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Having seen a certain picture of Jabba's Palace in the 2012 Rumours Thread, I have a new set idea:

XXXX Rancor Pit

Figs:Luke Skywalker, Gamorrean Guard, Rancor Keeper, Rancor (molded in 4 parts: Body+Legs, 2 Arms, Head - maybe with openable mouth), maybe (MAYBE) EV-9D9 and a droid.

Includes: Large Rancor Pit to attach to Jabba's Palace, with gate to release/crush Rancor, a few bones lying around the area, maybe (MAYBE) a droid dungeon for EV-9D9 and random droid.

Price: $80 AUS

If you want me to erase (or keep) the MAYBEs, please reply.


Queen Amidala's Royal Starship


Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme (Handmaiden), Queen Amidala (Black Gown), Ric Olie, R2-D2 and second astromech

Trade Federation Landing Craft


Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Boss Nass and Battle Droids

Trade Federation AAT

Comes with AAT and STAPS


Rune Haako, Sio Bibble, OOM-9 and Battle Droid

Naboo Patrol

Remake of Flash Speeder and Gungan Patrol sets


Captain Tarpals, Gungan Soldier and Naboo Soldier

Battle of Theed

Playset including scenes of the palace and generator room


Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, Nute Gunray, Captain Panaka, Padme (Battle Gear), Battle Droid and Destroyer Droid

Mawhonic and Alder Beedo's Podracers


Qui-Gon, Shmi Skywalker, Mawhonic, Alder Beedo and C-3PO

Teemto and Gasgano's Podracers


Teemto, Gasgano, Pit Droid, non-CW Aurra Sing and Tusken Raider

Bounty Hunter Pursuit


Obi-Wan, Anakin, Zam Wesell and Padme (Senator)

Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter


Obi-Wan and R4-P17

Jango Fett's Slave I


Jango Fett, Boba Fett and either Taun We or Lama Su

Naboo Skiff


Anakin, Padme (White jumpsuit with cape), R2-D2 and C-3PO

Hailfire Droid


Ki Adi Mundi, Battle Droid, Geonosian and Clone Troopers

Geonosian Droid Factory


Anakin, Geonosian and Battle Droid

Geonosian Arena

Comes with 3 beasts, pillars and a wall that acts as a gate/grandstand


Obi-Wan, Padme (Arena), Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Poggle the Lesser and Yoda

Jedi Temple


Yoda, Mace Windu, Aayla Secura, Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth and Quinlan Vos

Invisible Hand


Obi-Wan, Anakin, Count Dooku, General Grievous, Shaak Ti and Chancellor Palpatine

Assault on Utapau

Includes Boga, Grievous's wheel bike and Spider Droid


Obi-Wan, General Grievous, Commander Cody and Tion Meddon

Assault on Kashyyk

Includes Clone Scout Walker, Wookie vehicle and Seperatist Tank


Luminara Unduli, Commander Gree, Tarfull and Battle Droids

Senate Duel

Includes Senate Pod and Bail Organa's speeder


Yoda, Emperor Palpatine (Grey and brown costume), Bail Organa and Mas Amedda

Padme's Yacht


Obi-Wan, Padme (Mustafar), Captain Typho, R2-D2 and C-3PO

Tusken Raider Encounter

Includes Bantha and Luke's landspeeder


Luke, Obi-Wan, C-3PO, R2-D2 and 2 Tusken Raiders

Mos Eisley Cantina


Han, Chewbacca, Greedo, Dr. Evazan, Ponda Baba and Garindan.

Yavin IV


Luke, Leia, Han, General Dodonna, Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter

Cloud City

Includes Carbon chamber, dining room, catwalk and duel area


Luke (Bespin), Leia (Red Gown), Han, Han in Carbonite, Lando Calrissian, Darth Vader, Boba Fett and Stormtrooper

Cloud Car


Leia (White jumpsuit), Chewbacca, Lobot and Bespin Guard

Medical Frigate


Luke, Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO and Lando Calrissian (Smuggler costume)

Rancor Pit


Luke, Malakili, Gammorrean Guard, EV-9D9 and Rancor

Jabba's Sailbarge


Slave Leia, Jabba, Max Rebo, Ree Yees, Weequay guard, R2-D2 and C-3PO

Imperial Shuttle


Luke (Endor camo), Leia (Endor camo), Han (Endor trenchcoat) and Chewbacca

Ewok Village


Luke (Death Star II), Leia (Ewok), Han, C-3PO and Ewoks



A-Wing Pilot, Lando Calrissian (General) and Nien Numb


B-Wing Pilot and Wedge Antilles

Mon Calamari Cruiser


Admiral Ackbar, Leia (Home One uniform), Mon Calamari, Mon Mothma and Crix Madine

Posted (edited)

I would like to see more Star Wars The Old Republic sets released.

