January 4, 201114 yr I actually hope we don't get Jango, what looks just like Jango Fett? and just go released? Agreed. Besides, if we got a blue Slave 1, it'd probably be a CW one without Jango anyways
January 4, 201114 yr Agreed. Besides, if we got a blue Slave 1, it'd probably be a CW one without Jango anyways If my PT theory is true ( 2010, rots, 2011. tpm, and then 2012 aotc) it's plausible we'd get a slave I in 2012. I think Jango would just be a modified mando.
January 4, 201114 yr I actually hope we don't get Jango, what looks just like Jango Fett? and just go released? Yep because in a Couple of Geonosis clips from the Lego Star Wars 3 Video Game that Jango appears in he is wearing the same gear as the Death Watch Mandalorians. Here are a couple of My ideas Coruscant Power Generator Pieces: Around 200 Based on the Episode Heroes On Both Sides. Comes with 2 Demolition Droids and 2 Republic Techinicians and The Control Room of The Power Generator. Asajj Ventress Fanblade Fighter Pieces: Around 150 Based on the Upcoming Episode Nightsisters. Comes with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ventress all in New Outfits. Edited January 4, 201114 yr by commanderneyo
January 4, 201114 yr For Endor, the general belief among slight or non-SW fans is that there are Death Star Stormies, Hoth Stormies, and Endor Stormies; not Stormtroopers, Snowtroopers, and Scout Troopers. For them, as far as Endor is concerned, the Scout is the Stormie. The Scout is certainly more iconic at that locale, so TLG can save a little money that way. Let's see, if 2012 is an OT BP year, that'll probably be the Endor BPs, so that they'd still be around for the 30th Anniversary. That would make 2013 a PT/CW BP year, so we're looking at 2014 or later for Ep.4 BPs. I really want Endor BP's. I think in the rebels pack you might get 2 rebel commandos and 2 ewoks (because they were kind of in the army). I think the Imperial one would include 2 scout troopers, 1 stormtrooper and 1 death star trooper/imperial officer. George.
January 4, 201114 yr Yep because in a Couple of Geonosis clips from the Lego Star Wars 3 Video Game that Jango appears in he is wearing the same gear as the Death Watch Mandalorians. Here are a couple of My ideas Coruscant Power Generator Pieces: Around 200 Based on the Episode Heroes On Both Sides. Comes with 2 Demolition Droids and 2 Republic Techinicians and The Control Room of The Power Generator. Asajj Ventress Fanblade Fighter Pieces: Around 150 Based on the Upcoming Episode Nightsisters. Comes with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ventress all in New Outfits. I don't have a clue how TLG would be able to make a Fanblade Fighter, or at least a structuraly integral one.
January 4, 201114 yr I don't have a clue how TLG would be able to make a Fanblade Fighter, or at least a structuraly integral one. It would just not fold, it would stay out. The fan would be made of plates.
January 4, 201114 yr It would just not fold, it would stay out. The fan would be made of plates. That or a repeat of the solar sailor- with no fan at all.
January 4, 201114 yr That or a repeat of the solar sailor- with no fan at all. Ya, but that takes the whole 'fan' part out of it. It would pretty much just be a cockpit with some landing gear. They have made sails for ships before, so why not fanblades on Ventress's ship.
