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Which Orc from the LotR or Hobbit Line is Your Favorite? 94 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Orc?

    • Goblin Soldier
    • Gundabad Orc
    • Mordor Orc
    • Moria Orc
    • Orc Hunter
    • Uruk-hai

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I absolutely love all the orcs from the LotR and Hobbit line. They are so detailed and I feel like they look so much better than the Fantasy Era trolls. Heck, they even look better than the more recent CMF goblin IMO.

With that said, I was wondering what orc is everyone else favorite? Why is that particular orc your favorite? Is it your favorite from the movie, because Lego did the best job representing them, because the orc just looks amazing, or what? If it is an orc that has different versions, like the Mordor Orcs with and without hair, or the Gundabad Orcs with different face paint, which one of that particular type is your favorite?

Edited by Deathleech

For me, the Uruk hai are the best only because lego did not make any armored orcs for any other faction. I am extremely disappointed that all the mordor orcs are pitmasters while all the gundabad orcs are light troops.

I also like the orcs/goblins from Lotr and the Hobbit more than others. I think it's the colors and faces, not sure though. My favorite are the goblins with headpieces from 79010 Goblin King Battle and the new orcs with mohawks from 79016 Attack on Lake-town. I think these two have the most unique, menacing, awesome faces and the headpieces are icing on the scalp..er cake. These are the two orcs I have tried to amass and have sold off a lot of my mordor, hunter, and gundabad orcs. I have amassed Uruk-hai as well.

On a side note, I prefer the gundabad Orc faces from 79017 BoFA more than the Hobbit wave two Orc faces. As far as accessories, I actually like all of the hair pieces and the gundabad shoulder spikes.

Deathleech, the hunter orc faces from 79016 are so different from previous hunter orcs I would suggest they be in their own category in the poll.

Edited by Regenerate builder

I feel like this will probably be an unpopular opinion but I actually really liked the goblins. The Uruk hai are also great but I think they're harder to use in non LOTR mocs because they look too much like Uruk hai.

Not unpopular with me. They are one of my two favorite as well (I especially am fond of the headpieces). Also, I completely agree with what you said about Uruk-hai. Awesome but not easy to repurpose.

For me definitely Uruk-Hai. Since i collect Middle Earth sets only i don't mind the fact it's hard to use them in MOC. I would put Moria Orcs as close second place. I really like the green color.

I like the Moria orcs the best. Maybe it's leftover from playing Warcraft in my youth, but I think of orcs as being green.

Edited by punkkid364

For me it is the moria orcs, I only have four, but they look so good next to the cavetroll. They also ressemble the movie versions very well. Even though they use uruk shields.

next would be the uruk hai, they gain be used in man different outfits, with helmet/armor/shield and without.

For the hobbit versions I like the ones that came with the dol guldur ambush set or the ones from attack on lake town with the punker hair pieces. pity they did not get an armor, although the lego hobbit video game showed how to do that in a convincing way.

The green Moria Orcs are my favourite.

Not because they are the rarest (they only appeared in one set, that also came with that fantastic Cave Troll) but because they are green, got the creepiest eye colour, and they both came with the extremely cool pointy eared hairpiece. Also their body print with the silver scaled armour looks really nice. Too bad TLG did not give them leg printing. Still they are my favourite of the lot, though I do love all the other type of Orcs Lego made too. The only thing I did not like were all the Mordor Orcs that came without a hairpiece. Most minifigs just look unfinished and not right with a bold stud instead of a hat, helmet, or hairpiece. I fixed it, now all of them are equiped with a ragtag of different helmets and hats.

What I also like about all the Orcs (including the Uruk Hai) is how versatile they are in Sci-Fi MOCs as aliens. Whether as monsters in a medieval like fairy-tale setting or some type of distopian futuristic scenario wicked Orcs just are badasss villains. They even look good on Tatooine getting drunk in the Mos Eisley Cantina.

Edited by Eru Magnus Valar

  On 5/15/2015 at 3:49 PM, sahidko said:

For me definitely Uruk-Hai. Since i collect Middle Earth sets only i don't mind the fact it's hard to use them in MOC. I would put Moria Orcs as close second place. I really like the green color.

Could not agree more. Plus, the Uruks have Lurtz.

I'm not sure if this is illegal since there is a thread for castle armies, but I feel that these pictures belong here very well since they are specifically orcs and goblins. Anyway I want to show my little group of worriors. I don't think of this group as an army (its waaaaaay too small) or even a squad or whatever. They are generals, leaders, and heroes of various clans of orcs. They are composed almost entirely of lotr and hobbit parts. Its interesting to see all that can be done with the plethora of middle earth orcs, goblins and their accessories which is why I am so fond of them. Thank you for what you did give us Lego.



Edited by Regenerate builder

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  On 5/15/2015 at 12:25 PM, Regenerate builder said:
Deathleech, the hunter orc faces from 79016 are so different from previous hunter orcs I would suggest they be in their own category in the poll.

I actually considered that and even had them as separate options originally. I decided not to break them down in the end though. I figured if I started separating the Orc Hunters, then why not the Gundabad Orcs who have different face prints, shoulder armor, hair/ear pieces, etc.? Or the Mordor Orc variations?

While the Orc Hunters are quite a bit different from one another, there still are only two options and both use the exact same torsos and legs. The only difference is the face and hair piece.

Edited by Deathleech

They're all pretty good (except for the laziness of the "Mordor Orcs" after the Orc Forge set... the ones with the Black Gate were pitiful! "Oh, lookit me, wearing an Uruk Hai helmet! That makes me different!") but I opted for the Moria Orcs. Neat green skin, creepy face like that one Moria Orc that hisses at the camera in a closeup, great armor print that would've been fantastic on a lot more Orcs of various skin tones, and both had hairpieces with ears! The various Orcs in the Hobbit sets are pretty snazzy, too, but those Moria Orcs were really nice.

