January 25, 201114 yr Alright, so here's an idea for Chancellor Palpatine's Arrest. Note that most of the figures mentioned would be re-makes, to get rid of their Clone Wars-ifications - Saesee would reuse the current headpiece, the new Eeth Koth's hairpiece could be used for Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto would be the same as we've seen him before and Windu just a non-CW version, same for Palpy. Chancellor Palpatine's Arrest Minifigs: Chancellor Palpatine (double sided head - regular neutral head and wrinkled head, probably somewhat like the new Emperor Palpatine's head), Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin. The eventual addition of a new ep3 Anakin, but I doubt they would. Would be a nice addition if they did, though. Comes with: Chancellor's Private Chambers with a window. Other than that, there's also Palpatine's office with 4 chairs, smashable window play feature (?), the table and enough room for a minifig to lie against the ends of the window. Maybe a blast door as an addition, with a small hallway. Piece count: Around 750 Price: $100+ ~ General Magm Edited January 25, 201114 yr by General Magma
January 25, 201114 yr Alright, so here's an idea for Chancellor Palpatine's Arrest. Note that most of the figures mentioned would be re-makes, to get rid of their Clone Wars-ifications - Saesee would reuse the current headpiece, the new Eeth Koth's hairpiece could be used for Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto would be the same as we've seen him before and Windu just a non-CW version, same for Palpy. Chancellor Palpatine's Arrest Minifigs: Chancellor Palpatine (double sided head - regular neutral head and wrinkled head, probably somewhat like the new Emperor Palpatine's head), Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin. The eventual addition of a new ep3 Anakin, but I doubt they would. Would be a nice addition if they did, though. Comes with: Chancellor's Private Chambers with a window. Other than that, there's also Palpatine's office with 4 chairs, smashable window play feature (?), the table and enough room for a minifig to lie against the ends of the window. Maybe a blast door as an addition, with a small hallway. Piece count: Around 650 Price: $80 ~ General Magma ~ General Magma We definitely need this set, but I doubt LEGO would do a set for Star Wars completely based on buildings. If it would mean the inclusion of a new ROTS Anakin, then how about the little ship Anakin takes to get to Palpatine's office? Just a thought... For some reason my comments went into the quote! This is the second time! ARGH! Edited January 25, 201114 yr by Fives
January 25, 201114 yr Alright, so here's an idea for Chancellor Palpatine's Arrest. Note that most of the figures mentioned would be re-makes, to get rid of their Clone Wars-ifications - Saesee would reuse the current headpiece, the new Eeth Koth's hairpiece could be used for Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto would be the same as we've seen him before and Windu just a non-CW version, same for Palpy. Chancellor Palpatine's Arrest Minifigs: Chancellor Palpatine (double sided head - regular neutral head and wrinkled head, probably somewhat like the new Emperor Palpatine's head), Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin. The eventual addition of a new ep3 Anakin, but I doubt they would. Would be a nice addition if they did, though. Comes with: Chancellor's Private Chambers with a window. Other than that, there's also Palpatine's office with 4 chairs, smashable window play feature (?), the table and enough room for a minifig to lie against the ends of the window. Maybe a blast door as an addition, with a small hallway. Piece count: Around 650 Price: $80 ~ General Magma I'd prefer that they go up into the $120 range, that's the only way they'd be able to capture the size of those rooms. AT FIVES: Urm, we almost got this set, actually. It was out-voted by fans in 2008 for the Home one. The home one was the 10th anniversary set. The other nominee, the Slave I, has already popped up. So we may get it next year, or possibly this year(Pretty please!).
January 25, 201114 yr The other nominee, the Slave I, has already popped up. So we may get it next year, or possibly this year(Pretty please!). Well I would attribute the Slave I's rerelease to the 30th Anniversary of ESB. Either way, that set will evidently make a lot of people happy; I expect we'll see it eventually.
January 25, 201114 yr I'd prefer that they go up into the $120 range, that's the only way they'd be able to capture the size of those rooms. AT FIVES: Urm, we almost got this set, actually. It was out-voted by fans in 2008 for the Home one. The home one was the 10th anniversary set. The other nominee, the Slave I, has already popped up. So we may get it next year, or possibly this year(Pretty please!). Maybe we could get the "Palpatine Arrest" as the big exclusive set like the AT-AT was for last year
January 25, 201114 yr I'd prefer that they go up into the $120 range, that's the only way they'd be able to capture the size of those rooms. AT FIVES: Urm, we almost got this set, actually. It was out-voted by fans in 2008 for the Home one. The home one was the 10th anniversary set. The other nominee, the Slave I, has already popped up. So we may get it next year, or possibly this year(Pretty please!). I know it was out voted, and we got the other nominations already. I do believe LEGO will make the set, it just probably will have to have some sort of vehicle is all. Look at the Battle of Endor set. It was based on buildings and scenery, but LEGO still included a vehicle (AT-ST) just because Star Wars is usually vehicle-oriented. That is why I said they would probably include the little speeder Anakin takes to Palpatine's office. A Star Wars set that is only a building is rare (Cloud City is one exception).
