July 20, 20159 yr Author On 7/20/2015 at 12:52 PM, JopieK said: Really great michaelozzie! Your wallet might not be pleased with it though ;) Maybe you could later add some humor to make it even more vivid!!! Although I saw in the rules of BeLUG that humor was forbidden (with a long list of other things including religion and spirits/beer). Fortunately my wife has the largest LEGO buildings (large technic and modular haha :)), but the principle sounds very familiar to a lot of us I think. Thanks and I wasn't aware of that list from BeLUG. On 7/20/2015 at 1:03 PM, Dread Pirate Rob said: Absolutely sensational! Thank you for providing updates, it has been inspiring to see this grow. The thing I like most about this build is the colour palette. You have kept it industrial and functional, yet have worked in some beautiful blues and yellows that offset the paving. Great work. If you are going to impose on the bedroom, I can recommend from experience investing in a two fold room divider to block the line-of-sight. It makes for a much happier room and is easy to move when you need to access the bricks. Thanks Rob and some good advise there.
July 20, 20159 yr On 7/20/2015 at 2:20 PM, michaelozzie said: Thanks and I wasn't aware of that list from BeLUG. Het is enkel toegestaan om creaties tentoon te stellen die in overeenstemming zijn met de ethische gedragscode van de LEGO. Concreet betekent dit dat de creaties volgende zaken niet expliciet mogen bevatten of uitbeelden: - Het gebruik van drugs, tabak, alcoholische dranken - Seksuele handelingen - Realistisch of extreem geweld - Politieke en/-of geloofsovertuigingen of beledigingen hieraan - Zaken die bedoeld zijn om personen te choqueren of te beledigen - Creaties die aanzetten tot geweld of racistisch gedrag From the "Reglement_BM_Limburg_2015_NL.pdf" English translation: It is only permitted to exhibit creations that are compliment with the ethics of LEGO. Specifically, this means that the creations should not contain: - The use of drugs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages - Sexual acts - Realistic or extreme violence (end of Brickarms?!) - Political and /-or beliefs or insults thereof - Items that are meant to shock or offend people - Creations that incitement to violence or racist behavior I saw that humor - fortunately - is not in this list. I now remember where that was banned: for the LEGO store Wijnegem small exposition site. I like to include humor, like a baker that pursues a 'thief' with a rolling pin held high, putting a ghost somewhere unexpected (or a skeleton). That is what kids love at events :) While I understand part of these rules, the will lead to problems: we have displayed an Uncle Tom's Cabin scene in Belgium some years ago. That is a political statement of course, but one could perceive it as a racist build (not my friend from Haiti who is currently helping me with our newest town, but anyway). Also the ban on alcoholic beverages is quite strange. We have a beer factory for example, misuse of beer / alcohol is not ok, but it goes quite far to ban the use of alcoholic brands. Last week I was in an 'open air' museum with my nieces and two young friends and there was also an interesting old brewery, they only gave me a sample, that is the correct line I think, but not being able o build a brewery seems somewhat radical: then again, why drugs / tobacco / alcohol and why not suger / ice / candy?!! That is a much larger threat for kids I would think. Same with beliefs, if one builds a church or a mosque that is about religion but unless you build an IS scene / concentration camp, that seems to be quite ok I would think?!! Star wars is essentially also quite religious... There is even a religion of "the force" afaik. Anyway, as long as you don't put beer barrels on your train you are safe I guess ;)
July 20, 20159 yr Author On 7/20/2015 at 2:33 PM, JopieK said: Het is enkel toegestaan om creaties tentoon te stellen die in overeenstemming zijn met de ethische gedragscode van de LEGO. Concreet betekent dit dat de creaties volgende zaken niet expliciet mogen bevatten of uitbeelden: - Het gebruik van drugs, tabak, alcoholische dranken - Seksuele handelingen - Realistisch of extreem geweld - Politieke en/-of geloofsovertuigingen of beledigingen hieraan - Zaken die bedoeld zijn om personen te choqueren of te beledigen - Creaties die aanzetten tot geweld of racistisch gedrag From the "Reglement_BM_Limburg_2015_NL.pdf" English translation: It is only permitted to exhibit creations that are compliment with the ethics of LEGO. Specifically, this means that the creations should not contain: - The use of drugs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages - Sexual acts - Realistic or extreme violence (end of Brickarms?!) - Political and /-or beliefs or insults thereof - Items that are meant to shock or offend people - Creations that incitement to violence or racist behavior I saw that humor - fortunately - is not in this list. I now remember where that was banned: for the LEGO store Wijnegem small exposition site. I like to include humor, like a baker that pursues a 'thief' with a rolling pin held high, putting a ghost somewhere unexpected (or a skeleton). That is what kids love at events :) While I understand part of these rules, the will lead to problems: we have displayed an Uncle Tom's Cabin scene in Belgium some years ago. That is a political statement of course, but one could perceive it as a racist build (not my friend from Haiti who is currently helping me with our newest town, but anyway). Also the ban on alcoholic beverages is quite strange. We have a beer factory for example, misuse of beer / alcohol is not ok, but it goes quite far to ban the use of alcoholic brands. Last week I was in an 'open air' museum with my nieces and two young friends and there was also an interesting old brewery, they only gave me a sample, that is the correct line I think, but not being able o build a brewery seems somewhat radical: then again, why drugs / tobacco / alcohol and why not suger / ice / candy?!! That is a much larger threat for kids I would think. Same with beliefs, if one builds a church or a mosque that is about religion but unless you build an IS scene / concentration camp, that seems to be quite ok I would think?!! Star wars is essentially also quite religious... There is even a religion of "the force" afaik. Anyway, as long as you don't put beer barrels on your train you are safe I guess ;) Well that's lucky I haven't made that beer transport wagon then. I had been considering making one. Anyway some interesting questions you raise there to consider.
