Posted May 24, 20159 yr So I decided to Bricklink the parts for a Ganrash set to complete my Heroica board. (Yes, I could have just ordered a complete set, but it's rare and I thought it would be easier to order the individual parts.) Ganrash is a 55-piece polybag, so I thought between my spare pieces and 1 or 2 orders, I'd be able to order everything. It actually took me 4 orders, for 55 pieces. My first two orders covered most of the parts, but then I got down to individual specific pieces that I needed, and I just couldn't find an individual seller who had all the parts in one lump for me. The last order I placed was for some pretty specific pieces, like the 1 x 2 red-brown triple-slope bricks which apparently only exist in 7 sets. It was also from a seller who had an $8.00 minimum, so I had to order a few other parts that I really didn't need at the moment in order to reach the minimum. Anyway, once my last order comes in, I'll have a complete Ganrash, but this was a really frustrating process for a polybag's worth of parts. I can't imagine what it'd be like if I needed to Bricklink the parts for a much larger set. Does anyone have any tips on how to make this process easier?
May 24, 20159 yr An easier way to do it is to add all the pieces you want to a wanted list. From there you can generate a list of stores with the parts you want in stock. It's possible with long wanted lists that no store will have everything you need but you should be able to narrow it down pretty well. There's also something called brickficiency, which I'm unfamiliar with, but as I understand it, it takes a list of parts used in LDD to generate a lie of stores with the parts. I think it even figures out the cheapest way to get all the pieces but someone else in the know should probably explain that for you.
May 24, 20159 yr I just looked it up , and can't imagine that you spend less than the amount for the cheapest one.. I think you would be better of if you bought the set. Grtz Saint
May 24, 20159 yr The cheapest one I'm seeing in the US (his location) is $30. He said he had some of the pieces in his extras already so trying to bricklink less than 55 pieces for under $30? I'd definitely think it's doable. That's around 60 cents apiece. Stretched a cross 4 orders and paying shipping 4 times instead of just one? That probably didn't help.
May 24, 20159 yr The last order I placed was for some pretty specific pieces, like the 1 x 2 red-brown triple-slope bricks which apparently only exist in 7 sets. It was also from a seller who had an $8.00 minimum, so I had to order a few other parts that I really didn't need at the moment in order to reach the minimum. One of the reasons why it is best to start by the specific/rare parts, and when ordering these trying to get other more common ones at the same time
May 24, 20159 yr Patience is key. I've been buying Classic Space and Futron parts from BL for many months, slowly piecing together a collection that will let me build any set ever released. It's a long, slow process, but it will be worth it in the end :) I've been using BrickStock to manage my lists. It started out as one big wanted list, then as I got parts in, I moved them to another list which gets uploaded to Rebrickable so I know which sets I can build. I still need 284/5301 parts, which puts me at about 95% complete. Edited May 24, 20159 yr by mpfirnhaber
May 24, 20159 yr Author Thanks for the tips so far. Despite my pile of parts (much of which is from multiple trips to the PAB wall), I had surprisingly few pieces to go towards an accurate Ganrash. So here's how I did on orders: Order #1: [New] Pearl Gold Minifig, Weapon Knife (x2) ..... US $0.351 each = US $0.702 [New] Reddish Brown Brick, Round 1 x 1 Open Stud (x3) ..... US $0.039 each = US $0.117 [New] Reddish Brown Plate, Round 1 x 1 Straight Side (x8) ..... US $0.0325 each = US $0.26 [New] Tan Plate 4 x 8 (x2) ..... US $0.2015 each = US $0.403 [New] Tan Plate, Modified 2 x 2 with Groove and 1 Stud in Center (Jumper) (x2) ..... US $0.1235 each = US $0.247 [New] Trans-Orange Brick 1 x 1 (x1) ..... US $0.0845 each = US $0.0845 + 2.75 shipping Total = $4.57 Order #2: Cone 4 x 4 x 2 with axel hole (1) $0.48 Antenna 1 x 4 flat top (1) $0.28 Dish 3 x 3 inverted (1) $0.48 + $3.50 shipping = $4.31 Order #3: [New] Green Slope 75 2 x 2 x 2 Quadruple Convex (x1) ..... US $0.715 each = US $0.715 [New] Reddish Brown Slope 45 2 x 1 Triple - with Inside Bar (x2) ..... US $0.40 each = US $0.80 (This order's a bit hard to calculate, as I had to order a bunch of other parts to meet the minimum order price.) Order #4: [used] Microfig Heroica Goblin Guardian (x1) ..... US $0.25 each = US $0.25 [used] Microfig