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This is only for the summer of 2009.

So here's mine:

$10-Hoth Imperial Battle Pack: Snowtrooper(x3), AT-AT Driver(x1)

$10-Hoth Rebel Battle Pack: Rebel Pilot(x1), Rebel Trooper(x3) (different ethnicities)

$20-Ahsoka's Fighter: Ahsoka, R2-KT

$20-Corporate Alliance Tank Droid: Battle Droid w/backplate(x3)

$30-Tri-Droid: Rex, Anakin, Clone Trooper with jetpack(x2), Super Battle Droid(x2)

$30-Hoth Battle: Has two turret things- Snowtrooper(x3), Rebel Trooper(x3) Taun Taun(x1)

$70-Palpatines Arrest: Anakin(reversable head), Saesee Tinn, Agen Kolar, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Palpatine(reversable head)

$100- Republic Star Destroyer: Mace Windu, Yoda, Clone Pilot(x3), Clone Trooper(x30, Purple Protocol Droid)

$150-Invisible Hand: General Greivous, Nute Gunray, Count Dooku, Wat Tambor, Battle Droid Commander, Battle Droid Pilot(x2), Battle Droid w/packplate(x10)

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Imperial Officer Battlepack-$10-Includes 4 Imperial Officers, preferably three male and one female, and an AT-PT.

Underworld Battlepack-$10-Includes 4 Black Sun thugs with a mini-cantina.

Rebel T2-B tank-$20-Includes 3 Endor-Style Rebels.

Tie Mauler-$20-Includes 2 Stormtroopers+1 Scout Trooper.

Tie Defender-$30-Includes Tie pilot.

E-Wing-$30-Includes Rebel Pilot with NEW helmat pattern.

Lancet Air Artillery-$50- Includes TIE Pilot and 2 Stormtroopers. Has bomb-dropping feature.

AT-AA-$70-Includes 1 AT-AT Pilot, an NEW General Veers(The last was not so good) 2 Stormtroopers and a Speederbike.

Mon Calamari Cruiser-$100-Not minifig scale, but includes a Admiral Ackbar fig for the heck of it.

If you don't recognize any of the names, look the up on Wookiepedia.

Wow. The was a lot of typing.


i tought it would be fun to here from you guys wat would u want from lego star wars on its last year?

me i would luv republic commando battle packs to diffrent one delta and omega squads would be great

the best commandos in the republic. and a set with aleast some of the cis leaders.


A few things. One, please try to use proper grammar and punctuation. Also, 2011 is a few years away. I believe there is already a thread for sets people want to see.


2011 is a long ways away, and it won't necessarily be the last year either. 2007 was expected to be Lego's last year too, but the liscense got renewed until 2011, which will probably be extended too. Also, there are still sets to be revealed for 2009, and 2010 after that.


My god! Enough want topics already! There are already a ton out there, currently the "What future sets do you want" topic. Just scroll down if you want to see it. :hmpf:

to many pagez to look at so just a short cut hahaha and thiz iz the way i type u u got a problem keep it moving son!!!!!!!!!

I'm watching you now.

This is a double topic - use the "What Future Sets would you like" topic.

As a brand new member lay off the attitude - and you might benefit from reading all those pages.

I'll merge this with the proper topic.

Posted (edited)
to many pagez to look at so just a short cut hahaha and thiz iz the way i type u u got a problem keep it moving son!!!!!!!!!

Alright who posted a link to EB on the lego.com messageboards!?! :hmpf_bad: [ :tongue: ]

You wont be around here for long if you keep that up.

Im waiting for the finished product pics for the SW sets....... :vader:

I think/hope they will do more OT sets in the future but i doubt it for now because of CW.

*Whistling while twidlling thumbs and on the EB homepage pressing F5 every few seconds....*

Edited by Darth_Legois

Ok we are going a bit off topic :thumbdown: so moving back to topic.

I just thought i would also like to see a geonosis arena with Alaya Secura, Ki Adi Mundi, Anakin, Obiwan, Padmae , Yoda,Windu,Douku and a hole load of droids and geonosisans! Who agrees? :tongue:

I just thought i would also like to see a geonosis arena with Alaya Secura, Ki Adi Mundi, Anakin, Obiwan, Padmae , Yoda,Windu,Douku and a hole load of droids and geonosisans! Who agrees? :tongue:

HERE HERE TO THAT! I would love that, it would be a hefty hefty minifig count tho, dare to dream though :cry_happy:

Even if we do get the Palpatine's Arrest set, there is still hope for a Mon Cal fig with this guy. And those who want could make Ackbar.

Somehow I didn't see him in the movie, ( :oh3: ) but that is certainly something to hope for. :thumbup:


I've added a few topics to this one.