January 25, 201114 yr I know it was out voted, and we got the other nominations already. I do believe LEGO will make the set, it just probably will have to have some sort of vehicle is all. Look at the Battle of Endor set. It was based on buildings and scenery, but LEGO still included a vehicle (AT-ST) just because Star Wars is usually vehicle-oriented. That is why I said they would probably include the little speeder Anakin takes to Palpatine's office. A Star Wars set that is only a building is rare (Cloud City is one exception). Well that's because Star Wars is a vehicle-based theme. There aren't very many vehicles to put in that scene; even Anakin's speeder is only briefly seen and there isn't very much source material on it.
January 25, 201114 yr Well that's because Star Wars is a vehicle-based theme. There aren't very many vehicles to put in that scene; even Anakin's speeder is only briefly seen and there isn't very much source material on it. I can't imagine them putting a vehicle in it.... I rather they include two rooms, and no vehicle.
January 29, 201114 yr Wookies! New detailed Wookies would be awesome. What do you think about a new Kashyyyk-treehouse including some Wookie-warriors and Yoda with his small spaceship?
January 29, 201114 yr Wookies! New detailed Wookies would be awesome. What do you think about a new Kashyyyk-treehouse including some Wookie-warriors and Yoda with his small spaceship? I don't know. Wookiees are undoubtedly the most iconic aliens of the LEGO Star Wars line. They've already got printed torsos, made of hard ABS to boot. A new variation on the old Wookiee would be nice, but as a complement to the old ones, not a replacement.
January 30, 201114 yr The only reason I could see them making a new Wookiee piece would be if they made Tarfuul. Other than that, they should stay with the two Wookiee designs.
January 31, 201114 yr Wookies! New detailed Wookies would be awesome. What do you think about a new Kashyyyk-treehouse including some Wookie-warriors and Yoda with his small spaceship? I would definitely be interested in a Kashyyyk-treehouse set. Sounds like a good idea for a set.
January 31, 201114 yr The only reason I could see them making a new Wookiee piece would be if they made Tarfuul. Other than that, they should stay with the two Wookiee designs. Correct me if I'm wrong, but our current 'generic' Wookie is based off Tarfuul.
January 31, 201114 yr Correct me if I'm wrong, but our current 'generic' Wookie is based off Tarfuul. Is that so? I don't recall Tarfful having gold fur anywhere on his body.
January 31, 201114 yr I haven't seen RotS in ages, but based on screenshots I can't find a single Wookiee with that gold headdress thing.
January 31, 201114 yr I haven't seen RotS in ages, but based on screenshots I can't find a single Wookiee with that gold headdress thing. I think the gold head dress is based off of the wookiee that is at the front of the wookiee army right before they all attack the droids in ROTS. I tried to get a pic off of Wookieepedia, but I couldn't find it. I believe the wookiee wearing the head dress is Merumeru the elder.
January 31, 201114 yr I think the gold head dress is based off of the wookiee that is at the front of the wookiee army right before they all attack the droids in ROTS. I tried to get a pic off of Wookieepedia, but I couldn't find it. I believe the wookiee wearing the head dress is Merumeru the elder. Okay, yeah, I figured out why his page doesn't have a pic: The helmet that Merumeru wore in Revenge of the Sith wasn't completed in time for production, so he wore a blue helmet on his head for this scene. The blue headgear was later replaced with a digital helmet in the final version. And Wookieepedia didn't include a movie still in the entry.
January 31, 201114 yr Okay, yeah, I figured out why his page doesn't have a pic: And Wookieepedia didn't include a movie still in the entry. Ah, very good. I was only looking for a pic. I didn't read any of it. So that explains the head dress.
