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For now, I believe I will:

Vote: Gandolf (Lind Whisperer)

He seemed suspiciously unsure about all of the plans, asking silly questions, and then blamed it on inexperience. I'm willing to attribute some things to inexperience, but everything he was unsure about was explicitly explained. Then there's his claims about trusting Tammo because of Heroica, then backtracking on that. :wacko: This vote isn't set in stone, but I do believe that unless I see something better, it's the best choice I've seen so far besides Mary Jane, who I will still be watching.

Haven't we already discussed that letting the scum know the targets is a big no-no? Come on, mate.

I think we should discuss some of the targets, but perhaps not set a specific one in stone. After all, the scum can't tamper with the results if they don't know which one the vigilante will actually be targeting.

Here is what I think we should do with Flash's helmet:

We should keep it around, but keep an eye on everyone who has it. If we find out that the vig kill has been stolen and diverted somewhere else, we can safely assume that the person with flash's helmet is scum. I think that the person who was vig on the previous day should get flash's helmet, that way we have safety mechanism for if someone tries to pull a fast one and takes the vig hat without permission. Therefore, I think Tammo should get the Flash hat tomorrow.

As for Walter, I do not hold his fate in my hands. I have been PMing with him, and I still am suspect of his loyalty, but I think there are bigger fish to be caught.

Unvote: Walter Kovacs (Walter Kovacs)

I have my suspicions about StickFig and Lind, and I think that JJS is a townie who just made a nooby mistake. I will read over the thread one more time before I cast my vote again.

My thoughts on all of the current candidates:

Walter Kovac: I'm getting the strongest scum read from him that I've gotten from anyone. But since he revealed his role, and the helmet is worth keeping in-game, I'm not voting for him tonight.

JackJonesPaw: I really think he just made an honest oversight.

Stickfig: I hadn't really noticed him until everyone else pointed out that he's mostly posted fluff. Reading all of it over, I am suspicious of him...but at least he's been posting, unlike:

fhomess: One post(Unless there's been a second that I missed, which I doubt). That's just not helpful. Stickfig has been posting fluff, but I get the feeling it's more just that he doesn't really have much to add.

Vote: Iron Patriot(fhomess)

Now that I look over everything again, I will

Vote: StickFig(StickFig)

First of all, he votes for an easy target without any reason. I believe that JJS just made a newbie mistake, and I don't think we should lynch him solely because of it. Stick then fluffs around a bit, and blames his lack of real evidence on "day one". It looks like he tried to make himself look good by making a really big post, but if you dissect it, it turns into nothing but fluff and BS.

1. I REALLY like brick's plan to "pass the costume down" - tomorrow, whoever is cleared by the investigator takes the vig. Tamo takes the thief. And then day 3, the new investigated person takes vig, tomorrow's vig takes the thief, and so on. And if we learn other super-important costumes, they pass down too. A plan like this makes it simple to know who's doing what each day.

2. Seems like a lot of today's votes are based on inactivity. I'm wary of that, because it seems like in past games, inactivity has been almost a 100% town-read. Basically, the REALLY inactive people are lazy town. The sorta-inactive people are often scum.

3. I'm not voting yet - there's still plenty of time in the day - but I am sorta leaning stickfig so far. He fits into that sorta-inactive space based on post count, and it's been fluffy as opposed to really helpful (and I just saw brick's latest post appear while I was writing this - seems like he and I think alike)

More thoughts on Walter:

Walter is actually doing the townie thing. He has PMed me and said that he is prepared to be lynched because his hat could potentially be used by the scum in a BIG way. This hat is dangerous if used by the scum, and Walter knows this. I think he is trying to PREVENT the scum from getting it, but the town would also lose it too. The more I PM with him, the more convinced I am of his townie-nes. If Walter was scum, he would not have told us the role of the hat, he would kept the role in the ranks of the scum so that they could always steal the vig role and get two scum kills each night.

More thoughts on Walter:

Walter is actually doing the townie thing. He has PMed me and said that he is prepared to be lynched because his hat could potentially be used by the scum in a BIG way. This hat is dangerous if used by the scum, and Walter knows this. I think he is trying to PREVENT the scum from getting it, but the town would also lose it too. The more I PM with him, the more convinced I am of his townie-nes. If Walter was scum, he would not have told us the role of the hat, he would kept the role in the ranks of the scum so that they could always steal the vig role and get two scum kills each night.

