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Posted (edited)

Figures: Luke, Obi-Wan, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Greedo, bartender,

Includes: Booth, bar

Pieces: 300

Estimated Price: $30

Cloud Car

Figures: Cloud Car Pilot (2), Lobot

Pieces: 400

Estimated Price: $40

Tusken Raiders

Figures: Tusken Raiders (2), Bantha

Pieces: 75

Estimated Price: $25

I totally agree with you, prof1515!

Since the last version of the Cantina was really a flop and since TLG regrettably doesn't include some Tuskens and a Bantha in the new Luke's Landspeeder set these sets are really a must! :thumbup:

And a new Cloud Car - at the best with a fleesh Lobot and a Cloud Car Pilot (which would be a new minifig since we don't have one until now) - is always welcome, too.

My idea is Jabba's Palace on the same scale as the Death Star. This set will be expensive do to the amount of new molds and Minifigures. It would include excisting figures Jedi Knight Luke, Han Solo in carbonite, Han Solo without vest, Slave Leia, Jabba the Hutt, C3PO,R2D2, Bib Fortuna, Boba Fett, Gammorean Gaurds x2, Skiff Guard Lando and a Jawa.New molds would include Salcious Crumb, Max Rebo, Droopy McCool, Rancor (like in the Lego Star Wars Video Games) and Oola. New characters would be Nikto guard, Weequay guard, Rancor Keeper, and Bossh Leia. The set would be a nicely detailed Jabba's Palace with trap doors and giant front doors. A Rancor Pit with Skeleton. Make it a giant Palace and let it swing open.

Although I regrettably very supposably wouldn't be aible to afford this one I really like this your idea, Oswald the Rabbit! :thumbup:

Imo a new Jabba's Palace does not necessarily have to be that big and include that many minifigs. But I totally agree with you that a new Jabba's Palace set is really needed: a bigger version (with hinge system would be great!) with more interior and some new minifigs!


Edited by Klaus-Dieter
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Sometimes I wonder if the people posting here have any math skills at all given that they'll list ideas that would cost hundreds of dollars and then suggest prices not even a fifth of that amount. No wonder the economy's like it is.

Yeah, some of the other ones are ridiculously extravagant, with dozens of minor characters I doubt TLG would ever release. The UT-AT thing I suggested, I imagine would be something like the AT-TE set (with anakin, ashoka, rex, clone) but instead has the UT-AT, Ki-Adi Mundi, and a couple of recoloured Snowtroopers as galactic marines.

Posted (edited)

I think a really cool set would be a MAAT.


$150: Includes Galen Marek in heavy training gear, 1x imperial captain, 1x EVO trooper, 1x jet trooper, 1x stormie commander, Drexl Roosh, rodian.

Edit: Sorry for the large pic.

Edited by Clone Commander Assassin

I reckon;

Queen Amidala figure is well over due.

A UCS AT-AT is well over due and with the thirty year ESB coming up next year who knows.

EpIII orange clones with Cody would look really good fighting a crab droid or one of those three legged tridriod.

EpIII 501 clones would be really good in a Battle Pack.

From the recent CW TV series they should make the Cold Clone Troopers 501st and an artillery piece which fires on the AAT.

I just hope that TLG don't stop making SW LEGO after 2011.


I dont know if its been suggested before but here is an idea I had: (this was back before they released the minifig death star with all the bits)

Death Star Detention Block (done as 2 sets similar to the throne room from a while back)

Set 1:

Control station. Security cameras etc (the stuff they shoot at in the movie). Elevator with door.

Han in stormtrooper suit with blaster

Chewie in handcuffs

One of those black imperial officer guys

Stormtrooper with blaster

Set 2:

Prison cell. Grating leading down to the garbage pit. Hallway section.

Luke in stormtrooper suit with blaster

Leia with bun hair

Darth Vader

Imperial interrogation droid

This set would allow you to recreate all the scenes from the death star detention as well as providing a cheaper set with bun-hair Leia in it.

