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I've been rewatched some episode at random and i've come to this conclusion:

Journey's end is the worst doctor who episode of the revival.

That is quite a big case you have there but I disagree. No matter how much of a failure Journeys End it did have some saving graces.


-Julian Bleechs' preformance as Davros was exceptonial, he perfectly captured the character and his scenes with 10 were intresting to say the least. I love it when they take some time to prod the Doctors' emotions such as the recent Amys' Choice. It is intriuging when Davros gains the upper hand over the Doctor by reminding him of the people that die around him. It was unfortunate that the flashback only contained New Who though.

-Donnas' end was a heartbreaking moment. Over the course of Series 4 Donna became so much more than the shouty character she was when intoduced in TRB. Donna is my favourite companion so far and she recieved a fitting end.

Oh this is harder than I thought, I can't really argue with any of your points. :blush: But I can present a case for an episode I believe to be even worse.

The Last of the Time Lords


10, Jack and Marthas' family do nothing for most of the episode. In fact 10 spends a lot of time in a cage as a CGI golem. Marthas' family are seen miling around the deck, not really doing anything save for a brief escape attempt. Jack appears at the begining, during the already mentioned escape attempt and... well I don't think he's seen again until he blows up the paradox machine. On that point,


Here is a summary:

Martha appears and everyone in the world thinks "Doctor" they haven't met him though. (-100 points for copying Peter Pan)

Through some crazy vague mind stunts the Doctor transforms himself back to his normal self. (-50 :wacko: Phycic links?)

As if that wasn't enough he goes overboard and transforms himself into a glowing blue flying god like being who can move object with his mind. (-125 Telekinises? Sounds like someones been watching Heroes and we all know how that ended. :sceptic: )

The Demi-God Doctor overpowers the Masters silly toys and reduces him to tears with I forgive you. (-25 Crying? Doesn't really sound like Mr Maniac does it? You wouldn't catch Davros sobbing in between his quest for total annilation would you? :grin: )

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.1: Quickly send in the flying spheres and teleport to a rocky cliff face.

Cue defeat of the Master plan No.1: As the doctor teleports away with the master, the flying spheres swarm to the Valiant, but don't worry Jack and some Un-Loyal Security Guards will stop them by destroying the Paradox Machine. When they get there though they realise that The Maaster left 4 spheres to guard it (-5 Only four?)

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.2: Back on the cliff the Master reveals he will blow up all of his rockets and destroy the Earth, sneaky.

Cue defeat of Master Plan No.2: Simple the Doctor must say "after all these years, all of your weapons and toys I hold the biggest secret of all, you wouldn't kill yourself" whilst epic music plays. (Not the exact words but you get the idea) The Master agrees with the Doctor apparently and gives up. (-40 That was easy)

On the Valient after some off screen actin Jack is in the Tardis and destroys the Paradox machine. Everything obviously goes back to normal and nothing had happened. (-250 The Ultimate Duex Ex Machina)

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.3: Run away

Cue defeat of Master Plan No.3: Jack stopped him

Uh Oh Marthas mum remembers and is about to shoot Mr Master!

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.4: Reverse phycology

Cue defeat of Master Plan No.4: Actually it works and Francine(?) doesn't shoot him.

The Doctor reveals that he wants to keep the Master as a pet. The Master doesn't like that idea then his wife shoots him. Uh Oh!

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.5: Die. (-79 This is the same person who recently agreed that he would never kill himself? :wacko: )

Cue defeat of Master Plan No.5: This works as well.(-30 He apparently only allows his own wife to shoot him. :wacko: )

Well I am running out of time to write this but there are many other cons including Marthas trip around the world but really it all pales in comparison to the biggest con of all:

-Martha leaves her phone allowing re-appearances (-A billion NOOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOO :sing: )

If you've read all of this then well done (please excuse the spelling/grammer errors as it was rather rushed). Buy yourself a cookie. :grin:

Edited by Lord Arjay

Touche, Lord Aray, Well played.


