can use again and again.
September 4, 201014 yr I also think that we will see Asajj Ventress' fanblade starfighter that we get a shot of in the season 3 preview. We have only one set with this great minifigure in it and we are due for another. Agreed. TLG doesn't usually limit such a critical main character to only one expensive set. The fanblade's wing mechanism wouldn't do so well as a LEGO set, though; we'd probably end up with something like the sail on Count Dooku's Solar Sailor.
September 4, 201014 yr Agreed. TLG doesn't usually limit such a critical main character to only one expensive set. The fanblade's wing mechanism wouldn't do so well as a LEGO set, though; we'd probably end up with something like the sail on Count Dooku's Solar Sailor. What sail ? Seriously though, that was terribly thoguht out. What they should've done, was something like pushes something at the back in, which pushes a sail out.
September 4, 201014 yr What sail ? Seriously though, that was terribly thoguht out. What they should've done, was something like pushes something at the back in, which pushes a sail out. That's the point. The fanblade would probably come as a solid piece in the opened position- it makes for better playability. They could always say it lands on it's side, or that it has a rotating cockpit like the T-6.
September 4, 201014 yr That's how I imagined the fanblade, with solid immovable wings. Here's hoping the boys at Lego are more imaginative than me.
September 4, 201014 yr I know it's never gonna happen, but what about a set with all the minifig heads from the CW, but in the new 2010+ minifig style? Including 10 normal Clone Trooper heads. Something like that. It's freaking me out that we get ALL the Jedi but in that damn CW style. The TV series makes the characters look like their own parody. Anyway, either that or a set that has all these figures in the "normal" style (cough.. Jedi Temple like 10188 ...cough)!
September 5, 201014 yr I think that lego could actually make a jedi temple playset now this is how it would look you know that Yavin base from the lego star wars visual dictionary well it could be a bit like that except with closing in walls now that would be cool Edited September 5, 201014 yr by Darth Jar Jar
September 5, 201014 yr Personally I'd most like to see a UCS jango fett's slave 1, with all new jango minifigure, and an improved jabbas palace- preferably as one big set with some new minifigures, for example salacious crumb, max rebo, sy snootles and the rancor keeper!
September 5, 201014 yr Personally I'd most like to see a UCS jango fett's slave 1, with all new jango minifigure, and an improved jabbas palace- preferably as one big set with some new minifigures, for example salacious crumb, max rebo, sy snootles and the rancor keeper! How many slave 1s do we need I would rather have an UCS anakin bust than another slave 1
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