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The Story


A pile of costume materials lies on the floor. What could it be for?

Pelly addresses his captive audience.


Def steps in. "Yes, if you haven't figured it out, you are all vanilla. Well, except the ones of you who aren't."

Pelly sniggers.

Def continues, "Here's the deal. Costumes will be available for you to wear at two points in the day, loosely 12 hours apart." He pauses. "Pelly can't be counted on to be absolutely clockwork, but he will do his best. Why, in a previous game, someone accused someone else of postponing the posting of 'costumes' in order to torment someone in another time zone, when in actuality, the host had drank wine on a Friday night and fell asleep before posting. Pelly will do no such thing, within his abilities."

Pelly nods.


There is a little grumbling among the captive audience.

Pelly steps in.


"He would like you to know that a) your costumes may come with abilities and b) those abilities will be consistent from day to day. As well, the scum among you will be able to use the abilities at their discretion, while the vanillas will have no choice but to don their costumes at night. And the scum may select their killer, so 'staying at home' at night does not prove them innocent."


There is more grumbling among the bald denizens.


"This is being told in order to have a more level playing field, so you can get to the business of play rather than debate how everything works. Some of you have experience with this game, so I want the young 'uns to have fair knowledge."

Pelly sternly looks across the room.


"He says he is delighted by your hairless heads."

The game is afoot.



In the first 24 hours of the game, all town players must wear a costume. Scum may or may not wear a costume.

Costumes will be offered in two shifts, roughly 12 hours apart from each other. There will be two separate assortments for each shift. Players may not wear the same costume on consecutive nights.

Players who choose not to select their own costume will be randomly assigned one from the remaining stock. Costumes taken by lynched or killed players will be removed from the game and not offered again.

Players select costumes by:

1. copying the entire updated list.

2. adding their name after their choice, and striking it off the list,


Costume A

Costume B def

Costume C


Failure to do either of these steps will make their selection void, and other players may feel free to make that costume their selection.<players, feel free to police yourselves on this, since I both have a job and sleep>

If this system is too confusing for you, simply do nothing and receive a random selection, with no penalties.


Day One, Shift One:

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood

3. Blackbeard's Shag

4. Captain Jack's Crow

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

You may choose now.

The Characters

16392404214_eeea6014c7_o.png Pelly, your host

16827294080_d22302726b_o.png def, cosplaying as Bloodbrick

17013928251_cc3ec2caff_o.png Jackjonespaw, cosplaying as Mary Jane

16807412997_293b278f74_o.png Zepher, cosplaying as Mr. Freeze

17013369702_5e2b03e51a_o.png Bob, cosplaying as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

16988826786_e95416d419_o.png Dark Dragon, cosplaying as Storm

16394676793_27e1b6de42_o.png Legospy, cosplaying as The Lone Ranger

16827294240_8956cd7951_o.png Dragonator, cosplaying as Ninjago

16827294310_c3b4004aa2_o.png Shadows, cosplaying as Starlord

16392398604_42eb884f8b_o.png Mostly Technic, cosplaying as War Machine

16807413117_71bb4615b1_o.png Lind Whisperer, cosplaying as Gandolf

16827294360_c253b7c43a_o.png Mencot, cosplaying as the Falcon

17014812985_087468c1f8_o.png Tamamono, cosplaying as The Joker

16827294410_3df2d8dc79_o.png TinyPies, cosplaying as Egon Spengler

16392398754_02019bd116_o.png Dragonfire, cosplaying as Aquaman

17013928661_b9bfff81f0_o.png Walter Kovacs, cosplaying as the Flash

17013370142_d64634bc17_o.png Pirate Dave, cosplaying as 80's Magneto

16392398834_337c17c29a_o.png Jluck, cosplaying as Indy Jones and the Temple of Doom

16828592649_ab861836fb_o.png Brickelodeon, cosplaying as Blackbeard

17014813225_6c5c9d9ec5_o.png fhomess, cosplaying as the Iron Patriot

16827294620_31a1bc9010_o.png Stickfig, cosplaying as Superman

16807413477_32d1dcff46_o.png Adventurer1, cosplaying as Captain Jack Sparrow

Rules (deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the first to achieve their vote will be lynched. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours or if a unanimous vote is reached by the 48-hour point. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM or by other players. No quoting PMs. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death on your second offense.