Now it should contain all topics on what sets you'd like to see in the future.

Keep it up :classic:

Also I've pinned this for your convenience.


i dont really mind wat sets come out i just want certain figures like clone wars dooku, whorm, and that kit padawan. i wouldnt mind seeing a tridroid and a snail tank. ATM all the sets i want to finish my collection are either out or coming out in january.


I am really looking for Lego to get back to the Original Trilogy. With rumors of an Endor set, a Tantive IV and possible a Tauntaun, I will be happy in 2009. If these aren't true, I would like all of them. I would also like to see a few more Hoth sets and the Endor set to spark some more sets as well. I would also like to see a Yavin IV playset released with some pilots, ground crew, transport, and possible either an X-Wing or Y-Wing. I think a Jabbas Palace related set would be nice as well. Finally, I would really like to see a Medical Frigate either ship or playset, and a Mon Calamari ship or playset. The Mon Cal ship would probably be a USC, with a playset being minifig size. Same with the Medical Frigate.

Posted (edited)

This is some of my list :sadnew: .

Episode 1:

AAT: 4 Battle Droids, 2 Naboo Soldiers


Gungan Battle: 4 Gungans, 2 Gungan creatures, 5 Battle Droids, 1 Destroyer Droid


Naboo Starship: Queen Amidala, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Padme, R2-D2, Some Other Astromech droids, Captain Panaka, 2 Naboo Soldiers, 1 Naboo Pilot


Gungan Trial Center: Jar Jar Binks, Obi-wan, Qui-Gon, 4 Gungan Guards, Boss Nass


Episode 2:

Jedi Council Episode 2: What Ever Jedi Were In the Council At That Time


Geonosis Execution Arena: Padme, Anakin, Obi-wan, 6 Battle Droids, 3 Super Battle Droids, 1 Destroyer Droid, 6 Jedi, Jango Fett, Mace Windu


Separatists Hologram Table: All Separatist Commanders, 3 Geonotions


LAAT: 2 Clone Pilots


Jango/Mace Duel: 3 Battle Droids, 1 Super Battle Droid, 1 Jedi, Mace Windu, Jango Fett

Cloning Facility: 2 Kamonians, Obi-wan, 4 Clones (Blue), 4 Clones (Red), 4 Clones


Episode 3:

AT-RT: Kashyyyk Trooper


AT-OT: Commander Bly, Aayla Secura, 6 Clones, 1 Clone Pilot


Utapua Hangar: Obi-wan, General Grevious, 2 Magna Guards, 5 Battle Droids , 2 Super Battle Droids, 1 Crab Droid, Commander Cody, 1 Commander Fox, 3 Clones, Tion Medon, 2 Utapuan Warriors


Order 66 #1: Obi-Wan, Commander Cody, 1 Clone, 2 Battle Droids, Boga


Order 66 #2: Anakin, 3 501st Clones, 2 Jedi, Shaak Ti, 2 Younglings, Zett Jukassa


Order 66 #3: Stass Allie, Commander Neyo, 4 Clones


Order 66 #4: Yoda, Tarrful, Chewbacca, Commander Gree, 2 Kashyyyk Troopers


Order 66 #5: Aayla Secura, Commander Bly, 4 Clones


Order 66 #6: Plo Koon, 2 Clone Pilots, 1 Clone Pilot Commander


Order 66 #7: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Commander Bacara, 3 Galactic Troopers, 2 Battle Droids, 3 Super Battle Droids.


Order 66 #8: Luminara Unduli, 3 Wookiees, 2 Battle Droids, 4 Kashyyyk Troopers


Palpatines Arrest: Palpatine(2 Heads), Mace Windu, Anakin, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tinn, 2 Senate Guards.


Republic Venator: 8 Clones, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, 4 Clone Pilots, 1 Clone Arc Trooper, 1 Yellow Astromech Droid, 2 Clone Mechanics


Episode 4:

Tantive IV: Princess Leia, Darth Vader, 4 Storm troopers, 2 Rebel Troopers, R2-D2, C-3PO, Rebel Captain, Astromech Droids, Other C-3PO Like Units.


