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Since B1s are less expensive to produce (for TLG) than minifigs, then the battle pack could contain more battle droids, or else be cheaper. The Battle droids battle pack could contain 2 B2s, 4 B1s, a STAP, or a small transport. I probably would not buy it, but I know that many others would, and in massive quantities. We are getting an CIS AAT with two B1 pilots this August, and people could get a few of those to help build a droid army. It is time for a new Star Destroyer, and I agree with a few others that an Interdictor-class would be quite interesting.

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Okay, so at this point it's more speculation than anything, but if there was a UCS Cantina priced at $350, similar to Cloud City, here's how I'd do it:

Dollhouse style build with a roof and 4 walls, but it's hinged at the back and opens down the middle with the bar being split in half as it opens.  One of the two front sections would have the entrance enclave thingy with droid detector, maybe throw some antennae or moisture vaporators onto the back just for detail.  Each half would have 4 booths along the side and one in the back corner (far end from the door), except a booth on one side would be replaced with the band stage.  I can't really think of any play features besides the "Han shoots Greedo" that's appeared in some format in all 3 previous cantinas we've gotten.  

The best part of this set, in my opinion, would be the figures.  Cloud City came with 21 figures (counting the Han Carbonite piece, R2-D2, and IG-88 as figures), so I think 24 is a reasonable number for a $350 cantina, mostly because this set would be heavily minifigure-driven (unlike most UCS/MBS sets).  If I was picking the lineup, I'd put Han Solo, Chewbacca, Greedo, Tatooine Luke, Ben Kenobi, Wuher, 5x Modal Nodes, Muftak (use the Talz mold without the head plume from the Freeco Speeder set), Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead, already have the Ithorian mold from a previous set), Dr. Evazan (no new mold), Ponda Baba (would require a new mold), 1x Sandtrooper captain, 2x Sandtrooper, Snaggletooth (may or may not need a new mold), Tonnika Sisters (no new mold), Kabe (could use the Batman/Monster Fighters bat ear mold to avoid the need for a new mold, even if it's not 100% accurate), Dannik Jerko (no new mold), Djas Puhr (no new mold, but may require a new color for his head), and I'd go with either Garindan (would require a new mold, not technically Cantina related but probably the only chance to ever get this figure) or one of the Duros aliens (no new mold required).  BoShek would also be cool and doesn't need any new molds, but I can't decide if I'd kick anyone out for him.

Since the MBS/UCS playsets typically come with vehicles, I'd also include the white landspeeder you can see crossing the street in Mos Eisley when Ben/Luke are stopped by stormtroopers and a Dewback.  


@Kit Figsto that'd be a great cantina MBS. I do almost hope the set is just a smaller one though, just because I want to stock up on aqualish heads.

For some reason i want a midi-scale landspeeder, like the slave one from cloud city, I'm not sure why.

a 501st legion type set for every faction (note: the 2 battle droids in the set are replaced by allied droid-type builds for factions from other eras, just because the resistance, rebels, and first order don't have combat droids the same way the seps do.) All would be $29.99 and probably never be released but I thought it'd be a fun idea.
Separatists: Separatist droid legion: 3 b1s, b1 commander, 2 b2s, 2 clone troopers (p2 shiny). Builds are a dwarf spider droid and larger crab droid.

Republic: Grand Army of the republic: 3 p2 shinies, p2 commander (grey as secondary color) with new helmet mold with visor, 2 commando droids. Build is an accurately sized AT-RT along with a barricade and BARC with sidecar. Builds use the traditional GAR coloring of grey with red accents.

Rebellion: Rebel Alliance troopers: 3 rebel fleet troopers, captain a la captain antilles, astromech droid, and Gonk droid. Builds are a modified x-34 landspeeder with a minigun mounted on the hood like in battlefront two, and a sniper's nest.

Empire: Imperial stormtrooper corps: 4 stormtroopers, one with an orange pauldron and one with a black pauldron, as well as 2 KX series security droids. Builds are a speeder bike and AT-PT. 

First Order: First Order stormtroopers: 3 first order stormtroopers, first order megablaster heavy assault trooper, first order security droid (phasma has one in battlefront two, they're also in an episode of the resistance show), BB-9e. Builds are a treadspeeder and very downsized LIUV.

