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O.K. last one didn't go so hot with a couple people so let me try another time! :laugh: Rishi Outpost: Minifigs: Rex, Cody, clone x3, and BX droids x3. Vehicles:Pod Hunter, and Rishi Base. Cost:$80.00. :thumbup:


Yay! A realistic suggestion! That is, other than the price. :wink:

I'd think that if this was taken to the $120 level, it could be done as a CW Battle of Endor, with the outpost instead of the bunker and the pod hunter instead of the AT-ST. I say $120 only because Battle of Endor was a special edition with a purposely high minifig and parts count. At least 1,000 pieces would be needed to decently pull this off, plus there's the new mold for the BXs.

Since TPM 3D is coming up:

Naboo Final battle playset:

sort of like the Cloud City playset, one long line of several rooms.

Rooms: throne room, hangar, duel of the fates scenery (small catwalk with red ray shield and circular catwalk with pit behind it.)

Minifigures: Padme Amidala/'Queen Amidala' (white makeup), Naboo security guard, Qui-gon Jinn, Obi-wan, Darth Maul, Nute gunray, Anakin, battle droids (2?), droideka?

Small scale vehicle: Naboo starfighter (like the DV Tie Advanced from the Death Star set)

price: 120 euro?


AT-RT Walker

Contains 1 small, but properly built AT-RT walker. Like the one from the more recent clone turbo tank, but perhaps even better design. And 2 x ARF troopers w/ blasters. Preferably in camo, but you can't have everything. Maybe a piece of landscaping for good measure.


I think it would be a great set...

Lets hope I'm on a roll... R2 Lost: Minifigs: Gha Nacht, R6S3, Anakin, Ahsoka, Ig86, R2. Vehicles: Nacht's ship. Cost:$80.00. :thumbup:

2 new figs only...


Edited by captainkeeli

Yep. Summer 2011 is the last wave.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Just kidding, the lisence has been extended for who knows how long.

Sorry if this post is too immature for the forum, but i just had to do it :tongue:

Dude, that was not funny...I totally missed the lower part of your post...

Lets hope I'm on a roll...

A roll on saying Ideas that are never going to be made at this stage :hmpf:

Seriously As you can see from the Latest Wave (January 2011) TLG are looking at CW S2 Sets so some if not all of these ideas are never Ever going to be made. The Rishi Outpost is a little likely but the rest have no chance at this stage until the CW ends and if Lego goes back to older seasons for sets then.

Sorry If I am being a Little Brash but you need to realize at this stage there is almost certainly no Chance that TLG will go back to Season 1 for some sets when there are better sets to be made from Seasons 2 and 3.

Here is a idea of mine.

8679 Hunt On Toydaria

Description: Savage Opress is out to kill King Kaatunko for Count Dooku but He must first get past Kaatunko's Guard and Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

Contains: Figures of Kaatunko. Savage Opress. Toydarian Guard. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Also comes with A couple of Pods seen in the building and A playset of Kaatunko's Building as well.

A roll on saying Ideas that are never going to be made at this stage :hmpf:

Seriously As you can see from the Latest Wave (January 2011) TLG are looking at CW S2 Sets so some if not all of these ideas are never Ever going to be made. The Rishi Outpost is a little likely but the rest have no chance at this stage until the CW ends and if Lego goes back to older seasons for sets then.

Sorry If I am being a Little Brash but you need to realize at this stage there is almost certainly no Chance that TLG will go back to Season 1 for some sets when there are better sets to be made from Seasons 2 and 3.

Here is a idea of mine.

8679 Hunt On Toydaria

Description: Savage Opress is out to kill King Kaatunko for Count Dooku but He must first get past Kaatunko's Guard and Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

Contains: Figures of Kaatunko. Savage Opress. Toydarian Guard. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Also comes with A couple of Pods seen in the building and A playset of Kaatunko's Building as well.

Wait, I'm sorry, you just ended a sentence saying the ideas we impossible, and the contradicted yourself with a suggestion from the era that you said TLG wasn't making sets from. You just instulted yourself, and pointed a 'Hmft' emoticon right back at you. And 'better' is a matter of opinion. I honestly think that the set you named is improbable. Think, how many TCW sets have we gotten that include a building? None, how is a probable to think we will get, and let alone what episode its from! :wink:

Edited by brickartist

so i have been looking at this thread since i have joined the site,

and it would seem that there is a want for Palpatines arrest, Operation nightfall (Order 66) and similar sets that in fairness would have to be quite big.

