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Rethinal stays silent but he hefts his hammer, glances uncertainly at the circle then walks calmly into it.

Edited by Rconn0
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The Red Court's Agent looks at the mixture of shock, dismay, trepidation, and a small amount of hope. "is there a chance that this group of bickering neophytes could succeed....?"

Be Prepared Heroes, This may be traumatic for you. Please, do your best to maintain your composure, you would do well to not embarrass yourself before the Caliph. In his court strength is rewarded, the weak can expect no handouts.

With no other warning the wizard lifts his staff and strikes it sharply to the ground. The circle of light rises and flares brightly. There is a maelstrom of sounds, wind, and color. The Heroes are overcome with an intense sensation of movement though they can feel that their feet never left the ground. In the span of a heartbeat the sensations end and they find themselves blinded and deafened by the lack of stimulus. As their heads clear they can tell immediately that they are no longer at the inn, no longer even in the city. The first thing they notice is an intense dryness and clearness to the air. Terry takes a deep breath and imagines that he is somewhere that a man could pull a turnip from his fields a mile away and he would be able to smell it. The second thing they notice is clear bright sunlight glinting off of polished red marble. Not only are they in a different place, but they have travelled such a great distance that it is no longer even the same time of day. Wherever they are the burning morning sun has already begun to shine over the horizon.

QM Note: Now comes the hard part. I will roll the die for each one of you. the result of 1-2 means the Hero is unaffected by the travel, 3-4 means the hero staggers and behaves as if drunk, and a 5-6 means the character becomes violently ill, wretching his last meal upon the beautiful tile of the floor. Roleplay your interactions to the rest of the post accordingly.

The results are as follows.

Kelim-2, Calamity-2, Rethinal-3, Terry-4, Muradin-1

The Magus looks on at the Heros with a slightly higher amount of respect as the majority of them come through the Portal Unscathed. It bodes well that none of them shamed themselves as other before them have done. He bows deeply before an ornate red throne and the man sitting upon it, and then takes his customary place at the Caliph's left.

Your majesty may I present the heroes of Heroica. Heroes, I present to you Lord of the Red Court, High King of the Rising Sun, The Viper and Scorpion, Caliph Benin Abal-Basir. Present your Voice to his Lordship.


How will the party present themselves?

Edited by Asphalt
Posted (edited)

Stepping through the magic circle, he notices that it in fact was and teleportationspell and an powerful also. "Intresting" he thinks to himself, "this is just the kind of spell that could take me back home to Roawia. Have to keep an close eye on that mage Magus."

The heroes find themself in a throneroom filled with all kinds of beautiful architecture and ornaments, pretty similar to those found in Loreos back home.

Keliim sees a man sitting on a big goldenthrone.

He steps forwards, not having his helmet on. He taps Terry on the shoulder, "stay close". As he walks a bit forward towards the Caliph, he whispers with a smile but with determination in his voice to Calamity and also so that everybody else in the party hears it but nonelse in the room "Nay offence but try to show some respect, It will gain us in the long run"

The big man stops bows deeply in an honourable way to the Calpih and also motions the other heros to do the same.

Keliim raises his head and responces to the Calpih: "Calpih Benin Abal-Basir, it is an honour to be here" Keliim bows his head again "I am Keliim the barbarian and the other heroes with me are Calamity the mage, Muradin the dwarf, Rethinal the cleric and Terry Yelnats.

Edited by Mencot
Posted (edited)

"Interesting... Very interesting... I am Calamity." Calamity seems rather uninterested in the Caliph, and prefers to look around.


"Cckilk dok kitikick klock nic not not clitific" (We sent you for Heroes, seasoned warriors. And You,Magus arrive with hatchlings hardly older than Larvae.)


"Do I need remind you that your chosen have failed to return Ambassador? The Caliph sent me to bring aid and I have done so. They were strong enough to make the journey with their dignity intact, we shall give them the opportunity to find the information we seek."


"kotokick sik kotokok detic frik" (those were not MY men)


SILENCE, you shame yourself in front of MY guests. You had your say Ambasador, and you know that my will is Law. I sent for these Heroes, who are you to question my judgement. You will hold your tongue or I will send you back to your HIVE.


The big man stops bows deeply in an honourable way to the Calpih and also motions the other heros to do the same.

Keliim raises his head and responces to the Calpih: "Calpih Benin Abal-Basir, it is an honour to be here" Keliim bows his head again "I am Keliim the barbarian and the other heroes with me are Calamity the mage, Muradin the dwarf, Rethinal the cleric and Terry Yelnats.


You are he who is the Voice of your Party? I Welcome you to my Court, and I thank you for your answering my call.