If he died, then the hat dies with him. By declaring the role, he saves himself and the power role. Seems to me that his willingness to die has kept him alive. In my opinion, it seems this move could just as easily being a scum using his cards right. I'm just still skeptical...

1. I REALLY like brick's plan to "pass the costume down" - tomorrow, whoever is cleared by the investigator takes the vig. Tamo takes the thief. And then day 3, the new investigated person takes vig, tomorrow's vig takes the thief, and so on. And if we learn other super-important costumes, they pass down too. A plan like this makes it simple to know who's doing what each day.

2. Seems like a lot of today's votes are based on inactivity. I'm wary of that, because it seems like in past games, inactivity has been almost a 100% town-read. Basically, the REALLY inactive people are lazy town. The sorta-inactive people are often scum.

2nd statement true but fhomess is an experienced player and usually he isnt this inactive. But I wouldnt vote for him because this is day one and many people have been away or have been celebrating easter with their family.

I find Gandalf/lind a bad candidate today also because this is his second game and I think he actually is totally lost. If he was scum his scumbuddies would council him how to play and say.

The flashcowl is dangrous now that it is out there but I think we can protect it as we need and can protect the vig ability. It will need so great planning.

Looking at it now, still no big scumhits but Supermans comments are a bit... How to put it, pretty much bullsh*t.

I never feel ice about first day lynches - I feel they're a necessary evil, but even so. I understand that Walter could be saving his skin with being noble about revealing his role and then recommending himself for a lynch - the role could indeed be abused. I do get a little tingle in the same way Shadows got about Tammo - this seems like a good play if he's scum. And the role, now revealed, will most likely not be stolen by scum, so leaving it in play will allow the town to use it (surely, at least, anyone who pounces on it will be under heavy scrutiny).

I will for the time being place my vote for the only person today who has only spoken up once.

I've always wanted a mask.

Vote: Storm (DarkDragon)

Surely you have more than that to offer us?

And I understand the complaint against voting for people due to inactivity. I don't think it's the best strategy by any stretch, and as soon as we have some sort of results to piece together, I would never advocate it. Day One is always a different story, though. We have nothing to go on - even costume selection no one can yet be strategizing about.

Vote: Storm (DarkDragon)

Surely you have more than that to offer us?


Because voting is not optional I will vote,

Vote: StickFig(StickFig)

Because I don´t know if I will be getting to the mobile or computer any more today.

If he died, then the hat dies with him. By declaring the role, he saves himself and the power role. Seems to me that his willingness to die has kept him alive. In my opinion, it seems this move could just as easily being a scum using his cards right. I'm just still skeptical...

This is not playing their cards right no matter what team he's on. He had all of 2 votes on him at the time. There was no need to rush in and reveal what the cowl does at that point. The cowl is an extremely useful item in that it is investigative and restrictive. It learns the function of another player's item and prevents them from using it.

I think we need to be a little more careful about revealing what these things do. There are 20 items. Assuming 4 or 5 scum and the two revealers are not among them, then they already know what about 1/3 of the items do. We likely can't protect all of the useful items if they get revealed at this rate. They'll get revealed faster than we can confirm people.

Yep, that's it. It's day one, nothing anyone else has done seems nearly as out there as suggesting a no-lynch. Even if you weren't pushing hard, you tried to put it into our heads, and that's unacceptable behavior from my perspective.

You've tried to blow this way out of proportion, and you already may have done so. This just rubs me wrong. Not to mention your basic fluff and rewriting of stuff others have already said...you're my vote for today.

And his fourth post bothers me the most. Still no original ideas, no hunches, no reasons. But the last sentence really bothers me. Suggesting who the investigator investigate and who the vig should kill. Again no reasons give.

This is the main part of my suspicion for Stickfig - why Dragonator? Give some reasons, and it's possible (although unlikely) that I will rethink my vote.

Vote: Superman (Stickfig)

Right now, I'm torn between giving my vote to either Lind Whisperer or StickFig. Neither have the greatest arguments against them, but we're probably not going to get much better than what we have now. (Day 1)

Yep, and thanks for the writeboard.

No problem.

I think we need to be a little more careful about revealing what these things do. There are 20 items. Assuming 4 or 5 scum and the two revealers are not among them, then they already know what about 1/3 of the items do. We likely can't protect all of the useful items if they get revealed at this rate. They'll get revealed faster than we can confirm people.