Heroica Goblin Warrior (x1) ..... US $0.25 each = US $0.25 [New] Black Dish 2 x 2 Inverted (Radar) (x1) ..... US $0.07 each = US $0.07 [New] Dark Azure Plate 2 x 6 (x2) ..... US $0.19 each = US $0.38 [New] Dark Bluish Gray Tile, Modified 1 x 1 with Clip (x2) ..... US $0.05 each = US $0.10 [New] Dark Tan Plate, Modified 2 x 2 with Groove and 1 Stud in Center (Jumper) (x2) ..... US $0.13 each = US $0.26 [New] Green Dish 2 x 2 Inverted (Radar) (x1) ..... US $0.21 each = US $0.21 [New] Green Plate, Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole (x2) ..... US $0.05 each = US $0.10 [New] Light Bluish Gray Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Clip on Top (x2) ..... US $0.04 each = US $0.08 [New] Light Bluish Gray Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Handle on Side - Closed Ends (x1) ..... US $0.05 each = US $0.05 [New] Red Flag 4 x 1 Wave (x1) ..... US $0.07 each = US $0.07 [used] Red Plate, Modified 2 x 2 with Groove and 1 Stud in Center (Jumper) (x1) ..... US $0.11 each = US $0.11 [New] Reddish Brown Cone 1 x 1 with Top Groove (x2) ..... US $0.04 each = US $0.08 [New] Reddish Brown Plate 2 x 2 (x2) ..... US $0.04 each = US $0.08 [New] Reddish Brown Plate, Modified 2 x 2 with Groove and 1 Stud in Center (Jumper) (x2) ..... US $0.14 each = US $0.28 [New] White Barb Small (Helmet Horn) (x2) ..... US $0.05 each = US $0.10 + Shipping ($2.58) = $5.05 So it looks like I spent approximately $15 piecing together that set, plus whatever the shipping cost was on that last order where I had to get a bunch of extra parts. Looking on eBay, I see that Ganrash goes FOR $26-30, so I think I did better...but yeah, paying for shipping four times definitely hit me hard. I certainly did best on that one order where I got a bunch of parts for a very reasonable price, shipping included. Also, I guess it pays to pay attention--I hadn't realized that three of the parts I ordered were used. They look fine to me, though--if they're used in any meaningful way, I really can't tell. Edited May 24, 20159 yr by ResIpsaLoquitur
May 25, 20159 yr In short - yes, it is always that hard. But, that seems to be the beauty of it... And believe me, you either the love the process itself, or you loathe it. The latter will probably not do it again, unless it is economically profitable to do so, but the former, those who obtained a thrill from everything, most of all the hunt, they will do it again, and again, and again. And after awhile, they will even begin to make the process more difficult, adding to the challenge. I suppose its like exercise, or playing a musical instrument, or cooking. Its the grind of it, moreso than the result, that makes or breaks one. And then you add more weight, or another rep, or decide to string triplets together, or grow your own herbs when the store has everything you may ever need, or even plan to build something in the most ridiculous color, or with the rarest parts. Sick, twisted &^%$%#. All of you. You know who you are. A few weeks ago I was looking for a cypress tree, and then it was pearl light gray tiles, and then it was mearsk blue studs, and yesterday it was green levers. And why? What for? How come? Well, I'm not exactly sure. But I'm glad LEGO is expansive enough to handle all of my eccentricities. It really has astounded me how far into LEGO I've gotten, and still, I have yet to hit a brick wall. I find, and have found, something around every single corner in the LEGO world. And BrickLinking sets was the gateway into the underworld... You either turn and run, or you continue, and you leave your old world behind as you wander the caverns of the LEGO inventory and the archaeology of Bricklink. At least, that was my own experience. Edited May 25, 20159 yr by notaromantic
May 25, 20159 yr You should use Brickficiency for this. Edit: I just ran a search. You could have bought all the parts for $9.54 from two sellers in the US, or for only $4.62 from 3 sellers. That's not to say minimum orders and other terms issues may not have complicated these options, but it shows the potential of the tool. I definitely recommend it. Edited May 25, 20159 yr by Vorkosigan
May 25, 20159 yr Yep its hard , especially the time taken to pick and source all the parts exceed the time taken to build it by 10 or 20 fold . A cake would no longer be desirable if it takes 20 hour of continous effort to bake it. Edited May 25, 20159 yr by alanyuppie
May 25, 20159 yr I am a fan of making a big wish list of minifig and printed parts that can bulk up an order to minimum price or some cost to make shipping prices worthwhile. That way it doesn't feel so bad,I get some nice parts I have been looking at and parts I need for a project.
