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Not even close, considering the green Daleks are just painted. But I think you'll be entertained.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

You seem to know a lot! I no longer have any inside soured on DW, so I have no clues on what's going on. Do you have people on the inside? :tongue: Or are you able to predict the future?

I wish I could forget about Journeys end and Stolen earth as well.

Extremely enjoyable episode. I liked when Matt got angry, it reminded me of Chris Eccleston in 'Dalek'

Wow, now that was great. This new series is already my favourite! Thank god those Gold Daleks have gone though, the Daleks so badly needed a reboot. Cybermen need the next reboot.

Next episode: Riversong and Weeping Angels. Sounds good.

Edited by The crazy one

Oh my goodness! That episode was so brilliant :grin:

I especially love the orange Dalek - the scientist one I think was what Moffat said on Confidential afterwards. He's my favourite :wub:

Can't wait for next week!


I just can't wait 'till an hour and a half from now until it actually starts hear across the pond :sweet:

You seem to know a lot! I no longer have any inside soured on DW, so I have no clues on what's going on. Do you have people on the inside? :tongue: Or are you able to predict the future?

Nah, nothing so James Bond, just came across leaked pics on the internet.

I wish I could forget about Journeys end and Stolen earth as well.

:laugh: I taking this joke and claiming it as my own!

Cybermen need the next reboot.

Agreed so much it becomes borderline offensive! Who thought it would be a good idea to have the Cybermen as some parellel version that are weak as a poodle? Oh right, RTD of course.

Anyway, really enjoyed the new episode, even if it wasn't on a par with The Eleventh Hour/Beast Below. I absolutely love how this season is setting up a "dark fairytale" quality, outrageous but also creepy with none of that nonsense of farting aliens.

Love the new Daleks, and a fantastic touch that the inferior ones accepted their fate. Very much looking forward to them becoming a consistence threat instead of "DESTROYED FOWEVAH!" and with millions of them. Spitfires in space were beautiful too.

The robot subplot bomb resolvement was weak however, and Churchill was a pretty "heroic historical upgrade" version, I was hoping to see some of his trademark wit and sexism. Oh well, next week's looks like a blast and if earlier seasons are any indicator, this is where things begin.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

:laugh: I taking this joke and claiming it as my own!

No! I want it aswell! :tongue:

Agreed so much it becomes borderline offensive! Who thought it would be a good idea to have the Cybermen as some parellel version that are weak as a poodle? Oh right, RTD of course.

Anyway, really enjoyed the new episode, even if it wasn't on a par with The Eleventh Hour/Beast Below. I absolutely love how this season is setting up a "dark fairytale" quality, outrageous but also creepy with none of that nonsense of farting aliens.

Love the new Daleks, and a fantastic touch that the inferior ones accepted their fate. Very much looking forward to them becoming a consistence threat instead of "DESTROYED FOWEVAH!" and with millions of them. Spitfires in space were beautiful too.

The robot subplot bomb resolvement was weak however, and Churchill was a pretty "heroic historical upgrade" version, I was hoping to see some of his trademark wit and sexism. Oh well, next week's looks like a blast and if earlier seasons are any indicator, this is where things begin.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Hmm...I totally agree, Cybermen that can bearly survive a gun shot! We do see a half torn up one this series in the trailer, what does that say about these parellel cybers? :laugh:

I have to say, the new daleks are great. I love the living eye in the eye stalk. Quite nasty atually. :grin:

I also love the new Doctor, none of this '' Wah! I am the last of my kind! '' nonesense. It got so dull and boring, and rather soppy. Matt Smith is just bonkers, and thats what the Doctor is meant to be! :classic: Looking foward to what he makes of the Weeping Angels. He actually gets to fight some this time, rather than being in a different time zone, though that was my favourite Tennant era episode.

Yours Faithfully,

The Crazy One

Okay, yes I know i'm a tad late but I only just saw the eleventh hour last night :grin: .

Can I just say that was brilliant! Matt Smith is incredible as the doctor and anyone who is refusing to watch him because he's not DT needs to be slapped or forced to eat beans ( :grin: see what I did there!). Did anyone get that sense of Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka when the doctor was in the Tardis? The new Tardis by the way is pretty awesome, I like how it also has a typewriter and all those craazy little gadgets as part of the console. That was hillarious at the begining though when hesaid he had climbed all the way out of his library/pool :tongue:

Nextw week's episode the Beast Below should be and looks great! And Remember "Beans are evil!"

I've never really watched doctor who, just an episode here and there, really just when there was nothing else on. But when I first saw trailers for a new season I knew it would be time for me to follow this show. I've always been intrigued by the show, but I didn't know enough about it for it to make sense. So before the season premiere, they had a documentery/guide to the world of doctor who, and now that I get it, I'm looking forward to what the future of Doctor Who holds. Last nights episode was really cool, the big eyes were awesome, and when they were going through the house at the beginning, It was like a horror movie with the door being closed, then opened when they returned. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole show. Can't wait for next weeks episode.

