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As I said, I was doing Episodes 4-6, and that's what I'm here to do, along with 7 and 8. Next will be Clone Wars, Rebels, and Battle Packs. Then Video Game and Legends Sets, re-releases and UCS sets. Side note: All sets in all Star Wars Subthemes will include a LEGO-ized minifigure sized poster of whatever film, TV, or video game the set comes from, AND no matter the size, of course they will have to do different sizes, but a commemorative LEGO Star Wars 20th anniversary poster.

Episode 4:


6211/75055: "Imperial Star Destroyer"

Minifigures: 9: Darth Vader, Hologram Emperor Palpatine, 3 Stormtroopers, Wilhuff Tarkin, Admiral Motti, and 2 unnamed Imperial Officers

Price: $135


7152: "TIE Fighter & Y-wing"

Minifigures: 4: Darth Vader, TIE Pilot, Y-Wing Pilot, and an Astromech Droid

Price: $80


Tantive IV

Minifigures: 6: Princess Leia, Captian Antillies, C-3PO, R2-D2, and 2 Rebel Soldiers

Price: $160  


8017: "Darth Vader's TIE Fighter" 

Minifigures: 1: Darth Vader

Price: $35


New Sets: 

"Darth Vader's Interceptor" OR "Darth Vader's Sith Interceptor"

Minifigures: 1: Darth Vader

Price: $20


"Tosche's Station"

Minifigures: 4: Tosche, Luke Skywalker (with hat and goggles like in the deleted scene), Camie, and Bigs (just to throw in another minifigure)

Price: $35


"Ben Kenobi's Hut

Minifigures: 4: Luke, Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, and R2-D2

Also includes: 3 Womp Rats

Price: $30


"Ben Kenobi vs. Darth Vader" OR "Old Master vs Old Apprentice"

Minifigures: 2: Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader (maybe with old helmet as a throwback)

Price: $15


Episode 5


4479: "TIE Bomber"

Minifigures: 1: TIE Bomber Pilot

Price: $35


7191: "Twin Pod Cloud Car"

Minifigures: 1: Lobot

Price: $15


75049: "Snowspeeder"

Minifigures: 3: Luke, Dak Raltar, and Zev Senesca

Price: $25


75054: "AT-AT"

Minifigures: 7: 3 Snowtroopers, General Veers, Snowtrooper Commander, AT-AT Pilot, and Luke Skywalker

Price: $110


75014: "Battle of Hoth" 

Minifigures: 8: Han Solo (Hoth), Luke Skywalker (Hoth), General Rieekan, 2 Snowtroopers, and 2 Snowtroopers

Also Includes: 1 Tauntaun

Price $55


8089: "Hoth Wampa Cave" 

Minifigures: 2: Luke and Zev Senesca

Big Figs: 1: Wampa 

Price $45


New Sets:

"Luke vs Vader" OR "I Am Your Father"

Minifigures: 2: Luke and Darth Vader (maybe including that old helmet again)

Price: $25

Note: I know it looks like we will be getting a Death Star type UCS Cloud City, this would be a way for the kids and people like me who don't buy UCS Sets will have the ability to get this set.


"Hoth Echo Base Hanger"

Minifigures: 3: Leia (Hoth) and 2 Hoth Rebel Soliders 

Also Includes: 1 Tauntaun and 3 Rebel Speeder Bikes

Price: $30


Epidode 6


4475: "Jabba's Message"

Minifigures: 3: Bib Fourtuna, C-3P0, and R2-D2

Price $10

Note: I think I heard somewhere that Jabba's Palace didn't sell too well' so maybe it won't be so bad if they sold it in different sets at different price points, that way kids will have the ability to get the smaller sets and recreate their favorite scenes from "Return of the Jedi".


4476: "Jabba's Prize"

Minifigures: 4: Han Solo (in Carbonite), Boba Fett, a Gamorrean Guard, and Leia (in Boussh disguise)

Also Includes: A Carbonite Block to put Han Solo in.