In particular, I would like to see a Corellian Defender-class Light Corvette, found here:


If it came with a Jedi Knight in Jedi Battlelord's gear from the game, that would make my Lego year (see my avatar for a custom minifig wearing this armour, when it updates...).

Edited by KurttKrueger

Well with the new information and picture evidence provided by Alldarker that there is a strong chance that we'll see a Rancor Pit next year, here are a couple possible ways the set could be made...

If the set were to come out during the First Winter Wave of Lego Star Wars, I have a feeliing it will be small and end up being something like this...

Rancor Pit: Luke(Hood and Cape) Rancor Keeper, Gammorrean Guard and Rancor--Features: Open and Close the Rancor Gate, Add to Jabba's Palace-24.99$

Now, if the Rancor Pit were to come out During the Second Summer Wave of Lego Star Wars I have a feeling it would be bigger and we would end up with something like this...

Rancor Pit and Droid Dungeon: Luke(Hood and Cape), Rancor Keeper, EV-9D9, GNK Droid, Rancor--Features: Open and Close the Rancor Gate, Torture the GNK Droid, Add to Jabba's Palace-49.99$

I personally think that the Summer Wave Rancor Pit is the one we'll end up with just due to its more realistic size aswell as price point.

Thanks for Reading.

Posted (edited)

Here's what I really want to see-

Padme's Yacht- Padme, Naboo Pilot, Anakin- 40$

Pelta Class Frigate- Ashoka Tano, Barriss Offee, 2 injured clone troopers, Medical Droid- 120$

Chancellor Valorum's Shuttle- Chancellor Valorum, Senate Guard [2], Senate Commando, and 2 other Senators- 50$

Anakin's and Obi Wan's Jedi Starfighter and Assajj's Ginivex Fanblade Starfighter- Assajj Ventress, Anakin, Obi Wan, 2 Battle Droids 100$

Trade Federation Landing Craft- Nute Gunray, Obi Wan, Qui Gon Jinn, 8 battle droids/with Battle Of Naboo Droid Carrier- 150$

Jedi Shuttle Bus- Kit Fisto, Obi Wan, Anakin, Ashoka, Mace Windu, Yoda, Shuttle Pilot R2-D2- 40$

Death Watch Camp- Pre Vizla, 5 Mandolorian Troopers, Obi Wan, Duchess Satine-set includes 2 Mando speeders, 1 large "tent" and 1 Mandolorian Fighter [2012 summer version]- 90$

Edited by commander1
Posted (edited)

While I am thankful for TCW keeping the license alive, do not forget a big reason the license still exists is because OT sets sell so well. The Falcon was the highest grossing set last year for instance, and OT sets have vastly outperformed PT sets in the UCS line. Also, note that parents are the ones with the money, and they have an easier time justifying the price of an OT set, something they grew up with and enjoyed, over a PT/CW set that they didn't care for or never saw.

While I agree that it is truly impressive that the MF and the OT continues to be such a huge profit point, taking a closer look at the data you linked to shows some interesting trends. While the MF was the #2 grossing set for 2011, that was based in part on profit margin of the sets sold, and not raw # sold. The #3, #4 and #6 spots on that list were all either PT or CW subjects. Clone Troopers, Battle of Naboo and Mandolorians. The MF was the only major OT ship out in 2011 as well, while PT and CW were a bit more diluted. Also assuming that the sales of Battle Packs vs Large $100+ sets probably needs to be about 10:1 to equate out in terms of gross revenues, apparently the buyers really really like Clones. Not necesarily CW or PT subjects. But they loves them some clones.

It would be interesting to see the numbers from early 2012. How well did the X Wing, Y Wing and Tie Fighter do? Also in 2011 the Ewok set and the Hoth Echo Base did not make the top 10, but nor did any of the CW/PT ships? Where did they all lay out in sales?

