July 2, 20159 yr In a small sentence : Remakes of old sets more Ghostbusters Just to make absolutely sure... you all DO realize this topic is solely about constraction sets, right? Hence why it's in the action figure subforum. This is not the place for your System-based wishlists, unless those wishes are for action figures based on System themes, or Mixels. On that note... Elves constraction sets? Ninjago constraction sets? Am I alone here in wanting that? Edited July 2, 20159 yr by Lyichir
July 2, 20159 yr I don't know about Elves, but Ninjago is definitely something I'd like to see in Constraction form.
July 2, 20159 yr As far as Bionicle goes: -I'm hoping for a seventh toa wielding the mask of time. Those easter eggs have to be going somewhere. -Also, hopefully a larger summer wave that this year's. I would quite like some more elements to feature, giving us some recolours. Orange, Purple, and Teal tribes anyone? -Also: NO MORE SIMPLIFIED NAMES! Why was Ekimu vs Kulta so much worse that mask maker vs skull grinder in their minds? I didn't get put off or confused by sets as a child because they had the word Ehlek or Antroz on them. -An actual large Titan. Kulta isn't even close to big enough to be the main villain of the year. -Keep the current method of mask attachment. One of the biggest issues with old bio is that they changed how the heads attached every couple of years. And then they changed it again when they made G2. The current system is far from my favourite, but I hope they stick with it, just because I'm tired of it changing. Edited July 2, 20159 yr by Timeline15
July 2, 20159 yr On that note... Elves constraction sets? Ninjago constraction sets? Am I alone here in wanting that? There was those bootleg Nnjas and fake Elves constraction leak... https://40.media.tum...384uo1_1280.png Edited July 2, 20159 yr by GK733
July 2, 20159 yr -Also: NO MORE SIMPLIFIED NAMES! Why was Ekimu vs Kulta so much worse that mask maker vs skull grinder in their minds? I didn't get put off or confused by sets as a child because they had the word Ehlek or Antroz on them. That's not reason enough to assume that nobody was put off or confused by those kinds of names. Parents and other gift-givers in particular, who generally lack insight into the story, will have an easier time remembering which set is on a kid's wish list if its name means something in a language they understand rather than just being gibberish to them. For that matter, parents having a better understanding of what the theme is about can lead to them being more open to the theme as a whole. LEGO has had great success in many of their other themes using set names that have self-evident meanings. For that matter, so have lots of other toy lines like Transformers and My Little Pony. I don't see why BIONICLE would be harmed by this approach. I can agree to the bit about keeping the same style of head, though. This is my favorite head piece to date, and the interchangeability of masks is a great selling point for BIONICLE. So I see no need to change that.
July 3, 20159 yr That new add-on piece from the winter wave in more colours. Especially in black. And red. And blue. And green. And all of them.
July 3, 20159 yr I'd also like the same head-piece. In terms of looks I prefer it to the Glatorian/HF head, and although the Metru head will always be my personal favourite, it looks quite good. However I'd really like a new eye stalk that prevents the mask launching part. I certainly understand that it has its play-value, but to me it's quite often more of an annoyance than a nice extra feature. -Iben
July 3, 20159 yr On that note... Elves constraction sets? Ninjago constraction sets? Am I alone here in wanting that? Nope. I too would like to see LEGO do constraction for those lines.
July 3, 20159 yr I don't know about Elves, but Ninjago is definitely something I'd like to see in Constraction form. In a dream world I'd rather see Elves instead. All the pastel and transparent colours would be awesome to get, not to mention some neat elements (wings, decorations, staffs and other tools). Pieces from "girl themes" (hate that expression, but it's to get the point across) can work really well for some constraction characters due to their ornate look, just look at Ekimu's shield.
July 3, 20159 yr Now that I think about it, the chance for even more tr. pieces would be a godsend. System Elves introduced tr. purple chains for crying out loud.
July 3, 20159 yr A constraction theme for girls would be neat. I'm thinking something under the Friends brand, but similar to Wynx Club or Totally Spies.
July 3, 20159 yr That would be nice as I'm sure the designers would need to make new feet and new hands amongst other things. I can't picture them thinking that a girl-targeted theme would be viable with figures using HF feet and fists for hands.
July 3, 20159 yr On that note... Elves constraction sets? Ninjago constraction sets? Am I alone here in wanting that? Ugh... Ninjago may work, but definitely not Elves... CCBS isn't that great for non-mechanical looking characters *cough* Luke *cough* Marvel and DC ultrabuilds *cough*. That's not reason enough to assume that nobody was put off or confused by those kinds of names. Parents and other gift-givers in particular, who generally lack insight into the story, will have an easier time remembering which set is on a kid's wish list if its name means something in a language they understand rather than just being gibberish to them. For that matter, parents having a better understanding of what the theme is about can lead to them being more open to the theme as a whole. LEGO has had great success in many of their other themes using set names that have self-evident meanings. For that matter, so have lots of other toy lines like Transformers and My Little Pony. I don't see why BIONICLE would be harmed by this approach. The parents could always write down the set numbers (like mine did when I was younger). Besides, Lego uses names of characters in set names in other lines (for example in Ninjago or Chima) and nobody seems to be confused about that. We could at least get actual names in other types of media, even on the website. Heck, Chima has an unique name for every WEAPON in the line, and yet Lego can't give names to the Protectors.
