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Lol, and their, "Help, my body's going CRAZY!!!" days.

I imagine it'll be less than a week when someone cuts those scenes out, puts them to Techno, then uploads to Youtube "Daleks at a Rave".

Nope, disgustingly serious.

Feel free to vomit. I won't think any less of you.

We had the Cybermen 'dancing' in series 2 when their emotional inhibitors bit the dust so the Daleks deserve a chance to show their moves. I actually liked it when one of them was idly shoved down a side corridor - shades of the old series.

That K9 series looks awful. The design is just wrong. And it's an Aussie coproduction with live action and a CGI K9 - the levels of wrongness begin to multiply. Maybe we can just pretend it's taking place in the Turn Left universe or somewhere equally doomed :tongue:

Davros went mad. Again.

I quite liked it. It was perhaps a bit happy at the end, where everyone just walked away. Even Donna came off lightly. So she doesn't remember the Doctor... at least she survived. And Rose seemed to get over the human Doctor not being the real Doctor pretty quickly didn't she...

It was nice to see K-9, even if it was only briefly. And of course, K-9 has the TARDIS basecodes because K-9 II has TARDIS schematics in his memory banks. And it was good to see Davros remember Sarah-Jane. That was such a good fanboy moment. As was the reference to the chameleon circuit. German Daleks as well, likely a reference to the Nazi roots intended by Terry Nation (and thus another Genesis reference).

Has he used up a regeneration? Possibly, but bear in mind temporary regenertions and aborted regenerations have happened before. Has Davros survived? Of course he has.

Why stop at wanting to included Adric? What abour Katarina. No-one remembers her, do they? Or Sara Kingdom. And what about all the UNIT soldiers who've died?

"People and planets and stars will become dust. And the dust will become atoms, and the atoms will become... nothing. [...] This is my ultimate victory. The destruction of reality ITSELF!" :grin:

"Never forget, Doctor, you did this! I name you forever! You are the Destroyer of Worlds!"

Edited by Brainbox

Has he used up a regeneration? Possibly, but bear in mind temporary regenertions and aborted regenerations have happened before.

Ew, really?

(Man, I'm not as up on the old series as I thought.)

I thought the second Doctor's performance was kind of "bleh" towards the end. Once everyone was safe, they just had him stand there looking as boring and blank-slate as possible.

It'd have been nice if he was a bit more witty and happy on the final beach scene. The idea that he WAS the Doctor just wasn't conveyed too well.

I thought the second Doctor's performance was kind of "bleh" towards the end. Once everyone was safe, they just had him stand there looking as boring and blank-slate as possible.

It'd have been nice if he was a bit more witty and happy on the final beach scene. The idea that he WAS the Doctor just wasn't conveyed too well.

I agree with you actually on that point. Maybe they didn't want him too likeable in case he was too popular. After he killed the Daleks he was a bit sidelined, whereas to start with he had the funny vocal thing going on with Donna and was more energetic.

On the other hand, as has been suggested elsewhere, on that beach he was thinking:

"Okay, I am SO about to get laid. Play it cool, play it cool. Glee is in appropriate here. Serious face! Okay, I'm holding Rose's hand. Awesome. I wonder how soon we can ditch Jackie? PLAY IT COOL, DUDE."


Ew, really?

(Man, I'm not as up on the old series as I thought.)

Well, the Valeyard from Trial of a Time Lord was some sort of aspect of the Doctor from between his twelfth and thirteenth incarnations (it was never explained quite what that meant).

In The Five Doctors, the Third Doctor references the Fourth as "all teeth and curls".* Because Time Lord intervention wiped the memory of the inter-incarnation meetings to preserve the web of time (to prevent a Time Lord remembering a point in his/her future from his/her past), there was no way he could know what his future incarnation looked like. One of the novels (just checked, and it's The Touch of Nuzrah from Short Trips: Monsters) has the Third Doctor injured, and start to regenerate into the Fourth Doctor. This was somehow reversed (I haven't read it) and Jo Grant described the Fourth Doctor to the Third at some point.