January 4, 201114 yr 3 of them are Boba Fett's: The last Jango Slave I was from 9 years ago and is very rare now, costing alot (it wasn't very good either) - we could use a new Jango, aswell. ~ General Magma Indeed. That blue Slave I did get a considerable amount of screen time (what with demon kid Boba's enthusiasm and all).* Not only that, it would give LEGO a reason to redesign their Delta-7 Aethersprite. *Also keep in mind that the desire to sell toys played a significant part in the making of the Prequels whether you want to admit it or not (just as it did in Jedi - to prove that I'm not just an Original Trilogy fan bashing the Prequels), something that we as LEGO enthusiasts would certainly want LEGO to take advantage of. Agreed. Besides, if we got a blue Slave 1, it'd probably be a CW one without Jango anyways Boba took his armor, so kids probably wouldn't know the difference (or wouldn't care) if they just released the Clones version. I don't have a clue how TLG would be able to make a Fanblade Fighter, or at least a structuraly integral one. Wait, so the Fanblade fighter has appeared in the Neo-Clone Wars? Use cloth for the "fan", like they did for the 6210 Sail Barge, hinges connected to bars for the part that folds out. And the main body and cockpit could be achieved with SNOT in the style of the Nantex. (Actually, I wish they'd at least included a cloth with the Solar Sailer so we'd have had some kind of sail.)
January 4, 201114 yr I am motivated to buy the sets mostly by the figures included. But with all the great new Jedi figures they have coming out this summer, I can't even think of a Jedi that I want that they haven't made yet. I do have to say that even though I got the most recent RGS, I would love a new one with the side turrets that they so sadly excluded from the last model.
January 5, 201114 yr Another idea: Flying through the Kaliida Nebula: Minifigs: Koon, Anakin, Ahsoka, R2, R6, Matchstick, Tag. Vehicles: Koon's JSF, Y-Wing. Cost:$70.00.
January 5, 201114 yr Another idea: Flying through the Kaliida Nebula: Minifigs: Koon, Anakin, Ahsoka, R2, R6, Matchstick, Tag. Vehicles: Koon's JSF, Y-Wing. Cost:$70.00. That would cost much more than $70. I'm thinking closer to $90.
January 5, 201114 yr Ya, but that takes the whole 'fan' part out of it. It would pretty much just be a cockpit with some landing gear. And the Solar Sailor set took the whole 'sail' part out of that. Another idea: Flying through the Kaliida Nebula: Minifigs: Koon, Anakin, Ahsoka, R2, R6, Matchstick, Tag. Vehicles: Koon's JSF, Y-Wing. Cost:$70.00. That would just be a repackaging of two sets we already have.
January 5, 201114 yr That would just be a repackaging of two sets we already have. 2 in 1 package I suppose. When we make ideas be realistic in the amount of new figs your including. Edited January 5, 201114 yr by brickartist
January 5, 201114 yr That would just be a repackaging of two sets we already have. And people would probably buy it because they want all the sets... and more like $130
January 5, 201114 yr O.K. last was a dud, so let me try again! Duel on Malevolence:Minifigs: Obiwan, Padme, Anakin, R2, C3P0, Grievous, B1 x2, B2 x2, Droideka, 1 firefighting droid. Vehicles: Malevolence, mini Twilight. Cost:$120.00. Edited January 5, 201114 yr by captainkeeli
January 5, 201114 yr 2 in 1 package I suppose. When we make ideas be realistic in the amount of new figs your including. O.K. last was a dud, so let me try again! Duel on Malevolence:Minifigs: Obiwan, Padme, Anakin, R2, C3P0, Grievous, B1 x2, B2 x2, Droideka, 1 firefighting droid. Vehicles: Malevolence, mini Twilight. Cost:$120.00. I suppose 12 is possible after Battle of Endor, but I do think that's pushing it. And if you're thinking a playset big enough to contain a miniature freighter (e.g., DS size), you're talking at least $350.
