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"Failure"? Failure to what, surpass the first movie? The only recent failure for Diney that was marketed was the Lone Ranger in 2013. That was a bust. But AoU? How so, and where was that quoted from?


It wasn't record breaking, so naturally in somebodies eyes it's a failure. Honestly it just seems like the box office numbers were just being used to leverage someone out of a job. That being said I don't think this will effect Lego sets at all.


It wasn't record breaking, so naturally in somebodies eyes it's a failure. Honestly it just seems like the box office numbers were just being used to leverage someone out of a job. That being said I don't think this will effect Lego sets at all.

Thanks, and agreed. As long as it's not Howard the Duck, Marvel should have near nothing to worry about. Their Juggernaut (pun intended) should keep moving along.

Lol oops... Just did a search for Agent 13 and it was one of the names I actually freaked out about... My bad...

I wonder with the apparent (I use this term loosely) "failure" (to quote Disney) of AoU will LEGO start to make less sets based off the movies? Especially with Civil War since apparently we're getting a second wave...

Where did you hear that CIvil War is getting a second wave? Brand new knowledge to me.

Where did you hear that CIvil War is getting a second wave? Brand new knowledge to me.

I believe someone here with inside knowledge hinted we may see a Civil War set or two in the Summer wave. Take that with a grain of salt though.

I believe someone here with inside knowledge hinted we may see a Civil War set or two in the Summer wave. Take that with a grain of salt though.

Hmm, okay, thank you. :thumbup:

I believe someone here with inside knowledge hinted we may see a Civil War set or two in the Summer wave. Take that with a grain of salt though.

I doubt it.

Ya thats the article I saw... Sorry for bringing it up.... As for the second wave J2G said we're getting more sets and since we didnt see them on the leaked list I'm just assuming they'd make it two waves...

Oh and for the record I don't think AoU is a failure, but if LEGO sees this and looks at it from a business point of view I wasn't sure what they might do with Civil War...

Oh and for the record I don't think AoU is a failure, but if LEGO sees this and looks at it from a business point of view I wasn't sure what they might do with Civil War...

Even if they do deem it a failure (which I'm not sure why they would considering it only made about $100 million less than the first) it probably wouldn't affect Lego at all. The sets probably sold really well, as most of the Marvel ones do.

Marvels the kid who gets an A- on a test and gets sad about it. Fox gets an F and thinks "It's ok, I can still walk away from this."

Anyway looking at the new Force Awakens sets and figure the face for Po would work perfect for Scott Lang.Hopefully they give him this face instead of the Ezra one we got this year.

A- for Avengers and F for Fantastic Four.

Edited by VictorFrenchFries

I do hope certain sets (CW) are based on multiple locations, it's always nice to get them (I think the airport is a must)

I do hope certain sets (CW) are based on multiple locations, it's always nice to get them (I think the airport is a must)

I've seen the airport in one still shot. A little early to assume it's a must, isn't it? Especially that, when one considers the prices of these sets, any attempt at an airport is going to disappoint.

Yeah unless the set is $120 I'd rather them not try to make something as expansive as an Airport. It'll end up looking terrible.

The airport might be a must, considering the scene in question. It shows Team Cap all running, implying at Team Iron Man (I can't recall if they show them there). It could be misdirection, but either way the location is less important than the 'figs and the scene.

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There is also the shot of Iron Man and War Machine in a hangar of some sorts...

Also, any ideas on the pieces Lego could use to make Redwing, if we get him?

Also, any ideas on the pieces Lego could use to make Redwing, if we get him?

We'll probably get him. I expect the build to be similar to the past two drones we've gotten. Same pieces for the wings will likely be used.

We'll probably get him. I expect the build to be similar to the past two drones we've gotten. Same pieces for the wings will likely be used.

No, the wings are much thinner

and on the airport, almost the whole leaked trailer is on the airport. i think we'll get a section (No planes or something)

Especially that, when one considers the prices of these sets, any attempt at an airport is going to disappoint.

Assuming the prices are correct. Remember when it took something like two months to nail down accurate prices for this year's DC sets?

Also, any ideas on the pieces Lego could use to make Redwing, if we get him?

We spoke of this a few pages back. In fact I think Ultron might be right with his drone idea.

However, I still think that it may be possible that we could get a repaint of the Lone Ranger crow, this time in red (maybe with some silver tones/highlights maybe added in too)

Edited by Legocity2713

However, I still think that it may be possible that we could get a repaint of the Lone Ranger crow, this time in red (maybe with some silver tones/highlights maybe added in too)

I thought this would be a great idea. But is there a way or a piece that would allow the bird to attach to his wings/ jetpack? It'd have to be a new piece, much like the Series 11 Scarecrow's hat or Tonto's braids-and-cap piece, something with the hole in it.

I thought this would be a great idea. But is there a way or a piece that would allow the bird to attach to his wings/ jetpack? It'd have to be a new piece, much like the Series 11 Scarecrow's hat or Tonto's braids-and-cap piece, something with the hole in it.

It actually comes from his gauntlet


It actually comes from his gauntlet


Well then, I'd love to see them work that out, but I guess that won't happen. Cool picture though, hadn't seen that yet.

Edited by Aegis2000

Well then, if love ton ee them works ha to to, unti guess that won't happen. Cool picture though, hadn't seen that yet.

They'll probably just have him hold it. :laugh:

Although it may not be accurate, crossbones might have the ultra agent's drillex hand accessories or tremor's fists .

These pieces:

The piece that has the drills on them, it's already the perfect color

I would go with the first set, just color them different.

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