Posted (edited)

My ideas! (more coming soon)

Mos Eisley Cantina

Parts: 400+

Price: $???

Mos Eisley Cantina from ANH!

"Recreate the scene from Star Wars Episode IV 'A New Hope' with the new Mos Eisley Cantina set!

Comes with Luke Skywalker (farmerboy), Obi-Wan/Ben Kenobi, Greedo, Han Solo, the cantina's bartender, Chewbacca, and two stormtroopers with an additional pauldron, a total of 8 minifigures! Also comes with a new Dewback and Luke's landspeeder! The cantina between the walls includes tables and chairs, and the bartender's place to stand!"

Jedi High Council

Parts: 450+

Price: $???

The Jedi High Council from RotS!

"Go to the meeting in the new Jedi High Council from Star Wars Episode III 'Revenge of the Sith', including some new Jedi!

Comes with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kit Fisto, Yoda, Mace Windu, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Aayla Secura, and Plo-Koon!

A good way to get many new Jedi and also some older ones! Includes the high council with several chairs and windows with a Coruscant landscape!"

Order 66: Kashyyyk

Parts: 200+

Price: $???

FROM THE NEW ORDER 66 SUBSERIES! (made-up by me)(each set comes with a small hologram)

"Chancellor Palpatine executes order 66, causing the once-trusted clonetroopers to turn against the Jedi!

You control the action and decide which side will win the battle!

Comes with the Wookiee hut as seen in Episode III Revenge of the Sith, with minifigures of Jedi Master Yoda, Commander Gree, Chewbacca and a Wookiee warrior!"

Order 66: Cato Neimoidia

Parts: 750+

Price: $???

FROM THE NEW ORDER 66 SUBSERIES! (made-up by me)(each set comes with a small hologram)

"Chancellor Palpatine executes order 66, causing the once-trusted clonetroopers to turn against the Jedi, this time on Cato Neimoidia!

Comes with an ARC-170 starfighter, Plo-Koon's starfighter and minifigures of Captain Jag, ARC-170 Pilot x2, and Plo-Koon!"

Order 66: Felucia

Parts: 150+

Price: $???

FROM THE NEW ORDER 66 SUBSERIES! (made-up by me)(each set comes with a small hologram)

"Chancellor Palpatine tells all clonetroopers to execute order 66, causing the once-trusted clones to turn against the Jedi, now on Felucia!

Comes with 2 giant plants and one giant mushroom, with minifigures of: Aayla Secura, Commander Bly and 2 star corps troopers!"

Those were my ideas for now. Hope you like 'em. :classic:

(I made them a little similair and realistic to what TLC would do, so there are not hundreds of minifigs :grin:)

~General Magma :vader:

Edited by General Magma
Posted (edited)
FROM THE NEW ORDER 66 SUBSERIES! (made-up by me)

~General Magma :vader:

How abut a series of order 66 packs! :cry_happy: For only 10$ USD! :cry_happy: They could make a Utapaun pack with Boga, Obi, Cody, airbourne trooper, and 212th trooper!

They could also make one for the Jedi temple with 3-4 high council chairs, Anakin, Appo, Shaak Ti, and 2-3 younglings!

Also, a deluxe 20$ pack with Yoda, Tarrful, Chewie, Gree, Kashyyyk Trooper, AT-RT driver, AT-RT, and escape pod.

How about a pack with two BARC speeders, Stass Allie, and Neyo?

I believe that I made that subseries up! :tongue::wink:

Edited by Clone Commander Assassin

I really don't get the fact that people don't really include any aliens when they say the Mos Eisley cantina. If lego made another cantina set and did'nt include aliens I would have a field day.

