April 14, 20159 yr As I am gathering parts for my first MOC, a ship in blue-white scheme, I could do notving else than vote for Oleon. Hope to get some pictures of my upcoming "Princess of Sea" online, soon. Is there any further information regarding leadershipments or organization of the respective factions? Will there be (maybe faction exclusive) building competetions?
April 14, 20159 yr Love how this takes off, and noone wants this to go south so far But, wow, where are all the redcoats? [tease] Planning a sneak inscription to take over on starting day, or simply not capable of handling the many answering options in this poll? [/tease] I will try to avoid the morons :) Always a good idea
April 14, 20159 yr @Maxim: I wonder if we could pull off some sort of Green Coat collaboration for the coming BMA. And, it would be fun to take KB and CB there too, now that I have a slightly bigger car!
April 14, 20159 yr @Maxim: I wonder if we could pull off some sort of Green Coat collaboration for the coming BMA. And, it would be fun to take KB and CB there too, now that I have a slightly bigger car! Sounds like Brick Mania Antwerpen, right? - I've been to Houthalen-Helchteren last time (as a visitor), it was fun!
April 14, 20159 yr Always a good idea Oh my bad :p I think I was in a hurry hahaha :D @Maxim: I wonder if we could pull off some sort of Green Coat collaboration for the coming BMA. And, it would be fun to take KB and CB there too, now that I have a slightly bigger car! I am pretty sure we can do a BoBs collaboration for BMA (together with Sebeus and hopefully Bonaparte & Cpt Greenhair as well). It would be awesome to have KB and CB at BMA!! Nostalgia by this picture of the last big pirate lay-out I did: Edited April 14, 20159 yr by Maxim I
April 15, 20159 yr So are we going to make our ships now because I'm already generating ideas for my pirate\Privateer ship Edited April 15, 20159 yr by Captain Brickboot
April 15, 20159 yr A ship is a lengthy project. Its never to early to start building. BTW I think blue is the route to choose here. Get your guns primed! Edited April 15, 20159 yr by Mr. Townsend
April 15, 20159 yr I guess the first alliance will be between Corrington and Eslandola :) Think green, safe the earth! (I really should think about a better slogan hahaha)
April 16, 20159 yr Oh my bad :p I think I was in a hurry hahaha :D I am pretty sure we can do a BoBs collaboration for BMA (together with Sebeus and hopefully Bonaparte & Cpt Greenhair as well). It would be awesome to have KB and CB at BMA!! Nostalgia by this picture of the last big pirate lay-out I did: Is that a Flying Dutchman I see?!
April 16, 20159 yr Which category do smugglers fall under? Would they be pirates, or a new faction? They aren't really pirates, but they aren't any of the other factions either!
April 16, 20159 yr I'd say smugglers could belong to each faction but would fit most either to pirates (the reckless kind of smugglers) or to Eslandola (noble smugglers who try to avoid taxes and controls maybe?). Anyway, additionally smugglers are imaginable for the two "great houses" as well, to import goods that are monopolised.
April 16, 20159 yr To answer the questions posed by Master_Data and Captain Brickboot I think I need to clarify that the world is there to be created by the players! As I am sure you are all aware, people are motivated by many different things, and this is especially true in times gone by as it was not as heavily regulated and monitored as the modern day. Also, players belonging to a certain faction can have wildly differing opinions on decisions made by their government - the concept of nation states that is so heavily imbued in our consciousnesses was still in it's infancy. Want to be a smuggler? All factions will have smugglers! It might be that the corrupt port master in a Corrington town turns his eye to illegal shipments for the right price. It might be that the lack of centralised control in Eslandola means that traders are actually breaking the law because it's so laxly enforced. It might be the pirate chief is smuggling arms to one of the main factions who is attacking the pirates, because he is making a tidy profit. Use your imagination! Want to have your own fortress? All factions will have fortresses! It might be the ancient seat of an Oleon noble, held by his family for hundreds of years, nestled away in the countryside. It might be an Eslandola colonial outpost which comes under regular attack from hostile native tribes. It might be a hidden pirate lair, which can only be visited at high tide in an inaccessible cove. Use your imagination! The only area we need to apply some common sense to is the issue of land "ownership". Just because a colonial island is coloured green/red/blue, doesn't mean that a hidden pirate base can't exist on the far side of the island! However, clearly it's unlikely that a huge pirate lair exists just outside the Oleon capital, for example. The way the map works will be revealed in due course. As a final point, when picking your faction remember that just because factions are considered friendly/unfriendly doesn't mean your character has to agree with the consensus. Perhaps your character is a Corrington soldier who's brother was killed by Eslandola merchants after a bad deal (and is hostile to Eslandola despite the official friendly stance)? Perhaps your Oleon noble was rescued by pirates after his ship run aground and has sympathies towards them despite the governments hostility? However, remember that in the faction challenges you will need to participate with the government actions - i.e. you can have as nuanced a backstory as you like, but you can't fight against your own government if you don't agree with the war they are embroiled in. So choose carefully! Edited April 16, 20159 yr by Basiliscus
April 16, 20159 yr Is that a Flying Dutchman I see?! The one and only Flying Dutchman of Sebeus I :) @basiliscus, exactly my friend!