Now from also reading, the term modular came up from people alot.

When the final duel I and II came out some time ago, they could be used together in order to make that scene, they were somewhat modular (but not quite) same with TPM ones and BPs

so from that, as i dont believe i have seen 6 pound SW sets for a while, and the cheapest current ones being the BPs at 10.

Could TLG release packs you can put together, in order to create that scene? E.g one with 3 phase 2 clones, plus scenery that can go with the counter part BP so in this case 3 jedi? plus with lego being very, for want of a better word, adaptable so if you were to buy x ammounts of a BP you could add them together. This could then make a larger structure, so AFOL and kids alike can make the scene as they see fit

just a thought...

I think something we all need to wrap our heads around is that TLC can't release 3 minifigs in a cheap set. Just won't work.

And I don't know if some of you have realized that TLC likes to make sets that are based on ships and vehicles with a few exceptions.

So getting a set like the Geonosian Arena with 20+ figs is very unlikley, even if it were modular.

Like someone else said, season 1 and 2 CW sets are unlikley.

I;m going to go out on a limb here and say that the only OT sets we'll be getting will be re-releases because of the new 3d films.

Next: Locatig Skytop Station: Minifigs: Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, R3S6, R2D2, Grievous. Vehicles, extras: 1 room on Skytop station. Cost:$60.00. :thumbup:


EDIT-Just so you know, I think ventress is a 'she' not a 'he'. :laugh:

And then uncontradicted Myself :hmpf:

Uh? Where does Ventress come into this? I said Savage Opress not Ventress and last I checked Savage is a "He" not a "She". :laugh:

And I was just stating a example as its more likely they would make "Hunt On Toydaria" then some idea from the Beggining of the series. :wink:

Next: Locatig Skytop Station: Minifigs: Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, R3S6, R2D2, Grievous. Vehicles, extras: 1 room on Skytop station. Cost:$60.00. :thumbup:

Oh Yeah it will "Vary" :hmpf_bad:

Seriously your asking for a Ship that would cost more like 300$ in a 60$ set? that would be more like the Underside of the ship not the whole thing :vader:

Some more ideas up!

Kamino Cloning Facility

Minifigs: Lama Su, Obi-Wan Kenobi (ep2) and 3 clonetroopers.

Comes with: A small, white room with a window and some details, perhaps the 2 chairs. The room is placed on top of some larger pieces, with some parts of the cloning facility behind the window. Perhaps some kind of a walkway above the place with some windows aswell, with several cloning tubes, components of the cloning centers etc., plus a place for the clonetroopers.

Piece count: About 300.

Price: $35

Geonosis Arena

Minifigs: Anakin Skywalker (ep2), Obi-Wan Kenobi (ep2), Padme (ep2), Jango Fett, Count Dooku, 1 geonosian worker and 3 battle droids. (Total: 9, with 6 true minifigs)

Comes with: 3 poles, a loose part of the balcony, the Nexu and a Reek, (The Acklay seems a bit too large to be made into one set, along with 3 other new molds), the transport to bring Anakin and Padme to the poles for their execution (would be described as a simple transport, since I think "...send Anakin and Padme to the poles for their death sentence, using the transport. Begin your execution there!..." would be inappropiate for the younger children..) and a small hallway or something extra on the end.

Piece count: About 450.

Price: $65

Mos Eisley Cantina

Redesign with new components

Minifigs: Han Solo (ep4), Luke Skywalker (ep4), Obi-Wan Kenobi (ep4), sandtrooper (orange pauldron), Figrin D'an (Bith band), Bith musician, Greedo and Wuher. (Total: 8)

Comes with: Cantina entrance, cantina walls with tables and chairs, the bar and a new Dewback. (Presumably the old mold with some additions and changes, in a new printed version.)

Piece count: About 600

Price: $75

Endor Rebel Trooper Battlepack

Perhaps a solution for 2012

Minifigs: 2 rebel commandos, 1 generic ewok and Paploo. (Maybe without the feathers, to make it a generic ewok)

Comes with: Ewok glider and a log trap.