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood

3. Blackbeard's Shag Brickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif

Well, since I came in with this hat, I might as well leave with it too. I think I'm doing this right.

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

Well, naturally a ninja cannot go without his hood, so I shall take that back thank you! You lot sure have some strange cosplays.

Day One, Shift One:

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's Shag

4. Captain Jack's Crow

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

*Since I glitched the list out last time*

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood

3. Blackbeard's Shag Brickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

Woops and already the fun begins! Allow me to update that:

Day One, Shift One:

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's Shag Brickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

I'm kinda curious as to what my own headpiece does. I think I'll wait for the second set of selections.

I get to pick another helmet! Cool!

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's ShagBrickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Piratedave84

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's Shag Brickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Lady K (adventurer1)

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

In case anyone needs it, the BB code for strike through is { }

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's Shag Brickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Piratedave84

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora Lady K (adventurer1)

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

This is not as easy as it looks as I posted at the same time as Piratedave.

  • Author

You're getting the hang of it.

Hum ..... Yes .... Did not think that through!

It's 'bracket' S 'bracket' then 'bracket' /s 'bracket' to close it

Ahoy thar Lady K. I do believe that Mr Dave has already selected that headpiece.

Arr, too slow.

I don't know what the hell a coif is, so I guess I'll have Aquaman's.

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's ShagBrickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Piratedave84

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif JackJonespaw

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

"a woman's close-fitting cap, now only worn under a veil by nuns" says Google. Is Aquaman in nun training?

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's Shag Brickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Piratedave84

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora Lady K (adventurer1)

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

This is not as easy as it looks as I posted at the same time as Piratedave.


Sorry, I REALLY like pirates!

It's tiny, not to be annoying to read, but because it was an accident.

  • Author

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's ShagBrickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Piratedave84

5. The Falcon's Wings

6. Aquaman's Coif JackJonespaw

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora Lady K

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

I don't know what the hell a coif is, so I guess I'll have Aquaman's.

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's ShagBrickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Piratedave84

5. The Falcon's Wings Lind Whisperer

6. Aquaman's Coif JackJonespaw

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora Lady K (adventurer1)

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

"a woman's close-fitting cap, now only worn under a veil by nuns" says Google. Is Aquaman in nun training?

"I believe I'll choose the Falcon's Wings, since every time I've had a problem, it's been fixed by eagles. Which are radically different animals. But it's the same principle."

  • Author

"a woman's close-fitting cap, now only worn under a veil by nuns" says Google. Is Aquaman in nun training?

coiffed hair

Can we quote the previous list as Lind did or should we rather repost it in a new post?

  • Author

"I believe I'll choose the Falcon's Wings, since every time I've had a problem, it's been fixed by eagles. Which are radically different animals. But it's the same principle."

If you can't use tags, delete the quote tags in the post you're using, and manually surround the struck through costume with these tags:

[s] [/s]

If you can't use tags, delete the quote tags in the post you're using, and manually surround the struck through costume with these tags:

[s] [/s]



  • Author

Can we quote the previous list as Lind did or should we rather repost it in a new post?

People can't quote quotes, so that will be problematic pretty quickly. Better to copy paste the list.

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's ShagBrickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Piratedave84

5. The Falcon's Wings Lind Whisperer

6. Aquaman's Coif JackJonespaw

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora Lady K

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

It'll be a lenient day one.


I have no time to wait around for a proton pack, so I'll take the next best thing: a diving helmet.

1. Starlord's Mask

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's ShagBrickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Piratedave84

5. The Falcon's Wings Lind Whisperer

6. Aquaman's Coif JackJonespaw

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask TinyPies

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora Lady K

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

1. Starlord's MaskDarkdragon

2. Ninjago's Hood Dragonator

3. Blackbeard's ShagBrickelodeon

4. Captain Jack's Crow Piratedave84

5. The Falcon's Wings Lind Whisperer

6. Aquaman's Coif JackJonespaw

7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea's Diving Mask

8. Mr. Freeze's Coolant

9. Indy Jone's Fedora Lady K

10. Gandolf's Pointy Cap

I've always wanted a mask.

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