April 16, 20159 yr Uprisings were part of those times though, hehe. But they wouldn't really be possible here.
April 16, 20159 yr For the record... Eslandola - "Green" Faction - merchant empire, relies heavily on privateers, likes profit over mass territory Corrington - "Red" Faction - Empire based on science, navigation, fast ships Oleon - "Blue" Faction - Empire based on faith, fortresses, and large warships Pirates - Arrrrrggghhhhhhh These descriptions are just a general indication of what the faction is about. In the end there is much freedom in how you develop your character in your faction. (btw, SkaForHire, aren't the large warships part of corrington while the fast ones are Oleon's? Either way, that doesn't matter much as both will be present in each faction.) EDIT: What Basiliscus said, perfect @Maxim: I wonder if we could pull off some sort of Green Coat collaboration for the coming BMA. And, it would be fun to take KB and CB there too, now that I have a slightly bigger car! Woot! Count me in! Edited April 16, 20159 yr by Sebeus I
April 17, 20159 yr Please let the first task be: Settle a trade route between cities of the same empire or between cities belonging to a different empire. Even pirates have to sell their stuff somewhere :D
April 17, 20159 yr To answer the questions posed by Master_Data and Captain Brickboot I think I need to clarify that the world is there to be created by the players! ... Great response Basiliscus! Thank you. I have similar thoughts and views about BoBS, but you've articulated these views very well.
April 17, 20159 yr Glad that my post has been well-received. I think in summary I'd say that while there will have to be rules (of course!), they should be fairly open to interpretation if someone can find a good way to justify something!
April 17, 20159 yr I agree, this is all sounding great, and I am very excited to join this. There are many great ideas and "storylines" being mentioned and tossed around. I love the idea of using our imaginations and how, as in real life, the rules are sometimes "blurred", and not everything is so black and white. I do have some questions concerning BoB in general. What is the main goal/purpose of all this? In other words, is this all about "challenges" to create Moc's? Is this a game of sorts? When we are asked to create a character, is this for the purpose of putting that character/mini-figure ALWAYS in our Moc's? Or is there a specific role for our characters? I hear awesome ideas for backstories, but I still don't get/know what we all will actually be "DOING"? Please forgive my ignorance, but could someone who knows, or plays/does the Historica one, please describe to us, who don't, what we will be doing? In other words, I don't get what the "nuts and bolts" of BoB is going to be. Please understand too, I am not in any way being sarcastic, I truly just don't know yet what the main goal/purpose is yet. If its about making moc's, then awesome, I get it. Is it about a point system or game? When some say "challenges", what does this mean? Why am I creating a "character"? what is he going to do? What is his purpose, in other words? Is this more about the characters, the map getting colored, the factions, the MOC's? These are some of the things I just don't understand yet, and I would, and I think others too, be more gung ho and ready to jump in, if the "fundamentals" were explained, or touched on, for some of us newbs, PLEASE, thanks. Edited April 17, 20159 yr by Dunedain
April 18, 20159 yr I hear awesome ideas for backstories, but I still don't get/know what we all will actually be "DOING"? Please forgive my ignorance, but could someone who knows, or plays/does the Historica one, please describe to us, who don't, what we will be doing? In other words, I don't get what the "nuts and bolts" of BoB is going to be. Please understand too, I am not in any way being sarcastic, I truly just don't know yet what the main goal/purpose is yet. If its about making moc's, then awesome, I get it. Is it about a point system or game? When some say "challenges", what does this mean? Why am I creating a "character"? what is he going to do? What is his purpose, in other words? Is this more about the characters, the map getting colored, the factions, the MOC's? These are some of the things I just don't understand yet, and I would, and I think others too, be more gung ho and ready to jump in, if the "fundamentals" were explained, or touched on, for some of us newbs, PLEASE, thanks. I have these questions as well. I've followed Guilds of Historica for a long time, but mostly just to see the MOCs. I dont actually know how any of it "works".
