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Didn't Zepher have that costume yesterday also?

While players may not select the same costume two days in a row, random selection is not the player selecting.

Well Bob, there are a few problems with your theory:

After "championing" the lynch for Tammo, Brickelodeon starts to have second thoughts about it as the vote against Tammo picks up steam.

Dave said that he "championed" the lynch against Tammo, it wasn't me who said that. The statement is true though.

The day ends without Brickelodeon returning and voting for Tammo.

This is 100% false. My vote was on Lind for the remainder of the day. So if I truly was trying to pull the "I told you so" thing, I did it very poorly. After I unvoted him, I didn't rejoin the bandwagon on Tammo. I lost a lot of my faith that he was scum after I thought about the situation overnight. I started the bandwagon, but I didn't finish it. If I was scum, I never would have given the result out in the first place, and even if I did (maybe I was trying to make myself look good in the town's eyes), I wouldn't have discontinued my pursuit of Tammo's lynch after I had started it. I admit it, I had my doubts of Tammo's scummi-ness at the end of the day.

You do have some good logic though Bob. I can't debunk all of it. Just the untrue parts.

Reading over my PM describing thief, it specifies that I have to submit my action during the day.

I would appreciate it if town could focus on choosing the best possible candidates for my "thief" action, or at the very least, if people could PM me suggestions.

Then Brick all of a sudden redirects that action, something that again we sort of all agreed was a bad idea, and everyone is cool with that anyway.

Well yeah, but he targeted Shadows, who most of us thought was scum, which actually is saving us a wasted day of going after Shadows.

Anyone calling out Brickelodeon at this point is not helping town. Yes, he could be scum, but he delivered Tammo to us 1st thing on Day 2 after Tammo was set up on Day 1 as someone we all thought was very townie for revealing the vig. Those two plays together would be directly contradictory for a scum team with any sense of a plan.


Lego Spy is town as per my NA results.

Oh....I thought he might be scum/SK...

Ok, both brick and dave sent me pms. They did match, one saying "not scum" and one saying "scum" but brick also said that the role PM from the costume explicitly said the result would be scum/not scum, so I guess this told us nothing. Crap. Darn moderator giving too much detail in role pms :devil:

Well, assuming Dave isn't lying, Lego Spy could still be the SK...

Did I miss something or hath last night's vig truly not tell us who he targeted? The redirector doth claimed to have targeted the noble Shadows which was idiotic but understandable with the bandwagon the scummos did try to swingeth the lynch with. Why won't the original target be revealed?

Twas plainly obvious Shadows was town, and any who championed his lynch in thread and especially in PM should have the ever watchful put upon them.

OK, Mary Jane's Locks clearly make people speak in medieval English.

At this point I'd like to assume Mencot is town. His choice of storms lightning shows he doesn't have much knowledge of the action attached to it.

If he were scum, I'd think he'd have chosen differently.

Not necessarily. Let's assume you and Lego Spy are town. The scum don't know what the item does, and want to find out.

Ah, some responses to the accusations put forward by my lovely self!

Sorry, not letting crap like this fly. You REALLY think that brick and I are scum together? Let's look at today a little bit. Post 15, by me:

Calling out brick as potential scum, right at the beginning of the day.

Then when that was ignored by everyone, I brought it up again later:

So you really think I'm scum buddies with him? I started the scumhunt against him and I tried to prod others again when they weren't looking into it at all. Right now I don't trust dave OR brick. I'd vote to lynch both if I could. And I'll gladly lynch either one as the rest of the town decides.

You hardly started the scum hunt, you've just brought it up twice early in the day, then when it became obvious that you're all planning on lynching Piratedave, you dropped almost all suspicion of him. Also, lynching the investigator costume? Great idea! :wink:

Well Bob, there are a few problems with your theory:

Dave said that he "championed" the lynch against Tammo, it wasn't me who said that. The statement is true though.

Saying championed was just another synonym. It didn't have anything to do with what piratedave said.

This is 100% false. My vote was on Lind for the remainder of the day. So if I truly was trying to pull the "I told you so" thing, I did it very poorly. After I unvoted him, I didn't rejoin the bandwagon on Tammo. I lost a lot of my faith that he was scum after I thought about the situation overnight. I started the bandwagon, but I didn't finish it. If I was scum, I never would have given the result out in the first place, and even if I did (maybe I was trying to make myself look good in the town's eyes), I wouldn't have discontinued my pursuit of Tammo's lynch after I had started it. I admit it, I had my doubts of Tammo's scummi-ness at the end of the day.