Posted (edited)

I know this may sound like a lot but I'd like the following;

The Bright Ewok Tree Village

Luke (Endor), Leia (Endor), Han (Endor), Chewie, R2, 3PO, Wicket, Paploo, Chief Chirpa, Logray, Scout Trooper (2), Ewok (2), Stormtrooper (2)

The features would be an Ewok catapult, an AT-ST, a village with two trees and two Imperial speederbikes.

Tusken Raider Attack

Luke (Tatooine), Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2, Tusken (4)

Would include a cave and a Landspeeder.

and isn't it about time we had...

Naboo Royal Starship :classic:

This would be the ultimate set. About 1200 pieces, including over twenty minifigs. Perhaps with an AAT and two STAPS. Minifigs would be Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan, Anakin, R2-D2, Jar-Jar Binks, Captain Panaka, Handmaiden Padme, Queen Amidala, Naboo Security (4), Handmaiden (2), Battle Droid (4) and the three other droids who are repairing the generator with R2.

Well, that's my say anyway.

Edited by starwarsfanatic
Posted (edited)

Naboo Royal Starship[/b] :classic:

This would be the ultimate set. About 1200 pieces, including over twenty minifigs. Perhaps with an AAT and two STAPS. Minifigs would be Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan, Anakin, R2-D2, Jar-Jar Binks, Captain Panaka, Handmaiden Padme, Queen Amidala, Naboo Security (4), Handmaiden (2), Battle Droid (4) and the three other droids who are repairing the generator with R2.

Well, that's my say anyway.

The 1200 pc. seems reasonable, but 20 figs? I think we could have a queen(not padme),2 handmaidens(one would be padme), young ani, r2, qui-gon, The captain, and obiwan.$120. That seems more realistic.

Edited by Mission Commander

Really, I'd like anything from The Force Unleashed, as that game has re-kindled my old Star Wars obsession.

Galen marek in a new outfit would be great.

Or a set with a lot of blasters. I find if you lose a blaster, then you're pretty much missing a soldier, as you tend to only get one per soldier......and a soldier without a blaster is...well..toast!

Not as elaborate as some people have said, but...I still doubt such a set will get made.



I know my previous suggestion for a Naboo Royal Starship did sound a bit unreasonable with 20+ minifigs, but remember that the MTT had 20, and the Death Star has even more!

Anyway, a few more ideas;

Rebel Massassi Base

About 750 pieces, twelve minifigs: Luke (Pilot), Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, General Dodonna, Biggs, Rebel Technician (2), Rebel Troop (2). Nothing too special - an X-Wing fighter, the briefing room and a scout tower.

Droid Factory

About 1600 pieces, eight minifigs. Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Geonosian (2), Battle Droid (2), Droideka. Features are a corridor and the area where Obi-Wan is held hostage.

I know my previous suggestion for a Naboo Royal Starship did sound a bit unreasonable with 20+ minifigs, but remember that the MTT had 20, and the Death Star has even more!

Anyway, a few more ideas;

Rebel Massassi Base

About 750 pieces, twelve minifigs: Luke (Pilot), Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, General Dodonna, Biggs, Rebel Technician (2), Rebel Troop (2). Nothing too special - an X-Wing fighter, the briefing room and a scout tower.

Droid Factory

About 1600 pieces, eight minifigs. Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Geonosian (2), Battle Droid (2), Droideka. Features are a corridor and the area where Obi-Wan is held hostage.

Yeah but those were droid and the deathstar cost $400.


You all know about the HAV/wheeled A6 Juggernaut coming out next year? Well in that set I'd like to see an awesome new Bly with a binocular headpiece. I'd also like to see Jet Troopers and maybe any new droids or figures. Mainly just good sets with good functions and good value and parts for money$?


I would like to see;

Duel of the Fates

Well, what can I say? This would be a fantastic playset. It could include a copy of the 7660 without the vulture droid, the room where Qui-Gon dies, the hologram-protected corridor and another random place.


Qui-Gon Jinn

Darth Maul

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan, no hood!)

