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With LEGO come desires.

To channel my need for LEGO, I have been trying to come up with a set of guidelines so that I can prioritize my purchase in LEGO and avoid the irrational impulsive purchases. Hopefully, with that, I can enjoy the most out of LEGO. Here down below is my personal guideline and I call it “The CODE”. Needless to say, it varies from person to person. I believe that by putting down your own CODE in your own words, you can make the buying decisions clearly and easily.

  1. Focus on the current sets. Some of retired set are really interesting though. I should try to MOC them out first instead of buying them at God-forbidden prices. If not, I should be patient enough to wait for the better versions of them to come out. If the temptations are so great that I cannot resist, I shall only buy one to two of those retired sets.
  2. Focus on two to three themes. At the moment, I mainly buy Superheroes/Castle/Ideas.
  3. Buy what I need or love. Say no to sets that I don’t like just because they are cheap.
  4. I love Building and MOCing so I wouldn’t buy the collectible minifigures even though they look very adorable. The selling points of a set to me are in general its building process, its aesthetic, its MOCablity, its pieces and its price.
  5. Open an EXCEL file and mark down all the records of my purchase and want list. Try to control the expense as much as possible.
  6. Cut down all the unnecessary expenses like shoes or clothes. Enough is Enough. No need to buy extra.
  7. I am currently learning some skills which I think are useful for my career. In doing so, I can make more money for my LEGO.
  8. Try to be more accepting to used sets. I don’t need to always buy it MISB.
  9. Always remember the golden quote: You don’t need to own it to appreciate it.Sometimes, watching the review/building video on youtube can already do enough good. So, (6090,7783, and more…), you are always in my heart. Buying LEGO is not the only way to enjoy LEGO.

  1. My life is not all about LEGO. Be well-balanced and I find that it will help you enjoy more especially at the times of not being able to buy certain sets.

So far, it is all my CODE and I will add more or edit some in the future. I am sure yours will be different from mine. Your sharing will be most welcomed.

I have a wish list at brickset.com for sets I desire that I use to check ebay deals through regularly. If a set I want is for sale at a somewhat reasonable price I strike like a ninja.

And I also look for sales on current sets at local stores. Like during the summer there's often 50 % of at a toy store in the neighboring city where I live.

My code? for now?

Buy as little as possible... :)

I found it is good to hold ordering parts/sets that you want at this very moment, but still think if this is a good choice or not. It happens that I have an urge to buy some set or number of parts due to discounts/rarity/availability/etc but at he very end (just before completing purchase) try to say NO to yourself. Then spend at least a day thinking. Normally you cool down and then can normally decide if you really need those items. I have saved some valuable money using this method :thumbup:

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I found it is good to hold ordering parts/sets that you want at this very moment, but still think if this is a good choice or not. It happens that I have an urge to buy some set or number of parts due to discounts/rarity/availability/etc but at he very end (just before completing purchase) try to say NO to yourself. Then spend at least a day thinking. Normally you cool down and then can normally decide if you really need those items. I have saved some valuable money using this method :thumbup:

Article No. 3 of my CODE :laugh:

3.Buy what I need or love. Say no to sets that I don’t like just because they are cheap.

I have bad habits I'm like a squirrel constantly burying nuts everywhere. I love my 80s and 90s city sets. One guilty pleasure I have is buying lots of duplicate sets I use them to mod and expand upon some of the legendary sets that are out there. As great as it is having more unique sets I truly enjoy having multiples of some of the legends out there. I currently have two or more 6386, 6389, 6394, 6395, 6398, 7745, 60051 to name a few.

I have purchased all that I am interested in for this year so far, short list. Only thing coming that I want is the Mercedes Aroc technic truck. I am spending money on BrickLink parts to build some sets I missed in the past. Most of the current sets I have no interest in.

My CODE is simple. when the wallet is empty, leave the place empty handed.

I wish I had your discipline. Darn credit cards.

I have a wish list at brickset.com for sets I desire that I use to check ebay deals through regularly.4n.jpg

I make sure what I want fits in my budget. I have a certain amount set aside each week for "entertainment". That includes eating out, toys, events, etc.

Which means most weeks I cannot get anything too big, or anything at all.

But that is okay.

If I want something bigger, I have to save up more than one week of entertainment money, and that gives me lots of time to decide if I want that set or not.

Like this week I've saved two week's worth so I can go get the Mountain Hut (31025) today. I'll still have a little left over, so I might get a minifig, or save that for something else.