I also found out that the War Chief (from The War Games) starts to regenerate at one point (again, had to check- Timewyrm: Exodus) but the regeneration aborts, causing him to look like two beings fused together.

In addition, the Master chose not to regenerate at the end of Last of the Time Lords, while Romana forced a regeneration into her second incarnation, taking several different forms before settling into a duplicate of Princess Astra. It is possible that she was more damaged by the Key to Time than appeared, but she may also have simply chosen to change to better fit in with the TARDIS crew, or to move on from that part of her life (the quest for the Key). Although one novel does suggest it was an anthropomorphised TARDIS that did this, then made Romana take the form of Princess Astra it had adopted.** I also stumbled onto a Time Lord called Azmael who forced a final regeneration past his thirteenth (ie death) to save the Doctor and Peri by eliminating the spirit of Mestor inside him.

*This line was apparantly supposed to be for Elisabeth Sladen, but Jon Pertwee appropriated it for himself. The Sarah Jane in The Five Doctors comes from after K-9 and Company, and has therefore ended her (classic) travels with the Doctor.

**I prefer to ignore this suggestion though. :laugh:

  • 2 weeks later...

The last sontarian and day of the clown ( :look: )

well at least brigader will appear

when we found out the next epsidoes of the series i might be tempted to watch sarah jane adventures

The last sontarian and day of the clown ( :look: )

well at least brigader will appear

What exactly are you talking about? :oh:


What exactly are you talking about? :oh:

Sarah Jane series 2. There's an episode where she goes up against some Sontarans left on Earth following their most recent invasion attempt, and she gets a little help from an old friend. Namely one ex-Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. :wub:

Sarah Jane series 2. There's an episode where she goes up against some Sontarans left on Earth following their most recent invasion attempt, and she gets a little help from an old friend. Namely one ex-Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. :wub:

Ohhhh... What I have seen of the Sarah Jane Adventures was like (new) Doctor Who, but much, much sillier, so I didn't really like it. Maybe with the Brigadier and Sontarans it would be interesting! :thumbup:


Yeah, Sarah Jane Adventures are definitely aimed at a younger audience.

I'm happy to say it's no SO embarrassingly condescending that I can't watch it though.

(No, that was that last episode of Dr. Who season 4 and the Dalek / pig episode of series 3.) :hmpf:

I'm happy to say it's no SO embarrassingly condescending that I can't watch it though.

And the fact that it's the Brigadier improves it no end. As in, the Brigadier.

i cant agree more Brainbox :thumbup:

(now lets hope for a special with a past doctor that isnt a few minutes long :cry_happy: )

(now lets hope for a special with a past doctor that isnt a few minutes long :cry_happy: )

I think Tom Baker may have expressed some interest in a return, and I'd imagine all the Doctor's currently doing audio stuff (5 through 8) would do it. Here's hoping.

40X3. The 6 Doctors (Suggested Title)

201 231108 By Terrance Dicks

Rumoured that an extra special story will be written for the 45th anniversary to be broadcast on the 23rd November 2008 starring Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Tom Baker and David Tennant with special appearances by other guest actors (Eccleston?). Alternately this special may appear as a Children in Need extravaganza. With Peter Davison and Tom Baker confirming they would return for a cameo if asked, this is looking more and more likely. Fingers crossed!

I love sylvestermccoy.com ...seemed on the ball with a lot of their alleged "predictions".

40X3. The 6 Doctors (Suggested Title)

201 231108 By Terrance Dicks

With any luck. I think they should certainly do something to celebrate the anniversary. All we got for 40 was a documentary, a radio times pull-out and a fantastic book (which I got on offer, so even better). And what better way to celebrate this time with a Doctor reunion? Sadly, some of them are no longer with us, but as long as we at least feel the presence of each era I'll be happy.

  • 4 months later...

Right! Time to revive this thread for the Christmas special! :pir-classic:

I saw the trailer on Children In Need - It looked very cheap! - A Cyber head coming out from a door? WTF?

It's nice to see they've tied ina paradox again, the other main character will be The Doctor too!

The villian will be an evil woman who uses children as slaves (Reminiscient of the 1700s/1800s)

Somehow the Cybermen are connected with the Industial Revolution - Allies of the evil mistress.