I agree. While it means we can guard them, it also means the scum know which costume does what, and there are likely a few ways the scum could wiggle their way into a potential "Town block". I've witnessed it firsthand, and it's not pretty. :sceptic:

Well, I'm completely caught off guard this morning by the sudden bandwagon against me. So you all really think that scum would draw attention to themselves by voting first? And you think my vote against JJP has less reason than the others? I'm not changing it; it is the best vote I can see today. I suggested targets for investigation and big killing based on the idea proposed earlier (can't quote it since I'm on mobile) that we should all do so. For those who accuse me of parroting or fluff, everyone I have pointed out I did so first. I hope that when I am gone tomorrow you all look at this ridiculous bandwagon against me and find some scum.

Superman's Pompadour gives bulletproof, so you all know before I go to the gallows, loyal Roscoe to the end.

*vig killing, stupid autocorrect

*loyal townie, stupid autocorrect (Roscoe? Seriously)

And you think my vote against JJP has less reason than the others?

couldn't have said it better myself.

Vote: Storm (DarkDragon)

Surely you have more than that to offer us?

This is the first time I've been able to get online since then. I had a number of personal issues fall on me friday night and was unable to get on the forum because of them. I'm heading up to the start of this thread to catch up with everythig while I was gone. I will be back to give some actual comments on what's happening after I read the 8 pages :oh: I missed. It will be a couple hours, I'm also trying to catch up on real work at the same time so i can read during compiles.

I will likely not be back before the end of the day, so I will vote now. I feel like Indy has been trying to contribute by focusing a lot on mechanics and looking helpful in that way, but he really hasn't added anything positive to the discussion.

Vote: Indy Jones (jluck)

Alright, I'm all caught up. Here's what I understand has happened so far:

* Half of us chose an accessory

* The other half chose an accessory (except one person)

* Two accessory roles were revlealed

* Most of the conversation revolved around revealing/protecting accessories and the players directing the vig kill/s and protection/s

I think it's a horrible idea to suggest vig kills in thread. This will give the scum a huge advantage of knowing a narrow group to protect (if the kills are directed at scum) and/or watch to find out who the town vig is (if there is one). It's nearly handing them the ability to manipulate (see Shadows' post) or kill.

Just curious, but why not choose your own hat?

I wanted to see how sexy I would look with a mask.

I think it's always to the town's advantage to lynch someone. It's our only way to narrow down our search.

I can not agree that it's the only way to narrow down the search. This sounds like a setup for "oh we lynched a townie...at least we know he wasn't scum now." morning excuse from a scum.

Do we lynch whoever is wearing the costume to ascertain that a PR that might be in the hands of scum is avoided?

I think I'm reading too much into this, but anything's possible in these games.

Another really horrible idea from you. I don't understand how you can think this is useful to the town at all. It would benefit the scum for a paranoid town to start lynching based off costume choices (which aren't always choices either).

I've played with Jack before, and he does this kind of thing as Town. Not dismissing his comments, but his suggestion of a No Lynch is a perfect example of how he plays. It's not really alignment indicative, coming from him.

Why are you defending him so soon? This is extremely suspicious.

I have a hard time reading the thread because being on my mobile and wifi doesn't work everywhere on this ship.

Man, I feel your pain. I had a heck of a time with that costume list copy/paste with my phone.

I don't think revealing the kill costume is a good idea seeing that once this is revealed, that person will most likely systematically be targeted by the scum for a kill. I was thinking that to circumvent this we could potentially cast another non-official vote for a secondary target for the vig to kill; thoughts?

It's never a good idea for the scum to have any kind of idea who the vig is going for. That kind of thing will only serve them in manipulating our vig until they kills us all.

Hmm...it's interesting how you've chosen to interpret my post that way.

It's interesting that you are defending your defence in this strange way.

Due to his constant suggesting of actions that will hurt the town, I feel like Jack Jonespaw is scum.

Vote: Mary Jane (JackJonespaw)

It's a little odd to me that Walter made a good case for the town lynching him, almost had me convinced, then there was a sudden surge in votes away from him, leaving a potentially dangerous item in circulation. It's too widespread to be the scum trying to save him or the item, but I really don't know what to make of it. If the thief item survives, we're going to need to discuss who takes it tomorrow, since it could easily be used for so much harm.