-Julian Bleechs' preformance as Davros was exceptonial, he perfectly captured the character and his scenes with 10 were intresting to say the least. I love it when they take some time to prod the Doctors' emotions such as the recent Amys' Choice. It is intriuging when Davros gains the upper hand over the Doctor by reminding him of the people that die around him. It was unfortunate that the flashback only contained New Who though.

-Donnas' end was a heartbreaking moment. Over the course of Series 4 Donna became so much more than the shouty character she was when intoduced in TRB. Donna is my favourite companion so far and she recieved a fitting end.

bits i did like:

Davros/Dalek Cann.

Donna fate.

I'll go through your points in a minute, some are wrong/misunderstood (but some are right.)

Thankyou SO much for that Lord Arjay, I cracked up laughing. I'll give it to The Last of the Timelords for the sheer woobyising (Tv Tropes: A character that the audience feels utmost sympathy for) that continued into The End of Time, retconning his entire past so that he was ANOTHER FREAKING CHARACTER, he should of just been a parellel evil Doctor or something.

That said, Journey's End is tough competition:

Last time on Doctor Who: I'm regenerating!

Audience: *Look of shock*

Doctor: Oh look a hand, I'll shoot all my regeneration energy into that, after I've healed myself, isn't that neat?

Audience: But Doctor, that contradicts everything we've seen or been told about regeneration before.

Doctor: Oh, **** you!


Mickey: I'm here to save the day!

Jackie: I'm here because RTD thought it was a neat idea! Cut me out of the plot and nothing changes!

Mickey: Yeah why didn't Torchwood send Pete, or one of the other specialised men? Or all of them?

Jackie: ....I'm here because RTD thought it was a neat idea!

Mickey: *sarcasm on* I can tell you're gonna be great company.

Doctor2 (heh, rhymes): That Dalek Fleet has enough power to still wipe out the cosmos! Time to end them permanently!"

Daleks: HECK, EVEN WE'RE WITH YOU ON THAT ONE! *continues spinning then blows up*

Doctor: What have you done? They were poor innocent creatures with a love of life! You have committed genocide! Something I've never done before! The previous race of Daleks, the Timelords, Racnoss and Cybermen don't count! And I certainly will not be killing the Timelords again next year!

Doctor2: I guess that's right....wait a moment -

Doctor: You punishment is banishment to the alternate Earth!

Doctor2: That doesn't sound so bad.

Doctor: As Rose's sex toy!


Doctor: Let's tow the Earth!

*MUUUUUURAAAAY GOOOOOOOOOOLD* (for the record I actualy love his music, but this part was such a blatant "and now it's time to be inspired" moment)

*Torchwood and everyone else on Earth experiences very troubling shifting, smashing everything in houses and killing many*

Newsreporter: The numbers are still coming in, but approximately 13,000 people are expected to have died last night due to the tremors, the numbers are still climbing...

Wilfred: Bet you regret that ay Doctor?



Still none of these two episodes have a patch on End of Time. I can still enjoy TLOTTL and Journey's End, they still have some great bits in them like Julian Bleach and Master actually taking over the world. End of Time on the other hand....urrgh. I'm not even sure I can joke about it.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

But I can present a case for an episode I believe to be even worse.

The Last of the Time Lords

Last of the Time lords is not that bad, Gollum10, 'clap ur hands if you believe in Jesus The Doctor' and the 'oh btw i'm the face of boe lol' (actually most of the master 3 parter and Turn Left/Stolen Earth are good episodes IMO anyway.)


10, Jack and Marthas' family do nothing for most of the episode. In fact 10 spends a lot of time in a cage as a CGI golem. Marthas' family are seen miling around the deck, not really doing anything save for a brief escape attempt.

Which is still more than the rest did on journeys end did, plus they had to plan the escape. :tongue:

Jack appears at the begining, during the already mentioned escape attempt and... well I don't think he's seen again until he blows up the paradox machine. On that point

Jack is chained to a wall, so he's out. Martha's Family are basically slaves and Gollum10 is... well you know.