Resistance: 2 human resistance troopers, 1 mirialan resistance trooper, one quarren resistance heavy, bb-3, Gonk droid. Builds are a speeder bike and df.12 com turret.

Mandalorians: (note: subdued colors to go along with their appearance in the series). Reddish mandalorian, greenish mandalorian, Pax Vizla-type mandalorian, orange-ish mandalorian, gonk droid, ferry droid. Builds are sized-up versions of the battle pack builds.

Scum and villany: human smuggler (dark brown and dark tan, klatoonian thug (dark bluish gray and reddish brown), weequay gangster (dark tan with dark green accents), bounty hunter with a partial set of mandalorian armor (gunmetal, dark brown),  and 2 IG units using a mix of dark bluish gray and dark brown. Builds are a swoop bike for the bounty hunter and small encampment.

I'll probably do more later, these are fun

On 6/29/2020 at 1:05 AM, Kit Figsto said:

I would say that if we don't get anything Solo or Rogue One in the next 2-3 years, it's unlikely that we'll see much more ever from it.  This is the first opportunity with no real new properties to make sets of (the Cassian show in 2021 might get a set or two but I feel like they're done doing major waves based on TV shows, since both Resistance didn't and The Mandalorian only got one set with another after they realized how popular it was).  I can understand why Solo/Rogue One didn't get much in 2018-2020, since they had TLJ and TROS, plus their anniversary wave to do, but now is the perfect opportunity with nothing new coming out to revisit some of those movies.

I sure hope you are right. There are some interesting opportunities for new sets... I mean, even if I do not like the movie or series itself, the sets could be nice. And I am probably not alone in wanting Dryden Vos/ Paul Bettany or Galen Erso/ Mads Mikkelsen in Lego. :classic: (Although that might be an afol-only thing).


If we do get a $40-$60 Cantina, here's what I'd want to see:

I'd want it to be modular, and compatible with the 2018 version, if one wanted to combine the two. The den for the band, and a couple of booths, as well as a few tables (like in LSW II). Maybe a Dewback, but at this price point, maybe one of the green landspeeders (with the three vertical engines). Figures would have to be Figrin Dan, Ponda Baba, Dr. Evazan, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Wuher.

If it does get a UCS release, then I would add a Ronto, two more Modal Nodes, 2 Jawas, a Sandtrooper Sergeant, 2 Enlisted, Han Solo, Greedo, Baniss Keeg (Duro), Bom Vimdin (Horned Guy), BoShek, Dannik Jerriko (though not too sure since he's most famous for smoking :laugh:), Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead), Myo (Cyclops), Zutton (Snaggletooth), and Hrcheck Kal Fas (Trandoshan).

Maybe Djas Puhr like @Kit Figsto suggested, and Elis Helrot. That would knock out a ton of species in one punch.


Since Lego seems willing to do more Character Packs, here's a few I came up with:

Red Squadron: Garven Dreis, Biggs Darklighter, Jon D. Branon, Puck Naeco, R5-K6. Build is a Chibi X-Wing.

Jedi Knights: Plo Koon, Roth Del-Masona, Sarrissa Jeng, Pablo-Jill.

Republic Commandos: Boss, Scorch, Fixer, Sev. (Real talk: this is forever overdo)

ARC Troopers: Havoc (Phase 1.5), Echo (Phase 1.5), Fives (Phase 2), Jesse (Phase 2). Havoc and Echo have normal faces, Fives has his goatee and tattoo, and Jesse has his tattoo.

Jabba's Henchmen: Klaatu, Tessek, Ree-Yees, Saelt-Marae

1 hour ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Republic Commandos: Boss, Scorch, Fixer, Sev. (Real talk: this is forever overdo)

As much as I loved TCW season 7 and the Bad Batch (even when there were just the rough animations on YT) I still think (and would have loved) that they could have easily used Delta squad for that arc

7 minutes ago, Per_SW said:

As much as I loved TCW season 7 and the Bad Batch (even when there were just the rough animations on YT) I still think (and would have loved) that they could have easily used Delta squad for that arc

That's a good point. Replace Bad Batch with Delta and what changes? Virtually nothing. They could've played up the whole "defective" clone angle, but instead, it's simply clone special forces. We already have the best: they call themselves Delta!