Piece count: About 60

Price: $12

Imperial Trooper Battlepack

Perhaps a solution for 2012

Minifigs: 1 scout trooper, 2 stormtroopers and an AT-ST pilot.

Comes with: New and improved speederbike, and a small missile firing walker.

Piece count: About 70

Price: $12

~ General Magma

I'd quite like Lego to expand on their battle packs.

An ewok one:

4 ewoks and a smaller version of of the swinging log trap, nothing two big so maybe I can make my own prototype to post.

Then you buy 2, one for each side of the AT-ST :wink:

A scout one:

3 scout troopers, 1 storm troopes and an AT-ST on a similar scale as Vadar's Tie on the death star (so you can just about fit a minifigure in).

And then a rebel one:

4 rebels (one with a back pack) but I'm not sure what to do for the mini vehicle thing to go with it. :sceptic:

Oh Yeah it will "Vary" :hmpf_bad:

Seriously your asking for a Ship that would cost more like 300$ in a 60$ set? that would be more like the Underside of the ship not the whole thing :vader:

He did say one room, but yeah, after all those minifigs, the one room will be just big enough to cram all the minifigs into with one or two important details. Think Endor Bunker, but only half of it.

Can we please stop to consider our ideas first? Because this thread is becoming cluttered with ideas that will never happen, have too many minifgs, and/or have an irrealistic price.

And then a rebel one:

4 rebels (one with a back pack) but I'm not sure what to do for the mini vehicle thing to go with it. :sceptic:

maybe no vehicle but scenery?

Can we please stop to consider our ideas first? Because this thread is becoming cluttered with ideas that will never happen, have too many minifgs, and/or have an irrealistic price.

And who is there to decide that?

I didn't think my ideas to be so unlikely (except some prices and other things, perhaps, not sure), and if they are, what's so irrealistic about them? (I agree about some others, though..)

Perhaps you could tell what factors could be improved on those - ideas were executed by TLC before, so if there are some realistic and good ideas, they might come across and consider those. Doesn't just happen 1-2-3 like that, though..

What about this then, perhaps? (I also have the feeling they will make one, since the mini models are all made in system set form, or will eventually end up as one)

Trade Federation AAT

Minifigs: 2 battle droids, 1 Naboo royal guard.

Comes with: Trade Federation AAT, similair to the CIS version, but in tan with adjustments and improvements.

Piece count: About 400

Price: $60

~ General Magma

Edited by General Magma

And who is there to decide that?

I didn't think my ideas to be so unlikely (except some prices and other things, perhaps, not sure), and if they are, what's so irrealistic about them? (I agree about some others, though..)

Perhaps you could tell what factors could be improved on those - ideas were executed by TLC before, so if there are some realistic and good ideas, they might come across and consider those. Doesn't just happen 1-2-3 like that, though..

What about this then, perhaps? (I also have the feeling they will make one, since the mini models are all made in system set form, or will eventually end up as one)

Trade Federation AAT

Minifigs: 2 battle droids, 1 Naboo royal guard.

Comes with: Trade Federation AAT, similair to the CIS version, but in tan with adjustments and improvements.

Piece count: About 400

Price: $60

This seems like a reasonable idea. If you look back at the size of the CW AAT we got with Yoda, it only had one true minifig and a buch of droids (maybe add a droideka into your idea) and that set was about the same price. I find the best way to come up with a reasonable idea is to look at the most recent sets TLG has released and base the price on the size of the box. Has nobody else notced that prices of sets are usualy linked to box size? All 24.99$ sets have the same size box but not always the same amount of pieces or figs? Thats how I base my ideas. Just saying :laugh:

~ General Magma

Some how what I said got stuck in the quote! *oh2*:laugh: sorry General Magma. :grin:

Edited by Fives

Alright everyone settle down, we all have different views on sets, and what they should include.

Lets think about probable sets before we post:

Core characters: Sets including excessive core characters rarely happen, try not to include more than a few in your idea.

Price or piece count: Either specify A price, or a piece count, doing both would only complicate things/be an opportunity for bickering.

BPs: Almost every BP suggestion/possibility has been made multiple times, there is no point in making up more, because chances are its already been said.

Landscapes/locations:As much as we would all love sets devoted to scenery, chances are we wont get them.