Here is a summary:

Martha appears and everyone in the world thinks "Doctor" they haven't met him though. (-100 points for copying Peter Pan)

Through some crazy vague mind stunts the Doctor transforms himself back to his normal self. (-50 default_wacko.gif Phycic links?)

As if that wasn't enough he goes overboard and transforms himself into a glowing blue flying god like being who can move object with his mind. (-125 Telekinises? Sounds like someones been watching Heroes and we all know how that ended. default_sceptic.gif )

The Demi-God Doctor overpowers the Masters silly toys and reduces him to tears with I forgive you. (-25 Crying? Doesn't really sound like Mr Maniac does it? You wouldn't catch Davros sobbing in between his quest for total annilation would you? default_laugh2.gif )

I agree with all of this, although i did like the fake 'master destroyer' gun plot.

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.1: Quickly send in the flying spheres and teleport to a rocky cliff face.

Cue defeat of the Master plan No.1: As the doctor teleports away with the master, the flying spheres swarm to the Valiant, but don't worry Jack and some Un-Loyal Security Guards will stop them by destroying the Paradox Machine. When they get there though they realise that The Maaster left 4 spheres to guard it (-5 Only four?)

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.2: Back on the cliff the Master reveals he will blow up all of his rockets and destroy the Earth, sneaky.

Cue defeat of Master Plan No.2: Simple the Doctor must say "after all these years, all of your weapons and toys I hold the biggest secret of all, you wouldn't kill yourself" whilst epic music plays. (Not the exact words but you get the idea) The Master agrees with the Doctor apparently and gives up. (-40 That was easy)

I'm sure the missiles were going to be used to attack other planets, using the flying balls as well. (liked the idea of the toclafane as well)

On the Valient after some off screen actin Jack is in the Tardis and destroys the Paradox machine. Everything obviously goes back to normal and nothing had happened. (-250 The Ultimate Duex Ex Machina)

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.3: Run away

Cue defeat of Master Plan No.3: Jack stopped him

Uh Oh Marthas mum remembers and is about to shoot Mr Master!

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.4: Reverse phycology

Cue defeat of Master Plan No.4: Actually it works and Francine(?) doesn't shoot him.

The Doctor reveals that he wants to keep the Master as a pet. The Master doesn't like that idea then his wife shoots him. Uh Oh!

Cue Master Back Up Plan No.5: Die. (-79 This is the same person who recently agreed that he would never kill himself? default_wacko.gif )

Cue defeat of Master Plan No.5: This works as well.(-30 He apparently only allows his own wife to shoot him. default_wacko.gif )

That wasn't his plan, his wife just hated him, plus he didn't regenerate to spite the doctor.

-Martha leaves her phone allowing re-appearances (-A billion NOOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOO default_sing.gif )

I actually liked Martha, its too bad she spent most of S3 in roses shadow.

Edited by simonjedi

Thankyou SO much for that Lord Arjay, I cracked up laughing. I'll give it to The Last of the Timelords for the sheer woobyising (Tv Tropes: A character that the audience feels utmost sympathy for) that continued into The End of Time, retconning his entire past so that he was ANOTHER FREAKING CHARACTER, he should of just been a parellel evil Doctor or something.

[lots of funny stuff]


Still none of these two episodes have a patch on End of Time. I can still enjoy TLOTTL and Journey's End, they still have some great bits in them like Julian Bleach and Master actually taking over the world. End of Time on the other hand....urrgh. I'm not even sure I can joke about it.

I admit Part one was a bit all over the place, the whole 'magical potions of resurrection/ anti-master resurrection' scene was stupid as well as DragonBall Z master. The fact that it seems to end about half way through the episode but then keeps going, (i'm being serious , its a CGI shot of the earth and the narrator says 'As Earth rolled into night...blah blah blah.. the final day.) and the scene where the doctor gets shot by the commandos trying to abduct the master then it suddenly cuts to the Wilf's house in the day and he's fine. But, admit it you still went 'OH HELL YES' during the 'This is the Day the Time Lords Returned For Gallifrey!' scene (Even though Dalton spat all of it.)


