October 31, 20159 yr i was able to install java through homebrew on my mac. When I tried to go back to install blue render, I received this error when I tried the comand "java -cp "bin/*" bluerender.BlueRender" Error: Could not find or load main class bluerender.BlueRender Im not very familiar with coding. Please help
October 31, 20159 yr i was able to install java through homebrew on my mac. When I tried to go back to install blue render, I received this error when I tried the comand "java -cp "bin/*" bluerender.BlueRender" Error: Could not find or load main class bluerender.BlueRender Im not very familiar with coding. Please help Before running java -cp "bin/*" bluerender.BlueRender, you have to use another command to change current directory to the location of Bluerender. Just write cd path/to/bluerender_directory (it's just a simplistic example, you'll have to write actual path from your system, obvoiusly ;)) and then you should be able to run it.
November 1, 20159 yr Hi I trying to get the gaps between the bricks but somehow it doesn't work. Do some one have the same issue as i have, or have a solution? I have the latest Bluerender and sunfow mod and i have tried to edited the sc but sill nothing what so ever. Thankful for help!
November 1, 20159 yr Hi I trying to get the gaps between the bricks but somehow it doesn't work. Do some one have the same issue as i have, or have a solution? I have the latest Bluerender and sunfow mod and i have tried to edited the sc but sill nothing what so ever. Thankful for help! Jona, you asking it in wrong place as those things are just my MODs, not official BR so I guess you will not get much response here + you have already asked it in right topic, so why duplicating it here? I replayed you there...
November 1, 20159 yr I am presenting my 2 new BR/SF achievement/MOD "Grainy Slopes" & "Crater Baseplate" (click the images for their FullHD versions) More here: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=114649
November 3, 20159 yr Gonna give this a try. I doubt my computer could handel POV so this should be a nice work around. Those renders look amazing I hope my MOCs and Ideas submitions do it justice. By the way noticed how there is a blue background in the render. Any wat to make that something else? Hmm possibly Chroma keying it to put in a phot back ground or another rendered backgroun?
November 3, 20159 yr Gonna give this a try. I doubt my computer could handel POV so this should be a nice work around. Those renders look amazing I hope my MOCs and Ideas submitions do it justice. By the way noticed how there is a blue background in the render. Any wat to make that something else? Hmm possibly Chroma keying it to put in a phot back ground or another rendered backgroun? Firstly: forget about chroma keying...OK? For this kind of task we really do not need this: if you want, let's say, starry sky behind your model looking as organic as part of the actual rendered scene: Go to this topic: http://www.eurobrick...howtopic=114649 Once being there go to TUTOTRIALS section and find "Placed image as background inside BlueRender" (I just put that tutorial there for you and ppl like you ) Edited November 3, 20159 yr by bublible
November 12, 20159 yr Hi there, msx80 would tell you better than me as it is his code in BlueRender src that actually prepare list of all bricks allocated in .lxf. But, on the other hand, if it'd help you in any form: inside SunFlow - actual rendering engine for BR, every brick part that can have different color or decor is actually created as SEPARATE "BRICK" object (in form of "designID_nr", where designID is actual brick and nr is the brick "face"/part that is parsed/instanced/rendered, so for example with decorable brick #3039 you would have two entities, namely "3040_0" which is main brick geometry without the slope, and "3040_1" which would be just that slope part that can be decorated - the same would go for parts that can have different colors, not just for the bricks that have decor ability...such object is made just once and is simply instanciated everytime some brick of that type is used in the scene)... Hi bublible, Thanks for your Help. @bublible , @msx80 i have some problems with Flexible Parts. Pipe's and Tube's works good but chain's have not the Bone transformation. Can you help again? jonnysp Edited December 31, 20159 yr by jonnysp
November 13, 20159 yr Here are my first two renders using Bluerender: This is an awesome program, and is way easier than trying to figure out LDDtoPOVray or POVray, or any of that other stuff. This is very simple and easy to use - perfect for me!
November 13, 20159 yr Author This is an awesome program, and is way easier than trying to figure out LDDtoPOVray or POVray, or any of that other stuff. This is very simple and easy to use - perfect for me! Thanks, and great models :)
November 15, 20159 yr So am starting to muck around with this amazing rendering program and I am curious is there a way to change the size of the render and what angles it renders at?
November 15, 20159 yr Set your view and zoom in LDD and save the file (you may need to move a brick away and back to allow you to save). Then you can use the wireframe option and adjust the "fov" setting in the "camera" section in the scene file for a fine-grained zoom. Think of the FOV setting as a distance setting from your moc - e.g., lower value is zooming in.
