Posted June 14, 20159 yr Excerpt from the lab book of Big Sal: Date: 14 Junali 3815. Experiment Code: L3A05. Lead Scientist: Big Sal. Laboratory: Yallorn II, Laboratory Outpost 3. Aim: Analyse items obtained by field agents. Excerpt ends. Ah, it’s good to be back in the lab. I can’t believe how long it took to analyse all of Lafevre’s seaweed samples after she inconsiderately got herself killed. I’ll be happy if I never see another plant for the rest of my life. Right, let’s see if I can figure out this… thing… that Arariel stole from Kawashita. At times like these, delicate scientific technique is called for. This thing is useless! I bet Arariel just swiped the first ornament he saw from the public lobby of that museum then came back and made up some story about his amazing infiltration skills. Maybe I’ll have more luck with the tentacle from the creature Mark of Orion encountered here. Can’t be bothered with DNA analysis, I’ll just inject some awesomnium extract and see what happens… … … … Ugh, looks like it’s just going to be one of those days when nothing works. Excerpt from the lab book of Big Sal: Method: Conducted highly scientific analysis of object K-5654 and Yallorn II xenos sample. Results: Detailed analysis of both items revealed nothing of use to M.A.N.T.I.S. Conclusions: None. Safety Report: None. Excerpt ends. Was that a ship landing outside? Best go check it out. Alright mate, got a delivery for Big Sal. That’s me. Nice one pal, I’ve been all over the place trying to deliver this. Sign here please. Righto. What have you got for me? What the hell?? What's with all the plants?! Long story mate. They were meant to go to Dr Lefevre on Barnius, but when I showed up there it turned out she was dead. So I look at the personnel files and the next most qualified botanist is Dr Johnson on Linopeia III. Would you believe it, I turn up there and he’s dead too! Never knew plants were so dangerous, heh heh. Anyway, I figured I’d just bring them to the ranking scientist to deal with, and that’s you. But I hate plants! Take them to Dr Arkov! Nah pal, you signed for ‘em, see? Not my problem any more. But… but… See ya! Didn't have time to do everything I wanted with the story, but oh well. I tried to include as much stuff from other M.A.N.T.I.S. builds as I could. Comments and criticism welcome! More pics, including proof that the lab is inside the building, in the spoiler. Edited June 14, 20159 yr by Big Sal
June 14, 20159 yr Always a pleasure to read your wonderful stories, accompanied by just as impressive builds The space delivery truck is fabulous, and I love how you included different plant styles from previous MANTIS builds. Superb lab interior as well
June 14, 20159 yr I'm starting to be concerned about our scientific research department... Lol! Absolutely fabulous work on this Sal! Keep it up! :thumbup:
June 14, 20159 yr Kawashita spyes have tried to solve the mysteri with the lack of MANTIS builds (are they up to something sinister?) but it turned out to be yet another fantastic build with fun story. Understandable those builds take some time but they are worth the wait (and drive intelegens agents insane trying to guess analyse your sinister plans ) Edited June 14, 20159 yr by EpsilonEta
June 14, 20159 yr Another fantastic build and great story! I really love the labs/interiors you create, full of design without being overbuilt. The landing area is also really nice. Is that a baseplate or a brick build landing spot? Either way it looks awesome!
June 14, 20159 yr This seems oddly successful for a Sal experiment! No-one died, no equipment smashed, and the stolen Kawashita goody did not explode!
June 14, 20159 yr Another amazing build! The interior of the lab is perfect and I love that delivery truck Hilarious story too!
June 14, 20159 yr This seems oddly successful for a Sal experiment! No-one died, no equipment smashed, and the stolen Kawashita goody did not explode! He said he was low on time (when Big Sal gets back in the tentacel have mutated and bonded with the artifact, killing the diliveryman as it escape ) Edited June 14, 20159 yr by EpsilonEta
June 14, 20159 yr Author Thanks for the kind comments everyone The landing area is also really nice. Is that a baseplate or a brick build landing spot? Either way it looks awesome! Ha, thanks! It's an old baseplate, but the colours are perfect for M.A.N.T.I.S. This seems oddly successful for a Sal experiment! No-one died, no equipment smashed, and the stolen Kawashita goody did not explode! He said he was low on time (when Big Sal gets back in the tentacel have mutated and bonded with the artifact, killing the diliveryman as it escape ) Ha, yeah, ran out of time for anything more exciting to happen, sadly. EpsilonEta is close to what I was planning, but not quite there. I won't reveal the details in case I want to use them later
June 15, 20159 yr Ah, Sal, you truly are the most incompetent, high ranking scientist ever, and probably the reason why M.A.N.T.I.S. is still undermanned! As always, great build! Love the story and the lab. It is almost a little ironic how much you contribute to your team considering that your sigfig essentially contributes negatively!
June 15, 20159 yr So impressive. A great build and all that staging for a story too. I really appreciated that.
June 15, 20159 yr Ha ha. I was half expecting the tentacle to explode to life. Don't give up you'll make a breakthrough one of these days. Love seeing everybody's equipment in that build.
June 15, 20159 yr Fantastic and hilarious! BTW I fear I won't deal with plants for a while, so don't try sending me those!
June 15, 20159 yr Good work Sal! As always! That science profession is turning out to be quite deadly it appears. Not that Octan minds...
June 15, 20159 yr I love the humor in your builds! I'm glad I'm an Octan scientist or my life expectancy would be rather short it seems. Really a delight to see your builds and read the stories and I love the continuity!
June 15, 20159 yr Love how you did both the interior and exterior here! Very funny story too as usual!
June 15, 20159 yr Yeah, absolutely superb as usual! I really love the ship and the plants, as everyone have said, are fantastic (I love the use of that gear as the underbelly of the mushroom cap, and I recognize that tree from another build! cool detail). Have to agree, I'm a little disappointed that no one died in this outing, but maybe that's just because I hate glorious mother mantis so much.
June 15, 20159 yr Ha, ha, excellent story Big Sal, the build is superb as well, both inside and out! I particularly like the dish on top though!
June 15, 20159 yr Wow! That lab is amazing! The dish up top looks fantastic, as does the delivery truck thing. I really like all of the story connections you have in this build as well - awesome!
June 15, 20159 yr More awesome details! I love the rotating pipette rack. And I see the drone sitting on the bench! Again, fantastic build! And another hilarious story! What's Big Sal going to do with all those plants?
June 15, 20159 yr Wow, Sal, I have to say, you never fail to impress me with your builds, or make me laugh at your Cave Johnson -esque approach to the scientific method. Also, seriously good job with all those little details! I see you've picked up many trophies and the Kawashita drone and so many other things! You're like the Easter egg king! great job! ~Insectoid Aristocrat Edited June 15, 20159 yr by Dannylonglegs
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