They even tackled the same missions: Delta was seen in TCW when Savage first appeared and slaughtered Trauma and those two Jedi. Easily could've made a comeback. Oh, well. Hopefully they'll return one day.

23 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

and Elis Helrot. That would knock out a ton of species in one punch.

ARC Troopers: Havoc (Phase 1.5), Echo (Phase 1.5), Fives (Phase 2), Jesse (Phase 2). Havoc and Echo have normal faces, Fives has his goatee and tattoo, and Jesse has his tattoo.

Jabba's Henchmen: Klaatu, Tessek, Ree-Yees, Saelt-Marae

I thought about putting Elis Helrot in there, probably my favorite obscure cantina alien, but I dunno if he's as well known/fan favorite-y to warrant a figure, since I don't even know if he's ever actually in any of the shots of the movie.  The ARC Troopers one is a good idea, especially since you could technically still army build with it, just mix and match some of the gear and if they have their helmets on, you can't tell from the faces.

The Jabba's Henchmen idea is great too, I think a mini-skiff build would be perfect (sort of like the one from 1999 or whenever).

On 7/6/2020 at 2:20 PM, Kit Figsto said:

I thought about putting Elis Helrot in there, probably my favorite obscure cantina alien, but I dunno if he's as well known/fan favorite-y to warrant a figure, since I don't even know if he's ever actually in any of the shots of the movie.  The ARC Troopers one is a good idea, especially since you could technically still army build with it, just mix and match some of the gear and if they have their helmets on, you can't tell from the faces.

The Jabba's Henchmen idea is great too, I think a mini-skiff build would be perfect (sort of like the one from 1999 or whenever).

A jabba's henchmen battle pack would be great, it would be the best thing so far for building a scoundrel faction.

Another wave, this one with some squadrons content:


x-wing microfighter ($9.99): Pilot Luke (old helmet)

TIE fighter ($9.99): TIE pilot

Poe's x-wing vs TIE dagger ($19.99): Poe (pilot) and Sith trooper.

Battle packs:

Clone legions ($14.99): 1x coruscant guard, 2x 212th trooper, 1x clone shiny. Build is a correctly sized AT-RT.

Rebel Fleet troopers ($14.99): 3x fleet troopers, 1x fleet captain (like captain antilles). Build is a modernized version of the rebel scout speeder.

Duel: Duel on Kef Bir ($19.99): Rex and Kylo. Build is the ruins on water.

Other sets:
Fallen Order ($24.99): The area where the second sister fight on Zeffo happens with a zipline function and rey shield function, as well as Cal, a molded Bd-1, Second Sister, and a Purge Commander.

Wheel Bike Chase ($39.99): Grievous's wheel bike and a brick-build Boga with Grievous, Obi-wan, Cody, and a Magnaguard.

TIE interceptor ($59.99): Tie interceptor with 2 Tie Pilots (face print is the main squadrons pilot for one and one another of the 5 campaign TIE pilots), a stormtrooper, and Rae Sloane (just labeled as imperial officer on the box.)

X-wing ($79.99): X-wing with parts to switch the accent color between red and the dark green Vanguard color. Figures are the main squadrons rebel pilot, Wedge Antilles, and 2 astromechs.

TIE bomber ($89.99): TIE bomber with Captain Needa, a TIE pilot, snowtrooper, and Hoth Rebel.

Venator ($149.99): Venator star destroyer build in a similar way to the 2014 imperial star destroyer, with interior sections including an artillery cannon, hanger bay area, bridge, and conference room.  includes S7 Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Yularen, 2 clone officers, 2 clone shinies, and 2 b1s with a droidika build.

And while it'll never happen:

Ebon Hawk ($159.99): Similar scale to the falcon. Comes with Darth Revan, Jedi Revan, Carth Onesai, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Bastila Shan, Fallen Bastila, HK-47, sith empire trooper, and Malek.


Thought of doing a nostalgia wave of remakes, so, er, here it is!

