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I'm on my phone here and won't be able to post until 9pm tonight Canada time. Lind has the bulletproof costume so dont lynch him.

Well, that make two bulletproof costume pieces (the other was Superman's hair). Is that normal for a game like this? Of course this isn't a normal game.

My thoughts are mixed on the whole situation. Going back over my notes, Day 1 and Day 2 there are many questions an holes in various theories.

I still feel Tamamono is more town than scum, but one point from a comment made on Day 1 does into play today. With the vig hat, why is Tamamono still alive today, scum knew he had it so why not take him out last night?

One possibility is that with the redirector in a possible scums hands (Shadows), there was no need to target him as scum just redirected it where they wanted it to go (towny TPRU). Another possibility is that the scum planned to take the vig hat today and/or take the redirector today and continue on the same pattern.

We need a lynch today, and as much as I feel Tamamono to be an active town, it might be best to get rid of the redirector. I really don't like suggesting this but how do we keep it out of scums hands tomorrow?

Unvote: Tamomono(Tamomono)

Vote: Lind Whisperer(Lind Whisperer)

We should still lynch Tammo tomorrow if we find that the scum tampered with Dave, or if he dies.

We need a lynch today, and as much as I feel Tamamono to be an active town, it might be best to get rid of the redirector. I really don't like suggesting this but how do we keep it out of scums hands tomorrow?

If we have a blocker, you should block Tammo.

Bulletproof, didn´t Stickfig also claim that superman hair was that and Stickfig was town, so I suppous he was telling the truth!?

2 Bulletproof, would that be too much?

Also would like to know this.

Yes, StickFig did claim bulletproof before his lynch. And as a Townie, he had no reason to lie about it.

We are going to have to lose costumes somewhere along the lines. Besides, if Freeze's Coolant is Bulletproof, it just means there's one player the Scum/SK will not target at night. What's the likelyhood the Scum would want to target that player as opposed to, say, the one with the Doctor, Roleblocker or Cop costume? Bulletproof seems like a lower priority than some of the higher power PRs we know (or suspect) is in play.

Unless Lind is Dragonfire's scumbuddy and he's trying to save him. :laugh:


Thoughts on this whole case, still thinking Tammo is town and I am the prince of pop.

Redirector would be something we should get ride of and then also to test the copclaim, Tammo would make a good choice.

But, like tammo said, there is better options. Two people can look at the same thing and see it differently..

Maybe Lind is not in the best way a good lynch candidate because he is really lousy, this is his second game so far and this game is more complicated then other mafia.

I've been doing a little research into what happened during Bloodbrick 2, and a new possibility that we haven't discussed has come to mind. In Bloodbrick 2, there was a Bus Driver pill. Tammo was almost certain to be Investigated last night. It's conceivable that Tammo was bussed with a scum, giving the investigator the "false" scum result.

It's simple, elegant, and explains just about everything. Thoughts?

Also, in looking through Bloodbrick 2's conclusion, I see no Insane Cop on def's spreadsheet. I saw a Town/ Not Town Cop, a Scum/ Not Scum Cop, a Gunsmith and a Flavor Cop. Are we certain one of the Cop actions is Insane/Paranoid/Random? I'm certainly not. Not anymore.

For the record, I agree with Tammo. Lind Whisperer smells of scum to me. If we like this new theory, I would switch my vote to him.

In what ways does he small like scum, if I would put my vote on him, I want more reasons.

One reason would be is Dragonfire lying about Bulletproof to save a scumbuddie?

I meant to add, there is no claim that Doctor or Roleblocker costumes exist, but those two are almost certainly floating around out there.

I'm sorry, but I've already told def the costume I want to steal. I would if I could, but it's too late.

Wouldn´t the townie thing to do, be to steal the vig?

Or what did you steal, ofcourse my nice hair and looks.

Not trying to be arrogant, EVERYBODY wants to be me, because maybe I'm good-looking, right?

I'm on my phone here and won't be able to post until 9pm tonight Canada time. Lind has the bulletproof costume so dont lynch him.


This explains why Dragonfire thought Stick was lying yesterday.

I'd agree with foregoing a Lind lynch in that case.

Can we switch to shadows? I feel like the bulletproof costume would be good to have in that confirmed town could take it each day without risk of being killed.

I am more inclined to vote for Shadows for using the redirector on day 1 against the vig and killing a towny. I know he gave reasons and day 1 is always a gamble, but it really doesn't seem right. Add to that he was the one Draggy claimed cop hat to and he ended up dead. Things just don't add up.

Yes and dragonator was town.