Please reread that statement again. "The day ends without Brickelodeon returning and voting for Tammo."

You do have some good logic though Bob.

You're goddamn right I do. Don't you know you're talking to the most handsomest, intelligentest, beautifulest, most wonderfulest person in this entire room? Your two counterarguments are basically twisting my words, so you can't debunk any of it. I think we should keep the cop, so I won't be voting for Brickelodeon today. It's worth noting that you, MT, are willing to vote for him and remove the cop from the game.

Vote: War Machine (Mostlytechnic)

Even if nothing else I said makes sense to you all, the fact that he's suggested we lynch the investigator costume is shockingly scummy, even if it's being used in scum hands tonight. I'm looking forward to Brickelodeon coming in tomorrow and announcing that he's investigated me as scum. I'm just calling it now. :laugh:

I'm so smart! I love how intelligent and clever I am! :wub: I wish I could clone myself! That way I could truly love myself the way I want to!

At this point I'd like to assume Mencot is town. His choice of storms lightning shows he doesn't have much knowledge of the action attached to it.

If he were scum, I'd think he'd have chosen differently.

Yes I am town and yes the Storm costume does nothing. I would wanted to have the bulletproof but I thought a townie more important should had taken it. Now that they were randomly given out, Okay (not Okay (not Okay (not ok-ey))) but not so too good for town.

Bob made some good points and I am a bit on the same lines, maybe not everyone of those are scum but some of them are.

Even if nothing else I said makes sense to you all, the fact that he's suggested we lynch the investigator costume is shockingly scummy, even if it's being used in scum hands tonight. I'm looking forward to Brickelodeon coming in tomorrow and announcing that he's investigated me as scum. I'm just calling it now. :laugh:

Wait, so you're admitting here that you think brick is scum (why else would he announce that an investigation showed you were scum? Either that'd be true or he's lying scum himself), and yet you're voting for me because I said I'd vote for him? Yes, the cop is a good costume. However, lynching a scum is more important. And note - yes, I started a case on him early and moved to dave. I think both are scum. I've said so repeatedly. I'd like to lynch both. I'd think you'd be happy my first vote was on dave so that I wasn't lynching your precious investigator costume...

I would not wanna lose any more abilities BUT town will lose with this pace this game has taken.

We almost need to lynch a scum today and losing a good costume... will have to be the price if it have to.

Why Brick didn´t you let someone else (townie) take the cop, so that they could investigate you?

Love my tag btw... thanks to who did that, Hinck or someone.

Puppies are actually adorable and cute :wink:

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Vote Tally:

PirateDave 1 (mostlytehnic)

DarkDragon 1 (penalty)

I think fhommes is right in that Brick is almost certainly not be scum at this point - I wish he hadn't redirected the vig so we could have seen what fhommes did, but as it is he gave up Tammo on Day Two with no real heat on either of them, and he did redirect it to who we all agreed should be the vig kill. That doesn't, however, mean that he isn't the SK (assuming, as I am, that the SK can both use a costume and kill, though maybe they can't?). But maybe I'm just wary of that because of a forest I was staying in recently where the SK did a very ice job of appearing town (it could be done easily in this game as well, because I know Pelly likes to give investigation results as "scum" or "not scum" to balance for the SK).

All that being said... I think I feel comfortable today with Vote: Iron Patriot (fhommes). Nothing he's said has rung true to me. The way that he took the big costume yesterday was weird, and then the way he didn't intend to confer with the town was less than helpful. After that he claimed that he would just confer with one other person... and now he tells us he didn't even bother to send in an action? AND he wants to get rid of the vig costume. Of all the folks, he's the most scummy to me.

Oh, yes, it does say "without". You're aura of beauty skewed my vision :hmpf:

I'm good with lynching Dave, Zepher, or MT today. Zepher and Dave seem a bit more scummy than MT, but someone will probably say we are scum buddies... A Dave lynch would be the best option if it weren't for him greedily snatching the vig hat. As much as I want to deny it, that vig hat really should stay with us as it is our only way to get night kills. As scummy as i think he is, we should save Dave for tomorrow. Maybe he can kill a scum and restore his name to honor and save us from lynching a townie.