I've tried to stick with sets that are more than 5 years old, as that seems to be a decent gap between remakes/re-releases. Since the only sequel sets that were out by that point were the first round of TFA sets I'm not including any in here.

Battle Packs (not doing microfighters, less fussed if they're not remade)

Clone trooper pack (based on 7655): updated P2 clones, two shinies, one shock trooper, one 327th. BARC speeder with either a side car or a small turret.

Snowtrooper pack (based on 8084): two snowtroopers, one scout trooper, one General Veers type figure. Speeder bike and probe droid.

Mid-range (£20-£30)

Jabba's Prize (based on 4476): Leia (Boushh), Han and Carbonite, Gamorrean Guard. Mechanism to lower Han out of the carbonite and maybe a trap door to mimic the rancor pit.

V-Wing starfighter (based on 75039): clone pilot, astromech droid, Plo Koon. A properly shaped v-wing please, not the doofy looking ones we've had so far!

Top range (£40 - £70)

Bounty hunter pursuit (based on 7133): Obi-Wan, Anakin, Zam Wessel, Boba Fett. Both speeders and the little droid that drops the caterpillar things in Padme's room.

TIE interceptor (updated version of 6206): TIE pilot, two stormtroopers, imperial technician. 'nuff said really.

Battle of Naboo: a combination of 7115, 75091 and 75080. Jar Jar Binks, General Tarpals, two Naboo guards and a smattering of battle droids (probably 3 or 4). One of the gungan horse thingies, a Flash speeder, and an AAT.

Toppest range (£80+)

Battle of Endor (mainly based on 8038 with some of the other Endor sets sprinkled in): Han, Leia (both Endor), Wicket, Endor trooper, scout trooper, two stormtroopers. Bunker, speeder bike, part of a tree with some Ewok traps at the top similar to the one in 7956, Ewok glider.

Ghost: speaks for itself really. Ezra, Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, Thrawn, Governor Pryce. Mostly based off the later series (i.e. Kanan with his face mask, Ezra with short hair, Sabine with the darksaber etc).


Venator. Again kinda speaks for itself, though I've tried to pull a few characters from across TCW rather than have it based on a specific scene. Ahsoka, P2 Rex, Admiral Yularen, Obi-Wan (clone armour), one 501st trooper, one 332nd trooper, one shiny (all P1), an astromech droid. Bridge, holo-table planning room, artillery that can be removed for ground assault (similar to the one in 9488 but a bit bigger maybe), and a little chibi jedi starfighter for either Obi-Wan or Ahsoka similar in style to the TIE fighter that came with the two death stars.

Let me know what you guys think! I tried to balance it out as much as possible but I could quite easily have split it into PT and OT nostalgia waves.

Posted (edited)

Love the idea of a remake wave, I'll give it a shot.   Trying to avoid sets that are constant remakes, so even though a Slave I or whatever is technically a remake, I'll go for sets that we've only had a couple of or haven't had in a really long time. 

I guess no microfighters since they have only been a thing for ~5 years or so and we're still missing some major vehicles.

Battle Packs:

Rebel Scout Speeder - 3x Rebel Troopers, 1x Rebel Commander (similar to Captain Antillies), build is a speeder with detachable turret.  $14.99

Endor Rebel Trooper & Scout Trooper Battle Pack - 2x Rebel Troopers (one based on old Captain Rex), 2x Scout Troopers, small tree build, and a speeder bike.  $14.99

Small sets:

Cloud Car - Includes Lobot and Cloud Car pilot minifigures.  The center section opens up for weapons storage.  $29.99

Jedi Defense - Reimagining those two small sets into a more modern locations/battle scene set.  Would have a sliding blast door, control room, and a hallway with some sort of exploding feature.  Minifigures are Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, 2x security battle droids, 2x droidekas, and Nute Gunray.  $34.99

Wampa Cave - Includes 2x Tauntauns, a Wampa and cave build, a probe droid, and some other sort of scenery builds.  Minifigures are Luke Skywalker (Hoth) and Han Solo (Hoth).  $34.99

Medium sets:

Endor Bunker - Just the bunker and a small catapult/tree build, nothing too large.  Probably an exploding wall feature on the bunker and maybe a satellite dish on the top that you can make "explode" with a lever.  Includes Han Solo (Endor), Princess Leia (Endor), Scout Trooper, Stormtrooper, and an Ewok.  $49.99

Wookiee Catamaran - Includes 2x Wookiee Warrior, Tarfull, 2x battle droids, a crab droid, and a Kashyyk clone.  Maybe Luminara Unduli if they really want to be faithful to the original.  $69.99

Large sets:

Jango Fett's Slave I - Includes Jango Fett (with hair piece and helmet), young Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi (with hood and hair piece), Lama Su, Taun We, and R4.  $89.99

X-Wing Fighter (based on the Dagobah version) - Includes the ship, clip-on moss pieces, and a small build to represent either Yoda's Hut, or the cave with the Darth Vader vision.  Minifigures are Luke Skywalker (Dagobah training outfit and pilot uniform), R2-D2 (muddy), and Yoda.  

Home One Cruiser - Includes Mon Mothma, General Madine, A-Wing pilot, Rebel Mechanic, Lando Calrissian (ROTJ), Luke Skywalker (ROTJ), Admiral Ackbar, Mon Calamari officer, and a Rebel trooper.  Basically the same sort of idea as the last one, has a briefing area, control room with the various chairs for Ackbar and the other officers, a hangar bay with A-Wing, and maybe some sort of medical area.  $149.99



Edited by Kit Figsto

Going along with @TeddytheSpoon and @Kit Figsto’s great waves, another remake wave.

microfighters (I do include some differences since they’re recent sets):

Star Destroyer ($9.99): Vader

X-wing ($9.99): pilot luke

 AAT vs juggernaut ($19.99): clone trooper (phase 2 41st siege battalion, not camo), tank driver droid. AAT is separatist colors and a very small bit of terrain is included.

battle packs ($14.99):

rebel scout speeder (I’ve done this before, and others have done this, but it’s one of my favorite sets ever.): updated rebel scout speeder, 3 fleet troopers, fleet captain. 

clone specialists (combination of Arc trooper v commando droids and the 2007 battle pack): arc trooper, arf trooper, 2x clone shiny.

duel: duel on Tatooine ($19.99): maul and Qui-gon. Comes with maul’s speeder and a bit of terrain with a vaporator to knock over.

other sets: 

Jakku encounter ($29.99, based on the luggabeast from encounter on Jakku and Reys speeder.): rey’s speeder and teedo’s luggabeast, as well as a small market side build. Comes with Rey, a Teedo, BB-8, and  a Jakku thug.

Wookie attack ($69.99): new tank droid design, dwarf spider droid, wookie Ornitherapter, and small wookie hut build. Comes with Yoda, Tarf ful, 2 wookie warriors, a 41st battalion trooper, and 2 b1s.

Poe Dameron’s X-wing starfighter ($79.99): the classic orange and black fighter with the 2020 design. Comes with pilot Poe, Finn, bb-8, and Kylo ren (helmet printed on black head like in the 2015 command shuttle)

TIE bomber ($89.99): TIE bomber with bomb drop function. Includes a TIE pilot, Admiral Piett, a snow trooper, hoth Leia, and hoth rebel trooped.

endor bunker ($129.99): large Endor bunker build with interior generator, command center, and a small armory. Comes with (Endor versions where applicable) Han, Leia, r2, Rex, rebel commando, paploo, 2 stormtroopers, 2 scout troopers, and an imperial officer.

Republic gunship ($139.99): republic gunship with correctly sizes AT-RT in the back. Comes with 2 clone pilots (p2), At-Rt driver, 2 p2 shinies, Rex, anakin (S3-5), Ahsoka (s3-5), obi-wan (s3-7), 2 b2 battle droids, a brick build droidika, Grievous, and Dooku. 

UCS: UCS X-wing ($349.99): X-wing starfighter with Pilot Luke, r2 and Yoda.