I could vote for Shadow.

Yes and dragonator was town.

I could vote for Shadow.

That redirector needs to stay in town hands if it is going to stay and not go with a lynch today. We really need to discuss it at the same time we are talking about who to lynch.

It is way to powerful in scum hands, and I'm sure scum would argue with me to keep it.

I will take the redirect tomorrow, how does that sound? I know I'm not a "confirmed" townie, but most everyone agrees that I am town.

Vote: Starlord (Shadows)

This is our best option today. Brickelodeon should take the redirect tomorrow.

I will take the redirect tomorrow, how does that sound? I know I'm not a "confirmed" townie, but most everyone agrees that I am town.

No way, I don't trust you that much. I said we should all talk about it, not everyone agrees that you are town. I want to know what other think before the final votes are cast.

Do we lynch a possible towny Tamamono to get rid of the redirector hat?

Or Do we try to keep it in town? But at this point who is trusted town? I know I am, as does each town member know that they are. But we don't really have a trusted confirmed towny yet.

No way, I don't trust you that much. I said we should all talk about it, not everyone agrees that you are town. I want to know what other think before the final votes are cast.

Do we lynch a possible towny Tamamono to get rid of the redirector hat?

Or Do we try to keep it in town? But at this point who is trusted town? I know I am, as does each town member know that they are. But we don't really have a trusted confirmed towny yet.

Sorry Tamamono (if you really are town) but from past experience (and it sure was fun....), that redirector has to go. I know how powerful it is in scum hands and I can't allow that to happen. So here is my vote.

Vote: The Joker (Tamamono)

I hope everyone considers this carefully. I hate to be the one to vote based on hat role and not the person, but there it is.

Sorry Tamamono (if you really are town) but from past experience (and it sure was fun....), that redirector has to go. I know how powerful it is in scum hands and I can't allow that to happen. So here is my vote.

Vote: The Joker (Tamamono)

I hope everyone considers this carefully. I hate to be the one to vote based on hat role and not the person, but there it is.

I'm sorry, but this is just the wrong choice. You said it yourself - Shadows is scummy. The redirector role is not as much of a danger as actual scum are. Not only that, but now that we know where it is, we can block it.

Don't let the role influence your decision. There are much better choices today.

I'm sorry, but this is just the wrong choice. You said it yourself - Shadows is scummy. The redirector role is not as much of a danger as actual scum are. Not only that, but now that we know where it is, we can block it.

Don't let the role influence your decision. There are much better choices today.

There may be better choices, but really I see no way to keep it out of scums hands unless it is out of circulation.

I am more inclined to vote for Shadows for using the redirector on day 1 against the vig and killing a towny. I know he gave reasons and day 1 is always a gamble, but it really doesn't seem right. Add to that he was the one Draggy claimed cop hat to and he ended up dead. Things just don't add up.

If I had redirected to Draggy, I certainly wouldn't tell his role. If I was scum, I wouldn't have even mentioned the possibility of a second cop to give Tammo the chance to at least face his scum investigation with some logical alternative. I would have also made damn sure that another scum grabbed it quickly. Instead, as town, I'm worried that is exactly what happened, possibly through discovery by a flavour cop as has been proposed above. Whatever the case, the role needs to die, it can only hurt us in the long run.

As for using the role, I was not told it was optional and anything else I could have done would have been just as risky.

Not only that, but now that we know where it is, we can block it.

We don't know that we can block anything successfully, that's just a flat misdirection as advice.

Don't let the role influence your decision. There are much better choices today.

From the guy that wanted to kill the vig after revealing it irresponsibly.

There may be better choices, but really I see no way to keep it out of scums hands unless it is out of circulation.

I really think you're overestimating the harm it can do. It's out in the open now and can be blocked.

This kind of logic only works when there aren't better choices. If you think the redirector is such a sinister role, then vote for the real damage it has done - which is what Shadows did with it.

As for using the role, I was not told it was optional and anything else I could have done would have been just as risky.

And redirecting the only known kill role to TinyPies wasn't? :hmpf:

From the guy that wanted to kill the vig after revealing it irresponsibly.

No, I wanted to kill fhomess because I thought he was scummy because he grabbed the vig. Don't twist my words.

And redirecting the only known kill role to TinyPies wasn't? :hmpf:

Nope. Statistically you were going to pick a townie target no matter what your alignment, I took a gamble that the person I thought was scum actually was and ended up wrong. I may regret it, but I certainly wouldn't have stepped forward with any information if I was scum, I'd just take that victory and move on.