Midtown Tatooine: Luke Skywalker, 3 Sand troopers, Obi-wan, R2-D2, C-3PO, Dewback, 2 Jawas, 3 Space Pilots


Episode 5:

AT-AT: 1 AT-AT Pilot, 3 Snow Troopers, Darth Vader, 4 Hoth Rebel Troopers, Luke Skywalker, Commander Veers


Tautaun Patrol: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, 2 Tautauns, Ice Monster, Chewbacca, Probe Droid


Episode 6:

Rancor Pit: Rancor, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Boba Fett, 3 Gormean Guards, Jabba The Hutt


Endor Battle: 4 Ewoks, 4 Scout Troopers, 3 Storm Troopers, 2 AT-ST Pilots, 2 Rebel Soldiers, Han Solo, Princess Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO


Clone Wars:

Commander Grees Entrance: Yoda, Commander Gree, 4 Scout Troopers


Tri-Droid: Captain Rex, Anakin, 2 Super Battle Droids, 3 Battle Droids, 3 Clones


Battle Packs:

Clone Battle Pack: 3 Clones, 1 Arc Trooper


Droid Battle Pack: 2 Magna Guards, 1 Crab Droid, 1 Super Battle Droid, 1 Destroyer Droid


Endor Ewok Battle Pack: 4 Ewoks


Wookie Battle Pack: 4 Different Wookiees


Astromech Droid Battle Pack: 1 Black, 1 Green, 1 Maroon, 1 Purple


Endor Rebels Battle Pack: 3 Endor Rebels, 1 Ewok


Endor Empire Battle Pack: 2 Scout Troopers, 1 Storm Troopers, 1 AT-ST Pilot


Hoth Rebel Battle Pack: 3 Hoth Rebels, 1 Commander


Hoth Empire Battle Pack: 3 Snow Troopers, 1 AT-AT Pilot


Royal Guard Battle Pack: 2 Blue Senate Guards, 2 Red Royal Guards


C-3PO Unit Battle Pack: 1 White, 1 Silver, 1 Grey, 1 Brown


Pretty small for only about a quarter of my real list. :tongue:

Let me know if I'm missing any Order 66. I did them so fast I'm not sure if I missed any.

Edited by CloneMe
Utapua Hangar: Obi-wan, General Grevious, 2 Magna Guards, 5 Battle Droids , 2 Super Battle Droids, 1 Crap Droid, Commander Cody, 1 Commander Fox, 3 Clones, Tion Medon, 2 Utapuan Warriors


Let me know if I'm missing any Order 66. I did them so fast I'm not sure if I missed any.

Ah, I see they made a new droid. I must've missed it. I do like the rest of the list.

Episode I:

Order 66 pt 1 $10: Commander Cody, Obi Wan Kenobi

Order 66 pt 2 $10: Commander Gree, Yoda

Order 66 pt 3 $10: Commander Bacara, Ki-Adi Mundi

Order 66 pt 4 $10: Commander Bly, Aayla Secura

Order 66 pt 5 $30: Clone Commander, Plo Koon

Order 66 pt 6 $10: Adi Gallila, Clone Commander

Raid on the Jedi Temple $20: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Clone Troopers x5

Allow me to quote myself for this:

Episode 3:

Order 66 #1: Obi-Wan, Commander Cody, 1 Clone, 2 Battle Droids, Boga


Order 66 #2: Anakin, 3 501st Clones, 2 Jedi, Shaak Ti, 2 Younglings, Zett Jukassa


Order 66 #3: Stass Allie, Commander Neyo, 4 Clones


Order 66 #4: Yoda, Tarrful, Chewbacca, Commander Gree, 2 Kashyyyk Troopers


Order 66 #5: Aayla Secura, Commander Bly, 4 Clones


Order 66 #6: Plo Koon, 2 Clone Pilots, 1 Clone Pilot Commander


Order 66 #7: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Commander Bacara, 3 Galactic Troopers, 2 Battle Droids, 3 Super Battle Droids.


Order 66 #8: Luminara Unduli, 3 Wookiees, 2 Battle Droids, 4 Kashyyyk Troopers


It seems a lot of people like this idea of Order 66 packs! However, CloneMe, while you prefer the larger sets, I would much prefer small, $10 sets, since they are collectible (or even modular!), with the exception being Plo Koon's. In my opinion, one or two clones (of the appropriate regiment) with a Jedi and some scenery/ vehicle would be spectacular, and I would buy multiples. Of course, we all have our opinions, and I hope that TLG makes these in a good way. :sweet:

Allow me to quote myself for this:

It seems a lot of people like this idea of Order 66 packs! However, CloneMe, while you prefer the larger sets, I would much prefer small, $10 sets, since they are collectible (or even modular!), with the exception being Plo Koon's. In my opinion, one or two clones (of the appropriate regiment) with a Jedi and some scenery/ vehicle would be spectacular, and I would buy multiples. Of course, we all have our opinions, and I hope that TLG makes these in a good way. :sweet:

Yah i agree but This is simply what aI'd like to see.

Oh and justin youve never herd of it? Wow its got to be the most famous of them all. :tongue: I'll be sure to change it. :hmpf_bad:

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