6 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

duel: duel on Tatooine ($19.99): maul and Qui-gon. Comes with maul’s speeder and a bit of terrain with a vaporator to knock over.mand shuttle)

Reading duel on Tatooine made me think of a possibleset by the same name:

Duel on Tatooine (between 20 and 30$, depending on the builds and because of the number of figs): Old Ben, Old Maul, Ezra Bridger and Chopper, builds are a brick built Dewback larger than the one from the Microfighters, a bit of terrain with Ben's camp, although apart from a "fire extinguishing" mechanism I cannot think of any other built in play features

8 hours ago, Per_SW said:

Reading duel on Tatooine made me think of a possibleset by the same name:

Duel on Tatooine (between 20 and 30$, depending on the builds and because of the number of figs): Old Ben, Old Maul, Ezra Bridger and Chopper, builds are a brick built Dewback larger than the one from the Microfighters, a bit of terrain with Ben's camp, although apart from a "fire extinguishing" mechanism I cannot think of any other built in play features

Maybe some kind of spinning platform or moveable platforms so that you can recreate a "duel" between them (even though in reality, it wasn't much of a duel)


What's the likelihood that we get a new Dooku in the next few years? For such an important character it's wild to me that we haven't gotten him for 7 years.

Just now, 2maxwell said:

What's the likelihood that we get a new Dooku in the next few years? For such an important character it's wild to me that we haven't gotten him for 7 years.

I would assume for 20 years of AotC, so maybe a good chance in the next two years. That said I thought his latest figure was pretty good, is there much to update for him?

Just now, TeddytheSpoon said:

I would assume for 20 years of AotC, so maybe a good chance in the next two years. That said I thought his latest figure was pretty good, is there much to update for him?

Don't need an update, but the most recent one is a pretty expensive fig these days. I just want more Dookus in circulation. Plus, the old chrome hilt doesn't fit anymore haha, but that's a minor concern.

45 minutes ago, 2maxwell said:

Don't need an update, but the most recent one is a pretty expensive fig these days. I just want more Dookus in circulation. Plus, the old chrome hilt doesn't fit anymore haha, but that's a minor concern.

Gotcha. Ah, what I wouldn't give for more chrome hilts :wub:

21 hours ago, 2maxwell said:

What's the likelihood that we get a new Dooku in the next few years? For such an important character it's wild to me that we haven't gotten him for 7 years.

We've got to get one soon, right? I'd say there's a good chance that one of the next few duel style sets will be yoda and dooku (instant buy for me, I still don't have the new yoda head style or a dooku), or maybe he'll show up in a different geonosis set. The odds are definately increased since there won't be any new movies for a few years so we'll probably get more sets based on the older films.

21 hours ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

I would assume for 20 years of AotC, so maybe a good chance in the next two years. That said I thought his latest figure was pretty good, is there much to update for him?

I don't know if they'll do a 20 years of AotC, we didn't get a 20 years of TPM.

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I don't know if they'll do a 20 years of AotC, we didn't get a 20 years of TPM.

That's true, although 20 years of TPM does coincide with LEGO's own 20 year anniversary which would of course take precedence, so I'm holding out hope there'll be more of an opportunity for some. Though there's bound to be some more Star Wars media to preoccupy LEGO.

On 7/4/2020 at 7:43 PM, Kit Figsto said:

Okay, so at this point it's more speculation than anything, but if there was a UCS Cantina priced at $350, similar to Cloud City, here's how I'd do it:

Dollhouse style build with a roof and 4 walls, but it's hinged at the back and opens down the middle with the bar being split in half as it opens.  One of the two front sections would have the entrance enclave thingy with droid detector, maybe throw some antennae or moisture vaporators onto the back just for detail.  Each half would have 4 booths along the side and one in the back corner (far end from the door), except a booth on one side would be replaced with the band stage.  I can't really think of any play features besides the "Han shoots Greedo" that's appeared in some format in all 3 previous cantinas we've gotten.  

