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See the previous tales:

Wyndor's Saga:

Chapter 1

-What Has Past-

Chapter 2

Part 10: A New Home

Part 10.1:Blunted Edges

Part 10.2: Cramped Spaces

Part 10.3: Enthusiastic Worker

Part 11.0

Part 11: Mysterious Death

Part 12: Dark Meetings

Part 13: Warm Yourself

Part 14.1: Sisterly Visit

Part 14.2: Proud Farmer

Part 14.3: Mitgardian Household

Part 15: Another Mysterious Death

Part 16.1: The Council Meeting

Part 16.2: Meeting with Wyndor (made by Glorfindel)

Part 16.3: Feud in Teridyan

Part 16.4: Great Elk Longhouse (made by Glorfindel)

Part 16.5: Traveling Partners

Part 16.6: Mitgardian Throne Room (made by Glorfindel)

Part 17: The Cemetery

Part 18: Home

Part 19: Crowded Market Mayhem

Part 20: Shooting Straight

Part 21: Returning

Part 22: Keeping Out or Keeping In

Part 23: Talk in the Tavern

Part 24: Mitgardian Long Sheep

Part 25: Captive in the Barn

Part 26a: At Ease

Part 26: Long Awaited Reunion

Part 27: Trouble in the Wolf Clan

After their flight from the Algus’ attack on Beo’s village, Wyndor and Mattimeo had carefully made their way back across the northern reaches of Mitgardia. They had traveled with Beo and his family until they knew he would get away safely and then turned towards Mattimeo’s hideout.

They stopped at a windmill near Dalig Ulv to catch their breath.


“I know it seems like we have bigger things to worry about with the Algus on the move, but it will be weeks before their forces can move as far south as Dalig Ulv.” started Wyndor, “I need to know what’s happening in my city and I think it’s about time you told me what’s going on. Why are the dwarves being attacked?”

“What do you know of Revelword?” asked Mattimeo.

“Only what every Mitgardian knows, that he tried to take over Historica and destroyed many of our cities!” replied Wyndor.

“Well, what most people don’t know is that he wasn’t alone in his efforts to take over Historica,” began Mattimeo. “There was a group of power hungry individuals who all were seeking the means to put themselves in control. Revelword was the craftiest of these people and sought to unify them all in their endeavor to overthrow the king. Most agreed with him that they could do more if they worked together. What they didn’t find out until it was too late, was that Revelword had only gathered them all in one place to make it easier to kill off the competition. The few who hadn’t gone alone with Revelword’s plan fled to distant areas of the guilds. Three of them ended up here, in Dalig Ulv where they promised the dwarves of Treacleheim great riches and power if they helped them in their pursuit of the throne of Mitgardia. These three, a warlock, a vampire, and a werewolf had agreed that taking over Cedrica was too much for them but they figured that taking over a single guild was within their grasp.”

“So why isn’t Mitgardia ruled by this Triad?” asked Wyndor.


“The dwarves who had at first been swayed by the Triad’s promises had a change of heart. But they couldn’t just kick the Triad out of Treacleheim, these were creatures of great power. So they got together their greatest mages and sealed the Triad within the city. The nature of the magic was fragile, such that if anyone disturbed the Triad’s resting place, they would be released. The dwarves, knowing that it was they who had made the first error in accepting the Triad’s proposal, left their great city, vowing to take its secret to their graves” explained Mattimeo.

“Which it seems most of them have done” said Wyndor. “And if you haven’t been killing them, then that must mean that Edea has.”

“Yes,” answered Mattimeo. “She has been quite meddlesome. When I found out that she was out to release the Triad, I had my men start following all the key dwarven leaders to protect their lives. Obviously we haven’t been doing a very good job of it.”

“So,” began Wyndor, “How did Edea find out about the Triad?”


“She studied under one of those who fled Revelword’s slaughter” answered Mattimeo. “The witch she studied under must have known about the Triad’s plans before they fled to Mitgardia and she to Nocturnus. What I haven’t been able to figure out is how she’s been able to get to the dwarves so easily. I’ve had my men watching them day and night yet every time she has managed to elude my men and get to the dwarves before they could stop her.”