July 3, 20159 yr A new foot piece would be welcomed by me with open arms, as would a hand piece with bars to let you attach things like Exo-Force robot arms so you can make poseable hands. In a dream world I'd also like CCBS shells in Earth Blue and bones in trans-clear (if the ghost wave rumours are true, it'd be a great time to do trans-clear bones as well as other new trans-colour bones). A transparent torso bone wouldn't go amiss (I can then finally build a completely transparent figure). I'd also like to see the Skull Villain's bone bones, torso shells and armour add-ons reused (maybe in a new moulded colour), it seems such a waste to only use them for one wave. Oh, and the round detail shell in black again please. My absolute favourite, I have at least 20 and it still isn't enough, and BL sellers can't stock them in high enough quantity
July 3, 20159 yr Ugh... Ninjago may work, but definitely not Elves... CCBS isn't that great for non-mechanical looking characters *cough* Luke *cough* Marvel and DC ultrabuilds *cough*. I didn't specify CCBS. It's possible that a "constructible doll" theme would need its own parallel (though perhaps compatible) system. But even CCBS could potentially work with a few new molds. Of course, I'm in the camp that Luke and Obi-Wan both look pretty ace.
July 3, 20159 yr In regards to the 'simplified names' discussion, I don't see why they can't just go the Toa naming route. Like, a unique name followed by a title. Though I suppose "Ekimu the Mask Maker vs Kulta the Skull Grinder" would be quite the mouthful. Anywho, more stuff I'd like to see: Protector-sized sets. Maybe some villains in that size. Even better if they could be army builders.
July 3, 20159 yr A new foot piece would be welcomed by me with open arms, as would a hand piece with bars to let you attach things like Exo-Force robot arms so you can make poseable hands. In a dream world I'd also like CCBS shells in Earth Blue and bones in trans-clear (if the ghost wave rumours are true, it'd be a great time to do trans-clear bones as well as other new trans-colour bones). A transparent torso bone wouldn't go amiss (I can then finally build a completely transparent figure). I'd also like to see the Skull Villain's bone bones, torso shells and armour add-ons reused (maybe in a new moulded colour), it seems such a waste to only use them for one wave. Oh, and the round detail shell in black again please. My absolute favourite, I have at least 20 and it still isn't enough, and BL sellers can't stock them in high enough quantity I also want Earth Blue CCBS shells. They're significantly better than other dark colors as the "neutral" background in a color palette. While I'm unsure how well tr. clear CCBS pieces might work, I would definitely love if LEGO produced glow in the dark/spring green (either or blended) shells. +1 on the round detail shell. It might be a bit bulbous for its intended use (which is why the new SW design is so great and would also be great to have in black), but for filling in holes in large MOCs it's perfect. Also, +1 on the Protector-sized army builders. Preferably, though, they wouldn't all be variations on the same basic build. Maybe two to three could be actual minions of the main bad guy, and the others could be siege weapons and animals. Edited July 3, 20159 yr by DraikNova
July 3, 20159 yr While I'm unsure how well tr. clear CCBS pieces might work, I would definitely love if LEGO produced glow in the dark/spring green (either or blended) shells. I'd love GITD pieces too. They're really underused in constraction. Unfortunately, I doubt we'll get a set with a decent amount. The most we've ever had was nocturne, and his glowy bits were inside trans blue plastic. I believe the green skull spiders were meant to be GITD originally, but this was change for price reasons. If Lego doesn't want to put one GITD piece every few sets, then the chances of multiple pieces in one set is low. That said, they've done it fro system themes, so I really hope it carries over to Bionicle at some point.
July 3, 20159 yr I believe the green skull spiders were meant to be GITD originally, but this was change for price reasons. I don't know how likely that is, really. A lot of people assumed from the leaked pics that the green ones would glow in the dark, but if they truly did then they probably wouldn't have even looked green at all in those pics, since the LEGO Group's current glow-in-the-dark color since 2012 is almost completely white. The same thing happened with this summer's Ninjago sets. A lot of people were drooling over the glow-in-the-dark pieces they used, not realizing that most of those were just Spring Yellowish Green. Granted, one Ninjago set — 70736 Attack of the Morro Dragon — DOES use glow-in-the-dark pieces. But they're not the greenish-looking pieces at all — they're the white cones from the ghost weapons and the white plates used to construct the lanterns.
July 3, 20159 yr I don't know how likely that is, really. A lot of people assumed from the leaked pics that the green ones would glow in the dark, but if they truly did then they probably wouldn't have even looked green at all in those pics, since the LEGO Group's current glow-in-the-dark color since 2012 is almost completely white. I wish I could remember where I heard that >.<. I think it was from some sort of Q and A with a set designer.
July 3, 20159 yr I wish I could remember where I heard that >.<. I think it was from some sort of Q and A with a set designer. Wow, I wish you could remember as well! If it's something like that then I certainly haven't seen it, but would certainly like to! I always love any kind of "behind the scenes" insights into the themes I collect.
July 3, 20159 yr Wasn't that stated at the NYCC panel last year ? I believe I heard (or rather read) that too, and they used Spring Yellowish Green instead because they didn't have enough money for the GitD.
July 3, 20159 yr Wasn't that stated at the NYCC panel last year ? I believe I heard (or rather read) that too, and they used Spring Yellowish Green instead because they didn't have enough money for the GitD. I was there, and I definitely don't remember them saying any such thing. Unless it was told directly to an interviewer or something...
July 3, 20159 yr I know that I only ever saw it in text form, so it may well have been a transcript of an interview. I know for a fact I read this, but I wish I could give more info. it was only a few months ago, regarding Gen 2 Bionicle.
July 4, 20159 yr I was there, and I definitely don't remember them saying any such thing. Unless it was told directly to an interviewer or something... I don't remember hearing that either.
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