It was fine for the runaway bride and WoM but come on.

Part 2 was better, ignoring overly long regeneration. It had some excellent moments ('run Donna run' and the scene where Wilf hands him the gun.) but it obviously had the 'GUNS DON'T WORK THAT WAY' scene where he cocks the gun like 8 times, the 'hey wait a minute isn't this from a new hope' scene with the spaceship and the missiles and when he fell from a great height, through glass and hit a hard floor and only got a few scratches and the costume was ripped a bit, even though 4 fell from a shorter distance and still regenerated.

Anyway 'The Hungry Earth' written by Chris Chibnall (42, loads of Torchwood episodes) is on tonight. It still seems weird having Who on every week instead of the huge wait for the specials.

Edited by simonjedi

Thankyou SO much for that Lord Arjay, I cracked up laughing. I'll give it to The Last of the Timelords for the sheer woobyising (Tv Tropes: A character that the audience feels utmost sympathy for) that continued into The End of Time, retconning his entire past so that he was ANOTHER FREAKING CHARACTER, he should of just been a parellel evil Doctor or something.

You are hilarious. :laugh: I'll get round to nitpicking TEOT eventually aswell.

Last of the Time lords is not that bad, Gollum10, 'clap ur hands if you believe in Jesus The Doctor' and the 'oh btw i'm the face of boe lol' (actually most of the master 3 parter and Turn Left/Stolen Earth are good episodes IMO anyway.)

I agree that the build up episodes were pretty good in my eyes but that just made the conclusion even more disappointing.

Which is still more than the rest did on journeys end did, plus they had to plan the escape. :tongue:

Yes but there escape was so short lived, I admit it was nice to see the Master prove that he was in power and that 10 couldn't do anything to stop him though.

Jack is chained to a wall, so he's out. Martha's Family are basically slaves and Gollum10 is... well you know.

Excactly. There was a big build up of Jack coming back. In the end though he proved to be little more than a plot device save for a good conversation in Utopia.

I agree with all of this, although i did like the fake 'master destroyer' gun plot.

Ah yes I presume you're talking about the anti-regeneration gun which Martha said she was looking for. It was a good idea but badly executed, I mean around the world in 360 days?

I'm sure the missiles were going to be used to attack other planets, using the flying balls as well. (liked the idea of the toclafane as well)

You are correct, they were going to attack other planets. Again I did like the idea behind the Toclafane but they should have spent a bit more time on them.

That wasn't his plan, his wife just hated him, plus he didn't regenerate to spite the doctor.

At that point I admit that he didn't have back up plans planned in advance but he was thinking on his feet there. He didn't plan to get shot but when he was he planned to die in order to escape and we all now know that this was the catalyst to back up plan no.6 but I'll get to that later.

I actually liked Martha, its too bad she spent most of S3 in roses shadow.

Really? Ah well nobody agrees on everything.


It was fine for the runaway bride and WoM but come on.

Dont forget Voyage of the Damned (I wish I could).

You are right Batbrick about TEoT but it still does not convince me that TLotTL is worse. Nevertheless I did an in depth summary of the weak points for me. Note this is only part one.

Summary of The End Of Ten's Time Time:

Lets start of in the ood sphere where the Doctor arrives having completely lost his madness that we last saw him with. (How dare they act as though the WoM never happened :angry: )

Ood show him there magic visions while the ood with a butt on his head narrates his favourite earth rhyme. "The King is in his counting house"

Meanwhile Cue Master Back Up Plan No.6: It seems the Master has been resurrected via over the top epic "science" which can only be explained as a magic potion.

Cue Defeat of Master Back-Up Plan No.6: It seems that Lucy is good freinds with a witch as she has an opposite magic potion which blows up the prison, oh dear.

But the Master is still not dead and apparently he has learned from his mistakes from series 3 and made himself super powered! His powers include: Energy Lightning, Super Jump, Super Eat and Cartoon Skeletonisation! So he eats hobos, nice.

Time for some run-around with the 10 and Super-Master which ends when some pensioners arrive.