Great episode yesterday. I'm actually starting to enjoy the daleks again :thumbup: . Hopefully them getting away means that there will be no more falling through time and space stuff. This series is turning out to be great.

Edited by Lord Arjay

Rainbow Daleks! They were so cute! But not as cute as the soldier Daleks pretending to be mindless robots. "Would you like some TEA?!" :laugh:

All in all, I didn't think very highly of the plot in this episode, though. It was quite inane at times, with an airplane flying to the moon in a matter of minutes and shooting lasers with some hocus-pocus "alien technology".

And the fact that Amy Pond saves the day in the last minute with some brilliant humane thinking seems to be a recurring plot device now. I always hate it when there's a bomb with a countdown involved, because it's so obvious the heroes are going to defuse it in the last possible second. When a plot point is so tired and clichéd, why do the writers use it so much?

The acting was superb in this episode, especially with Winston Churchill. Amy is very sympathetic, but her obsession with the Doctor is a little bit too heavily underlined with the constant forlorn sideway looks and allegories she uses.

It was fun to see a Dalek episode where they aren't "wiped out of existence" for once, especially since we viewers know they always come back one way or another. It's better to be honest with the viewers rather than always give the allusion that the Daleks are gone for good.

So yeah, "Victory of the Daleks" had many funny moments but a poorly written plot riddled with clichéd plot devices. If the writers aimed for a "campy" feeling, then all kudos to them, because that's exactly what I felt this episode was. Campy.

I can't wait for the next episode, though. The Weeping Angels are hands down the creepiest Doctor Who villains, and I love Alex Kingston who plays River Song. It'll be interesting to see how they write her back into the story, since we know she was married to the Tenth Doctor.

I enjoyed this one most so far. It was a bit camp, but Doctor Who has always had a bit of camp. The Doctor is getting into his role a lot more too. Nobody can be a cute and stylish as David Tennant, but he's doing a solid job.

Maybe I'll even stick through the whole season :grin:

My current hero, Charlie Brooker helps dissect the new Doctor Who on You Have Been Watching, a BBC talking head show.


Not as good as Brooker's uber-excellent Screenwipe, but maybe of interest to some here.

That seriously has to be one of the best lines of the series, even rivaling, "You're Scottish, fry something!" :grin:

"Would you care for some TEA?!" :laugh:


Hmm...I totally agree, Cybermen that can bearly survive a gun shot! We do see a half torn up one this series in the trailer, what does that say about these parellel cybers? :laugh:

Yeah, I'm hoping they'll do the same with the stupid parellel Cybermen that they did to the RTD-era Daleks; kill them off, this time with the creepy original Mondas Cybermen.

I have to say, the new daleks are great. I love the living eye in the eye stalk. Quite nasty atually. :grin:

Sorry to burst oyur bubble but I don't think there was one.

I also love the new Doctor, none of this '' Wah! I am the last of my kind! '' nonesense. It got so dull and boring, and rather soppy. Matt Smith is just bonkers, and thats what the Doctor is meant to be!

This needs to be repeated to the Nth degree, I don't know what in his insane mind made RTD think an emo Doctor crying every finale over the fact that he is "so alone! Waaa!" when he never cared before was a good idea, but I wish he had had it lobotomised out ages ago.

Rainbow Daleks! They were so cute! But not as cute as the soldier Daleks pretending to be mindless robots. "Would you like some TEA?!" :laugh:

Because everyone should hear it.

All in all, I didn't think very highly of the plot in this episode, though. It was quite inane at times, with an airplane flying to the moon in a matter of minutes and shooting lasers with some hocus-pocus "alien technology".

Er, they didn't fly to the moon, it was stated that the Dalek saucer had moved into close orbit. And the "hocus pocus alien technology" (which should never be a complaint with Doctor Who anyway) was also stated by Bracewell earlier as prototype Spitfires he developed much earlier because of his unknowing knowledge of Dalek technology.

And the fact that Amy Pond saves the day in the last minute with some brilliant humane thinking seems to be a recurring plot device now. I always hate it when there's a bomb with a countdown involved, because it's so obvious the heroes are going to defuse it in the last possible second. When a plot point is so tired and clichéd, why do the writers use it so much?

Agreed on this. Given how fun and atmospheric the Dalek ruse was, they should've axed this down to a mere fix by the doctor with Amy's help to give more time to that.

I can't wait for the next episode, though. The Weeping Angels are hands down the creepiest Doctor Who villains, and I love Alex Kingston who plays River Song. It'll be interesting to see how they write her back into the story, since we know she was married to the Tenth Doctor.