Dragonfire gave a great case against Zepher earlier, and I went back and re-read it. Tammo claimed to have tried to kill him on night one, but Tammo had also said that he had a town read on him? Seems dumb that he would try to kill someone he thought was town. Unless he actually didn't try to kill him, maybe Tammo just said he did so that he could separate themselves in main thread. I really like this theory.

I want to hear more evidence on MT before I vote.

Yes I am town and yes the Storm costume does nothing. I would wanted to have the bulletproof but I thought a townie more important should had taken it.

Well the funny thing is that Lego Spy, who was investigated as Not Scum, got the bulletproof through random allocation.

On Days One & Two, looking at Shadows' posts, I thought to myself, I have a funny feeling about this guy and he sure could be scum, but he makes good points which I agree with, and he seems to be pro-Town. This is exactly how I feel about fhomess now. Shadows flipped town, which leads me to think that maybe fhomess is too.

So my vote for today (for the moment) is going to Vote: Mr Freeze (Zepher). Yes, this vote is based more on Tammo's posts than Zepher's himself. But I can't shake that feeling that Zepher is scum.

Well the funny thing is that Lego Spy, who was investigated as Not Scum, got the bulletproof through random allocation.

On Days One & Two, looking at Shadows' posts, I thought to myself, I have a funny feeling about this guy and he sure could be scum, but he makes good points which I agree with, and he seems to be pro-Town. This is exactly how I feel about fhomess now. Shadows flipped town, which leads me to think that maybe fhomess is too.

So my vote for today (for the moment) is going to Vote: Mr Freeze (Zepher). Yes, this vote is based more on Tammo's posts than Zepher's himself. But I can't shake that feeling that Zepher is scum.

With the information that Tammo was indeed scum now confirmed, I think his posts do implicate Zepher. Whenever I play as scum, I try to hedge my position by assuring that my death will cause as much confusion as possible. Tammo claiming to have targeted Zepher is a great way to distance the two of them. Dragonfire has built a great case so I will

vote: mr freeze (Zepher)

After thinking things through, I don't think mostly is a good lynch for today. My second choice of lynch (after Zepher) is Lind, but since he has the thief costume, it complicates things.

I will be AFK for the next 12 hours. See you later!

Oh, yes, it does say "without". You're aura of beauty skewed my vision :hmpf:.

Why thank you! I've been told that my beauty can be blinding sometimes. Don't look at me directly if you want to keep your vision!

Unvote: War Machine (Mostlytechnic)

Wait, so you're admitting here that you think brick is scum (why else would he announce that an investigation showed you were scum? Either that'd be true or he's lying scum himself), and yet you're voting for me because I said I'd vote for him? Yes, the cop is a good costume. However, lynching a scum is more important. And note - yes, I started a case on him early and moved to dave. I think both are scum. I've said so repeatedly. I'd like to lynch both. I'd think you'd be happy my first vote was on dave so that I wasn't lynching your precious investigator costume...

Your arguments since I voted for you have shook my confidence in believing you as scum. I have been saying that the vigilante costume is likely something we should consider getting rid of. Mostlytechnic is moving off of my scum list, but fear not, for I have two new people to add. Remember this gem from Day One? Dragonfire just asked why Lind Whisperer trusts Zepher after Lind Whisperer says he trusts Zepher and Brickelodeon:

That's a good question...

I like the logic he's used when he's posted. And Tamo(who's already put his neck out claiming vig) thought he'd be a good choice also. Come to think of it, though, there's a chance there may be some trust stemming from that he's one of the most responsible Heroicans on the sub-board. I may need to rethink my vote, make sure there isn't any influence from that department... :look:

Just for reference, one of the reasons I haven't gotten as strong a read off of you as I'd like is because your posts have tended to be a little on the "agreeing" side, rather than on the "adding new thoughts to the mix" side. Not that that's bad, it just doesn't give me as much to work with.

Lind Whisperer Post #170. So, he trusts Zepher because he's reputable on Heroica, eh? Dragonfire has built up quite the case against Zepher, which I agree with considering his actions.

My confidence in Fhomess on the list is a bit shaky as well, so I'm putting an asterisk next to his name and italicizing it.

Revised Scum List: Zepher, Fhomess*, Lind Whisperer, and Brickelodeon. And don't forget good old Tammo.

Vote: Mr. Freeze (Zepher)

I've solved it all, (with some help) I'm so smart! :wub:

Dragonfire has built up quite the case against Zepher, which I agree with considering his actions.