Edited by Asphalt

"Cckilk dok kitikick klock nic not not clitific" (We sent you for Heroes, seasoned warriors. And You,Magus arrive with hatchlings hardly older than Larvae.)

"Do I need remind you that your chosen have failed to return Ambassador? The Caliph sent me to bring aid and I have done so. They were strong enough to make the journey with their dignity intact, we shall give them the opportunity to find the information we seek."

"kotokick sik kotokok detic frik" (those were not MY men)

Keliim listens carefully to the argument between the mage and the Lucustoid, which he seems to call "Ambassador" and that he has seemed to fail in the mission. "Have to keep an eye on him and any of the Lucustoids." Keliim thinks to himself.

You are he who is the Voice of your Party? I Welcome you to my Court, and I thank you for your answering my call.

Keliim bows his head and replies "Yes, and it is an big honour Caliph to be here. What is it we can do for thou?"


Terry feels what can only be described as a "bubbling" in his head, the process of teleporting bringing an all new demeanor over him.

"Pleashure to meetcha! Yeeeppp, I went through all of that warpulation businesh with alllll of my pride!"

Terry turns towards the rest of his party.

"So, how'd you guyysh do?"

He looks at Calamity like he noticed her for the firt time - and being through the eyes of a drunk, it was partially true.

"Woww, I didn't notice we had such prettinesh in our party..."

Posted (edited)

The big man stops bows deeply in an honourable way to the Calpih and also motions the other heros to do the same.

The dwarf remains standing tall (comparatively), only tightening his grip around his hammer.




The dwarf speaks to the rest of the party as Kelim weeds through the pleasantries with the ambassador. "I'd like ter know what de 'ell we're at an' de the bleedin 'ell dat tin' is." though directed at the troop, he ended up saying it louder than any voice has spoken in the hall, yet. Terry exploded,

"So, how'd you guyysh do?"

He looks at Calamity like he noticed her for the firt time - and being through the eyes of a drunk, it was partially true.

"Woww, I didn't notice we had such prettinesh in our party..."

"what the bleedin' 'ell..." He thought outloud... The dwarf slowly reached for his flask to not bring any attention to his self, but he double checked the bottle too make sure laddie hadn't somehow guzzled it. Maybe drinking just a wee bit, it was only natural.

Edited by Cryos

"Woww, I didn't notice we had such prettinesh in our party..."

"Aren't you just adorable. Perhaps I should keep you..."

Calamity whispers behind her breath to the rest of the party: "I don't speak Locustoid very well. What's this about larvae? Don't tell me we're going to have to fight bugs."


The magus listens to the bafoonery and bluster of Kelim's party.


You will all be silent. Hold your tongues before the Caliph. You chose your Voice and he alone may speak in the presence of the Lord of the Red Court.

The CAliph raises a hand to once again silence The Magus, who immediately obeys.


I will tolerate their behavior as they are both new to our ways and suffereing the effects of their arrival. However my patience and tollerance have their limits. They would be wise to be silent for now and allow me to converse with their Voice, a man who it would seem prefers to strike strait to the heart of a matter. An admirable trait, yet an answer that must be prefaced with an elaboration. First to understand why you were brought here you must know where he is. Am I not Correct? You may have noticed that here it is mid-morning. You have been transported far to the east of the Glorious freeport to the far side of the Abra Dessert, within the Dune Kingdom of my Father. The Great Benin Abal-Me-Hirane, may the sun shine eternal upon his reign.


"Kotik chico matik ruk"


May the Sun shine eternal upon his Reign.


I am his eldest sun and charged with the training of his elite guard, The Falcon Brotherhood. To this end I came here to the Winter Citadel to construct a new training facility. The Locustoid native to this area told us of a chamber deep within the bedrock of the desert. It was deemed that this chamber would be the central room of the complex that would become known as "The Parlor." As you may have concluded, The Magus and his Brethren as masters of teleportation magic. By harnessing the power of elements they crafted a permanent portal ancor which would allow instantaneous travel from the Red Court to the underground chamber. With this as the only point of ingress and egress we thought the facility secure. We called down dwarven Miners to carve the Parlor deeper into the bedrock, expanding the chamber into 25 identical rooms, forming a perfect square five rooms to a side. These rooms we populated with the denizens of the dessert, as well as creatures and challenges designed to test the mind, body, and spirit of our men. It is only by traversing the Parlor, defeating its inhabitants, and collecting the five portal keys, that a member of our armies may earn the right to call themselves members of the Falcon Brotherhood.

The Parlor has been fully active for 3 lunar cycles. One cycle ago we sent in a Cadre of five potential brothers. They did not return. five Sunrises after they were to return a full Cadre of Falcon Brothers were sent in to determine their fate. Our contact with them has been lost as well. You reason for being here, in a scorpions eye, is to investigate the Parlor, defeat its challenges, and return to me with an answer as to what has befallen my men. Tell Me, Warrior of the Wilderness, are you and your fellows up to this task?