Battle Droid Commander

Battle Droid Security (2x)

Battle Droid (2x)

Nabo Security Guard (2x)

But here's what we'd probably see;

The room where Qui-Gon dies, Darth Maul, Obi-Wan with a hood and Qui-Gon Jinn

Arrest the Chancellor

Nothing too much. Just the Chancellor's room from Ep. III, with Palpatine, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saese Tiin. Maybe even Anakin Skywalker?


dream sets would be as follows in no particular order;

a naboo ship with queen amidala, some guards - not a huge scale but lots of chrome blocks

an ulimate jedi temble i think would be absolutely awesome - if the four corners opened up and there was internal areas for example you could have the jedi council room / holocron room / archieve room. including 6 rare figures from the council perhaps including jedi like luminara and aayla secura and even a ki-adi mundi. on the lower level you could have the archieve with the librian as somebody already suggested. It all then closes up and you have a cool looking temple!!! This would be a big set like the death star. Lots of figures, lots of pieces and lots of playablity - pretty expensive.

I'd like to see the malevolence (the clone wars) in the same type of scale as the venator class including a decent general grevious, some super battle droids and some normal battle droids. A couple of cool boarding ships like seen in the series would be cool with this set.

Another clone wars wish would be a battle pack including the bounty hunters like cad bane and others such as aurra sing!

From episode 3 I'd love to see a big senate hall where yoda and the emperor have the fight with the pod things.

I think my favourite idea here would be the temple - it would just be amazing!!!!!!!!!!

Posted (edited)
Droid Factory

About 1600 pieces, eight minifigs. Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Geonosian (2), Battle Droid (2), Droideka. Features are a corridor and the area where Obi-Wan is held hostage.

I think that would be great. But considering it is a BATTLE DROID FACTORY it would need more than 2 battle droids. :tongue: I think it should also come with more Geonosians and Jango Fett. That would make it a truely amazing set. :laugh:

an ulimate jedi temble i think would be absolutely awesome - if the four corners opened up and there was internal areas for example you could have the jedi council room / holocron room / archieve room. including 6 rare figures from the council perhaps including jedi like luminara and aayla secura and even a ki-adi mundi. on the lower level you could have the archieve with the librian as somebody already suggested. It all then closes up and you have a cool looking temple!!! This would be a big set like the death star. Lots of figures, lots of pieces and lots of playablity - pretty expensive.

You could also have Shaak Ti and maybe guards such as senate commandos or red security clones. You could also have Cad Bane Cato Parasitti and Todo 360 and recreate Episode 23. And all the normal figs- Anakan, Ahsoka, Mace, Yoda, Plo Koon, and clones. That would be awesome. :cry_happy:

Rebel Massassi Base

About 750 pieces, twelve minifigs: Luke (Pilot), Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, General Dodonna, Biggs, Rebel Technician (2), Rebel Troop (2). Nothing too special - an X-Wing fighter, the briefing room and a scout tower.

This is a great idea, starwarsfanatic! :thumbup:

At least for the end of the SW license a Yavin Base has to be released!

The only three things I'd add to your set description would be the Red Leader (minifig), a small transport vehicle with cargo stuff and the room where Han and Luke get their awards.

Imo Chewy, the two Rebel Troopers and R2 are in this set not needed. Then we would already have 9 minifigs included (General Dodonna, Red Leader, Biggs, Luke, Leia, Han, R2 and two Rebel Technicans) - and more is unrealistic to await anyway.

The preliminary design of a set like this - but which regrettably has been never released - can be found on the last pages of the Visual Dictionary.



Arrest of Emperor Palpaentine

-with all the jedis, and palpentine

-the jedi temple

(i thought lego was going to make 2 of the fan choice: this set and the mon calmari set)

Yarvin Base that Klaus-Dieter described

Remake of cloud city

Remake of Jabba's palace

-this time with actually a rancor and all the twilek, and alieans

-bigger set with the palace and nto just the audience room

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