Edited by Faefrost

I'd like to see more Expanded Universe sets, like the two current ones from TOR. My suggestion would be the Buick from Rogue Squadron :P


Here's what I really want to see-

Padme's Yacht- Padme, Naboo Pilot, Anakin- 40$

Pelta Class Frigate- Ashoka Tano, Barriss Offee, 2 injured clone troopers, Medical Droid- 120$

Chancellor Valorum's Shuttle- Chancellor Valorum, Senate Guard [2], Senate Commando, and 2 other Senators- 50$

Anakin's and Obi Wan's Jedi Starfighter and Assajj's Ginivex Fanblade Starfighter- Assajj Ventress, Anakin, Obi Wan, 2 Battle Droids 100$

Trade Federation Landing Craft- Nute Gunray, Obi Wan, Qui Gon Jinn, 8 battle droids/with Battle Of Naboo Droid Carrier- 150$

Jedi Shuttle Bus- Kit Fisto, Obi Wan, Anakin, Ashoka, Mace Windu, Yoda, Shuttle Pilot R2-D2- 40$

Death Watch Camp- Pre Vizla, 5 Mandolorian Troopers, Obi Wan, Duchess Satine-set includes 2 Mando speeders, 1 large "tent" and 1 Mandolorian Fighter [2012 summer version]- 90$

That would be awesome

Queen Amidala's Royal Starship


Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme (Handmaiden), Queen Amidala (Black Gown), Ric Olie, R2-D2 and second astromech

Trade Federation Landing Craft


Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Boss Nass and Battle Droids

Trade Federation AAT

Comes with AAT and STAPS


Rune Haako, Sio Bibble, OOM-9 and Battle Droid

Naboo Patrol

Remake of Flash Speeder and Gungan Patrol sets


Captain Tarpals, Gungan Soldier and Naboo Soldier

Battle of Theed

Playset including scenes of the palace and generator room


Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, Nute Gunray, Captain Panaka, Padme (Battle Gear), Battle Droid and Destroyer Droid

Mawhonic and Alder Beedo's Podracers


Qui-Gon, Shmi Skywalker, Mawhonic, Alder Beedo and C-3PO

Teemto and Gasgano's Podracers


Teemto, Gasgano, Pit Droid, non-CW Aurra Sing and Tusken Raider

Bounty Hunter Pursuit


Obi-Wan, Anakin, Zam Wesell and Padme (Senator)

Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter


Obi-Wan and R4-P17

Jango Fett's Slave I


Jango Fett, Boba Fett and either Taun We or Lama Su

Naboo Skiff


Anakin, Padme (White jumpsuit with cape), R2-D2 and C-3PO

Hailfire Droid


Ki Adi Mundi, Battle Droid, Geonosian and Clone Troopers

Geonosian Droid Factory


Anakin, Geonosian and Battle Droid

Geonosian Arena

Comes with 3 beasts, pillars and a wall that acts as a gate/grandstand


Obi-Wan, Padme (Arena), Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Poggle the Lesser and Yoda

Jedi Temple


Yoda, Mace Windu, Aayla Secura, Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth and Quinlan Vos

Invisible Hand


Obi-Wan, Anakin, Count Dooku, General Grievous, Shaak Ti and Chancellor Palpatine

Assault on Utapau

Includes Boga, Grievous's wheel bike and Spider Droid


Obi-Wan, General Grievous, Commander Cody and Tion Meddon

Assault on Kashyyk

Includes Clone Scout Walker, Wookie vehicle and Seperatist Tank


Luminara Unduli, Commander Gree, Tarfull and Battle Droids

Senate Duel

Includes Senate Pod and Bail Organa's speeder


Yoda, Emperor Palpatine (Grey and brown costume), Bail Organa and Mas Amedda

Padme's Yacht


Obi-Wan, Padme (Mustafar), Captain Typho, R2-D2 and C-3PO

Tusken Raider Encounter

Includes Bantha and Luke's landspeeder


Luke, Obi-Wan, C-3PO, R2-D2 and 2 Tusken Raiders

Mos Eisley Cantina


Han, Chewbacca, Greedo, Dr. Evazan, Ponda Baba and Garindan.