Price: $15


9516: "Jabba's Palace"

Minifigures: 9: Chewbacca, Princess Leia (in slave outfit), 2 Gamorrean Guards, Han Solo (Out of Carbonite), Luke Skywalker (with hood and cloak), Max Reebo, Sy Snootles, and Droopy McCool

Also Includes: 1 Bor 'Omarr

Price: $125


75005: "Rancor Pit"

Minifigures: 4: Luke (Rancor Pit), Gamorrean Guard, Malakili, and Oola

Also Includes: Rancor and 3 Skeletons and a feature that lets you close the door on the Rancor and the ability to stack it on to op Jabba's palace

Price $65


7667: "AT-ST"

Minifigures: 3: 1 Ewok, Chewbacca, and 1 Imperial AT-ST Pilot

Price: $30


7754: "Mon Calamari One Star Cruiser"

Minifigures: 7: Adrmiral Ackbar, Crix Madine, Lando Calrissian, Mon Mothma, Mon Calamari Officer, Rebel Pilot, and Princess Leia.

Price: $115


7956: "Ewok Attack"

Minifigures: 5: 2 Scout Troopers, Logray, Cheif Chirpa, and Tokkat

Price: $25


75174: "Desert Skiff Escape"

Minifigures: 5: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Boba Fett, Lando (in disguise), and a Weequay Guard

Price: $25


75093: "Death Star final Duel"

Minifigures: 5: Emperor Palpatine, Luke Skywalker (with exclusive expression), Darth Vader (with exclusive helmet that has trans-blue around the helmet, like on the "Star Wars Black Series Emperor's Wrath" figure), and 2 Imperial Royal Guards

Price: $85

Note: This will be very similar to the one released in 2015, but maybe they could add a shaft to throw the Emperor down, kinda like the shaft in set 75169 "Duel on Naboo" from 2017.


75094: Imperial Shuttle Tydirium 

Minifigures: 5: Han Solo (Endor), Leia (Endor), Luke (Endor with exclusive face print, and both hair and Endor helmet), and 2 Endor troopers

Price: $75

Note: This set will be slightly smaller, but it will still look good next to the original.


New Sets:

"A Family Reunion" OR "Luke Arrested" OR "Luke Gets Taken to the Emperor"

Minifigures: 2: Luke (Jedi Knight) and Darth Vader

Also Includes: A small hallway and a landing pad for an Imperial Shuttle, and maybe a small Imperial Shuttle

Price: (without Imperial Shuttle): $20 (With Imperial Shuttle) $40


"A Happy Reunion" 

Minifigures: 5: Anikan (Force Ghost), Obi-Wan (Force Ghost), Yoda (Force Ghost), Luke, and Leia (Ewok Village)

Also Includes: A tree build to look like the Ewok Village, along with part of the Ewok Village, and transparent pieces to have the option to have the Force Ghosts float.

Price: $25


"Anikan says goodbye"

Minifigures: 2: Luke (with folded front torso that shows white) and Darth Vader (with eyebrows as a nod to the original cut of Return of the Jedi)

Price: $10


"Speeder bike Showdown"

Minifigures: 4: Luke (Endor with helmet and hair), Leia (Endor helmet with hair), and 2 Scout Troopers

Price: $20 


Episode 7:

New Sets:

"Finn and Rey vs. Kylo Ren"

Minifigures: 3: Kylo Ren, Finn, and Rey

Also Includes: Trees all around and a play feature to have the set split in half right down the middle like in the movie.

Price: $30


"Ach-To Meeting"

Minifigures: 3 Luke (with hood and cloak), Rey, and Chewbacca

Also Includes: 3 Porgs along with a Porg nest, and the mountain stairway to get up to Luke will be nice and big, to show the mountain itself.

Price: $45-$50


"Resistance Base"

Minifigures: 10: General Leia, Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix, Poe Dameron (with Orange Flight Suit with no vest), and 7 Resistance Soldiers

Also Includes: A Medical building, a Briefing room, 2 landing pads for ships, a runway, and a sleeping quarters

Price: $150-$165


Episode 8:

New Sets:


"Crait Base"

Minifigures: 8: 3 Resistance Trench Soldiers (one being Gareth Edward's character), General Leia (Crait), Luke (Crait/Force Projection), Kylo Ren, Rey, and Finn

Price: $150





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Now, onto Clone Wars. Note: I forgot to add in my Episode 3 sets a Senate Dual that I think Darth R2-D2 added, but I would have it at $100 or less.