Skipping some stuff wich is quite good, we are treated to a shot of the earth and James Bond gives us a quick update of where everyone is.

10 has found Super Master and displays that he also has super powers albiet rather small compared to his demi-god status in series 3, this time he has the astounding ability to survive when shot by energy lightning! (Even Darth Vader couldn't do that).

We realise that the S-M (Super Master) headache is real. (He should of seen a Doctor about it from the start :grin: )

The stormtroopers arive and abduct S-M while 10 is hit even though the guy who hit him is not seen giving the impression that 10 has been shot :wink: .

After a load of mumble jumble and the arrival of the comic relief S-M puts his plan into action:

Cue New Master Plan No.7: Turn himself into everyone. Everyone shakes there head to say no to this but it does not work. Uh Oh! After various shots of S-M laughing and wearing everything in the BBCs costume department the cliffhanger is set, or is it.

James Bond arrives and emptys his body of saliva to tell us that the Time Lords are back and with that the episode ends.

Really? Ah well nobody agrees on everything.

Tbh she was good in human nature/family of blood. But she was very uinderwritten.

Dont forget Voyage of the Damned (I wish I could).

Oh unfortunatly i did remember it, its just Runaway bride and WoM that its used well.

Summary of The End Of Ten's Time Time:

Lets start of in the ood sphere where the Doctor arrives having completely lost his madness that we last saw him with. (How dare they act as though the WoM never happened :angry: )

I loved time lord victorious but it lasts for about 3 minutes:

10: Laws of time will obey me :devil:

Adele: Suicide'd

10: :cry_sad:

After that though he becomes a massive prick and has sex with the queen :wacko:

Edited by simonjedi

Ha, Look how fast I am!

So what did everyone think of the return of the Silurians then?

Apart from an underwhelming cliffhanger I thought it was pretty good. At least there was no Myrka in sight :tongue: .

Ha, Look how fast I am!

So what did everyone think of the return of the Silurians then?

Apart from an underwhelming cliffhanger I thought it was pretty good. At least there was no Myrka in sight :tongue: .

The Episode wasn't great, but it was terrible either. Other than a few lines it was pretty boring actually. Still it's only part one.

Damn, missed this episode aswell. Nice to see Karen looking even sexier than before in the trailer though. :laugh:

I think the main problem with Journeys End and co. was that they used so many uneeded things and there were so many anticlimaxes.

Speaking of anticlimaxs, I just watched Tennants final episodes, and I have to say though, when 10 talks to Wilf about regeneration, I really fealt that was some of RTD's finest writing, a very moving piece of writing. Then I fell asleep for the next bits...

I am really growing to like Matt Smith's portrayal of the Docter, it really does work well, the only complaint I have is that the writing crew haven't really got into the groove of things. It's still a bit messy here and there but it will improve next season I'm sure. I hope Karen stays for another season aswell.

Damn, missed this episode aswell. Nice to see Karen looking even sexier than before in the trailer though.

Well, its brobaby to balance the fact she spent most of the episode either

eaten by the earth, trapped in a glass coffin, gassed and then chained up. :tongue:

Also something i\'ve been working on for a while:

\'Well that\'s rubbish. Who\'s that supposed to be?\'


Edited by simonjedi

Well, its brobaby to balance the fact she spent most of the episode either

eaten by the earth, trapped in a glass coffin, gassed and then chained up. :tongue:

Also something i\'ve been working on for a while:

\'Well that\'s rubbish. Who\'s that supposed to be?\'


where did you get that tie? It's fantastic!

I made the tie myself. I picked up a cheap Brown tie and painted the details on using paint (duh lol). I ripped the tie up a bit as well.

Here's another pic of it. You can see the rips in the costume and my destroyed sonic screwdriver


WIP images on My Cosplay Island Account.

Edited by simonjedi

But, admit it you still went 'OH HELL YES' during the 'This is the Day the Time Lords Returned For Gallifrey!' scene (Even though Dalton spat all of it.)