February 17, 201114 yr I would love to see... Theed Palace Siege(£24.99) Includes: Two tan towers with domed green roofs and exploding functions, large doors with tan frame, plants. Minifigures: Queen Amidala(same as in the videogames), Captain Panaka, 2x Battle Droids, Qui-Gon-Jin. Zam Wessell Speeder Pursuit(£29.99) Includes: Zam Wessell's speeder, the "borrowed" speeder, Padme's apartment with bed and large glass windows, bar with neon blue lights and a bar with drinks. Minifigures: Zam Wessell(similar to old one), Anakin, Obi-Wan-Kenobi, Padme(bedclothes), R2-D2, Probe Droid. Jabba's Palace(£39.99) Includes: Doors with camera, prison, Jabba's throne with all his bottles of liquids, trapdoor, Rankor's pit with chains. Minifigures: Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia as slave(same as old but with Tamina hair), Jabba, R2-D2, C-3PO, Rankor. Now what's your ideas? Edited February 17, 201114 yr by Gregorovich
February 17, 201114 yr Nice set ideas but I think there's allready a topic about this called "Future Star Wars Sets" Maybe you'd like to post in there instead.
February 18, 201114 yr Yup, there is already a topic dedicated to this. Merging this to the Future Star Wars Sets topic.
February 23, 201114 yr Sorry if any of these have been said before: 1. Geonosian and Geonosis clone battle packs. The geonosian BP includes 1 geonosian drone, 2 warriors, 1 undead geonosian, a geonosian speeder and a geonosian cannon. The geonosis clone BP includes Jet, a geonosis flame marine, 2 geonosis ARF troopers and parts of a destroyed gunship. 2. Coruscant Speeder chase: Includes Chata Hyoki, Robonino and Padme along with 2 speeders and an floating advertisement sign. 3. Jedi Ambassadorial Shuttle: Includes Anakin, Adi Gallia, Even piell, Rex and a clone Tropper along with the shuttle itself.
February 25, 201114 yr obi wan and jangos battle on kamino including a landing pad slave I young boba jango and obiwan
February 25, 201114 yr Jedi ambasadorrial shuttle 89$:Adi Gallia, Obi Wan, Even Piell, anakin and a clone trooper.(thats an awesome idea legownkyeye) Padmes ship from RotS 120$:padme, 3po, organa. Maybe a gigantic geonosian arena battle 500$: 20 battle droids, 5 superbattle droids, Padme(geonosis uniform), Anakin, Obi wan, Jango fett, Windu, Dooku, 5 Geonosians, shaak Ti, Kit fisto, R2-D2, Saesee Tiin, Ki-Adi Mundi, Aayla, Plo Koon,Luminara, Eeth Koth, young boba, Coleman Kcaj, Coleman Trebor, Separatist Neomodian senator, Adi Gallia, Poggle the lesser, Gunray. around 2500 pieces and one beast, probably Acklay. Edited February 25, 201114 yr by Surfer
February 25, 201114 yr 1. Geonosian and Geonosis clone battle packs. The geonosian BP includes 1 geonosian drone, 2 warriors, 1 undead geonosian, a geonosian speeder and a geonosian cannon. The geonosis clone BP includes Jet, a geonosis flame marine, 2 geonosis ARF troopers and parts of a destroyed gunship. I'd rather have some more Prequel battlepacks as opposed to '08 series battlepacks (like we've been getting), but eh... 3. Jedi Ambassadorial Shuttle: Includes Anakin, Adi Gallia, Even piell, Rex and a clone Tropper along with the shuttle itself. Jedi ambasadorrial shuttle 89$:Adi Gallia, Obi Wan, Even Piell, anakin and a clone trooper.(thats an awesome idea legownkyeye) I thought we already had the T-6? Or does an 'ambassadorial shuttle' refer to that Eta thing? Maybe a gigantic geonosian arena battle 580$: 20 battle droids, 5 superbattle droids, Padme(geonosis uniform), Anakin, Obi wan, Jango fett, Windu, Dooku, 5 Geonosians, shaak Ti, Kit fisto, R2-D2, Saesee Tiin, Ki-Adi Mundi, Aayla, Plo Koon,Luminara, Eeth Koth, young boba, Coleman Kcaj, Coleman Trebor, Separatist Neomodian senator, Adi Gallia, Poggle the lesser, Gunray. around 2500 pieces and one beast, probably Acklay. $580?! That's more than 10179 cost! Would someone really pay so much for a set? This sounds more like it could be a good AFOL display rather than a LEGO set. I know we usually don't criticize others' ideas here, but $580 in my opinion is just... too much. Even with that many Jedi (and only five B2s?)
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