The best part of this set, in my opinion, would be the figures.  Cloud City came with 21 figures (counting the Han Carbonite piece, R2-D2, and IG-88 as figures), so I think 24 is a reasonable number for a $350 cantina, mostly because this set would be heavily minifigure-driven (unlike most UCS/MBS sets).  If I was picking the lineup, I'd put Han Solo, Chewbacca, Greedo, Tatooine Luke, Ben Kenobi, Wuher, 5x Modal Nodes, Muftak (use the Talz mold without the head plume from the Freeco Speeder set), Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead, already have the Ithorian mold from a previous set), Dr. Evazan (no new mold), Ponda Baba (would require a new mold), 1x Sandtrooper captain, 2x Sandtrooper, Snaggletooth (may or may not need a new mold), Tonnika Sisters (no new mold), Kabe (could use the Batman/Monster Fighters bat ear mold to avoid the need for a new mold, even if it's not 100% accurate), Dannik Jerko (no new mold), Djas Puhr (no new mold, but may require a new color for his head), and I'd go with either Garindan (would require a new mold, not technically Cantina related but probably the only chance to ever get this figure) or one of the Duros aliens (no new mold required).  BoShek would also be cool and doesn't need any new molds, but I can't decide if I'd kick anyone out for him.

Since the MBS/UCS playsets typically come with vehicles, I'd also include the white landspeeder you can see crossing the street in Mos Eisley when Ben/Luke are stopped by stormtroopers and a Dewback.  

Kit, I support you on this


More Mando sets please.For such a popular show Lego is taking it's sweet time releasing those sets,I mean Razor Crest should have come out this January not September.

And while I'm at it more Clone Wars Season 7 sets.Considering the popularity of mandalorians recently the Siege of Mandalore story arc would be a gold mine for Lego yet we only got one set based on that arc and nothing else.


OT Sets:

Tie Interceptor/Bomber/Advanced each with each a pilot and two various Imperial Officers, technicians, troopers, etc. £50-60

B-Wing with pilot, technician, Nien Nunb, Rebel commando. £60

AT-ST with Pilot x 2, Ewok x 2. £40

Death Star Compactor with detention level down to compactor, Han, Leia, DS Trooper, Dianoga. £20

Death Star Control Room with Luke, 3PO, Stormtrooper, Imperial Officer. £20

Death Star Conference Room with door from duel and Vader, Ben, Motti, Tagge, Mouse Droid. £20

OT Playsets:

Lars Homestead Playset Luke, Owen, Beru, R2, 3PO, Gonk, Treadwell, Jawa, Tusken, Bantha, V-35 speeder. £120

Yavin IV Temple Playset Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, R2, 3PO, Red Leader, Red Leader Droid, Technician x2, Honour Guard x2 Rebel Speeder. £120

Endor Shield Bunker Playset Han, Leia, Chewie, R2, 3PO, Ewok, Rebel Commando x2, Scout Trooper x2, Imperials x2, Speeder Bikes. £120

Super Star Destroyer Playset with Vader, Boba Fett, IG-88 and three various Imperials £120



UCS Jabba's Palace similar to Ewok Village, Bespin, Hoth. 

UCS Jabba's Sail Barge and Skiff similar to Sandcrawler

UCS Nebulon B, Medium Transport and Mon Cal Cruiser all roughly to same scale. 




Not a prediction just a wishlist here. Lego release these sets and I’ll buy them all this winter! :wink:

75XXX Mandalorian Siege Battle Pack (2v2 Turret and Terrain): Nite Owl Mandalorian(x2), Mandalorian Super Commando(x2) £12.99

75XXX Snowtrooper Battle Pack (Speeder Bike + Command Station): Imperial Officer, Snowtrooper Commander, Snowtrooper (x2) £12.99

75XXX Outer Rim Siege Clone Troopers (Large E-Web turret + Red/grey speeder like 75280): 212th Clone Trooper, 332nd Clone Trooper, 91st Reconaissance Clone Trooper, Shiny Clone Trooper £24.99

75XXX CIS Tank Droid £29.99: Super Tactical Droid, Battle Droid, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Commander Cody 

75XXX Rebel Hovertank £39.99: Rebel Commando, Rebel Fleet Trooper(x2)

75XXX Naboo Starfighter £44.99: Anakin Skywalker, Naboo Pilot Arven Wendik, R2-D2, R2-C4, Naboo Engineer, Droideka (x2) 

75XXX Republic Z-95 Headhunter £59.99: Clone Pilot, Anakin Skywalker, 501st Clone Trooper 

75XXX Tie Bomber £74.99: Admiral Ozzel, Admiral Piett, Tie Bomber Pilot, Stormtrooper

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