March 30, 200519 yr DS. I'm a bigstile ninty fan. I thionk the DS is more fun and the PSP more serious. And I'm more of a jokey person so the DS it is.
March 30, 200519 yr I no-where-near like consoles (PC fanboy) but since that option isn't there, I'll go with the PSP. One of my friends has it and brought it to school, the graphics look amazing for a handheld.
March 31, 200519 yr PSP has better graphics but have you played Waio ware on the DS? It's so fun, I could play it al day. When I first sa the game I didn't think I'd like it but I did.
March 31, 200519 yr I just played a little time to Mario Ware ( *wub* ) and I loved it .... and I prefer Nintendo anyway |-D So DS of course
March 31, 200519 yr The DS looks great with its tactical screen even if I don't really the point of that. It also has a lot of fun games. On the other hand the PSP has better graphics and a bigger screen and games that are great but dedicated to an older audience. For consoles I have the Cube and PS2, but I don't really like the portable ones... (I'd rather put that amount of money on the PS3 and Cube2 ;) ).
March 31, 200519 yr I recently got a PSP and my wife has a DS. Both are absolutely awesome. Given the $100 difference between the two, the fact that the DS can play GBA games, and that there are some great titles coming down the pike, I'd give the current edge to the Ds. If/when Sony lowers the price a bit, or some even better games come out for, I think it will be a great day for gamers. Competition makes for good games. Akkh
March 31, 200519 yr Due to the technical problems of the PSP, its unavailability in europe (and since it's a european forum), I'll go for the DS. I also like the fact that all the games are still compatibles with the gba games. :)
March 31, 200519 yr You know what sucks about Nintendo? They keep these old crappy technologies, they keep on releasing same old titles (Zelda, Mario, etc.) over and over again and they are too afraid to try anything new. I tell ya, Nintendo is driving itself into the ground. The future of consoles is in the hands of Sony and Microsoft (sadly) but I hope one day PCs will make a big comeback and kill off all consoles. Anyways, let's not forget, PSP => movies, music, games, Internet, amazing graphics DS => two big woop. I really see no point in two screens. PSP out does the DS by miles. It will years for Nintendo to catch up, if they even try.
March 31, 200519 yr Author I like PSP. PSP has a built-in MP3 player, and it has better graphics. It can also play UMDs which are like DVDs. PSP has better games too like Grand Theft Auto which is soon to be released. DS has crappy games...Pingpals, Sprung, Zoo Keeper, Pokemon Dash are all pretty odd and bad-rated games. PSP can also view pictures.
March 31, 200519 yr It's funny how in another thread we discussed how there are sooo many members, 200+, yet only 7 people voted.
March 31, 200519 yr Well, some don't come to this forum, or don't vote, eh? .. or don't have a either of the consoles so see no point in voting ;) Jon.
April 1, 200519 yr I haven't voted yet. Mostly becasue I'm still deciding. And talk about quality control issues...the PSP has been lousy with them. Fortunately, I've heard Sony may be doing something to rectify that directly, and if not, its why I bought a warranty. Exchanges are a beautiful thing. Still...this is my second PSP with dead pixels and air bubbles in the screen. I know that such things are part and parcle with mass produced LCD's....but for the cash, I'd also like the product to be mostly defect free. Akkh
April 1, 200519 yr You know what sucks about Nintendo? They keep these old crappy technologies, they keep on releasing same old titles (Zelda, Mario, etc.) over and over again and they are too afraid to try anything new. I tell ya, Nintendo is driving itself into the ground. The future of consoles is in the hands of Sony and Microsoft (sadly) but I hope one day PCs will make a big comeback and kill off all consoles. I disagree with all the statements *wacko* Nintendo is higly innovative. Dual screen, think about it... mmhh ? *twisted* They keep bringing the good old titles but people love them. And each zelda is different, some of the latest ones are far better than the old ones. Not to mention they are the only one to allow you to play your old games on the new technologies. And for computer games the market is just huge. I don't know how you can state PC doesn't already kick console's buts. I can't talk for the US, but in my country (and in Germany) the computer market is bigger than the console market. :)
April 1, 200519 yr DS has lighter games and that's what I like. Graphics don't make a game, besides the graphics aren't even that bad. I can't wait for some of the new DS games, the ones that really use the touch screen in geanius ways
April 1, 200519 yr PSP is obviously better than DS - it defines a new generation of handhelds with actual GOOD graphics (better than PS1) and universal media capability. In my opinion, the one thing the DS has over the PSP is that sketch program. As far as computers vs. consoles, unfortunately, Jipay, the console market is larger than the PC market here. I'm a PC fan, though. People here are just too lazy, stupid, or both to work with computers for gaming, for the most part.
April 1, 200519 yr Just for info guys: The DS sold 500 000 in Europe between march 11th and Easter week-end :oo This represent 77% of the stocks. In the US it was 500 000 in less than a week and in Japan it was 230 000/250 000 in 24 hours ;)
April 1, 200519 yr PSP, and by the way did anyone watch the new South Park this week? The episode featured the PSP and it was the controller of war for heaven.
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