Yavin IV


Luke, Leia, Han, General Dodonna, Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter

Cloud City

Includes Carbon chamber, dining room, catwalk and duel area


Luke (Bespin), Leia (Red Gown), Han, Han in Carbonite, Lando Calrissian, Darth Vader, Boba Fett and Stormtrooper

Cloud Car


Leia (White jumpsuit), Chewbacca, Lobot and Bespin Guard

Medical Frigate


Luke, Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO and Lando Calrissian (Smuggler costume)

Rancor Pit


Luke, Malakili, Gammorrean Guard, EV-9D9 and Rancor

Jabba's Sailbarge


Slave Leia, Jabba, Max Rebo, Ree Yees, Weequay guard, R2-D2 and C-3PO

Imperial Shuttle


Luke (Endor camo), Leia (Endor camo), Han (Endor trenchcoat) and Chewbacca

Ewok Village


Luke (Death Star II), Leia (Ewok), Han, C-3PO and Ewoks



A-Wing Pilot, Lando Calrissian (General) and Nien Numb


B-Wing Pilot and Wedge Antilles

Mon Calamari Cruiser


Admiral Ackbar, Leia (Home One uniform), Mon Calamari, Mon Mothma and Crix Madine

I love your ideas


After taking a look at def's review of the Striker ship from the Old Republic game, I decided to watch the cinematic trailers for the game again. After watching them, it made me really want the new OldRepublic sets, but it also really made me want LEGO to make the smuggler's ship from the first trailer.

It could be a set similar in size to the Millenium Falcon (it looks like it was designed to be a very early predecessor of theFalcon made from the same company), and could ha's included a bunch of interesting characters that just got missed out on in the other two sets. This ship could have given us the smuggler with the big hat (don't know his name), Satele Shan's Zabrak master (again, I don't know his name), a couple of Republic troopers, which would have given us that helmet, and Vindican (Malgus's master). Then, along with the other two Old Republic sets, you could collect all the major characters from the trailers.


After taking a look at def's review of the Striker ship from the Old Republic game, I decided to watch the cinematic trailers for the game again. After watching them, it made me really want the new OldRepublic sets, but it also really made me want LEGO to make the smuggler's ship from the first trailer.

It could be a set similar in size to the Millenium Falcon (it looks like it was designed to be a very early predecessor of theFalcon made from the same company), and could ha's included a bunch of interesting characters that just got missed out on in the other two sets. This ship could have given us the smuggler with the big hat (don't know his name), Satele Shan's Zabrak master (again, I don't know his name), a couple of Republic troopers, which would have given us that helmet, and Vindican (Malgus's master). Then, along with the other two Old Republic sets, you could collect all the major characters from the trailers.

I would so love for lego to put out the Smugglers ship, the Bounty Hunters D5 Mantis and the Jedi ship. (The Republic Trooper ship is Meh! and the Imperial Agent ship would look awful in Lego and looks more like a Mass Effect ship than a Star Wars ship.) The Imperial Fighter would be really easy to do in Lego as well. I think there is a great looking one already on CuuSoo.



A Tatooine set with a new Dewback and Bantha...

These and a Rancor!!

An episode II set from the Arena would be nice too. Maybe make 3 sets:

Small set with a Nexu and Obi, a pillar and some Geonosians, a generic Jedi or 2, Battle Droids

Medium set with a Reek and Anakin, a pillar and some more Geonosians, Mace Windu, maybe another Jedi, Battle Droids

Large set with an Ackley and Padme, a pillar some more Geonosians, with their chariot thingy and Jango, Dooku, Battle Droids, Poggle the Lesser

Each would come a tan, sandy section and maybe a trap or door.

Am I the only one how wants more beast from Star Wars?? But, here is a questions for you! Would rather see Lego make beasts brick-built or molded like the new Dinos? Personally, I would rather them be molded. I think they would look better.



I really want to see a Kamino set with the cloning facility! We have so many clones now that I think it would be a great place to make, and since LEGO has not done it yet I am sure it would sell well! I think they need to include a new Jengo Fett in it as well. They should give him the same treatment they gave Boba in the new Desert Skiff set :wub: I can not wait for the day when Jango get's his makeover to look amazing like Boba!


I would really like to see some Galactic Marines, to follow my Ki-Adi Mundi into battle. Pretty much easy to do, recoloured/printed snowtrooper hood/helmets. I can make them now, using the legs and pauldrons from the ARC trooper, and snowtrooper torsos and helmets, but it would be nice to see official versions, maybe in a battle pack versus some CIS foes.


There are plenty of sets i can think of that either haven't been made yet or are in desperate need of a good redesign. I'm not gonna post a wish list of a 101 candidates, but i do think the Naboo Royal Cruiser is way overdue.

Also, i think Ventress' Fanblade fighter could make for a nice medium sized set. It'll be a nice change from the endless series of redesigned Jedi Starfighters and X-Wings.


I would enjoy seeing more old republic sets especially because the ones coming out this summer are so good. I think Lego would have an easy time coming up with new sets in such a wide range of choices in the old republic.