Clone Wars:



7673: "MagnaGuard Starfighter"

Minifigures: 5: 5 MagnaGuards

Price $40


7751: "Ahsoka's Starfighter vs. Vulture Droid"

Minifigures: 5: 3 Buzz Droids, Ahsoka, and R7-A7

Price $35


7753: "Pirate Tank"

Minifigures: 5: Hondo Ohnaka, Turk Falso, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and 2 Weequay Pirates

Price: $45


7868: "Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter"

Minifigures: Mace Windu, Tactical Droid, 3 regular Battle Droids, 1 Super Battle Droid, and R8-B7

Also Includes: 1 STAP that has transparent pieces to make them float and a small speeder for the Tactical Droid, much like in the original set.

Price: $35


7930: "Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship"

Minifigures: 5: Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, Embo, Asajj Ventress (Bounty Hunter Variant), and Boba Fett (Bounty Hunter variant with new helmet)

Price: $50


7931: "T-6 Jedi Shuttle"

Minifigures: 4: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anikan Skywalker, Yoda, and Kit Fisto

Price: $40


8018: "Armored Assault Tank (AAT)"

Minifigures: 5: Yoda, Clone Trooper Heavy (with new Star Wars Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon mold), a Battle Droid Pilot, a Battle Droid Gunner, and a Super Battle Droid with Rocket Arm

Price: $30-$45


8019: "Republic Attack Shuttle"

Minifigures: 4: Ima-Gun-Di, Cham Syndulla, a Clone Pilot, and a Phase 1 Clone Trooper

Also Includes: A Ryloth Animal for Cham to ride

Price $40-$50


8037: "Anikan's Y-Wing Starfighter"

Minifigures: 4: Anikan, Ahsoka, R2-D2, and a Phase 1 Clone Pilot in case you want to switch out Anikan

Price: $50


8039: "Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser"

Minifigures: 7: Chancellor Palpatine, 1 Senate Commando Captain, 2 Senate Commando, 1 Clone Officer, 1 Clone Pilot, and 1 Clone Gunner

Price: $125


8085: "Freeco Speeder"

Minifigures: 3: Anikan Skywalker (coat variant), Thi-Shen, and Obi-Wan Kenobi (coat variant)

Price: $25


To cut down on repetitiveness, the following Jedi get their starfighters remade for roughly $20-$25 and come with the Jedi and their astromech:

Plo Koon

Saesee Tinn (and he comes with Evan Piell like the first set)


8128: "Cad Bane's Speeder"

Minifigures: 4: Cad Bane, Assassin Droid, and 2 Senate Commandos



9515: "Malevolence"

Minifigures: 6: 2 MagnaGuards, General Grievous, Anikan, Padme, and Ahsoka

Price: $120-$125


9525: "Pre Vizsla's Mandolorian" Fighter

Minifigures: 2: Pre Vizsla and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Prive: $40


New Sets:


Minifigures: 6: 3 Clone Gunners and 3 Phase 1 Clone Troopers

Price: $100


"AT-OT Dropship"

Minifigures: 5: Phase 1 Clone Pilot, 2 Phase 1 Clone Gunners, Phase 1 Captain Rex, and Phase 1 Commander Cody

Price: $100

Note: I put these in 2 different sets so it would be more accessible to people.


"Ahsoka's Jedi Interceptor"

Minifigures: 2: Ahsoka and R4-A7

Price: $20

Note: This actually appeared in Clone Wars Season 5: Episode 17 called "Sabotage"   





Asked my manager about this and she confirmed all of these are coming out in the first winter release. You also get a box of 500 clone troopers when you spend over £35 / $50.

Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, ShadowStrike said:

All this work planning out remakes and you don't even include an updated Endor Bunker?