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I would say the CODE is designed as a framework for my "survival" in the world of LEGO.

You might say I am blowing things out of proportion a little bit. But, I would like you to ask yourself if it is really so. With LEGO flippers (or shall I say "Brick Investor" for the sake of "political correctness") rampant in the market and LEGO itself driving up the prices, it just gets harder and harder to get the sets at reasonable prices. Sometimes, if you are one minute/one click late, you are just gonna have to say goodbye to your favorite sets because the prices of the sets will be right on the rocket and soar up high to the sky.

The CODE keeps me sharp and on the edge. In a sense, it gives me peace of mind because I don't need to be hesitated too long about buying certain sets as I know the CODE will help me pull the right trigger right at the right aim promptly.

Some kid cried at a toy shop on spot over the set (If I recall right, it was 76031) he could not get because the hoarders already looted the shops. The availability problem is getting aggravated and I am sick of this kind of story. The world is fierce out there. No polybag on clearance shall be left behind and the kids can only leave in despair.

At times like this, I need the CODE. The only problem is: Do you?

I wish I had your discipline. Darn credit cards.

Not having any credit card helps. =)

I constantly begs my other half to help with my online purchases. Without a CC in hand at the stores, made me to think twice too (after peeking inside the wallet). Yeah there are dozens of set I wish to buy but another CODE of mine came into play to help me filter out the needs from the wants:

CODE #2: sets with hinges and wedges are highly desirable.

ANTI-CODE: Sets with big donut wheels are a big turnoff.

I try to follow three simple rules. They are:

1) Buy at least two of every set

2) Stick to only one theme at a time

3) Try to get everything on sale or clearance for at least 20% off MSRP

Rules one and three are pretty easy to follow. Amazon or TRU almost always has sets for 20% off within the first few months of them being released. As for getting two of every set, that's pretty easy to follow. It's after that and limiting myself which can be a bit hard. For instance I was only going to get 50 Uruk-hai from the LotR line, then I felt it wasn't enough and I soon after found I had over 150 (and still feel like I could use more...).

Rule two is probably the most important in limiting my Lego spending. There have been multiple times I wanted to branch out into Star Wars or Super Heroes after seeing some cool new sets going to come out. I know if I start buying a few it will be a slippery slope and sooner or later I will be invested into those themes as well. I am a completionist so I would want to get every set in those themes.

I was trying to set up a code for myself lately as I spend more on lego then intended...

One rule "was": just stick to the castle theme (and maybe pirates - not sure yet!), besides that I would go for some lego creator sets and pick-a-brick orders.

At one of our supermarkets there is a sale, microfighters for like 5 EUR - so I bought set 75033 today in the morning, before I checked on the net that it had lots of elements that I could use for sloping - and as the price was quite ok, I picked it up. At home I looked at the minifig and the small blaster that came with it - I somehow liked it... morever, I felt that should buy one more pack as the elements are really good (eleven md. grey 1x2x2 slopes which are not available at pick-a-brick). - I bought two more...

It wouldnt be so bad - but in the evening I was already checking other star wars sets on the net - besides another microfighter there are also two battlepacks on sale...

Its quite a tempting idea to expand my theme horizon, especially now that no castle sets have been coming out lately. Well, I bought the star destroyer for its parts only - and now I am toying with idea to buy more star wars - so much for the code. Its becoming a little bit addictive - maybe I should stop for a while and play videogames or something and do it in smaller bursts, like having two or three lego weeks every once in a while where I buy one set or maybe two and order a brickbag to complement what I might have tried to build. - I don't know...

It wouldnt be so bad - but in the evening I was already checking other star wars sets on the net - besides another microfighter there are also two battlepacks on sale...

That's probably the hardest part for me. There haven't been any new LotR or Hobbit sets released in some time and I was itching to buy something new. A few months ago I picked up a couple Star Wars battle packs that were BOGO 40% off. At first I was going to pass them up as I do all the Lego Star Wars sales, but then I decided to get four. Well by the time I actually got to the store and checked out I had eight of the same set. When I got home I started looking at more Star Wars sets and was planning future purchases. I went from not getting any Lego SW products to suddenly spending nearly $100 in one day and planning purchases for hundreds more. It was at that point I returned them and went back to my original plan of only buying one theme. It's hard to stick to, but it helps keep things in line.

