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Main Street Mafia: Confirmation and Discussion


"This is Ashley Frost reporting to you live from Cedar Falls City Hall, where notorious gangster Anthony Milano, Godfather of the Milano Family has just been denied bail, and is being sent back to prison to await trial."


"And here comes Mr. Milano now with his lawyer! For now we'll have to wait and see how this trial plays out. For Channel Three News, I'm Ashley Frost."


Anthony Milano displayed obvious anger, but deep down he knew everything would work out in his favor. Behind, the Chief of Police and the County Prosecutor smiled with satisfaction as the gangster was taken back to prison. The police were on high alert; they'd even called in a few FBI agents to help. Everything seemed to be going to plan.


But even the best of plans can be disrupted in an instant.


"Get down, boss!" shouted one of the mobsters, pulling a machine gun out of a violin case. How it fit in there is the greatest mystery.


Milano jumped to the ground instantly. Behind them, the two FBI agents ducked into cover instinctively. However, rookie officer Wendy Cruz and Milano's lawyer stood like deer in headlights. Behind all of them, a football player seems to have fallen down.


As the shots ran out, they both fell to the floor, dead. Milano got back up and rushed towards a getaway bike, as another mobster took out his own weapon to cover his boss. The other officers appeared to be in shock, but really it's just because they were forgotten about until editing this photo.


"Get on, boss." said the mobster, rather nonchalantly.

"Stop them! Don't let them get away!" The Chief of Police bellowed.


But it was too late. Milano was on the motorcycle, sitting quite comically, as it drove away, because if they were captured then there wouldn't be a mafia game.

"It's a shame that we accidentally killed your lawyer, boss." the driver said.

"Meh, if he was any good I would have been granted bail."


The Mayor was enraged. He slammed his fists down on the table at the Chief of Police and the Prosecutor.

"I was elected on a platform to stop the crime and corruption in this city! How could you let this happen?!" he yelled.

"You can't blame us, sir! Surely it must have been an inside job of sorts!"

"We need to stop this and recapture Milano before we face a full-scale revolt in this city! Already dozens of citizens are packing up and leaving town! If we don't stop them, I fear nothing will save our tiny town or small city or whatever this place is!"


Players (18):


Sarah Harris, owner of the Grand Emporium -- Jackjonespaw


Christopher Harris, Sarah's Husband -- Dragonfire


Brian Barnes, owner of the Green Grocer -- Shadows


Wanda Barnes, Brian's Wife -- Piratedave84


Eric Foster, Co-owner of Chez Albert -- Palathadric


Ann Foster, Co-owner of Chez Albert -- StickFig


Eugene Bryant, Chef at Chez Albert -- Dannylonglegs


Carl Hill, Waiter at Chez Albert -- KingoftheZempk


Irene Allen, Firefighter -- Mostlytechnic


Louis Murphy, Owner of the Pet Shop -- Jamesn


Katherine Murphy, Louis' Wife -- jluck


Linda Cook, Owner of the Palace Cinema -- TrumpetKing


Al Cooper, Owner of Al's Barber Shop -- TinyPiesRUs


Pamela Cooper, Al's Wife -- Tamamono


Ace Brickman, Private Detective -- Kintobar


Shirley Carter, Brickman's Secretary and Lover -- def


Russell Price, Dockworker -- Sandy


Gregory McHenry, Res-Q Seaman -- Lady K


1) Every player has received their own character. You are either aligned as a Townie or Scum. The town need to eliminate the scum and the scum need to outnumber the town. Any third party characters have received their own conditions.

2) Every day you will be able to vote for a player. Voting should be done as so: Vote: Character (Player). Unvoting is to be done in the same fashion: Unvote: Character (Player). A majority vote is required to lynch a player. You must vote every day, or you'll receive some sort of devious punishment.

3) A game day will last 72 hours, but if a unanimous vote is acheived after the 48 hour mark and the day thread goes quiet, the day may end early to my discresion. You may not vote within the first 24 hours of the day. Once the day is over, you will have 24 hours to send in a night action if this applies to you. Nights will last at most 48 hours, but it usually won't and I'm just saying that so nobody faults me if I'm late. You may not talk about the game outside of the day thread.

4) The alignment of players who have been lynched, as well as those who died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5) You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6) You are encouraged to role-play in this game. I've provided a role for you to expand upon if you wish. With that being said, please try not to post out of character in the game thread. You may PM other players, but do so at your own risk.

7) If you die, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any players. Any information you had is null and void and is not allowed to be passed on under any circumstances.