I honestly didn't think I would buy it, so I didn't put it on the list, but if they were to do it, here's how it would probably go:

Price: $100

Minifigures: 10: 3 Endor Troopers, Old Endor Trooper (aka Captain Rex I think they confirmed that), Endor Leia, Endor Han, 3 Scout Troopers, and an AT-ST Pilot

Also Includes: 3 Speeder Bikes, AT-ST, and door opening/closing feature from the movie and you can open up the sides.

Edited by xxix5

Rebels Sets:


Updated Ghost:

Price: $125

Minifigures: 7: Kanan (with short hair and white eyes and no beard from Season 4), Hera, Sabine (with brown and purple hair and helmet), Ezra (Season 4 variant with short hair, green lightsaber, and scar), Zeb, Chopper, and Jacen Syndulla (Kanan and Hera's son)


Concord Dawn:

Price: $50

Minifigures: 5: Fenn Rau, Sabine (with Helmet and hair), Kanan, and 2 Mandalorian Supercommandos (with jetpacks)


Battle for Mandalore:

Price: $50

Minifigures: 6: Sabine (with Darksaber, helmet, and hair), Ezra (with custom helmet, hair, and jetpack), Bo Katan, Ursa Ren (Sabine's Mother), Alrich Ren, and Tristan Ren (Sabine's Brother)


AT-DP Arch Cannon Prototype:

Price: $40

Minifigures: 3: Imperial Walker Pilot and 2 Stormtroopers,


The Bendu:

Price: $50

Minifigures: 3: Kanan, Darth Maul, and a Convor

Also Includes: A Jedi and Sith Holocron


The World Between Worlds:

Price: $100

Minifigures: 5: Darth Vader (with red eyes), Ezra (with Scout Trooper suit and hair), Ahsoka, Emperor Palpatine (with lightning), and Sabine (in Scout Trooper suit)

Also Includes: A BIG mountain that has an entrance to the "world between worlds",  printed bricks to represent the painting, 2 speeder bikes, and a LOT of trans-black pieces and white pieces to represent the floor and portals respectively. The floors will also be lined with white like in the show. The mountain will also be able to fold up slightly to hide the other side with the "world between worlds".



Battle Packs and Specialty Sets, and the Battle Packs will all be $10 with both stud shooters and regular blasters, and the movable droid legs idea I believe came from a youtuber.  


Battle Packs:


Imperial Super Commando Battle Pack

Minifigures: Gar Saxon and 3 Imperial Super Commandos

Also Includes: A small speeder bike and a turret (like in the Battlefront Rebel Trooper Battle Pack)


Scarif Trooper Battle Pack:

Minifigures: 1 Scarif Trooper Captain and 3 Scarif Troopers

Also Includes: 3 Turrets


Death Trooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 1 Death Trooper Squad Leader and 3 Death Troopers

Also Includes: 1 speeder bike


Jumptrooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 1 Jumptrooper Captain and 3 Jumptroopers

Also Includes: 1 Speeder


Novatrooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Novatroopers

Also Includes: A black and gold walker


Magma Stormtrooper AKA Lavatrooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 1 Lavatrooper Sargent and 3 Lavatroopers (all with red armor)

Also Includes: 1 Small Lavatrooper Exo Suit


EVO AKA Environmental Stormtrooper Battle Pack:

Minifigures: 4 EVO Troopers

Also Includes: 1 Small Grass/dirt/stone wall


Range Trooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Range Troopers

Also Includes: A small base


Galactic Empire Flametrooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Imperial Flametroopers

Also Includes: 1 Small area with flames


Storm Commando Trooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Storm Commandos

Also Includes: 4 Small turrets


Zero-G Assault Stormtroopers

Minifigures: 4 Zero-G Assault Stormtroopers (mk 2)

Also Includes: 4 little small space vehicles (like Orion's from DC Comics)


Galactic Marines Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Galactic Marines

Also Includes: A small Galactic Marines Transport


Clone Engineer Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Clone Engineers

Also Includes: A small series of machines that are working on a small rover that can be put together