The main tenet of my Code is that LEGO money is kept separate from my regular income and expenses. While the money I earn from my jobs goes to rent, bills, food, savings - all of which I track religiously - any extra money (from working one-off side jobs, playing gigs, or anything I get as a gift) goes into a jar. Anything I don't need has to be paid for out of that jar. There are other stipulations I impose on myself, rules I occasionally bend or break, but that one big rule is nonnegotiable and keeps me honest.

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To Deathleech:

It is good to know that you want to stick to only one theme at a time. However, you probably know that LOTR/HOBBIT line seems to be retired soon. Seeing that you would still buy LEGO after the theme is retired, I think you will have to be patient for the new castle theme(though not everyone knows when it will come out) instead of channeling out your buying desires on STAR WARS. It is tempting, I know. But, don't fall prey to the dark side of the force.

To Endriu:

It seems that you are a little bit confused as to what to buy. I would suggest you asking yourself what you really like about LEGO. Is it building, MOCing, army-building or what? As with all things in life, you have to ask yourself what is the most significant part and follow it. If you don't have a code, you will keep buying aimlessly and impulsively. Then, there will be a surge of guilt and it sucks most of the fun out of LEGO. You will be off the wheels if you don't keep yourself in check.

To Deathleech:

It is good to know that you want to stick to only one theme at a time. However, you probably know that LOTR/HOBBIT line seems to be retired soon. Seeing that you would still buy LEGO after the theme is retired, I think you will have to be patient for the new castle theme(though not everyone knows when it will come out) instead of channeling out your buying desires on STAR WARS. It is tempting, I know. But, don't fall prey to the dark side of the force.

Yup, that is what I plan on doing. I am just picking up some more orcs and such here and there off BrickLink to round out my armies, then I am going to save until the next Castle theme comes out and go from there. If it's not to my liking, I might get into Super Heroes or another theme and focus on them.

To Deathleech:

It is good to know that you want to stick to only one theme at a time. However, you probably know that LOTR/HOBBIT line seems to be retired soon. Seeing that you would still buy LEGO after the theme is retired, I think you will have to be patient for the new castle theme(though not everyone knows when it will come out) instead of channeling out your buying desires on STAR WARS. It is tempting, I know. But, don't fall prey to the dark side of the force.

To Endriu:

It seems that you are a little bit confused as to what to buy. I would suggest you asking yourself what you really like about LEGO. Is it building, MOCing, army-building or what? As with all things in life, you have to ask yourself what is the most significant part and follow it. If you don't have a code, you will keep buying aimlessly and impulsively. Then, there will be a surge of guilt and it sucks most of the fun out of LEGO. You will be off the wheels if you don't keep yourself in check.

I am relatively new to lego so I am trying things out. My general aim are mocs - long way to go...., I want to build a medieval diorama - lots of countryside, probably a castle. Right now my main focus is on gaining experience with terrain building. Also I am trying to redo creator sets into some medieval style (mountain hut!). Thats my plan for now - this star wars thing just went into my head - its not that I wouldnt like star wars, its just that I made a decision not to get into it, and now the idea is running around my mind...

That's probably the hardest part for me. There haven't been any new LotR or Hobbit sets released in some time and I was itching to buy something new. A few months ago I picked up a couple Star Wars battle packs that were BOGO 40% off. At first I was going to pass them up as I do all the Lego Star Wars sales, but then I decided to get four. Well by the time I actually got to the store and checked out I had eight of the same set. When I got home I started looking at more Star Wars sets and was planning future purchases. I went from not getting any Lego SW products to suddenly spending nearly $100 in one day and planning purchases for hundreds more. It was at that point I returned them and went back to my original plan of only buying one theme. It's hard to stick to, but it helps keep things in line.

Lucky for you that you didnt open the boxes and could return them :)

Yeah, its really a shame they discontinued the castle theme - kids probably dont like it anymore and as they are legos main target audience... well, who knows maybe something new will come up next year...

Not having any credit card helps. =)

I constantly begs my other half to help with my online purchases. Without a CC in hand at the stores, made me to think twice too (after peeking inside the wallet). Yeah there are dozens of set I wish to buy but another CODE of mine came into play to help me filter out the needs from the wants:

CODE #2: sets with hinges and wedges are highly desirable.

ANTI-CODE: Sets with big donut wheels are a big turnoff.

My expenditure in the last 12 months would be:

20% in store lego boxed sets

10% Pick a brick off the wall stuff

10% Lego online direct (pretty much stuff I can't get in the store at all)

40% E-Bay auctions

20% Bricklink.

In other words, I really wouldn't spend much at all without a credit card, 30% tops!!

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