July 15, 20159 yr Not sure what to think about that helmet now I've seen a real life shot of it. Yeah, it's especially strange from the side. BTW, there are more pics on toyark, and thanks to them we know that it's gonna cost 19,99$, and its set number is [removed]. Grievous is the set 75112, so I guess the set will also be a 19,99$ set.
July 15, 20159 yr Author That helmet's probably only a prototype - I mean, look at the texture of the gun piece, it's clearly 3D printed.
July 15, 20159 yr Yes, the gun is clearly a prototype, but the helmet looks smooth and shiny, just like the shoulderpads (especially on this pic). I think it's a molded part.
July 15, 20159 yr Author True. In other news, those system parts on the back of the lower legs work like a charm. I'm gonna try that out on a tan-coloured MOC I'm working one... Could look very good.
July 15, 20159 yr Yeah, it's especially strange from the side. BTW, there are more pics on toyark, and thanks to them we know that it's gonna cost 19,99$, and its set number is 75114. Grievous is the set 75112, so I guess the set 75113 will also be a 19,99$ set. I think we can agree that the side is not it's best angle I do hope that the $19.99 price point translates into the great British pound as £14.99, like the large Toa did. I wouldn't be terribly amused if LEGO made it £17.99 like so many $20 sets, or worse, USD=GBP: £19.99, often the case with many licensed sets (though I think it would be a first for a CCBS set). I don't think the Stormie is really worth paying £20 for
July 15, 20159 yr I do hope that the $19.99 price point translates into the great British pound as £14.99, like the large Toa did. I wouldn't be terribly amused if LEGO made it £17.99 like so many $20 sets, or worse, USD=GBP: £19.99, often the case with many licensed sets (though I think it would be a first for a CCBS set). I don't think the Stormie is really worth paying £20 for I completely and utterly agree with you.
August 1, 20159 yr List I have here says and for figures. Edited August 22, 20159 yr by VBBN Set numbers removed
August 1, 20159 yr The list also mentions a [possible set name removed] Edited August 22, 20159 yr by VBBN
August 22, 20159 yr Reposting what Mike posted in the System Star Wars 2016 discussion thread: Hi all you SW fans that are so eagerly awaiting the next wave of great sets!As a SW fan myself, actually the very LEGO theme sets that brought me out of my Dark Ages in 2000, I´m also excited about the what´s coming ! BUT - Because of the special situation with the "re-start" of SW and the new business owner of SW, Disney, LEGO has asked to avoid showing pictures, set names & numbers or prices until the 4th of september. Quote by KIm Thomsen on behalf of the whole Community Engagement & Events (CEE) department: I've been asked to present you with our sincere apologies and assurance that steps are taken and that we always seek to avoid these requests - but with something like Star Wars Force Awakens, it is just too business critical for us and our partnership with Disney. I sincerely hope you understand our motives for our requests and accept our deepest apologies for the disturbance this is causing in the AFOL community. That includes pictures of real sets bought from a real shop that have jumped the gun! I know it sounds corny but as you saw above, steps are been taken to help the stores honour the 4th of September. SO - there will be a tight moderation in the Star Wars forum from now on! But please help out by playing nice and not post pictures, official names & prices of sets. But feel free to still discuss around the information about the movie that´s not the above! This applies to the constraction sets as well.
August 22, 20159 yr Guys, I'm sorry, but ur evil. :( In order to keep a healthy relationship with The LEGO Group we must respect their wishes, which includes helping them keep the confidentiality of a line that is part of a very major partnership to LEGO. I fail to see how that is evil, that is perfectly sound and reasonable- You've waited this long, waiting until the official unveiling will not kill you. Also please refrain from using shorthand text speak such as "ur."
August 22, 20159 yr Okay mr. moderator, now i see that relationships is very important for u... you. Let's not offtop more, and back to the stormtrooper. His helmet is uglier than we saw first.
August 24, 20159 yr I've taken some look onto the new characters and I could almost guarantee that they will make Captain Phasma: http://oyster.ignimg...-7/f/f7/Ph2.jpg, the mold for her helmet already exists afterall. And counting the whole thing would only need recolored helmet, torso, leg shells and shoulder add-on if they were to use gunmetal. And in case it was silver then even less. Edited August 24, 20159 yr by GK733
August 25, 20159 yr I've taken some look onto the new characters and I could almost guarantee that they will make Captain Phasma: http://oyster.ignimg...-7/f/f7/Ph2.jpg, the mold for her helmet already exists afterall. And counting the whole thing would only need recolored helmet, torso, leg shells and shoulder add-on if they were to use gunmetal. And in case it was silver then even less. I would consider the identical helmet and existing recolors to be a point against her, if anything. Considering each release wave will presumably feature approximately six sets, Lego is going to want as many of those to be as unique and special as possible. She might appear in a subsequent wave, if anything, but if a white Stormtrooper and a shiny silver Stormtrooper are released in the same wave, they're only going to cannibalize one another's sales.