Posted (edited)

Denizens of the dessert. Sounds doable, and delicious, thought Calamity.

"Ask him if by doing this we become members of the Falcon Brotherhood." Whispers Calamity to Kelim.

Edited by Scubacarrot

"Aren't you just adorable. Perhaps I should keep you..."

"Whudduzz that mean? Is it good?"


I will tolerate their behavior as they are both new to our ways and suffering the effects of their arrival. However my patience and tollerance have their limits. They would be wise to be silent for now and allow me to converse with their Voice, a man who it would seem prefers to strike strait to the heart of a matter.

"Suh-shorry, mister Caliph..."

I whisper to Kelim.

"Ask him waht shtuff may be in the Parlor place, please..."


Denizens of the dessert. Sounds doable, and delicious, thought Calamity.

"Ask him if by doing this we become members of the Falcon Brotherhood." Whispers Calamity to Kelim.

"Ask him waht shtuff may be in the Parlor place, please..."


"Clokit mekok trikikikik hahaha" (Members of the brotherhood, these outland Larvae presume much."


Presume much they may, but they also seek to be forwarned. This one shows wisdom.

Posted (edited)


"Clokit mekok trikikikik hahaha"

"I think the ugly bugger's laughin' at us," The dwarf grumbled.

Edited by Cryos
Posted (edited)

Keliim is finally relieved that the other heroes has calmed down and shown some respect at the situation"I understand where they are coming from but sometimes it is time to suck up and be quiet" he thinks to himself.

"I think the ugly bugger's laughin' at us," The dwarf grumbled.

Retinal whispers to Muradin, " we better keep an eye on that un."

Keliim whispers back so that none other than the dwarf and the birdman hears it: "I know, I don´t trust him, he knows something that he isn´t telling us"


I am his eldest sun and charged with the training of his elite guard, The Falcon Brotherhood. To this end I came here to the Winter Citadel to construct a new training facility. The Locustoid native to this area told us of a chamber deep within the bedrock of the desert. It was deemed that this chamber would be the central room of the complex that would become known as "The Parlor." As you may have concluded, The Magus and his Brethren as masters of teleportation magic. By harnessing the power of elements they crafted a permanent portal ancor which would allow instantaneous travel from the Red Court to the underground chamber. With this as the only point of ingress and egress we thought the facility secure. We called down dwarven Miners to carve the Parlor deeper into the bedrock, expanding the chamber into 25 identical rooms, forming a perfect square five rooms to a side. These rooms we populated with the denizens of the dessert, as well as creatures and challenges designed to test the mind, body, and spirit of our men. It is only by traversing the Parlor, defeating its inhabitants, and collecting the five portal keys, that a member of our armies may earn the right to call themselves members of the Falcon Brotherhood.

The Parlor has been fully active for 3 lunar cycles. One cycle ago we sent in a Cadre of five potential brothers. They did not return. five Sunrises after they were to return a full Cadre of Falcon Brothers were sent in to determine their fate. Our contact with them has been lost as well. You reason for being here, in a scorpions eye, is to investigate the Parlor, defeat its challenges, and return to me with an answer as to what has befallen my men. Tell Me, Warrior of the Wilderness, are you and your fellows up to this task?

Keliim listens carefuly to the Caliph, thinking "it seems that we are going to face a really big challange here, his elitemen has fallen or gone missing, will this squad of misfits be ready..."

"Ask him waht shtuff may be in the Parlor place, please..."


"We came all this way, caliph. We will be ready for thy task and we will investigate whatever happened down there.

But some questions honourable Caliph, is there anything more thou can tell us that can help us on our mission, what kinds of threats and resistance can we await down there? Will we get some who knows something about the parlor to guide us?

"Ask him if by doing this we become members of the Falcon Brotherhood." Whispers Calamity to Kelim.

Keliim silently whispers back "Do you actually think we are potential candidates?"

But Keliim asks the Calpih about the reward of the quest: "What kind of reward can we await by doing this for thee honorable Caliph?"

Edited by Mencot


"We came all this way, caliph. We will be ready for thy task and we will investigate whatever happened down there.

But some questions honourable Caliph, is there anything more thou can tell us that can help us on our mission, what kinds of threats and resistance can we await down there? Will we get some who knows something about the parlor to guide us?

Keliim silently whispers back "Do you actually think we are potential candidates?"

But Keliim asks the Calpih about the reward of the quest: "What kind of reward can we await by doing this for thee honorable Caliph?"