July 20, 20159 yr Great update. Do you have the layout in a spare bedroom or the bedroom? It is nice to have LEGO so close at hand when you can't sleep at night.
July 24, 20159 yr Author Update time again. This is the first part of an industrial area along the approach line to the harbour. Factory wip by Michael, on Flickr Factory wip by Michael, on Flickr Factory wip by Michael, on Flickr Also a closer look at the silos. Need to make a ladder in blue for this but its not easy sourcing the right parts. Twin cement silos by Michael, on Flickr
July 24, 20159 yr Wonderful Michael!!! I also like the idea to put the sleepers a bit further from eachother. I computed the amount of 1x1 brown tiles for my (exhibition) layout and they were: tile 1x1 (16 per rail) 2337x tile 1x4 (8 per rail) 1107x That is not even for a large layout you know ;)
July 24, 20159 yr Fantastic silos! Just marvelous. Any insights on the technique you used to create the SNOT siding? I've seen track elements used to create silos (i.e., the water tower atop the Detective's Office modular), but never for such a large diameter. Is that what you did here, just on a larger scale?
July 24, 20159 yr Author On 7/24/2015 at 12:49 PM, AirborneAFOL said: Fantastic silos! Just marvelous. Any insights on the technique you used to create the SNOT siding? I've seen track elements used to create silos (i.e., the water tower atop the Detective's Office modular), but never for such a large diameter. Is that what you did here, just on a larger scale? Hello I used the technique as seen here with the tank treads as the interior http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/257825
July 26, 20159 yr Magnificent building, the windows with that old architecture style leave me speechless! :wub: Excellent as always!
July 26, 20159 yr I love the broken fence section. I have not seen that done before and it is a much more interesting way to end a fence. I am wondering if the old air compressor blew up and took out the fence, hence the shiny new white one.
July 27, 20159 yr Author Thanks guys and I just finished the flour mill building. Now just waiting to get some tiles to finnish the road from Bricklink. by Michael, on Flickr Flour mill by Michael, on Flickr Flour mill by Michael, on Flickr Edited July 27, 20159 yr by michaelozzie
July 29, 20159 yr On 7/20/2015 at 2:33 PM, JopieK said: It is only permitted to exhibit creations that are compliment with the ethics of LEGO. Specifically, this means that the creations should not contain: - The use of drugs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages - Sexual acts - Realistic or extreme violence (end of Brickarms?!) - Political and /-or beliefs or insults thereof - Items that are meant to shock or offend people - Creations that incitement to violence or racist behavior ... Anyway, as long as you don't put beer barrels on your train you are safe I guess ;) Perhaps Lego has loosened the restraints on alcohol, the HE has a bar, the French restaurant has a waiter serving wine, etc. And everyone knows that Octan is really a beer company. On 7/24/2015 at 10:01 AM, michaelozzie said: Update time again. This is the first part of an industrial area along the approach line to the harbour. Oh wow, the mill and grain elevator are fantastic. I was going to ask if you had any shots of the picket fence on the factory, but see that it is there on flickr, simple, clever and effective. Great detailing throughout!
July 29, 20159 yr Author Update time again. Being on holidays I've been able to get a lot of work done. Not much left to go now just waiting on more bricks to build up the base of the factory then to build an extension for the table to sit it all on. Almost there. Here you can see the flour mill set up with the wharf and also a canal barge ready to load. Flour mill joined up to the rest of the wharf area. by Michael, on Flickr Flour mill joined up to the rest of the wharf area. by Michael, on Flickr Flour mill joined up to the rest of the wharf area. by Michael, on Flickr
July 30, 20159 yr That is fantastic. I wish I had the time and skills to build something like this. Love the little canal barge, and the green shunter. I want both of those. Magnificent build, can't wait to see the entire thing.
August 5, 20159 yr Author Update again. All the modules are shown here together at last. Just a few minor details to finish here and there and then all done. Will take some good photos of it all then. Layout all together at last. by Michael, on Flickr Layout all together at last. by Michael, on Flickr Layout all together at last. by Michael, on Flickr
August 5, 20159 yr Wonderful. I like a lot how you paved the switch: I have a sort of obsession for street running
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