No, I wanted to kill fhomess because I thought he was scummy because he grabbed the vig. Don't twist my words.

You wanted to take out the only role we have that could give us a chance, but don't see the value in the one role that gives them the chance to manipulate everything. Right...

You wanted to take out the only role we have that could give us a chance, but don't see the value in the one role that gives them the chance to manipulate everything. Right...

It's not about taking out roles. I wanted to take out fhomess because I didn't like the way he grabbed the vig.

Bloodbrick 2 didst have a Bus Driver but no other redirection role. I believeth not that there are two such elements of misdirection among our number.

I'm sorry, but this is just the wrong choice. You said it yourself - Shadows is scummy. The redirector role is not as much of a danger as actual scum are. Not only that, but now that we know where it is, we can block it.

We haveth but limited ability to select our roles and haveth yet to determine if there even is a blocking role.

No, I wanted to kill fhomess because I thought he was scummy because he grabbed the vig. Don't twist my words.

Shouldst I have let Darkdragon or Dragonfire have it, knowing nothing of their affiliation and knowing mine? Do tell what thou wouldst have done differently at that point. Thou doth seem intent on ignoring the context, and I have yet to see anyone suggest a player they do trust. As such, I shall suggest Mostlytechnic as my strongest town read due to his item claiming.

Thou hath been divined to be scum by the brickish inquisition. Thou didst claim to target Zepher. Such action of ignoble intent is in arrears with thy previously professed townread of Zepher and thy vote of Jackjonespaw. Thou didst select the redirective action with they claim early upon the day. I do believe thou didst know if its powers.

In thy defense, the vig reveal yesterday was townie, but what else have thee done to warrant trust?

The case against Lind Whisperer seems like the shadow of the wind, blowing in the minds of his accusers with little substance. All the voters didst suggest scummish behavior, yet none made concrete accusation. Wouldst someone summarize his misdeeds to warrant such bandwaggoning? Perhaps ye all see what I perceive in jluck's sheepish following.

Autocorrect preferreth they to thy... :angry:

Lind, Shadows, Tammo. I'm good with lynching any of them. I'll admit that Ad1 is swaying my opinion back to lynching Tammo. The fact that Tammo does have a hat we need to get rid of does make me lean more towards a lynch on him, but I don't think he's the scummiest.

I just really don't think it's that dangerous of a role. We'll know who has it from now on, so if any funny business happens, we know who to blame.

I propose that the redirector be expected to redirect the bulletproof role, so tonight for example I would "redirect" the bulletproof. I can't imagine that doing anything, since BP isn't an active role. It's a quick fix, honestly.

There's no reason to lynch someone you think is town just because he has a role you don't like.

I just really don't think it's that dangerous of a role. We'll know who has it from now on, so if any funny business happens, we know who to blame.

Except through careful use, we'll never be sure. I will not outline how that would work, the scum might not be that bright, but I guarantee that it wouldn't be hard.

I propose that the redirector be expected to redirect the bulletproof role, so tonight for example I would "redirect" the bulletproof. I can't imagine that doing anything, since BP isn't an active role. It's a quick fix, honestly.

First, the only confirmed bulletproof was lynched so we can't even be sure that's what you would be targeting. Second, you want to keep a dangerous role alive so it can be used to no benefit, redirecting a role that can't be redirected. What is the point of that and what happens when someone of unknown allegiance grabs it first thing, another day of fighting, which only helps the scum.

There's no reason to lynch someone you think is town just because he has a role you don't like.

A dangerous role that can only help the scum in so many ways.

Except through careful use, we'll never be sure. I will not outline how that would work, the scum might not be that bright, but I guarantee that it wouldn't be hard.

Yes it would - whoever has it will be held responsible. I guarantee that if I survive the day and tomorrow night something weird happens with someone's action, I will be out the door immediately.

First, the only confirmed bulletproof was lynched so we can't even be sure that's what you would be targeting. Second, you want to keep a dangerous role alive so it can be used to no benefit, redirecting a role that can't be redirected. What is the point of that and what happens when someone of unknown allegiance grabs it first thing, another day of fighting, which only helps the scum.

I feel like Dragonfire is town, so I'm inclined to believe this bulletproof claim.

If someone of unknown allegiance grabs it, we lynch them. It'd be suicide.

A dangerous role that can only help the scum in so many ways.

Not really. It's not dangerous at all, and at this point actually has more uses for town than it does scum. You're all forgetting that scum's actions hinge on secrecy - which this action no longer has the luxury of.

I thought you said earlier that the role could be used by the scum easily, and that it would make sense that that was one of the reasons to lynch you.

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