I do admit I did this, and then proceeded to go "..." when the next ep rolled by and they got two seconds of screentime, a plan that quite literally made NO DAMN FREAKIN' SENSE ARGLE BARBLE! RAARGH!!!

And then they disappeared in a wave of angst.


The most hilarious thing is it only makes sense as a "cool shot". here's the story of the Doctor's death, he's desperately trying to avoid it, and he comes across his greatest single enemy who's strung up because he's been abusing cheap Skeletor effects and laser beams, so what odes he do? He calmly walks toward him while getting fired at, despite the fact he has no idea whether he'll get hit, which in fact could be his prophesied death. Especially seeing as the Master knocked four times earlier.

Part 2 was better, ignoring overly long regeneration. It had some excellent moments ('run Donna run' and the scene where Wilf hands him the gun.) but it obviously had the 'GUNS DON'T WORK THAT WAY' scene where he cocks the gun like 8 times, the 'hey wait a minute isn't this from a new hope' scene with the spaceship and the missiles and when he fell from a great height, through glass and hit a hard floor and only got a few scratches and the costume was ripped a bit, even though 4 fell from a shorter distance and still regenerated.

I thought part 2 was worse, mostly for the final step with the reintroduction of the Time Lords. The Doctor wields a gun in a plan that makes no damn sense, Rassilon wields a death glove in a plan that makes less sense, and them and the Master engage in a showdown that....wait for it....MAKES NO SENSE! It's like all the characters mistook the contents of the medicine cabinet for their breakfastm lunch and tea! I'm so angry!

Oh, and Donna suddenly now can remember things, it just knocks everyone out in the immediate vicinity. This is seen as a good thing, despite the fact that by the next alien invasion, which in the Whoniverse is on Tuesdays, her head will explode all over again, in a car with her mum driving, and everyone will fall off a cliff to their swift deaths...twice.

Excactly. There was a big build up of Jack coming back. In the end though he proved to be little more than a plot device save for a good conversation in Utopia.

Is this the same conversation where straight in front of Jack, Martha tells the Doctor to "remember what the Face of Boe said!" and Jack doesn't even bat an eye? That plothole is probably behind this season's 'cracks in time' arc.

You are right Batbrick about TEoT but it still does not convince me that TLotTL is worse. Nevertheless I did an in depth summary of the weak points for me. Note this is only part one.

I'm not saying TLOTTL is worse, I'm saying it was still entertaining, while The End of Time is a putrid abomination of hackneyed writing that is filled with a thousand holes, the screenwriting of which barely passes as toilet paper let alone a Doctor Who finale, and when watching feels like being mounted by a whole family of horny Godzillas for three weeks straight.

Cue New Master Plan No.7: Turn himself into everyone. Everyone shakes there head to say no to this but it does not work. Uh Oh! After various shots of S-M laughing and wearing everything in the BBCs costume department the cliffhanger is set, or is it.

I just love the epic, dramatic music used during this scene. It's just screaming at me; "THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER UNLEASHED UPON HUMANITY!" and I'm like "YES IT IS! Just not in the way you think."

James Bond arrives and emptys his body of saliva to tell us that the Time Lords are back and with that the episode ends.

I had tears laughing at this.

I loved time lord victorious but it lasts for about 3 minutes:

10: Laws of time will obey me :devil:

Adele: Suicide'd

10: :cry_sad:

After that though he becomes a massive prick and has sex with the queen :wacko:

"The laws of the bedroom belong to me!"

"Off with his head!"


Ha, Look how fast I am!

So what did everyone think of the return of the Silurians then?

Apart from an underwhelming cliffhanger I thought it was pretty good. At least there was no Myrka in sight :tongue: .

I quite enjoyed the episode, but am very afraid that the next will have the most repetitive plots of NewWho, and the ones I loathe the most:

1) Silurians do not back off

2) Extermination of their entire species

3) Something bad happens to the secondary human characters

4) They hate the Doctor for it, and he walks off sadfaced.

This being Chris "Kill 'em all and add in a Sex Monster!" Chibnall, I won't get my hopes up.