Riot Clone Troopers Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Riot Clone Troopers

Also Includes: A small baracade


Special Ops Clone Trooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Special Ops Clone Troopers

Also Includes: A Special Ops Rover


Stealth Clone Pilot Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Stealth Clone Pilots

Also Includes: A small black/trans-black ship


Clone Lancer Trooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4: Clone Lancer Trooper Lieutenant and 3 Clone Lancer Troopers

Also Includes: 4 Lancer Bikes with lances


Clone SCUBA Trooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4: Clone SCUBA Troopers (with swimming fins in white)

Also Includes: 1 small Clone Trooper submarine


Clone Blaze Trooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Blaze Troopers

Also Includes: A small Separatists area to destroy


Advanced Recon Commando Heavy Gunner Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 ARC Heavy Gunners (with a gun that attaches to the neck via a neck clip that faces forward)

Also Includes: 1 speeder


Republic Commando Battle Pack

Minifigures: Gregor and 3 Republic Commandos (with new gun molds)

Also Inlcludes: A small walker


Phase 1 Clone Trooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 4 Phase 1 Clone Troopers

Also Includes: Training Dummies


Phase 2 Clone Trooper Battle Pack

Minifigures: 1 Phase 2 Commander and 3 Phase 2 Clone Troopers

Also Includes: 4 small rovers


Rebel Trooper Battle Packs

Minifigures: 4 Rebel Troopers

Also Includes: A dropship similar to the one we got in the original


Specialty Sets:

These are just sets that they could do that are special


Evolution of... TMNT did something like this a few years ago where they had action figures in a pack that showed the evolution of characters, so that's basically what this is, starting from the first minifigure of a certain character all the way up to the most recent, including the big eyed clone wars figures.




Darth Maul

Darth Vader

Emperor Palpatine

General Grevious

Luke Skywalker (A New Hope)

Luke Skywalker (Empire Strikes Back)

Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi)

Obi-Wan (Prequels)

Obi-Wan (A New Hope)


Rebel Trooper

Clone Trooper



Super Battle Droid

TIE Pilot

Qui-Gon Jinn

Scout Trooper

Anikan Skywalker

Boba Fett


These sets would also include name plaques that are printed with the character's name, set number, set name, and year.


Posted (edited)

I really could see a potential in Lego releasing a Lego version of the Naboo Royal Starship from the Phantom Menace. I'd see it more of a UCS version; but if not, it could at the very least be a $150 set if it were done right. There'd be so many features they could include and I'm really surprised such a huge part of one of the movies hasn't been done yet. We saw the interior of the ship quite a lot and I think the exterior would make a stunning set.

You could easily have the throne room; the droid control room; the corridor where the table was were Anakin and Jar Jar slept; there's the actual cockpit area and so on. Minifigures included could be:

Queen Amidala Decoy (Black gown)
Queen Amidala (The gown where she had the purple head dress)
2 Handmaiden's
Qui Gon Jinn
Obi Wan Kenobi (with updated hairpiece)
Captain Panaka
Young Anakin Skywalker
Ric Olie (the Starship Pilot)
Naboo Palace Guard
Naboo Security Guard
R2-D2 and other droids
You could even throw in a few battle droids or Darth Maul with his speeder for good measure. Or even Chancellor Valorum with the blue Senate Guards or something?

I'm suprised it's not been done yet, considering Lego have produced quite a few Phantom Menace sets, I however, would rather have this ^^ than a Gungan Sub/another Sith Infiltrator etc?

Edited by LegoAndDisney

There is already quite a lot of potential for sets from the Bad Batch arc. Speaking of arcs, the ARC-170 also appears and it is long overdue for an update. It could include 3 new pilots, a new Phase II Captain Rex and perhaps the new TCW/ROTS Anakin. It would be around 80 dollars or 90 euros.

A Havoc Marauder built similarly to Palpatine's Shuttle from 2010 would be nice, though that type of shuttle set used to be 70 dollars back then. Now it would be done with a price tag similar to Shuttle Tydirium (90 dollars or 110 euros). It could include five minifigures: the four members of the Bad Batch and cyborg Echo. It would be funny if the set had a sticker of minifigure Padme on its side (though with Lucasfilms new policies these days I doubt that joke is even allowed anymore, hope it still appears in the final episode).