Posted (edited)

My hopefuls for future OT sets. Would love to hear everyones thoughts, input, tweaks on my ideas, etc..... :classic:

1) Cloud City (redesign)

2) Rancor pit add on

3) OT Tusken Raider Encounter

- 2 Sand People

- 1 Bantha

- landspeeder

- Luke and Obi

4) Jedi Training on Dagobah

- Yoda's hut (redesign a little)

- some jungle trees and foliage

- get clever w/ some vine swings

- rocks to lift, logs to hurdle

- snakes all over

- Yoda and Luke

5) Lukes Homestead

- the "igloo" house( fold open to a two room playset)

- moisture collectors ( 2, maybe 3)

- couple roaming droids ( much like ones included in sand crawler set)

- Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru Luke

6) Mos Eisley Cantina

lets see the set bigger than the cubby hole w/ a table

- good portion of the bar

- two cubby holes w/ tables

- 2 or 3 new alien character patrons ( any of them will be welcomed)

- and then either or: Han Chewie Greeto OR Han Luke Obi

Edited by OG Legomaniac
Posted (edited)

@OG Legomaniac: If TLG produces the Mos Eisley Cantina, I absolutely need the Cantina band. It seems like a good idea, because they're such an iconic part of the cantina.

i thought about them at first. And yeah, they definitely are iconic to the scene. Id love to have those guys in mini fig form. With my Wish List I was just trying to avoid the $300 super playsets that get dreamt up. I was thinking each of my ideas could be kept under $100, or close to.... We all want new molds, new colors, new, new new. But the reality is THATS what drives prices way up. It seems to me Lego has no problem making new figs right now, so long as its kept to a minimum. So my Cantina idea was 3 new figs tops, and less than 7 or 8 figs total, and still capture the essence of the scene. All while not turning the Cantina into a castle.Without having seen the new Jabba Palace in person, I believe the Cantina could be achieved with great results as i described and be two thirds the piece count (or over all size) as new the new palace. Idk, what do you think? But yes in short, the band would be super cool. sorry so long winded :classic:

Edited by OG Legomaniac

Well based on the recently released Star Wars the Clone Wars Season 5 trailer, here are some set ideas based on what was shown in the trailer that I hope to see in the near future(Hopefully For 2013!)

Droid Gunship: Hondo, Ahsoka, Rebelx2-49.99$

Jedi Ambassador Shuttle: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adi Gilla, Savege Oppress, Darth-59.99$

Republic Snow Speeder: Anakin, Embo, the two people Anakin was with-24.99$

Republic Y-Wing Bomber: Clone Pilot, Clone Gunner, Astro Droid, Commander Cody-59.99$

and have very little to do with Season 5 a Battle Pack idea that I really hope to see next year:

Gunner Droid and Clone Forces Battle Pack: Clone Trooperx2, Gunner Droidx2, Droid Armored Scout Tanks(AST)-12.99$

I now its no much to run with but, these ideas could grow into something more inthe near future.

Thanks for Reading!


It appears to me a couple good candidates might be beast riders and mounts - a simple set of a sandtrooper or two and a dewback, say, or a Tusken raider or two and a bantha. If not inserted into larger playsets, they could easily make for relatively small, inexpensive sets filling the lower price points in TLG's tiers of offerings in the theme, and most such creatures have been done either not recently or not at all.

Posted (edited)

Well based on the recently released Star Wars the Clone Wars Season 5 trailer, here are some set ideas based on what was shown in the trailer that I hope to see in the near future(Hopefully For 2013!)

Droid Gunship: Hondo, Ahsoka, Rebelx2-49.99$

Jedi Ambassador Shuttle: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adi Gilla, Savege Oppress, Darth-59.99$

Republic Snow Speeder: Anakin, Embo, the two people Anakin was with-24.99$

Republic Y-Wing Bomber: Clone Pilot, Clone Gunner, Astro Droid, Commander Cody-59.99$

and have very little to do with Season 5 a Battle Pack idea that I really hope to see next year:

Gunner Droid and Clone Forces Battle Pack: Clone Trooperx2, Gunner Droidx2, Droid Armored Scout Tanks(AST)-12.99$

I now its no much to run with but, these ideas could grow into something more inthe near future.

Thanks for Reading!

We already have a Droid Gunship (first year of the TCW sets), but the ship on which Hondo arrives (the same model as the Lady Luck would work.

We already have a BTL-B Y-Wing.

The two other people were Padmé and Rush Clovis.

Edited by LEGOman273

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