Uruk Hai are also great, too, but their greatness needs no poll to validate it :grin: I wish I'd snagged a few Uruk Hai Armies & Orc Forges instead of the single copies of each...

Although I really love the Uruks, I voted for the Moria Orcs because I really like their printings on the torso and face. The Uruks look pretty boring without amour, but the Moria Orcs look great without armour - that's the main reason why I have chosen them as my favourite Orc minifigure :classic:

Edited by Balbo

Urik hai all the way

Orc hunter for me, I like the quiver and hair

Uruks for the custom helmets, swords and sheilds - and for being available in the UK in a polybag Sun newspaper promotion, allowing fans to amass a decent army without breaking the bank. I've got about 80 and plan to do some Orc mocs once I've finished my Aliens stuff.

PS. Worst orcs = any without a hat or hair. Cheapskates.

  • 4 weeks later...
  On 5/21/2015 at 1:04 AM, Missing Brick said:

Uruks for the custom helmets, swords and sheilds - and for being available in the UK in a polybag Sun newspaper promotion, allowing fans to amass a decent army without breaking the bank. I've got about 80 and plan to do some Orc mocs once I've finished my Aliens stuff.

PS. Worst orcs = any without a hat or hair. Cheapskates.

Uruk polybags... I hate you up there!! :tongue:

Anyway, i too opted for Moria orcs. Uruks closely second

I know this is isn't the most common opinion but I really love the gundabad orcs, their printing is awesome and I love the shoulder armor, gblin soldier and Maria orcs are both close seconds.

1. Uruk hai fully armored (with shield) by far the best minifigure of generic troops in LOTR and number ONE from evil guys/orcs

2. Gundabad orcs (with shoulderpads and hairpiece)

3. Moria orcs (if only they would get a helmet)

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I feel like it's easier to pick my least favorite orc than it is my favorite. That is because there are so many good options.

My least favorite is definitely the Goblin Soldiers. I know they catch a lot of criticism, but in terms of looks I don't think they look that bad. In fact I really like the way the bald cap looks. The problem is they have some mechanical issues. First off the double sided head print peeks through the bottom of the bald cap in the back. As for the cap itself, it is the softer plastic which means it doesn't have the clutch power of other hair pieces and helmets and falls off easily. This has especially become an annoyance. The legs used would be more accurate if they were the shorter variety, but I understand having the longer legs to give the goblins more flexibility and posing. Regardless of all of this I am unsure why Lego decided to give us three different torso prints when these minifigures only appear in one set? Why not use that budget and give us a different Mordor Orc torso print since that is used in SIX different sets?

As for the Mordor Orcs, I think they really could have benefited from another torso print. Something more armor oriented. The alternate torso could have appeared in the Pirate and Black Gates sets for sure. It could have possibly been used in the Attack of the Wargs set and for armored Gundabad soldiers too. On top of another torso print, I think the Mordor Orcs also could have benefited from a generic orc helmet. This could have been used for the aforementioned sets and figs like Dol Guldur Battle and Bo5A. The bald Mordor (and Gunadabard Orcs) look pretty terrible. Either having a helm or the existing ears and hair would make them look significantly better. They could have given us a new helm mold instead of that shoulder armor for the Gundabad Orcs.

Speaking of Gundabad Orcs, I think they too could have benefited greatly from an alternative print. If nothing else give us the helmet and alternate Mordor Orc print to make them at least look like soldiers in DGB and the Bo5A (as they do in the movie). I wish the white painted forehead version would have been used in more than one set as well. There were WAY to many bald versions of this orc used. The least Lego could have done is give us some more ear and hair pieces? The shoulder armor was nice, but not worth the mold budget when more valuable things could have been made imo.

I think the Orc Hunters are generally pretty decent despite re-using the Mordor Orc torso. They ALL have hair and ears or the braided ponytail which look nice. The fact we got a new face print in the Attack on Lake-town set was a nice surprise. Similarly the Moria Orc is a really nice addition. Both of them available come with hair and a nice, unique print. I absolutely love the olive green color on them, and with everything else they are probably my favorite. I wish we could have gotten the distinct helmet, but seeing as they are only in one set I can understand why Lego didn't spend the money for that mold.

Lastly there are the Uruk-hai. I think they are a close second as my favorite orcs, and by far the most well rounded of the bunch. Not only do we get two totally distinct facial prints (most of the others you can barely tell the difference), but we get a hair version and armored version. We get a totally unique sword, shield, and helmet for them and then white hand versions to boot. This creates ton of possibilities and variances, something I wish Lego would have done with their other orcs. They are the only ones who feel really complete with lots of different possibilities and full sets of armor and weapons.

  • 2 months later...

Not trying to be original, but the Uruk-Hai is my favorite. In no other Lego themes except maybe some Star Wars figures have I seen such great figures since years. Their level of accuracy and details are quite worth the ever increasing price of the products, and for that, I allowed myself to spend some euros on a few sets, I remember. By the way you can find some of my LOTR / Hobbit MOCs on my YT channel.

I voted for the Mordor Orcs. They are my favorite because of how useful they are in my own projects. I prefer them with the generic dark brown legs, and I swap their heads out for yellow human heads. I also give them the shields from Mirkwood Elf Army. They are now a band of Forestmen.

My next favorite are the Uruk-Hai. I perform a similar procedure with them.

Love all types of Orcs and I am very grateful that LEGO made so made different types in the LOTR/The Hobbit sets for us to choose from. I cast my vote for the Mordor Orc. Adding a few extra gear and massing sufficient numbers makes them in my opinion the coolest evil army.

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