April 3, 200519 yr I think the flesh tones are good, but I liked the "normal" color better, flesh tone took a smbol of LEGO away. About the Jedi, I think Aaylah Secura would rock, Saessee Tiin and maybe Kyle Katarn... all WITHOUT light up lightsabers ofcourse. This is difficult for me because my favorite Jedi are avaible: Obi and Anakin.
April 3, 200519 yr Concerning the flesh tone minifigs, I really disliked them at first but it doesn't seem that TLC is going to give us normal tone mini anymore. So, we have to abide by their marketing policy. The more I have flesh tone minfig, the more I tend to like them ;)
April 3, 200519 yr Aayla Secura and Ki-Adi-Mundi would be the best figs ever! I would buy tons (ok maybe not tons but I would get alot :-D )
April 3, 200519 yr what lego would do aayla secura:blue bibfortuna mold with Aayla's face ki-adi-mundi: flesh cone on flesh head with beird peice or molded head (?) kit fisto: mold
April 3, 200519 yr By the looks of the action figures and SW novels, Plo Koon might become the next candidate for a minifig. They probably dont want to make the new molds and such for them though.
April 3, 200519 yr Author 1. Sasse Tinn (see above) Either Clone Armor or normal. 2. Ki Adi Mundi 3. Plo Koon 4. Kit Fisto Obviously non of these cats would have light up lightsabres.
April 3, 200519 yr 1. Shaak Ti (as in Lego Game) 2. Kit Fisto (As in Lego Game) 3. Saesee Tiin 4. Agen Kolar 5.Barriss Offee 6.Stass Allie 7.Aalya Secura 8.Ki-Adi Mundi 9.Oppo Rancisis 10. Quinlan Vos (one can hope) :D :::Ep.III Spoilers::: All non-light up, with 2-4 with Mace(Non-Lightup) in a Set with Chancellor Palpatine(Who Transforms into Sidious), Maybe Anakin, and Palpatine's Office Mace- You're under arrest chancellor Palpatine. Palpatine- Are you threatening me master Jedi? Lets just say the above jedi get left in pieces, and Anakin becomes lord Vader(no mechanical suit yet though.)
April 4, 200519 yr well i think it would be pretty cool if they had a kit fisto but any of them would be cool
April 4, 200519 yr I'd love to see minifgures of Kit Fitso, Shaak Ti and Ki-Adi-Mundi. I wouldn't mind seeing one of Adi-Gallia/Stas Allie since I've been a fan of them since I first played Jedi Starfighter and Jedi Power Battles on the Playstation.
April 4, 200519 yr Looks like Kit Fisto is numero uno. It's probably possible, considering they did Fortuna for a $7 set.
April 6, 200519 yr I think they will do the ultimate space battle set, a battle of kashyyyk set and a mace vs. palpatine set
April 6, 200519 yr a battle of kashyyyk set YESSS It could have the the little wookie barricade with all the wookies behind it(like in the preview) and have a ton of SBDs, Droidekas and battle droids attacking them!!!!! Maybe even a lot of clones No more lego being Stingy with minifigs!!! Down with Stingyness!!! :D AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH oh sorry i am okay |:|
April 6, 200519 yr i am okay |:| *backs away slowly* you belong in a nice padded cell buddy ;) Yub Yub
April 6, 200519 yr Well, there's a difference between what I THINK they'll do and what they WILL do. What I THINK they'll do is more storyteller sets. Mace vs. Palpatine, Sidious vs. Yoda, etc. And at least one with a clone trooper.
April 6, 200519 yr *backs away slowly*you belong in a nice padded cell buddy ;) You'll never take ME!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAh loser you have no force, and i am a little green man so ha :oD :oD :oD
April 6, 200519 yr *backs away slowly* you belong in a nice padded cell buddy ;) You'll never take ME!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAh loser you have no force, and i am a little green man so ha :oD :oD :oD Ewoks have bows, and AT-ST traps and the power to hit them selves with their own slings take that! HA! :-D ;)
April 6, 200519 yr i don't know what TLC is going to produce, but I would like to see a lego version of the Self Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser. the name is ridiculous, (how can a laser be self propelled?), but it sure looks bold... Not sure if it will be in EpIII, tho btw, did you really have to set up a new topic for this? there already is a "new lego sets" topic...
April 6, 200519 yr *backs away slowly* you belong in a nice padded cell buddy ;) You'll never take ME!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAh loser you have no force, and i am a little green man so ha :oD :oD :oD Only one master Yoda there is :-D :P snefroe1, you're right this name is totally ridiculous, but the set would be highly appreciated ;)
April 6, 200519 yr maby a kashyyyk set such as some clones wookies and a big tree with a house tres cool ;)
April 6, 200519 yr I'd like to see at least one more Kashyyyk set, with a new Wookiee or two and a Clone with BLUE markings, like in the Lego Star Wars game. This would be a good option for this I think.
April 6, 200519 yr hey wow that thing would be so awsome as a set :-D :() and as you said a different wookie and a blue clone that would be very cool
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