Also the new look Silurians are rubbish, what's the point of reintroducing a classic Doctor foe if their just gonna be like Star trek rubber forehead aliens. Almost as disappointing as the cybermen return. That said, I quite liked the episode, and if the next one pays off I'll be grinning like a Smiler.

Speaking of anticlimaxs, I just watched Tennants final episodes, and I have to say though, when 10 talks to Wilf about regeneration, I really fealt that was some of RTD's finest writing, a very moving piece of writing. Then I fell asleep for the next bits...

That's weird because I thought it was some of his weakest writing. It was like this to me:

Doctor: I'm dying soon.

Wilfred: So am I.

Doctor: Sure I'll regenerate and keep going...

Wilfred: You do realise I'm like 90 right?

Doctor: ...And keep having sexy adventures in time and space...

Wilfred: Seriously, I could drop dead at any second.

Doctor: ...But it won't be the same, I'll have a different personality...

Wilfred: I'll be just dead.

Doctor: ...and this one will be gone...

Wilfred: I'm not kidding. While you were talking I just lost the use of my left leg!

Doctor: ...I'm only 903!

Wilfred: *croaks*

I am really growing to like Matt Smith's portrayal of the Docter, it really does work well, the only complaint I have is that the writing crew haven't really got into the groove of things. It's still a bit messy here and there but it will improve next season I'm sure. I hope Karen stays for another season aswell.

I think some of them are still having trouble adjusting to Eleven. The ending of Vampires in Venice with the race genocide, as well as the potential ending to this one are more Ten-like in their angst and despair.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Is this the same conversation where straight in front of Jack, Martha tells the Doctor to "remember what the Face of Boe said!" and Jack doesn't even bat an eye? That plothole is probably behind this season's 'cracks in time' arc.

No, I mean the one in the chamber of utmost destruction that only Jack can enter.

I'm not saying TLOTTL is worse, I'm saying it was still entertaining, while The End of Time is a putrid abomination of hackneyed writing that is filled with a thousand holes, the screenwriting of which barely passes as toilet paper let alone a Doctor Who finale, and when watching feels like being mounted by a whole family of horny Godzillas for three weeks straight.

Sorry I meant it doesn't convince me that TLOTTL is better. Your opinion of TEOT is brilliant though.

"The laws of the bedroom belong to me!"

"Off with his head!"



Also the new look Silurians are rubbish, what's the point of reintroducing a classic Doctor foe if their just gonna be like Star trek rubber forehead aliens. Almost as disappointing as the cybermen return. That said, I quite liked the episode, and if the next one pays off I'll be grinning like a Smiler.

Yes, yes they do. It seems they've dropped off an eye and gills and well everything else which made them Silurians. A mask? :wacko:


Notice the similarities? Cause I don't.

I believe they were using evolution as an excuse for changing the design that dramatically. It is very overdone, it would have been better if they weren't the same species, more like realatives of eachother.

I believe they were using evolution as an excuse for changing the design that dramatically. It is very overdone, it would have been better if they weren't the same species, more like realatives of eachother.

Actually, I believe the Doctor said they were a different branch of the species.

I liked the episode and I am looking forward to next week to see what happens. Hopefully no-one dies.

I liked the episode and I am looking forward to next week to see what happens. Hopefully no-one dies.

Now where would be the fun in that? :tongue:

Actually, I believe the Doctor said they were a different branch of the species.

Oh really? I still haven't watched it fully so I would have missed it.

The old series were good because they had aliens that didn't look like humans, unlike the past four ones. These Silurians have continued the trend, unfortunately.

The old series were good because they had aliens that didn't look like humans, unlike the past four ones. These Silurians have continued the trend, unfortunately.

One thing to say:


AAAAAAAAAAAAHH :sing: it is the dreaded

(watch till end)

Seriously though they do need more un-human-like aliens.

This series we've had:

Episode 1: People with odd teeth which is actually a snake thingy which is alwasy hanging from something, eyeballs in snowflakes.

Episode 2: Robo things which have three moods, star whale.