November 15, 20159 yr Hi bublible, Thanks for your Help. Here is my first preview from my Converter http://www.mediafire...ms/LDDtoOBJ.zip @bublible , @msx80 i have some problems with Flexible Parts. Pipe's and Tube's works good but chain's have not the Bone transformation. Can you help again? jonnysp Hi Jonny Sorry for not responding sooner but I am renovating my mini recording studio room at the moment so I have not much time left for other stuff. Anyway I guess @msx80 could help you with this kind of problem, try to ask him. Edited November 15, 20159 yr by bublible
November 15, 20159 yr Little request: when you render an anim, for each new frame BlueRender pops up the image window, which is pretty annoying when you're rendering 360 of them and it pops up 2 time a minute (like, right now while I'm typing). I couldn't find a way to prevent this, would be nice if the window wasn't popping up when the main app is minimized. I know the rendering uses all cores fully, but a PC is still perfectly usable while rendering, other than for this constant pop-up. Here's a preview of a 60FPS(!) rotation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5_JxqpkGMk ..and it still took less time (6 hours) to render than 1 single frame using LDDToPovRay.
November 15, 20159 yr Here are my first two renders using Bluerender: This is an awesome program, and is way easier than trying to figure out LDDtoPOVray or POVray, or any of that other stuff. This is very simple and easy to use - perfect for me! Those look absolutely beautiful. Only thing I'd do is make the wheels on the first loco blue to match it's boiler but thats me. It looks great regaurdless.
November 16, 20159 yr Author Little request: when you render an anim, for each new frame BlueRender pops up the image window, which is pretty annoying when you're rendering 360 of them and it pops up 2 time a minute (like, right now while I'm typing). I couldn't find a way to prevent this, would be nice if the window wasn't popping up when the main app is minimized. I know the rendering uses all cores fully, but a PC is still perfectly usable while rendering, other than for this constant pop-up. Yeah it's super annoying. If you have a fast pc (or render small size), it opens a popup every 30 seconds and make the pc basically unusable :) i'll add the problem to the issue tracker Here's a preview of a 60FPS(!) rotation: https://www.youtube....h?v=e5_JxqpkGMk ..and it still took less time (6 hours) to render than 1 single frame using LDDToPovRay. this is actually super cool, both the model and the rendering!
November 18, 20159 yr Hi There, I've got Blue Render running on OSX 10.11.1 El Capitan ( with bublibles MODs ) and I must say it is fantastic ! Really great work to everyone involved in the development. It's very fast and the results are amazing - the only draw back for me is that I have to create my models in LDD... Long time LDraw user here : ) Blue Render Test 0:04:36.6 by Arran Hearn, on Flickr So I've been through this thread thoroughly but can't seem to figure out how to use the chrome material, can somebody please point me in the right direction? Edited November 18, 20159 yr by dephone
November 18, 20159 yr Little request: when you render an anim, for each new frame BlueRender pops up the image window, which is pretty annoying when you're rendering 360 of them and it pops up 2 time a minute (like, right now while I'm typing). I couldn't find a way to prevent this, would be nice if the window wasn't popping up when the main app is minimized. I know the rendering uses all cores fully, but a PC is still perfectly usable while rendering, other than for this constant pop-up. Here's a preview of a 60FPS(!) rotation: https://www.youtube....h?v=e5_JxqpkGMk ..and it still took less time (6 hours) to render than 1 single frame using LDDToPovRay. Ok this brings up a question I have due to processor speed and such. Nice model by the way anothergol love how it came out. Anyway anothergol rendered a animation and that took 6 hours to make. I'm going to assume his computer is better than my current set up (I call it "Da Toaster") and all so I'm going to ask a silly if not stupid question here. Rendering a single frame with the effects applied to it ( I plan on useing bublible's mods Fyi) won't take six hours will it? I'm not making animations yet only rendered sceen shots of my model for display on Lego Ideas. I need a rough estimate of how long single frames tend to take if at all possible since I share my current Pc.