April 18, 20159 yr I'll try and answer the concerns raised by Dunedain, and echoed by 2Maxwell: Here's a bit of background about the project There are a number of people (myself included) discussing the project, and how it will be run and what will happen in it, as we speak. Unfortunately, I am not building just now while I sell my house and have a baby, so I am unable to volunteer to move the project forward. One of the key participants is SkaForHire but he is busy with the GoH Kaliphlin civil war challenge, and it's unlikely he will be free for the next few weeks. I would say that a realistic timescale for this being released is a few months rather than weeks. I realise this isn't a question that was specifically asked, but I thought it was worth giving everyone an update on what the status is. The Game Building on the success (and things which could be improved) from similar collaborative building games such as Guilds of Historica and Lands of Roawia, a set of provisional rules are being reviewed at present. But for now here are some things I can confirm: BotBS primarily will be a collaborative building game. What does that mean? The players create a non-changeable character, choose a non-changeable faction, and create MOCs together to advance the common story. The story will be initiated by the faction leaders, but after that the players will have a lot of input into the next chapters of the story. The exact mechanisms by which this takes place are still to be defined, but as an example it could be that players get to vote on different outcomes of events after each challenge has been completed. The story will mainly advance through challenges. Challenges are issued by the faction leaders (collectively, not separately) and the faction members compete to win the challenge prize by building the best MOCs as judged by an independent panel of judges (independent in this case only refers to the fact that they cannot compete as well, they could be players already playing BotBS). It's worth emphasising that MOCs are the main way to earn prizes - these prizes consist of points (more later). The world of the story is created by the players. Macro-landscaping (continents, islands, seas, climate, environmental-landscaping) will be done by the faction leaders (possibly in conjunction with the players following challenges, see above). Micro-landscaping (rivers, lakes, cities, towns, ports, hills, fortresses, etc) will be carried out by the players. Ownership of land will be determined by the faction leaders (initial conditions at game start) and can be influenced by the players by winning challenges (through accumulating points and defeating other factions in war). One important point: since the world is shared between all players, players cannot own large areas of land, otherwise later players cannot join in without becoming marginalised. This needs to be better defined. Each players will create one main character which they use to interact with other players in the game. Your character must exist within the parameters of the world, i.e. no game-breaking superpowers! As I described above, there will be some loose rules to follow, but ultimately each player's character can have any backstory they like. Your character will be the main way to collect points and conduct the role playing part of the game (see below), so in general you should create a character you want to play as for a considerable time. MOCs are not limited to those including your main character and/or your chosen faction - you can build anything you want, as long as it is consistent with the story. Some examples might be your character visiting another faction to conduct a personal trade deal (or even settle an old score), showing your characters butler going out to find him clothes, showing another player's character doing something (with their permission, of course!) or showing a battle from a war 100 years before the game begins. These MOCs which are not directly related to challenges, are known as "free-builds" and may generate your character points (again, exact rules to be defined). Points can be spent on doing things and advancing your character. This may include purchasing ranks and/or land. We are hoping to introduce a basic role-playing element to the story, but this needs to be better defined. Does that help?
April 18, 20159 yr I vote for Corrington - not because it interests me the most, but just because it's my automatic reaction. Oleon and Eslandola sound good in their own right as well. I've never had a color preference in the whole RvB debate, and my favorite color has always been blue. I'm American, so you might think I'd vote blue due to the colors of the Continental Army or the French allies from the American Revolution versus the red of those *sniff* intolerable Brits, but I have no such feelings in real life or here. Red just feels right, but I hate the thought of opposing Sebeus, KB, CB, etc etc. Honestly I could easily go red or blue but if this all started right now I'd join Corrington.
April 18, 20159 yr Remember that red is not England and blue is not France. They might be motivating factors for joining a faction, but this game doesn't care for the baggage those associations will bring.
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