8) Don't edit your posts.

9) You must post in every day thread.

10) Try to be nice to your fellow players. It's a game on a LEGO forum.

11) Violation of your first rule will result in a 5-vote penalty and your second violation will result in your death!

12) If any player asks you to break these rules or does break these rules in private, report them to me immediately with proof of their violation.

I'm sorry I'm a bit late, but hey, Bob sucks.

Edited by Bob

Hello, I'm Pamela! I love my husband and doing things with hair. :sweet:

Oh Alan, how I love you. :wub: Your hair is looking a bit... faded... :look: Need me to color it for you?

Christopher Harris here to confirm!

Darling, you're looking beautiful today :wub: *smiles at Sarah*

(Bob, are we allowed to quote PMs from other players in-thread?)

Edited by Dragonfire

Ace Brickman here, I'm a detective. Has anyone seen my lovely secretary? :wub:

  • Author

(Bob, are we allowed to quote PMs from other players in-thread?)


Darling, you're looking beautiful today :wub: *smiles at Sarah*

:blush: Hush dear, we mustn't make the others jealous with our love. Although I must admit you are looking as handsome as ever, especially in this beautiful sunlight.

Sarah Harris, hello to everyone!

I am here, Eugene Bryant, master chef at the many star restaurant, Chez Albert! We have a diverse range of culinary concoctions here from which to choose from! You can't make a wrong choice at Chez Albert! Seriously. I work my megablox off in the kitchen to prepare for you only the best, with only the freshest ingredients! Today's special is a delightful homeground sausage with sage and rosemary, cooked to perfection and served with a sauce of in-season locally grown apples. Mwah! Bon appetite!

OoC: I'll get my pic up and signature edited when I get home. I'm on my phone atm

:blush: Hush dear, we mustn't make the others jealous with our love. Although I must admit you are looking as handsome as ever, especially in this beautiful sunlight.

Oh I'm sure it's fine, who cares what others think or say. All I care about is you and our happy life together :wub:

Oh I'm sure it's fine, who cares what others think or say. All I care about is you and our happy life together :wub:

And what a happy life it is! I still remember the first time we met, and how romantic it was!

Hello everyone! I'm Katherine Murphy. You might know me better by my husband, the great Louis Murphy. We run Murphy's Pets and Exotic Animals and Supplies & Feed and Stuff, which has been a wonderful family business. If you ever need a pet or exotic animal or supplies or feed or stuff come and see us!

Russell Price, reporting for duty! But only if the Union's regulations are followed to the tee.

Oh, look! It's coffee break time already! :grin:

Russell Price, reporting for duty! But only if the Union's regulations are followed to the tee.

Oh, look! It's coffee break time already! :grin:

Morning Russell. Mind if I tag along? Your union supply donuts too?

Hi everybody! I'm Louis - I run the Cedar Falls Pet shop along with my lovely wife Katherine. I'm excited to get to know my fellow citizens a bit better.

Carl, here. Like Eugene said, come on down to Chez Albert. We could use the business.

I'm here!!!!

I'm here! Now if only they'd use us firefighters instead of cops for some of these guard duties, maybe this wouldn't have happened!

Gregory McHenry is in the building, .....or where ever we are currently...

If anyone is in need of rescuing from any water type situation, then I'm the one to call.

Brian Barnes, checking in. Be sure to stop by the Green Grocer that Wanda and I run when you need a healthy alternative to all this icky guns and violins violence. You know. :laugh:

Hi, I'm Shelly, I'm town. I sell jerks. Bobs are half price!

Oh my, am I late? This reminds me of the time I was late to the premiere of my Blockbuster hit: Brickzilla. What a crazy night!

Eric, honey, you really must do something with your hair. How will anyone realize you're such a suave and debonair restaurateur if you look so boring! Oh, are we on camera already?

Umm, I just wanna say that it's like, so wonderful to be here and everything, and it's like super sad about those people who got killed and that bad man who got away and everything!

Hi, I'm Shelly, I'm town. I sell jerks. Bobs are half price!

Can you put a put a price on a Bob? I've never seen much demand for one, regardless.

Can you put a put a price on a Bob? I've never seen much demand for one, regardless.

I certainly wouldn't want to buy a Bob. Bob sucks.

I wouldn't buy from Shelly. My secretary, Shirley, however I'd buy anything from. Where is she, anyways...

Bobs are our top seller. Volume begets deep price cuts. Truth is, if you want a jerk, Bob is the best choice!

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