Ucs everything: We could just any SW set and say UCS that.

Minifigs: It seems like the counterargument to "thats to many minifigs" is always "Well the battle of naboo..." That is a very rare occurrence. I'm not trying to sound like a MOD, but I just think we need to be more realistic in our suggestions.

Lets not shoot down others ideas in a rude manner, nicely state you opinion in a polite way.

And then uncontradicted Myself :hmpf:

Uh? Where does Ventress come into this? I said Savage Opress not Ventress and last I checked Savage is a "He" not a "She". :laugh:

And I was just stating a example as its more likely they would make "Hunt On Toydaria" then some idea from the Beggining of the series. :wink:

Oh Yeah it will "Vary" :hmpf_bad:

Seriously your asking for a Ship that would cost more like 300$ in a 60$ set? that would be more like the Underside of the ship not the whole thing :vader:

He said '1 room' not the whole ship, stop being a megablocks! You ending every post with a :hmpf_bad: or a :wink: , and it's making you look like a smug jerk. :angry: Toydaria hasn't been seen since season 1 episode 1, thats as early as it gets.

Edited by brickartist

maybe no vehicle but scenery?

Yeah, I'm quite fed up with all of these vehicles to be honest.

He said '1 room' not the whole ship, stop being a megablocks! You ending every post with a :hmpf_bad: or a :wink: , and it's making you look like a smug jerk. :angry: Toydaria hasn't been seen since season 1 episode 1, thats as early as it gets.

At least I don't put 3 of them in one Sentence so now who is the "You know what"?

Uhmm that was Rugosa in Season 1 Episode 1. Toydaria was in Season 3 Episode 3 and will be in Next Weeks Episode so there.

And what part of me Saying the "Hunt For Toydaria" was a Example don't you Understand?

Now I don't see any Emoticons there do you?

Edited by commanderneyo

At least I don't put 3 of them in one Sentence so now who is the "You know what"?

Uhmm that was Rugosa in Season 1 Episode 1. Toydaria was in Season 3 Episode 3 and will be in Next Weeks Episode so there.

And what part of me Saying the "Hunt For Toydaria" was a Example don't you Understand?

Now I don't see any Emoticons there do you?

You obviously stopped using them when I pointed it out, in the rumors topic you have been doing it countless times. The way I used them wasn't to be smug, and obviously I haven't seen that episode, nor have I read summaries. Uhmm it was not Rogosa, it was Toydaria, watch this video at 21:11 the king says" Toydaria would be happy to host a republic base" "So there" as you would say.

You obviously stopped using them when I pointed it out, in the rumors topic you have been doing it countless times. The way I used them wasn't to be smug, and obviously I haven't seen that episode, nor have I read summaries. Uhmm it was not Rogosa, it was Toydaria, watch this video at 21:11 the king says" Toydaria would be happy to host a republic base" "So there" as you would say.

They said Toydaria would be happy, but they weren't on Toydaria. That was Rugosa; check Wookieepedia,

hopefully it gets clear by then.

Atop of that, with the new Watto mold they could make those Toydarians,

so it's pretty likely that we could be getting a set like that. It's still unknown whether they will use it for other purposes or not.

~ General Magma

They said Toydaria would be happy, but they weren't on Toydaria. That was Rugosa; check Wookieepedia,

hopefully it gets clear by then.

Atop of that, with the new Watto mold they could make those Toydarians,

so it's pretty likely that we could be getting a set like that. It's still unknown whether they will use it for other purposes or not.

~ General Magma

Judging from the episode the only info given would imply that it is toydaria, I don't read summaries of episodes, I just watch them.

Judging from the episode the only info given would imply that it is toydaria, I don't read summaries of episodes, I just watch them.

Well there you go then its no wonder you thought it was "Toydaria" and as well as Wookiepedia Check the Episode guide on StarWars.com It Clearly Says Rugosa.

Secondly I do not use my Emoticons to look like a "Smug Jerk" as you would say I do it to express what I feel Only! Do I make Myself CLEAR?

I think the possibility of some new Toydaria related sets is high, because the Toydarians seem to be a returning group of characters with a plot that is still expanding. TLG is likely to make sets based on more popular characters (then again they did make Nadhar Vebb, and he was in one episode and died, so...).

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