August 25, 20159 yr I would consider the identical helmet and existing recolors to be a point against her, if anything. Considering each release wave will presumably feature approximately six sets, Lego is going to want as many of those to be as unique and special as possible. She might appear in a subsequent wave, if anything, but if a white Stormtrooper and a shiny silver Stormtrooper are released in the same wave, they're only going to cannibalize one another's sales. The difference is that she's an individual character rather than cannon fodder like the rest of the stormtrooppers and presumably very important character to the plot. But from a set point I can understand.
August 25, 20159 yr The difference is that she's an individual character rather than cannon fodder like the rest of the stormtrooppers and presumably very important character to the plot. But from a set point I can understand. Yeah, that's really the distinction I was getting. I recognize that she's a distinct character, but when it comes down to a single wave of sets, Lego is going to want more variety, not less. I imagine Lego has more to gain by providing a wide range of different characters at once instead of two of those sets essentially being recolors of one another.
August 26, 20159 yr I think the two sets are different enough. Different color, armor, and weapons made the Toa distinct enough to sell.
August 26, 20159 yr I think the two sets are different enough. Different color, armor, and weapons made the Toa distinct enough to sell. Between 2001 and 2006 maybe, but the 2015 Toa all have an unique build. To differentiate Phasma from the Stormie, they could give her a more specific build, like they did with Vader. And honestly, I don't know who could be the third bad guy (I think it's safe to assume that Kylo Ren will be released as an action figure) if it's not her. Specific troopers (Flame trooper / Snowtrooper / TIE pilot) maybe ? They may be too close to the regular Stormtrooper too.
August 26, 20159 yr Between 2001 and 2006 maybe, but the 2015 Toa all have an unique build. To differentiate Phasma from the Stormie, they could give her a more specific build, like they did with Vader. And honestly, I don't know who could be the third bad guy (I think it's safe to assume that Kylo Ren will be released as an action figure) if it's not her. Specific troopers (Flame trooper / Snowtrooper / TIE pilot) maybe ? They may be too close to the regular Stormtrooper too. And the other options are some boring new order pilots, councilors and whatever with human heads without weaponry. And didn't some list confirm that there are two [price removed]$ sets and the rest four are [price removed]$? Edited August 26, 20159 yr by Leewan
August 26, 20159 yr If we're talking about who we think will occupy the remaining 5 constraction sets from The Force Awakens, I may as well chime in with my prediction. Aside from a certain white colored infantry character, I can see Finn, Rey, Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, and Captain Phasma being the other 5. While I'm sure that would mean fleshy heads for Finn and Rey, I can see Poe utilizing his cross shaped starfighter pilot gear. Now for Phasma, aside from looking a lot like said white colored character, the possible added cape/pauldron and possible extra parts would upgrade her to "Obi-Wan status" (regarding price, despite the character's size, much like the constraction figure of aforementioned Jedi). But let's be honest, if we aren't getting Kylo Ren, that would have been a serious marketing mistake on Lego's part. And if he truly is coming, I hope the go the "hooded" route, whether fabric or molded. I'm also holding out for a C-3PO and R2-D2 combo pack in the vein of Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder, but at Star Wars prices, I'm not getting my hopes up. Besides, getting them separately wouldn't be much of an issue either. Edited August 26, 20159 yr by Penkid11
September 5, 20159 yr Honestly I'm more anticipating Constraction Wave 3 (whatever we get in the summer/fall 2016) from the classic movies (assuming it won't have more TFA since W2 will more than cover that). Having pored over the reviews of the W1 Constractions, I've definitely come to the conclusion that fleshy heads are not worth attempting for these figures - at least not in the realistic style. The CW Obi-wan looks great because they use that CW stylization, the Luke looks weird and porcelain. For W3, I have two lists - what I'd like to see and what I think we'll actually see: What I think we'll get: -OT-era Imperial trooper. It almost seems putting the cart before the horse to be getting a TFA stormie before any generic trooper from the existing saga, so I can't see another wave of Constractions passing by without this coming to bear. I don't think this will be another unique clone like Cody, that already seemed an odd choice, and there's just more money to be made in going generic: you can guarantee that many collectors will snap up half a dozen or more of this sort of thing for displays. All the good money says this would be a normal Stormtrooper, but