November 18, 20159 yr It of course totally depends on the complexity of the model, I've rendered another 360 frames of a MOC (same youtube) in under 3 hours. But it's pretty consistent, so just time 1 frame, and multiplying by the amount of frames gives you a strong estimation. All cores seem to be used fully, so a quad core isn't luxury here. I'm not making animations yet only rendered sceen shots of my model for display on Lego Ideas. ah, but BlueRender is extremely fast, it will only take a few minutes for a still. I don't know if I should really compare it to LDDToPovRay as this one renders bevels and even Lego labels on studs, so it's normal that it takes a lot more time, but I actually prefer the less realistic but better-looking (even if it's just a matter of default settings) results of BlueRender, for like 0.1% of the time. Edited November 18, 20159 yr by anothergol
November 18, 20159 yr Author Hi There, I've got Blue Render running on OSX 10.11.1 El Capitan ( with bublibles MODs ) and I must say it is fantastic ! Really great work to everyone involved in the development. It's very fast and the results are amazing - the only draw back for me is that I have to create my models in LDD... Long time LDraw user here : ) So I've been through this thread thoroughly but can't seem to figure out how to use the chrome material, can somebody please point me in the right direction? Thanks! Lovely moc btw! Also, i've read that somebody adapted "sunflow" (the renderer of Bluerender) to LDraw too. That may help you. Using chromes materials should just need to choose the right material in LDD, if i remember correctly.. Anyway anothergol rendered a animation and that took 6 hours to make. I'm going to assume his computer is better than my current set up (I call it "Da Toaster") and all so I'm going to ask a silly if not stupid question here. Rendering a single frame with the effects applied to it ( I plan on useing bublible's mods Fyi) won't take six hours will it? I'm not making animations yet only rendered sceen shots of my model for display on Lego Ideas. I need a rough estimate of how long single frames tend to take if at all possible since I share my current Pc. A single frame should never take more than 10-15 minutes at reasonable quality settings. It of course totally depends on the complexity of the model, I've rendered another 360 frames of a MOC (same youtube) in under 3 hours. But it's pretty consistent, so just time 1 frame, and multiplying by the amount of frames gives you a strong estimation. All cores seem to be used fully, so a quad core isn't luxury here. ah, but BlueRender is extremely fast, it will only take a few minutes for a still. I don't know if I should really compare it to LDDToPovRay as this one renders bevels and even Lego labels on studs, so it's normal that it takes a lot more time, but I actually prefer the less realistic but better-looking (even if it's just a matter of default settings) results of BlueRender, for like 0.1% of the time. Actually the complexity of the model is not really that important in raytracing rendering systems, what's matter is quality settings (antialiasing passes, samples, lights etc), resolution of output image, number of transparent pieces, and percentage of screen occupied by the model. And yes, sunflow rendering is parallel, it will use all available cores ( i take no merit from this :P) Thanks everybody for the support :)
November 18, 20159 yr Actually the complexity of the model is not really that important in raytracing rendering systems, what's matter is quality settings (antialiasing passes, samples, lights etc), resolution of output image, number of transparent pieces, and percentage of screen occupied by the model. Well I suppose it's all well partitioned for fast rendering, however I'm pretty sure that the small & thin Lego labels on every stud that LDD2PovRay does don't help optimizing a searching tree(?) Ah yeah, I agree about transparent pieces, it's even worse with POVray. For stills I prefer to render a 2x larger version than to bump up the antialiasing passes btw, I find a scaling down with sharpening looking kinda nicer. (I also generally bump up the contrast a lot - I'm not saying BlueRender should do this by default though, it's more the problem that Lego's light gray isn't light enough)
November 19, 20159 yr Thanks! Lovely moc btw! Also, i've read that somebody adapted "sunflow" (the renderer of Bluerender) to LDraw too. That may help you. Using chromes materials should just need to choose the right material in LDD, if i remember correctly.. A single frame should never take more than 10-15 minutes at reasonable quality settings. Actually the complexity of the model is not really that important in raytracing rendering systems, what's matter is quality settings (antialiasing passes, samples, lights etc), resolution of output image, number of transparent pieces, and percentage of screen occupied by the model. And yes, sunflow rendering is parallel, it will use all available cores ( i take no merit from this :P) Thanks everybody for the support :) Well seeing as I have a dual core thats a binary run I suppose. But still 10 to 15 minutes tops for a still is perfect fo me. the fact that I'm having Custom textures in there with the added features of Sunflow it should all come out well. (If I made the arms and legs textures for my minifigs coorect anyway. ) Well I suppose it's all well partitioned for fast rendering, however I'm pretty sure that the small & thin Lego labels on every stud that LDD2PovRay does don't help optimizing a searching tree(?) Ah yeah, I agree about transparent pieces, it's even worse with POVray. For stills I prefer to render a 2x larger version than to bump up the antialiasing passes btw, I find a scaling down with sharpening looking kinda nicer. (I also generally bump up the contrast a lot - I'm not saying BlueRender should do this by default though, it's more the problem that Lego's light gray isn't light enough) Hmm 2x you say? I was thinking 4x for mine. Got to figure that out. Thamk you very much for the help.
November 23, 20159 yr Hmm... this might be dumb question, but I downloaded it and it opened a bunch of files. Where's the actual program where I put stuff in..?
November 23, 20159 yr Hmm... this might be dumb question, but I downloaded it and it opened a bunch of files. Where's the actual program where I put stuff in..? The distribution is an archive file which you extract into a folder somewhere (e.g., C:\Downloads\Bluerender). In that folder is a blurender.bat file. Double click on that file to run the program, and the main dialog will appear. Use the dialog to pick your LXF file (the one you made using LDD that contains your model) and run your renders. I hope that helps!
November 23, 20159 yr The distribution is an archive file which you extract into a folder somewhere (e.g., C:\Downloads\Bluerender). In that folder is a blurender.bat file. Double click on that file to run the program, and the main dialog will appear. Use the dialog to pick your LXF file (the one you made using LDD that contains your model) and run your renders. I hope that helps! I get a black box that says 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Press any key to continue...'
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