Unfortunately I won't be able to see the Christmas Special on Christmas day, but I'll record it and get back here when I've seen it! :jollyroger:

  • 3 weeks later...

What day does the newest episode play, Christmas Day, right?

And Christmas Eve is the Children in Need special? (Oh geez, it aired on the 7th? I thought it was a christmas eve thing).

Better start looking for a torrent of that.

I don't think the Children in Need specials ever make it over here to the US.

Downloaded some tv spots with scenes from the new episode... yeah, did look a lil' silly.

Liked the Cybervisors lol... but watching them being pushed around like tin cans is, well, silly.

: p

Humorously enough, I watched the first part of William Hartnell's last episode, "The Tenth Planet".

It's a "lost" episode (one of the ones the BBC destroyed and had to go to the fans and get it, I think).

If you don't like the look of the Cybermen now, realize they've come a LOOOOOONG way...

Lantern crotches... lol.


Mummy heads. X D


On the topic of old Cybermen, I personally love the ones that have ridiculously huge heads, old piping and appliances glued to body suits. So cheesy I love it.



Yeah, that first image you have there is the one I just watched, where Hartnell regenerates.

I like the strange, melodious voices they had in that incarnation. It fit the way they look.

That was an "interesting" episode... the first 3 parts were complete, but part 4 is a "lost" part. Some of it was all there, but most of it was snapshots taken like from advertisements of that time, along with audio that fans of old had taped off their tv sets lol. (I used to tape shows like Monty Python and Saturday Night Live that way, back before VCRs were in wide use).

Thankfully, those old shows moved so slow that it didn't detract from watching it very much. This too was helped by the fact there were subtitles at the bottom describing whenever "action" was taking place.

Hartnell's regeneration was in video though, mostly due to the fact the footage had been used in specials that were safe, even though the original episode had been damaged.

I never got into Hartnell's run. I came on during Tom Baker, only seeing a few of Pertwee. But I think I'll probably want to see the rest of his episodes, watch the whole darn series from start to finish.

We're talking YEARS of downloads lol.

Saw the new Christmas episode... can't complain.

It was painfully clear nearly from the beginning as to who the Next Doctor was, but it was funny watching him anyway.

I don't quite get why the Cybermen needed a human to crown Cyberking. I mean, they came through a rift in the void created by the Dalek reality bomb's destabilizing effects... but they get here and want to recruit some chick to lead them? What?

I must have missed something important.

The Cyberking at it's peak was "cute", in a steampunk sort of way... but I didn't like that kind of stuff in the New Transformers movie and I'm not immensely liking it here.

I do say it was far more interesting than the junk running around in Transformers though... more believable body construction / piston placements, etc...

:oh3: A giant Cyberman Megazord? That was actually unbelievable.

I enjoyed the episode and took it lightly as the Christmas episodes tend to be an enjoyable romp, but I also thought that the plot was a bit convoluted and I don't actually think they explained the whole "Cybershades" thing.

I thought it was great until the "mecha-cyberman" appeared, then i got a bit stupid.

my dad said how much it reminded him of the mobile oppression palace from futurama.

I don't actually think they explained the whole "Cybershades" thing.

What's to explain?

I really liked the CyberKing, and I'm going to have to build one.

Why is this being dicussed here? You are all being very off-topic.




I thought it was great until the "mecha-cyberman" appeared, then i got a bit stupid.

my dad said how much it reminded him of the mobile oppression palace from futurama.

Well, I'd say it's the whole point of Doctor Who, really. It's the only show I know of where they just put lots and lots of non sense together and make it into something fantastic like that. Even the cheezy FX make it look even better :wink:

That's why there's no other show quite like that. The Middleman did have a try at it but IMO, it didn't work as well, go figure why... Maybe it's because, even with the non sense, Dr Who goes deeper into it's characters and leads you somwhere where you actually feel for them (yes, even those tin can daaleks :tongue: )

Can't wait for next season.

Why is this being dicussed here? You are all being very off-topic.




Talking about Series 5 Doctor Who in the Series 4 thread. :wacko:

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