For voting, at the end of day one it all comes down to gut feeling. No one was ridiculously scummy, but out of everyone, your answers left me the most uneasy, so ...

Vote: Falcon (Mencot)

Zepher, I'm watching you. You voted based off of activity, which is what I ALWAYS do when I am scum.

Also, Shadow, look at post #202.

Dang you're paranoid and devious! You'd really do that, as opposed to not revealing it?

I'd claim to be an FBI agent, but that's me. :laugh:

What I've learned in the past is that judging games based on what I would do isn't always effective because I'm crazy and enjoy making things overly complicated for the sake of fun. That said, my theory is probably a bit of that and not likely, it's just something I had to consider and still nagging me, despite reassuring myself that it's unlikely.

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Vote Tally

JackJonespaw 2 (stickfig, Darkdragon)

Walter Kovacs 1 (jluck)

fhomess 2 (TinyPies, Lind Whisperer)

Stickfig 6 (PirateDave, Walter Kovacs, Lady K, Brickelodeon, Mencot, jackjonespaw)

Lind Whisperer 1 (Bob)

Darkdragon 1 (Zepher)

jluck 1 (fhomess)

Mencot 1 (Shadows)

3.25 hours left. Five left to vote.

Also, Shadow, look at post #202.

Still relying on the blind trust that comes from revealing the vig hat and actually adds a slight bit more potential for abuse since a series of unconfirmed vigs are now given the chance to make sure it doesn't slip out of their control, and with the blessing of the group. "We're doing all we can to help, shame we keep killing townies." Let's just hope I really am being paranoid there.

One more thing. Time is a bit short, so in accordance with the majority's wishes, I will let everyone know what the Flash cowl does, as I am currently set to be lynched.

When chosen, the wearer gains a Thief ability, and is able to steal one item before the Day phase is out. They can use whatever ability the new item has during the following Night phase. If the item I stole has a Night ability, the player who originally stole it will get a message that their ability failed during the night.

I am not sure if the Flash cowl will be lost, or the item I stole will be lost if I am lynched. I have asked Pelly for clarification. It might be best if I AM lynched, now that the scum know which item holds the Vig ability. I will let you know what Pelly comes back with.

Nah, this is a good item for town to have. I'm a bit irked that it was revealed, but at least we can make sure it stays in town hands tomorrow.

We should keep it around, but keep an eye on everyone who has it. If we find out that the vig kill has been stolen and diverted somewhere else, we can safely assume that the person with flash's helmet is scum. I think that the person who was vig on the previous day should get flash's helmet, that way we have safety mechanism for if someone tries to pull a fast one and takes the vig hat without permission. Therefore, I think Tammo should get the Flash hat tomorrow.

I don't see how it's a safety mechanism? Am I missing something? :look: I'm happy to take the thief ability, though. Do I get to use it?? :laugh:

Walter is actually doing the townie thing. He has PMed me and said that he is prepared to be lynched because his hat could potentially be used by the scum in a BIG way. This hat is dangerous if used by the scum, and Walter knows this. I think he is trying to PREVENT the scum from getting it, but the town would also lose it too. The more I PM with him, the more convinced I am of his townie-nes. If Walter was scum, he would not have told us the role of the hat, he would kept the role in the ranks of the scum so that they could always steal the vig role and get two scum kills each night.

Agreed. Walter is probably town.

Superman's Pompadour gives bulletproof, so you all know before I go to the gallows, loyal Roscoe to the end.

Then lynching you is a bad idea. We want to keep that and for it to be taken by whoever's been investigated to give us a confirmed, invincible townie each day.

I kind of get where everyone's coming from on the StickFig wagon, but I would discourage a lynch - I don't find anything very compelling in his case. I'm also wary of the wagon itself - it's a scary one. There's almost certainly scum hiding in there.

Vote: Mary Jane (JackJonespaw)

She hasn't done anything helpful (and has honestly been a detriment...) and now I don't like how she jumped on the StickFig wagon.

First of all, he votes for an easy target without any reason. I believe that JJS just made a newbie mistake, and I don't think we should lynch him solely because of it. Stick then fluffs around a bit, and blames his lack of real evidence on "day one". It looks like he tried to make himself look good by making a really big post, but if you dissect it, it turns into nothing but fluff and BS.

Jack isn't a newbie, is he? I've been playing with him for a while...

No, but he made a newbie mistake (I think). Perhaps it's something more sinister and I'm just missing it.

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