May 25, 20159 yr I imagine it's actually harder to BL a smaller set than a big one: As others said, the best way to tackle this is to create a wanted list that has all the parts you need. Then first check if there's a store that has all the parts on your list. But you'll hardly find a shop that has all the parts you need. This forces you to place several orders, and with a small set, shipping costs will increase your PPP ratio significantly. The best way to tackle this is to go through the wanted list and check for any rare items that are only sold in a few shops. Start with those, and fill up the cart with other parts you need and the shop has. So far, I BLed a modified Cafe Corner, a Blue Grocer and a 3500 piece MOC. I work with several browser tabs: One has my Wanted list and the others all are open to different stores that I'm ordering from. Then I basically go through my Wanted list and check which store has each part, and order it in the required quantity. Obviously, I sometimes come across parts that no shop has, so I start another order - and whenever I start a new order, I iterate back and check if that new shop has some pieces I already ordered elsewhere for a cheaper price. It's a lengthy process, but I think it's well worth it, and actually enjoy it quite a bit . I managed with 6 orders for Café Corner and 8 for my MOC. Green Grocer took 12 orders, but it was my first time trying this and so I made some mistakes.
May 25, 20159 yr I've always found it very straightforward to BL parts for sets. Once your wanted list is set up and you can view by shops with unique items you can see very quickly how few ores s you'll need to make. I also do the same as Pep and add things such as minifigure parts to top up to minimum order value if it's worthwhile. Edited May 25, 20159 yr by Robianco
May 25, 20159 yr I've never used Brickficiency, but there is also a quick way to search for stores that have parts from a certain set using the Store Finder browsing function at Bricklink. It's at You enter the set number (and set other options if you like, such as limiting to stores in your home country) and it will bring up a list of shops that have parts from that set. The default order shows you the shops with the most lots at the top of the list. You still have to manually look through the shops, but it does not require you to set up a want list first. That being said, it only works for sets. The Ganrash polybag is technically "gear" so you would not have been able to use this feature to search for the parts.
May 25, 20159 yr I have had it easy and hard to do this. The older a set is, the more difficult it is probably going to be to get the parts. A lot of the older sets used parts that have since been replaced or discontinued, and you have to pay a high price for them, or be willing to make substitutions. I don't have any problem making substitutions, and sometimes, I think it makes for a much better set. Its just for me anyway, so I don't need to be religiously stuck to the exact parts. Saves me a lot of money too, and I am can do more with what I have.
May 25, 20159 yr You guys talking about different manual ways of using bricklink to look at options, the thing is that the chances of you stumbling on the best deal this way are tiny. With the millions of permutations of combinations of stores, you really need a software tool to optimize it. Even if you find stores that carry all the parts in one place, chances are good that this isn't the best deal. Some of the stores with the largest selections have very high prices. I once compared buying a set of parts from the only store that had everything, which would have cost $300, or buying from 3 stores, which cost $40.
May 27, 20159 yr I Bricklinked my 3 first modular houses the hard way. It was my first time Bricklinking anything. i think later on that mutch could have been done better and mor effcet. The whole process was a bit learning and failing. But it was a fun process to do. Now i doing more half complete sets and buy parts to complete it.
May 29, 20159 yr Author Well, I've got all my parts in now, so Ganrash is done. Of course, I don't know what the stupid golden blades are supposed to do when you finally get them. But that's a Ganrash problem, not Bricklink's. Also, I still don't have Draida Bay, so Ganrash is sort of attached to Waldurk Forest in this odd, misplaced location.
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