Episode 3: Smarties Rainbow Daleks.

Episode 4 & 5: Stone Statues.

Episode 6: People with weird teeth whom are actually fish with spider legs.

Episode 7: Pensioners with one eyed snake thingys in their mouths.

The bit at the beginning of the episode was rather strange, namely seeing an Amy from what the Doctor assumed was from that time. Why would they be waving at them from across the distance and then not reappear again in the episode. Me feels there must be a plot angle there somewhere for Part II. Its strange that there has been some speculation in online fora that there are two doctor time-lines in this series at play and here we have two Amy timelines in this episode, albeit for no obvious reason yet.

No, I mean the one in the chamber of utmost destruction that only Jack can enter.

Oh, that was dodgy for me too. It has been clearly established that Jack "dies" how a normal person would each time ,then reconstitutes himself. The previous man who went in was turned to dust, logically Jack should of too, constantly trying to reform but always separating.

Yes, yes they do. It seems they've dropped off an eye and gills and well everything else which made them Silurians. A mask? :wacko:


Notice the similarities? Cause I don't.

Let's see: Original Silurians had a third eye, these don't. Original Silurians had fin ears, there don't. Original Silurians had a fish mouth, these don't. Original Silurians were very different, these ones look like humans with scales and a bump on their head. Original Silurians had no nose, these do.


I liked the episode and I am looking forward to next week to see what happens. Hopefully no-one dies.

I expect some to die, but I hope to Heaven above this isn't another damn "Entire species dies because they wouldn't back down, and Doctor angsts himself to to TARDIS" scenarios.

The old series were good because they had aliens that didn't look like humans, unlike the past four ones. These Silurians have continued the trend, unfortunately.

Let's see if your theory holds up:

Daleks in ten eps.

Jagrafass roof slime monster in The Long Game.

Werewolf creature in Tooth and Claw.

Winged Bat things in School Reunion.

Giant Satan monster in The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit

Whatever the hell that thing in Fear Her was.

The Racnoss in The runaway Bride.

Judoon in Smith and Jones.

Scorpion monster in The Lazarus Experiment 9daft as it was).

Living Sun in 42.

Lava Rock monsters in Fires of Pompeii.

Vashta Nerada shadow creatures in Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.

Parasitic spider in Turn Left.

Eyeball snowflakes and morphing eel in The Eleventh Hour.

Starwhale in The Beast Below.

Fish monsters in Vampires of Venice.

I'm going to disagree with you. At worst most of these are humanoid shaped, but still utterly alien.

One thing to say:


AAAAAAAAAAAAHH :sing: it is the dreaded

That was the most horrifying thing I've ever witnessed! :laugh:

The bit at the beginning of the episode was rather strange, namely seeing an Amy from what the Doctor assumed was from that time. Why would they be waving at them from across the distance and then not reappear again in the episode. Me feels there must be a plot angle there somewhere for Part II. Its strange that there has been some speculation in online fora that there are two doctor time-lines in this series at play and here we have two Amy timelines in this episode, albeit for no obvious reason yet.

There is no way that was just a throwaway plot point, the Grand Moff is planning something...

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Another really good episode. We got to see more of the Silurians and more of the city. However, I did not like that they killed off Rory he was a great character. I thought it was a bit stupid that he reached in the crack in time and pulled out a piece of the TARDIS.

However, it was a decent episode and the next one looks quite good as well.

What do you think? :classic:

I expect some to die, but I hope to Heaven above this isn't another damn "Entire species dies because they wouldn't back down, and Doctor angsts himself to to TARDIS" scenarios.

Looks like you were correct. Though I'm rather upset that it was Rory to die. Wait killing off a companion? The last time they did that was

. (Yet another video, this one is rather long but you get to see Peter Davison needlessly shoot a Cyberman)

Anyway the rest of the episode was good but I felt the negotiations bit was too lengthy and unnecessery. The same goes for that voice over. Was it just me who had a disturbing idea that Timothy Dalton would show up again? :grin:

What did everyone else think?

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