Dragonfire's actions, or mine? At least Dragonfire admitted his case isn't built on anything I'd done.

I'd defend myself, but I really can't. I've played town this entire time, and I stand by my votes and my opinions. The fact that a scum claimed to try to kill me night one... what can I say about that? I don't even know if it's true or not. I wish I could explain it, but I can't, because it was never explained to me.

Okay, howdy all. (I hate myself for saying that.)

Anyway, fhomess did not target anyone, as he stated, so that wasn't a lie.

Also, about how many scum do we think there are?

Right now, I feel like Zepher is either scum or the SK.

It's a bad day to lynch me though. I don't want to unnecessarily reveal costumes, but DD can back me up - save the costume. If you think I'm scum, at least wait until tomorrow to lynch me.

I doth not know if Zepher shall be scum or town, but I shall confirm that the costume he hath aquired best not be lost for it dost benefit the town.

Who shall ever suggest we destroy the vig costume must still be considered for scum, tis our only way to taketh them out in the darkness of the moonlit night. He who had it last night and did not send in thy target, I suspet a lie came forth from his typing hands! More likely is that this such person hath targeted a protected townie, find out who hath been protected last night, I say!

This writing doth tire me much and I dare not look forward to the day next when I have another curse that hath been set upon me. Oh how I wish people could have decided on alotment of costumes lest I was doomed to have another day of speaking difficulty ahead of me. /sigh/ :enough:

i shall casteth mine vote f'r him who reaks of scumminess.

vote: iron patriot (fhommes)

snatch'd our most pow'rful costume yet claims he was disinclin'd to useth it. the town ask'd f'r him to break with with the town who to useth it on, whilst he sat silently and then doth declare to talketh to one p'rson whom town commandeth, and yet he did not doeth that eith'r, as far as i can seeth. so what did he useth this item f'r, if not to helpeth the town?

in his scumminess he hath us'd the vig coxcomb as a protection, knowing it wouldst be redirect'd by the cut-purse to a most-likely townie and if thither was a hint it wouldst be scum he couldst stopeth ti with some sorteth of well-tim'd "oh wow i dont knoweth that guy seems really town to me" plea to the one p'rson he was discussing the killeth with.

shadows thought the redirect'r was the most damning thing f'r the town, but the thief pair'd with the vig is just as bad if not w'rse! scum can useth it as protection, as i thinketh they hast done hither and simply the fact that two townies trying to decideth individually on what p'rson to vig killeth means it will almost always cometh down to mostly town deaths. it seems we art nearing the endeth already unless we catcheth some scum yarely.

I doth not know if Zepher shall be scum or town, but I shall confirm that the costume he hath aquired best not be lost for it dost benefit the town.

Who shall ever suggest we destroy the vig costume must still be considered for scum, tis our only way to taketh them out in the darkness of the moonlit night. He who had it last night and did not send in thy target, I suspet a lie came forth from his typing hands! More likely is that this such person hath targeted a protected townie, find out who hath been protected last night, I say!

This writing doth tire me much and I dare not look forward to the day next when I have another curse that hath been set upon me. Oh how I wish people could have decided on alotment of costumes lest I was doomed to have another day of speaking difficulty ahead of me. /sigh/ :enough:

I'm slightly concerned with our continual avoidance of lynches of strong scum candidates due to the costume they have. I know we want to preserve costumes, but if the scum continue to snatch those costumes up, they're useless to the town anyway. Say for instance Zepher is a doctor and scum but we spare him. We kill off 3 people tonight, get lucky and kill a scum. The scum could still grab the doctor costume tomorrow, it'd still be useless, and the town would be on the verge of distinction. Scum loss>costume loss.

*Extinction, not distinction.

I'm slightly concerned with our continual avoidance of lynches of strong scum candidates due to the costume they have.

i nev'r said not to lynch him, just confirming that the costume he hath is a good town costume. he may be scum, he may not be scum, eith'r way i thinketh that fhomess is moo imp'rtant to lynch today. i feeleth liketh fhomess is definitely scum bas'd on reasons i stat'd above.

Should I use the vig costume? If so whom do I target?

Should I use the vig costume? If so whom do I target?


Ok, well you have a higher probability of getting scum since we've lost so many townies. I think a calculated kill could be effective. Fhomess, Zepher, and Lind are my suggestions for your consideration.

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