January 5, 201114 yr I suppose 12 is possible after Battle of Endor, but I do think that's pushing it. And if you're thinking a playset big enough to contain a miniature freighter (e.g., DS size), you're talking at least $350. I think the reason we got 12 minifigs in the Battle of Endor was because it was a special edition. I doubt the would put that many minifigs in just any other Star Wars set. EDIT: Just remembered an idea for a ROTS set I had a while ago. The ship that Padme takes to Mustafar to find Anakin. Minifigs could be Padme (pregnant, either printed or a special piece), Anakin (Ep. 3, yellowish eyes because he is evil, and new printing on front and back of torso and possibly legs) Obi-Wan (Ep. 3, same amount of printing detail as Anakin) and C-3P0. Inside of ship could be done as a recreation of the scene where Padme gives birth to Luke and Leia (two specially printed microfigs, like the guys that come with the board games) plus a buildable birthing droid. Some sort of table with a function to make it seem like Padme is giving birth (maybe a bit too inappropriate for kids, and the whole inside could be done similarly to the 'Theta', only the outside is like her ship. Just an idea... Edited January 5, 201114 yr by Fives
January 5, 201114 yr I suppose 12 is possible after Battle of Endor, but I do think that's pushing it. And if you're thinking a playset big enough to contain a miniature freighter (e.g., DS size), you're talking at least $350. Well , we have 12 in the Battle of Naboo, and we can just leave the Mini Twilight out then. Also, there would only be 2 new figs. in the set... Edited January 5, 201114 yr by captainkeeli
January 5, 201114 yr It could be better. We just need to actually see how that blond emo hair would look like on Ep.4 Luke. Maybe someone here can do and show it? It looks really good. I don't have any pictures but I remember it in a review on flickr of the Hero Factory sets. I can't give links on my phone. Edit: Meh, big miss touch. I drew that comment from ages back thanks to this darn phone. :/ Sorry if this is me just being lazy, but since I haven't been around this sub forum in a while, is SW ending this year? Edited January 5, 201114 yr by The crazy one
January 5, 201114 yr It looks really good. I don't have any pictures but I remember it in a review on flickr of the Hero Factory sets. I can't give links on my phone. Edit: Meh, big miss touch. I drew that comment from ages back thanks to this darn phone. :/ Sorry if this is me just being lazy, but since I haven't been around this sub forum in a while, is SW ending this year? Yep. Summer 2011 is the last wave. Just kidding, the lisence has been extended for who knows how long. Sorry if this post is too immature for the forum, but i just had to do it
January 5, 201114 yr Well , we have 12 in the Battle of Naboo, and we can just leave the Mini Twilight out then. Also, there would only be 2 new figs. in the set... Battle of naboo is a rare occurance. Its' the first of its type. The reason we got 12 is because b1s are so cheap for TLG to make.
January 5, 201114 yr 2 in 1 package I suppose. When we make ideas be realistic in the amount of new figs your including. Not unlike the Ultimate Space Battle set... but then again, I don't know how well that sold. And I'm not sure whether LEGO would include a full-sized starship (Plo's Delta-7B) with a large playset. The closest thing we've had to vehicles in playsets so far are the escape pods in 6211 and 7665 and the speeder-looking thing in 10198. Yes please. I understand that a significant portion of you are minifigure collectors (and thus focus more on sets that could include minifigures you want, which makes sense), but let's try to be reasonable. I want an Echo Base with 10+ minifigures too, but I doubt they would even give us all the main characters (as that would already put it at 4 minifigures and Artoo) and I would anticipate one or two new minifigures at best (maybe Rieekan, since his name was mentioned in the film and they did include Madine in the Home One set). It's not like they're cheap, like battle droids... Battle of naboo is a rare occurance. Its' the first of its type. The reason we got 12 is because b1s are so cheap for TLG to make. Well, there was 7662 with 21 droids. I think the new droid carrier is kind of a throwback to that. Now all they need to do is make a Neo-Clone Wars vehicle that can deploy a whole lot of B2s (or better, droidekas)...
January 5, 201114 yr Battle Droids are not really true minifigs. They do not consist of the regular minifig parts. So in the Battle of Naboo set we really only got two true minifigs and 8 droids. And the MTT from 2007 had 21 droids because there were no true minifigs.
January 6, 201114 yr O.K. last one didn't go so hot with a couple people so let me try another time! Rishi Outpost: Minifigs: Rex, Cody, clone x3, and BX droids x3. Vehicles:Pod Hunter, and Rishi Base. Cost:$80.00. PRICE WILL VARY!
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