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The Star Wars Glossary

My Padawans, its time our subforum has a decent SW glossary. I decided to make a quite simple one referencing the most commonly used acronyms. Fell free to contribute and post what you think is missing and I will add what I think is necessary for our perfect understanding of the SW Universe. May the Force be with us !!


AAT: Armored Assault Tank

Assault tanks forming the frontline of Trade Federation armored infantry divisions. (set n


First, Yoda, yeah sorry, I know I was meant to do this. Been very busy. However, I'll gladly contribue with some corrections:

ARC: Aggressive Recon

Advanced Reconnaisance Commando OR

Aggressive ReConnaisance starfighter, depends on whether you're referring to ARC troopers or the ARC 170.

LUL: Light-Up Lighsaber

Don't we normally use "LULS"

RGS: Republic Attack Gunship

Republic GunShip. Properly called the LAAT/i - Low Altitude something something / infantry

RGS: Republic Attack Gunship

Republic GunShip. Properly called the LAAT/i - Low Altitude something something / infantry

Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry, Wookieepedia on! X-D


Here's some:

RC: Republic Commando

The elite forces of the Republic.

BF and JF: Boba Fett and Jango Fett

The greatest and most revered Mandalorians of all Star Wars history.

BW, AW, VW, XW, and/or YW: B-wing, A-wing, V-wing, X-wing, and/or Y-wing

Abbreviations for those starfighters which come under such titles and have been made by Lego.


There's also LAAT/c, or Low Altitude Assault Transport/cargo. It's a bigger version of the RGS, and I think it was seen in EP2 carrying an AT-TE...

  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Lets not forget:

AT-AA- All Terrain Anti-Aircraft.

Walker developed by the Empire to prevent the "Towcable Around the Legs" attack.

MT-AT- Multi Terrain Armored Transport

Spider-ish Imperial walker.

Edited by Lt. Veers

Quick update for 2008 sets:

AT-PTset no: 7671

SI - Sith infiltrator

A fittingly fearsome vessel for its deadly pilot, the Sith Infiltrator is the personal starship of Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith. Maul used the sleek ship to silently travel wherever his master, Darth Sidious, ordered. Set no 7151, 7663

RS - Rouge shadow

Darth Vaders apprentice personal ship piloted by a imperial officer called Juno eclipse. Looks like a cross between Anakin

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

You forgot the Porax 38 Utapaun Fighter, Sith Infiltrator, Low Altitude Assault Transport/cargo, and The Trade Federation. ;-)

Acronyms as follows: P-38 or UF, SI, LAAT/c, and TTF

General Tarful

EDIT: I forgot the TX-130S Fighter Tank or Saber Class Tank (SCT), the name was changed to IFT-X Fighter Tank after The Clone Wars.

EDIT #2: I also forgot the Droid Gunship (DGS), Venator Class Star Destoyer (VCSD) or its common name Republic Atttack Cruiser (RAC), and the Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport (UT-AT) it's also called the Trident because of its 3 forward weapons. Gee I'm very fogetful today. X-D

Oh, also Yoda the proper acronym for All Terrain Open Transport is AT-OT not AT-OP. :-P ;-)

Edited by GeneralTarful
  • 3 weeks later...

Great job my friend!

Finally I don´t have to explain all those acronyms to some people.

Just send them here X-D

One thing though. There is 2 Fs, and no G ;-)

Otherwise, *y*


One thing though. There is 2 Fs, and no G ;-)

Now, if you're going to be pedantic, that should read "There are 2 Fs, and no Gs" or "There are 2 Fs, but no G" X-D

  • 1 month later...
Now, if you're going to be pedantic, that should read "There are 2 Fs, and no Gs" or "There are 2 Fs, but no G" X-D

And I guess you will my friend... :hmpf:

Not the first time I get corrected by a Sith.

Remember the "Over and out" incident.

Now I never dare to use it again :cry_sad:

Over and Out ON!! :tongue:


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