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OT or PT or EU  

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The title is pretty straight forward

Pick what sets would like Lego to Produce more of

PT or OT or EU

PT=Prequel Trilogy

OT=Orginal Trilogy

EU=Expanded Universe



OT all the way!!

To me the PT was not the Star Wars I grew up with and didn't feel right to me.

But, then again, I have all the sets released, both PT, OT, as well as EU. So, I will probably buy anything they release!

Just my 2 cents, Jamie


To me, it was a tie between PT and EU. OT has already been used so much, that there are releases, re-releases, and re-re-releases. PT has already been made once, but there is still so much space to work with in there! EU has the most room of all to start in, but most of the sets aren't that well known. So, PT all the way!

To me, it was a tie between PT and EU. OT has already been used so much, that there are releases, re-releases, and re-re-releases. PT has already been made once, but there is still so much space to work with in there! EU has the most room of all to start in, but most of the sets aren't that well known. So, PT all the way!

I voted PT largely because I want the Ep2 clones...

Posted (edited)

I voted EX because I'd like to have Anakin's Jedi Starfighter Delta-7 specialy modified (in Clone Wars vol1) :-)

Edited by Courleciel

I voted for PT because I really want to see more jedi minifigs like Shaak Ti and Ki-Adi. Kit Fisto, Mace Windu and Luminara are awesome minifigs, but I think it's not enough.... And I think we need a new Jango, a new young Boba and a flesh-toned Count Dooku. ;-)


I voted for PT as well. Mainly because we've seen tons of great OT stuff, and while the EU has good story, I'm not sure how much of that would translate into good sets. We need to see a lot more sets from the Clone Wars, featuring cool characters such as Ki - Adi Mundi and Asaji Ventress.

Posted (edited)

there has already been almost every possible ot set made and rereleased while there are lots of not made or made once sets

the eu is cool but wont be succesful(in my opinion)

because kids dont know about it unless its movie stuff or easily related to movies such as a new clone walker that fought on kashyyyk but wasnt shown


Edited by jifel
We need to see a lot more sets from the Clone Wars, featuring cool characters such as Ki - Adi Mundi and Asaji Ventress.

But aren't the clone wars cartoon part of the EU? I was pretty sure Asajj Ventress was... As well as Durge, since they first appear in the comic... I mean, I thought anything that isn't the six films is EU... :-/


I wanted to vote PT and EU, but PT overwhelmed me. Mainly because Clones Own. Hands down. Although the fancy variations of Stormtroopers now revealed what with the inevitable release of The Force Unleashed Video Game have proven themselves worthy of my vote.


OT all the way baby. Episode IV was the first Star Wars thing I was ever exposed to, and since then the original 3 have been my favorite. A lot of people don't realize that there is still so much potential. I love the idea of a small group of rebels against a huge empire, v. one huge army against another.


I'm not interested in EU sets because I don't know what EU is about and I don't like comics. I would like more SW films like episode 1-6, but that's not the point here.

PT sets don't interest me, too.

But I'm very interested in OT sets because my opinion is that episode 4-6 are the best SW films and have the best starships, characters and creatures. I'll only buy OT sets and I hope TLC won't finish to release OT sets. But only rereleases of sets like the X-Wing, the Y-Wing, the A-Wing, the B-Wing and the TIE Fighters are boring.

I like very much sets like the Imperial Landing Craft or the Hoth Rebel Base which haven't been there before.


Guess what I voted :-P OT all the way baby !!

Sure I want more Ep1 & Ep3 sets (diss that crap Ep2 !! - except for a revamped JSF :-P ) and new EU sets (I don't know FU and EU but I'm wlling to learn the ways of the Force X-D )

Since I'm a big fan of the OT there are so many things I want to see before the end of the license !!

OT (and the unscrewed version !!) Forever On *wub*



Hmmmm this is a harder question than i first thought, i love the but i do believe that their's far more ship's from the PT that i would like to see built.

Then again their's also a wide range of EU set's that lego could create, as im currently reading alot of EU stuff im gonna go with EU.


Prequels, there are so many figs not made from them.

But actually, I want to have more figs and buildings, don't mind from which trilogy.

and a new better version from the Mos Eisley Cantina





Cantina - more creatures and the band

Jabba's Palace - Max Rebo and Sny Snootles

Rebel Blockadde Runner!


Han and Luke in Stormy disguises

Deathstar I playsets

Jedi Ghosts (trans light blue)

This is not a WISH list... these are gaping holes in the collection!


I'd also go for more OT sets. I grew up with this kind of stuff and tried to build everything with LEGO back then. I have to agree with Jamie75 when he says that the PT and EU just don't feel right, although I do like many PT sets.

This is not a WISH list... these are gaping holes in the collection!

If only it was only that X-D

Add Boush Leia, Ackbar, Endor Leia + troups + so many ore to fill the gap >:-)



Yahoo! PT is owning! I agree with Vader that there are many things from EU that Lego could make. I have hopes for some Yuzzhan Vong with Mandalorians! Anyway, badgerboy is right that the current OT line up is like Swiss cheese.


I had to vote PT on this one

The ships are cooler and there are sooooo many sets that could come from it

After seeing 6 TIE sets and redesign after redesign I am sick of the OT *sad*

However new sets like Jabbas barge and HRB are cool

New PT sets ON!!


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