Definitely looking forward to this one, should be great. I agree the episode was let down by cliched aspects and had pacing problems, but it also had some great stuff, so it averages out at, well, average for me. And if this is the worst episode then this should be the best new season yet.

My current hero, Charlie Brooker helps dissect the new Doctor Who on You Have Been Watching, a BBC talking head show.


Thanks for the link, Charlie Brooker is a legend above men, I love his Screenwipe and Newswipe, and its always funny to see Doctor Who bypass his cynical exterior.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Empty fun, but it seemed a waste of an episode just to launch a new range of Daleks that didn't do anything. Felt like fluffy marshmallow filler to me - all sugar, no nutrition!

I would have preferred to see the episode that was hinted at with scheming Daleks doing something instead of a genesis episode that didn't really hold up as a standalone story.

The Time of the Angels was really good, and has a great cliff hanger. :thumbup:

The angels were scarier than ever especially the deformed angels.

I cannot wait until the next episode, it will be one not to miss. I wonder what happens to the Doctor when he gets grabbed?

Piss off cartoon Graham Norton, no one cares about your terrible show. :angry:

This episode seemed really short, i preferred the first half of the episode to the second. wasn't as scary as i was hoping.

Haven't been posting in this thread, since I wasn't psyched over the new series so far. Sure, episode 1 was nice, but the aliens looked dreadful in my opinion. Episode 2 was a little too confusing for me (Smilers, monk-like chaps, crack-in-the-wall, forget, Liz Ten, Star Whale... huh?). And last week's episode still has me undecided: cool dogfight, Winston C was camp yet fun, but the Daleks are now looking their least cool ever - after having looked the coolest ever for 5 years! "What...? What?! WHAT?!"

Tonight brought us episode 4, The Time of Angels. The promotional clips and trailers had me excited on one hand (Weeping Angels! River Song! Byzantium! Actor Iain Glen!) and slightly worried on the other. The glorious TARDIS sound is only there because the Doctor leaves the breaks on? I like a bit of joking about with the past and referencing and stuff, but turning that iconic sound into a joke... Hated that bit when I first saw it as a promotional clip and still hate it now I've seen it in context in the episode.

That said, everything else about The Time of Angels has me punching the air and shouting: "YES! Doctor Who is finally BACK!" The rhythm of the episode was spot on (ep 1 and 2 really lacked in that respect, I feel), the clever storytelling Moffat showed before is there, the Weeping Angels and River Song and Iain Glen deliver... Yay! And of course the promise of very interesting stuff to come in the very next episode and the further future. The main thing I loved was the return of proper mystery and the return of the Doctor. Return of the Doctor? Yeah. He was there in the first three episodes, I did notice that, but only now did the focus seem to be on HIM for a change. Russell T Davies era seemed to be about the Doctor himself, while he didn't shine too brightly in this new series so far. Again, this is just my view. If someone'd count his screentime and lines, it might well be just as much as before. But tonight I felt for the first time since New Year's Day, this was about the Doctor again.

So three cheers for tonight's ep. Haven't thought "Can't wait for next time!" since The End of Time, Part Two but tonight I'm thinking it once more. Welcome back, Doctor!

I am watching it... On iPlayer.

I am fearful :cry_sad: This is so scary. All of them. Every single one...

I watched Blink the other day on Watch...

. The glorious TARDIS sound is only there because the Doctor leaves the breaks on? I like a bit of joking about with the past and referencing and stuff, but turning that iconic sound into a joke... Hated that bit when I first saw it as a promotional clip and still hate it now I've seen it in context in the episode.

I loved that joke though, it was very 'doctory.' Maybe its just the British sense of humour. Plus Matt making the noise was awesome.

During the

Angel coming out of the TV

scene, did anyone else notice Amy blinks with one eye at a time?

During the

Angel coming out of the TV

scene, did anyone else notice Amy blinks with one eye at a time?

Yes i noticed it! Very clever, because i was always thinking to do when i saw blink.

Ow yeah, this was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying, why bbc? WHY OMG!

Ow yeah, this was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying, why bbc? WHY OMG!

Piss off cartoon Graham Norton, no one cares about your terrible show. :angry:


I watched 'The Time of Angels' a few hours ago, yeah. Didn't think even Moffat could make them even scarier than before. I was proven wrong.

"That which holds the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel."

Guess what? We've all just watched forty-odd minutes' worth of Weeping Angel footage.

Sleep well, people.

I loved that joke though, it was very 'doctory.' Maybe its just the British sense of humour.

Actually, I quite like British humour. Oh well, it's a good thing we don't all love and hate the same things. Life would get dull pretty quick!

Plus Matt making the noise was awesome.

Definitely agreeing with you there!

P.S.: I hope I didn't do anything to your post by clicking that +Quote button... I thought that was for quoting your piece in a new reply. Sorry!

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