I'm hoping for a 501st battle pack, maybe with 3 Phase II 501st troopers, a 501st ARF trooper and a blue AT-RT. Maybe one of the troopers could be sergeant Appo, but more generic troops is better of course.

The Separatists are always underrepresented, so a droid battle pack with 2 B1's, a B1 commander, a B2 and a commando droid could be a nice counterbalance to the Republic forces. It would probably include a buildable Dwarf Spider Droid or a Droideka.

Furthermore, like many others I'm hoping for some kind of set with a new Maul, new Ahsoka and Bo-Katan (and maybe even the Ahsoka troopers). 

8 hours ago, JekPorkchops said:

There is already quite a lot of potential for sets from the Bad Batch arc. Speaking of arcs, the ARC-170 also appears and it is long overdue for an update. It could include 3 new pilots, a new Phase II Captain Rex and perhaps the new TCW/ROTS Anakin. It would be around 80 dollars or 90 euros.

I'd love to see a new ARC-170 packaged with Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter.

19 hours ago, LegoAndDisney said:

I really could see a potential in Lego releasing a Lego version of the Naboo Royal Starship from the Phantom Menace. I'd see it more of a UCS version; but if not, it could at the very least be a $150 set if it were done right. There'd be so many features they could include and I'm really surprised such a huge part of one of the movies hasn't been done yet. We saw the interior of the ship quite a lot and I think the exterior would make a stunning set.


I agree as long as it was done with chrome bricks on the out side

1 hour ago, ShadowStrike said:

I'd love to see a new ARC-170 packaged with Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter.

I would like to see v 19s too!

  • 2 weeks later...

The hero's ship is, in-universe, probably a T-65 X-wing drastically modified for air racing, similarly to how some of today's top air racers are heavily modified from warbirds like the P-51 Mustang and the F8F Bearcat.  However, it reminds me of another thing: the old Expanded Universe's E-wing fighter.  If the T-70 X-wing of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi is the new canon's answer to the old canon's "XJ" next-generation X-wing, maybe this ship is the new canon's answer to the E-wing.  I'd normally be pretty confident that we'd get it as a set in 2019, but I'm not so sure, seeing as how the T-70s from The Force Awakens prevented a T-65 from hitting shelves in time for Rogue One, and the A-wings from Rebels and Return of the Jedi prevented an RZ-2 A-wing from The Last Jedi from hitting shelves in time for The Last Jedi.  Maybe Lego won't want another ship so obviously inspired by the X-wing hitting shelves so soon after 75218, and before it 75149 and 75102.  There's enough other material in the trailer that they could probably get away without including the hero ship in the first wave of Resistance sets.


Can't say there was much about the teaser that jumped out at me to be honest. The tone of the show definitely feels more in line with the Yoda Chronicles/Freemaker Adventures than it does with TCW/Rebels. I expect next year's lineup will probably reflect that with only 1-2 Resistance sets rather than a large wave.

I'm definitely much more excited for what else next year has to offer. Episode 9, the return of the Clone Wars and the usual OT/PT/TFA/TLJ/Solo/Rogue One sets should shape it up to be a very busy year.


To be honest I not completely excited about the Resistance sets or movie but more interested in the Clone wars sets instead


I will give  Star Wars resistance a chance its always difficult to tell from a Trailer


that said the ship that appears at about 41 sec make that have the look of a 1970's gulf liveried Porsche 917 looks quite cool

Posted (edited)

I guess this is the place to post this with the other forum closed here is the official list so far for 2019. Credit to azani! 

Star Wars 

75223- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75224- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75225- Elite Praetorian Guards - Battle Pack ($15)

75226- Clone Troopers - Battle Pack ($15)

75227- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75228- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75229- "Great Vehicle" Escape ($30)

75233- Droid Gunship ($50)

75234- AT-AP ($60)

75235- "Junior" X-Wing Starfighter ($30)

75236- "Junior" ???