That which was last shall be first. You will be PAID as was stated in the contract. Upon returning to me with an explanation as to why my Training grounds have gone silent your Cadre will receive 500 Golden Talons I will also permit each of you to select one item from our extensive armory. If you had not deemed this fair compensation for your time I assume you would not have agreed to accompany the Magus here.

As to your first question I have already told you much more than is customary. The Parlor is stocked with the most potent specimens of the creatures of my father's Desert kingdom. Expect to see that which any Caravan leader must face upon his travels. It is in your favor that no foreign lands have requested our might to aid them. If that had been the case you might expect to find exotic beasts from the homeland of their enemy. Much less predictable. Be aware that not all of the challenges you will face are physical. A brute makes a poor soldier. A member of the Brotherhood must be a leader, a tactician, and an honorable man to succeed. These traits also will be tested.

The Caliph looks out a window at the far side of his throne room.

The time of departure approaches, the portal can only be opened from this side at the precise moment the sun strikes the altar cap. If you are to fulfill your obligations to this court you would be on your way.

Posted (edited)

Keliim bows his head to the Caliph one more time and replies "As thou wish, we are here to do thee command."

He turns to the others and says "Lets get ready!"

The bigman thinks to himself, "it is maybe afterall good that we have a few non so warriors in our party" but Keliim looks at Terry with concern "hopefuly his head is stronger then his physical appearance, have to look after him that he doesn´t get himself killed"

Edited by Mencot
Posted (edited)

The Magus leans into the Caliph's ear and whispers something non of the heroes can make out.


Yes indeed. The Ruler then makes a complicated set of gesture with his fingers. A moment later the door two his right opens, and two Falcon Brothers enter the throne room carrying a chest between them.



You come here armed, but it would appear poorly provisioned. Make no mistake, The Parlor was built to train, but the desert is a harsh place. Those who are not strong have little chance of living in our world. Kelim, take these and distribute them among your Cadre with my blessing. They will serve you well in the trials ahead.


heroica-potion.jpgheroica-potion.jpgheroica-potion.jpg Potion X3

heroica-tonic.jpgheroica-tonic.jpg Tonic X2

heroica-remedy.jpgheroica-remedy.jpg Remedy X2

heroica-phoenixessence.jpg Phoenix Essence X1

Party Leader Divide the Loot

Edited by Asphalt
Posted (edited)

"We thank thee kindly Calph Benin Abal-Basir, for thee kind gift. This will come in handy in our quest."

Keliim distribute the loot:

Calamity: Tonic, Potion

Rethinal: Tonic, Remedy

Terry: Potion, Remedy

Muradin: Potion

Keliim: Phoenix Essence

Edited by Mencot
Posted (edited)


Fair Well, I look forward to your bringing a conclusion to this delay.


If you would follow me. The magus bows deeply before the Caliph and leads the party from the Throne Room. They travel down several corridors and finally enter a square stone room, empty except for an altar of some kind. The Magus Moves to the altar and picks up a Golden staff Topped with a Yellow Crystal. Aside from the color of the crystal it matches four other staves already mounted on the altarpiece.



Welcome to the portal room. Learn it well for it is an identical copy to the original room in The Parlor. Once you arrive in the Parlor you will only be able to exit through ITS Altar room and ONLY after you have secured all five Portal Keys. After Each use the magic within the keys spirits them to various rooms within the Parlor. Each key is defended by a different challenge. Alas, I cannot tell you what form those challenges will have taken after the last reset. A great deal of Chaos magic was used in the creation of the Keys and the Portal itself. All I can tell you is that the Challenges vary with the strengths of the Parlor. Your Daliances in the Throne room have made time short. I too wish you luck Heroes. May the Sun shine on your endeavor.

Without giving the party any time to ask questions of bicker amongst themselves the Magus places the final stave in the Altar. Immediately a fiery door opens before them.



Quickly now, all of you step through the portal.

The party is shown the most powerful display of magic any of them have ever imagined. What will they do?

Edited by Asphalt
Posted (edited)

"More powerful magicalportals, this is definitely the place where to ask about portalmagic and moongates... Hopefuly i would get a chance to speak with Magus or the Caliph to ask about these things, so I could finally get home", Keliim wonders and closes his eyes and whispers to himself "Home, so long ago I hast seen it." "But now is not the time to dream"

Keliim puts on his Heroic Helm and shouts "To Victory 'r Death we Fight!" He motions to the other heroes "lets goeth." And walks through the portal.

Edited by Mencot

His team watches as Keliim leaps headlong into the flaming doorway. One moment he is there screaming defiantly into the voice, the next moment he is not. His scream cut off as abruptly, as if sliced from his throat by a vorpal blade.


She isn't there to see it, but the Red and Orange flames flash venously green for the briefest of moments as Calamity passes through the portal.

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