“Maybe she has a dwarf helping her?” inquired Wyndor.

“Perhaps,” started Mattimeo. “But the dwarves are a close-knit race. It would take an exceptional amount of money to get one of them to turn on their own.”

“Of maybe the promise of power?” asked Wyndor.

“That could be,” thought Mattimeo. “But now we really must be going. We need to get to back to see if my men have been able to locate Edea. After that attack in the market, she and her sisters were spotted entering Treacleheim. I had done a thorough search of the city and couldn’t find the chamber where the Triad was sealed anywhere. But I fear with the knowledge she has gained from the dwarves she’s killed, she may be able to find it when I could not.”


“Ok, so you are saying that we have to find Edea before she finds the Triad, or all of Mitgardia could be under attack from both the Algus and the Triad?” asked Wyndor.

“Yes,” said Mattimeo

“And what do we do if we get to Edea and she has already awoken the Triad?” Wyndor continued. “How do we take on Edea and these three creatures?”

At that moment the door to the windmill opened and a dark stranger clad in red stepped out.


“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation” began the stranger. “My name is Vincent, and I specialize in hunting monsters and other unwanted villains. It sounds to me like you have a monster problem.”

Mattimeo and Wyndor were a little startled, but Wyndor quickly responded, “We are in need of assistance with our ‘monster problem,’ as you put it. But who are you? It seems a little convenient that someone who has the skills you claim to have should be here right when we need him. How is that you come to be here and why would you be willing to help us?”

“My story is a long and sad one” began Vincent, “I will not burden you with all its details now. I found it necessary to leave Nocturnus, where I am from originally, because it was becoming difficult to tell monster from friend. Makes my line of work difficult. I have made my way to Mitgardia because I have heard rumor of an evil approaching this land. I am willing to help you because I have experience with vampires, werewolves, and warlocks, and I imagine that you do not.”


“It is true that we would be at a disadvantage facing the Triad,” said Wyndor, “But how do we know we can trust you?”

“You can’t” was Vincent’s answer. “But maybe I can set your mind at ease. I know your brother, Natolyth. He and I were in Cedrica at the same time, staying at the Grand Griffon. He was studying the Drow and I was studying minotaurs in the libraries there. He spoke of his brother Wyndor, though I did not realize he had a brother name Mattimeo. I was actually on my way to see you when you stumbled across my path. I know Natolyth is not here to verify my story, but perhaps that will give you enough to trust me for now.”

“Well, I know the farmer who owns this mill,” started Wyndor. “If he allowed you to stay here then he must have thought you meant no harm. That, and if what you say about meeting my brother is true, then it seems we have no choice but to ask for your help.”

“Can you leave immediately?” interrupted Mattimeo.

“Yes,” was Vincent’s reply. “I have nothing to pack. I travel light.”

With that, the three travelers headed towards civilization.

OoC: In case you were wondering, in the last couple of pictures, the windmill blades can turn without hitting either Vincent or the cart.


Though I would like the blades on the windmill fleshed out a bit, this is a very complete build. However as always it is your story telling that really stands out here.


Great work here MKJ, the top roof looks really good but what I really like are the windmills arms, the texture on those really sells them! The mottled walls are well done too. A touch more texture on both roofs - a few cheese if you have them, and some more 2x1 plates, or maybe the introduction of another color - would I think help there, but the rest of the building looks really good!



Very good windmill, the wall texturing looks great :thumbup: The lower roof is impressive as well, and I like the use of wood fences.

Nice to see more of your storyline too :classic:


Excellent build MKJ, great job on the windmill, the tilted half overhanging roof is very nice and the blades of the mill are awesome as well! :wink:


The overall design of the mill is very good. The walls are splendid and the roof and blades look nice. The base is rather basic and I'd like to see a little more detailing but that's a minor complaint. The loaded cart is a great feature and the presentation is very sharp. Good job building the scene to match the story. Keep it up!

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