that would mean consecutive white trooper characters with different helmets and no other variation of significance - big no-no for Lego, I think. I think the smarter money is on something like a TIE Pilot, Death Star Gunner, or Scout Trooper (the latter being an ironic echo of how Scout Troopers were prioritized over traditional Stormies for two goddamn years in the original Lego SW line). -Darth Maul. Why Maul? Doesn't seem like an obvious choice at first, but a moment's consideration reveals it absolutely is. Maul has inhuman coloration which dodges the uncanny valley issue, and is guaranteed to look cool. He wears simple black gear so it's not much in the way of new parts. And a double-bladed lightsaber is the logical next step for Constraction: after W1 and W2, we'll have single saber characters, the four-saber grievous, and Kylo with his crossguard saber. Next up has to be the iconic doublesaber. -Clone Wars Anakin. It's the logical followup to Obi-wan, the Clone Wars look suits the Constractions, kids love Anakin, and his armored style from the early part of the show on which they're basing the figure will work great. -Super Battle Droid. Big, bulky, massive torso - the thing is designed to be a toy and that suits Constraction. It seems more likely to me than a basic battle droid since they'd be so shrimpy and skeletal. -Han Solo. I don't think he belongs in Constraction, but Han is a super-popular character and I just don't see him being passed over. A lot easier to do than Chewbacca too. -Boba Fett. His rougher aesthetic will make him harder to pull off than Jango, but already people are crying, "why Jango?" They will definitely make Boba. What I'd love for W3 Constraction: -501st Clone Trooper Phase II. Visually pops, fan-beloved legion, strong reason to collect multiples. -Imperial Guard. The Emperor's Guard would be perfect as a Constraction - cloth for his robes can mask a simple but poseable basic skeleton with light armoring and minimal detail, and you get a bright, dynamic figure with that awesome helmet and killer red vibe. Another figure with potential to purchase multiples. -Pre Viszla. Heresy, some will say, to have another Mando before Boba. But IMO Constraction is all about which characters best fit the medium, and Pre Viszla was born for Constraction. Mando armor like Jango, lots of gadgets, a small cape that could reuse what cape cut they make for Kylo, and most importantly, that darksaber. I wouldn't expect Lego to do anything more than a black-colored lightsaber, but that'd still be really cool. -IG-88. There just aren't a lot of good IG-88's out there in any medium, and he's never been done right as a Lego figure. But Constraction would fit him superbly. He's lanky, he's robotic, he's got a cool head, lots of guns - all the elements are there. And it'd really fill a niche that has yet to be filled - adult collectors would see that be like, sweet, I want that on my desk (the appeal of the Grievous fig but for the OT), and kids of course would eat it up, he's a robot with guns whose variations show up all over the Clone Wars. -Kanan Jarrus. Another character born for Constraction. He's lightly armored, he's from animation so the translation to Constraction would be easy, he's got a gun AND a lightsaber. Rebels deserves a couple slots in Constraction. -The Inquisitor. Even more perfect for Constraction than Kanan - armored but lithe and lanky, got a unique lightsaber to appeal to the kids, and he's a worthy followup to a Vader figure. It also splits the wave perfectly between PT, OT, and Rebels. Edited September 5, 20159 yr by Darth Caedus
September 7, 20159 yr -IG-88. There just aren't a lot of good IG-88's out there in any medium, and he's never been done right as a Lego figure. But Constraction would fit him superbly. He's lanky, he's robotic, he's got a cool head, lots of guns - all the elements are there. And it'd really fill a niche that has yet to be filled - adult collectors would see that be like, sweet, I want that on my desk (the appeal of the Grievous fig but for the OT), and kids of course would eat it up, he's a robot with guns whose variations show up all over the Clone Wars. There's the problem he/it was in a single scene without a mention of a name in (currently) official Star Wars media. So there'd be a really low number of people that would know who it is, meaning lower sales. Also now that it already is 8th of September, could someone please repost the list or whatever got deleted?
September 8, 20159 yr Even those who doesn't know who and what IG-88 is, could potentially get interested if TLG made him and did it well. I for one, who only know his name and profession, might just get him if they make him.
September 8, 20159 yr I forgot to post on here, but i've known this for a good amount of time, I've heard very strong rumors on a Kylo Ren Ultra build for 2016. Those who want a perfect Rey, it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. Those who want a female face for an ultrabuild, your'e out of luck. Edited September 8, 20159 yr by amazingbricks
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