75237- "Junior" TIE Fighter ($20)

75247- "Junior" A-Wing Starfighter ($15)

there is also a rumored slave 1 as well

Edited by Falconfan1414
14 minutes ago, Falconfan1414 said:

I guess this is the place to post this with the other forum closed here is the official list so far for 2019. Credit to azani! 

Star Wars 

75223- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75224- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75225- Elite Praetorian Guards - Battle Pack ($15)

75226- Clone Troopers - Battle Pack ($15)

75227- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75228- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75229- "Great Vehicle" Escape ($30)

75233- Droid Gunship ($50)

75234- AT-AP ($60)

75235- "Junior" X-Wing Starfighter ($30)

75236- "Junior" ???

75237- "Junior" TIE Fighter ($20)

75247- "Junior" A-Wing Starfighter ($15)

there is also a rumored slave 1 as well

Potential speeder bike chase?


Wow, as someone who does not care for microfighters or battle packs this is bad. 2 remakes of sets we got 4 years ago, a bunch or junior sets, and maybe an ok escape set, but for $30 I'm not holding my breath. This is just like the Ninjago list and I am not a fan. 

1 hour ago, Falconfan1414 said:

I guess this is the place to post this with the other forum closed here is the official list so far for 2019.

well. considering it is 2019 info. it wouldn’t go into that thread either. closed or not. 



2 hours ago, Falconfan1414 said:

I guess this is the place to post this with the other forum closed here is the official list so far for 2019. Credit to azani! 

Star Wars 

75223- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75224- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75225- Elite Praetorian Guards - Battle Pack ($15)

75226- Clone Troopers - Battle Pack ($15)

75227- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75228- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75229- "Great Vehicle" Escape ($30)

75233- Droid Gunship ($50)

75234- AT-AP ($60)

75235- "Junior" X-Wing Starfighter ($30)

75236- "Junior" ???

75237- "Junior" TIE Fighter ($20)

75247- "Junior" A-Wing Starfighter ($15)

there is also a rumored slave 1 as well

The Slave I had better be from Attack of the Clones and come with Kaminoans. Rumor is that Cloud City comes with a midi-scale Slave I already

3 hours ago, Falconfan1414 said:

I guess this is the place to post this with the other forum closed here is the official list so far for 2019. Credit to azani! 

Star Wars 

75223- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75224- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75225- Elite Praetorian Guards - Battle Pack ($15)

75226- Clone Troopers - Battle Pack ($15)

75227- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75228- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75229- "Great Vehicle" Escape ($30)

75233- Droid Gunship ($50)

75234- AT-AP ($60)

75235- "Junior" X-Wing Starfighter ($30)

75236- "Junior" ???

75237- "Junior" TIE Fighter ($20)

75247- "Junior" A-Wing Starfighter ($15)

there is also a rumored slave 1 as well

the clone battle pack is rumored to have rex, jesse, fives and hardcase in p2 armor as well as a 501 at rt

I'll just get a bunch of the clone battle packs and possibly an at ap although it is a weird decision for lego to do remakes of a set that just came out a few years ago. 

3 hours ago, Falconfan1414 said:

I guess this is the place to post this with the other forum closed here is the official list so far for 2019. Credit to azani! 

Star Wars 

75223- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75224- Microfighter Classic ($10)

75225- Elite Praetorian Guards - Battle Pack ($15)

75226- Clone Troopers - Battle Pack ($15)

75227- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75228- Microfighter Dual Pack Classic ($20)

75229- "Great Vehicle" Escape ($30)

75233- Droid Gunship ($50)

75234- AT-AP ($60)

75235- "Junior" X-Wing Starfighter ($30)

75236- "Junior" ???

75237- "Junior" TIE Fighter ($20)

75247- "Junior" A-Wing Starfighter ($15)

there is also a rumored slave 1 as well

That's a reeaally light wave. Mostly just Juniors stuff and Microfighters. Interesting.

I'm not getting my hopes up just yet about the Clone pack, but if it's all 501st I'd be stoked.  

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